[Nel] Congratulations + concerns

x5101920@fedro.ugr.es x5101920@fedro.ugr.es
Sat, 30 Jun 2001 23:54:03 +0200 (MET DST)

> If it is not possible for me to use Nel
> (and share the technical improvments I may
> make) without being able to protect my set of game 
> rules (which are in no way an improvment to the Nel 
> library, being specific to my game), then you reduce
> content to superficial things (graphics etc) and customer
> service, which have never alone made the main interest of a game
> for any gamer with an ounce of taste.
> So please tell me if there is a solution or if I should
> give up using Nel (but then again, please understand that
> I totaly agree with the idea of sharing my improvments of
> the library).

I am in no way related to Nel. 
This is just my opinion as contributor of Open Source.

But I think that you should fix the ethical conflict between using "others" GPL 
code and asking them to protect "your" right for not sharing yours. :-/

> P.S. I understand the passion behind the free software notion, however,
> in the very field of MMORPG, the inability to protect your rules -
> the spirit of your game - leaves the opportunity to a greater
> company, if they happen to be popular, to deprive you of the pleasure
> of running your game by draining your playerbase by using its marketing
> power. You then end up with the opposite of the reason why you thrive
> for free software: people make profit over your ideas because of their
> mere initial wealth.

Once a american president, perhaps Abraham Lincon, told that a nation that give 
away freedom to get security deserver nor freedom neither security.

So this apply to Open Source, I think that freedom is soooo good that it worth 
to risk to that to happen. And imagine that the case you told happen... you 
would have shown world how good is Open Source that a Lame enterprise has decide 
to use your code to make their game.


[ Above is just my opinion, I don't ask you to understand it, not to agree with 
me... ]

                  Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin

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                    -- Echelon must die --