[Nel] Network Connections

Tom wright thomas.wright1@ntlworld.com
Thu, 1 Mar 2001 08:48:29 -0000

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Having followed your arguements so far, i though i would chuck in my 2 p =

1) i think you are going to find it very difficult to scale a server to =
5000 concurrent users, using any kind of scheme unless its a BIG server. =
 Look at EQ currently, they struggle with 2000.  But this is just my =
opinion :-) so feel free to ignore it.

2) On windows NT/2k, using async sockets with events is a very efficent =
way of handling socket comms, and its quite easy to demultiplex the =
events to work out which socket caused the event.  I would recommend =
this route, as one thread could then wait for events to be generated on =
say 30 sockets and then take appropriate action.  unfortunately i can =
not tell you how well this is going to scale :-( Just look up WSAEvents =
for READ, SEND and CLOSE.  It does make your sending more entertaining =
however :-)

3) Windows did support something called micro threads, which had a much =
lower over head than traditional threads.  These ( if i remember =
correctly ) were designed specifically for scalable IO ( as in IIS ).  =
Some time looking here may well yield some useful results.

4) Some OS's have limits to the size of the array to select, Windows is =
one of them, typical values seem to be 64.  However using values this =
large, you are going to spend time thrashing the array looking for the =
source of the select, with events this is much easier and quicker, tho =
not linux compatible.  Wrapping up the comms like this specific to each =
platform is not going to be to hard, just code to a common interface.



PS A binary of the next release for windows would be nice, takes HOURS =
to build :-)

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Guys/Gals,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Having followed your arguements so far, =
i though i=20
would chuck in my 2 p worth.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>1) i think you are going to find it =
very difficult=20
to scale a server to 5000 concurrent users, using any kind of scheme =
unless its=20
a BIG server.&nbsp; Look at EQ currently, they struggle with 2000.&nbsp; =
this is just my opinion :-) so feel free to ignore it.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>2) On windows NT/2k, using async =
sockets with=20
events is a very efficent way of handling socket comms, and its quite =
easy to=20
demultiplex the events to work out which socket caused the event.&nbsp; =
I would=20
recommend this route, as one thread could then wait for events to be =
on say 30 sockets and then take appropriate action.&nbsp; unfortunately =
i can=20
not tell you how&nbsp;well this is going to scale :-( Just look up =
WSAEvents for=20
READ, SEND and CLOSE.&nbsp; It does make your sending more entertaining =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>3) Windows did support something called =
threads, which had a much lower over head than traditional =
threads.&nbsp; These=20
( if i remember correctly ) were designed specifically for scalable IO ( =
as in=20
IIS ).&nbsp; Some time looking here may well yield some useful=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>4) Some OS's have limits to the size of =
the array=20
to select, Windows is one of them, typical values seem to be 64.&nbsp; =
using values this large, you are going to spend time thrashing the array =
for the source of the select, with events this is much easier and =
quicker, tho=20
not linux compatible.&nbsp; Wrapping up the comms like this specific to =
platform is not going to be to hard, just code to a common=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Regards</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Tom</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>PS A binary of the next release for =
windows would=20
be nice, takes HOURS to build :-)</FONT></DIV>
