[Nel] STLPort...

Brenden Towey brenden@rcsis.com
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 21:45:35 -0800

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Ok, first post.  Sorry I didn't go through the archives, I'm just lazy =
that way.

What is STLPort and where do I get it?  www.stlport.org is not found by =
google (so it therefore can't exist ;-).  I'm of course referring to the =
compile time #error in nl_types.h:
#  error "You need STLPort to compile this project (www.sltport.org)"

Do I just add -D__SGI_STL_PORT to the command line or is there an =
additional component that I need to get?

Thanks for any help you can give!

non-uber NeL lurker

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Ok, first post.  Sorry I didn't = go through=20 the archives, I'm just lazy that way.
What is STLPort and where do I get = it?  www.stlport.org is not found by = google (so it=20 therefore can't exist ;-).  I'm of course referring to the compile = time=20 #error in nl_types.h:
#  error "You need STLPort = to compile=20 this project (www.sltport.org)"
Do I just add -D__SGI_STL_PORT to = the command=20 line or is there an additional component that I need to = get?
Thanks for any help you can = give!
non-uber NeL = lurker