[Nel] .shape file format change

Daniel Miller miller@nevrax.com
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 16:01:25 +0200

I was just drafting a reply to Valerio Santinelli's mail when this one
turned up, so I guess I'm replying to both postings at once.

First for the Nevrax.org home page: the news is all badly out of date and
doesn't show what's going on at the moment.  Sorry about that.  We're just
sorting out our internal knitting so that we can post news more easily.
There should be a general improvement at this level soon.

For the roadmap - my mail of last week entitled 'a bit of news' contains a
loose plan for the next few months. It'll go up on the site some time soon.
I'm not sure if it contains the information you're after - please shout if
it doesn't.

On the documentation side - We posted a handfull of new 'features' documents
under the different library headings earlier this week. Any feedback would
be very much appreciated. Beyond that we have been discussing what docs
would be good to write among ourselves. Any ideas are very welcome although
our time for writing dociments is a bit limitted right now!; The problem
with 'how to design and build an MMORPG' type docs is that they warrant an
entire book - and I don't have time to write a whole book right now :(.
I'll see what I can do.

Snowballs is being re-written (to look more like a designed program and less
like the accumulation of a few dozen chunks of test code spaghettied
together). We're just starting, so our first steps 'll be up on line

For a binary sdk - it's a good idea - We'll look into it. :)

Regards to all

-----Original Message-----
From: nel-admin@nevrax.org [mailto:nel-admin@nevrax.org]On Behalf Of
Vincent Caron
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 2:43 PM
To: nel@nevrax.org
Subject: Re: [Nel] .shape file format change

Valerio Santinelli wrote:
> Just one personal thought.. how many people are actually developing on
> except those at Nevrax themselves?

>From time to time, I checkout the CVS, compile, make some introspection in
the code ... To keep informed, I'm involved in game programming and
crossp-platform development.

The nevrax.org site is well designed and has rather comprehensive docs.
However this looks too much as a shop's display, it's laking some life...
For instance, we don't have a roadmap and I think the users were a
bit lost when the whole code was redesigned these last months. Posting
the change logs in a regular basis is part of the solution, you should
also talk about the directions, the problem encountered in your game
development, ask for some debates on technical questions ... I know
this is not easy.

NeL is also a consequent piece of code, and most importantly an application
framework : you don't choose to rely on it that easily ! :) People will
surely consider NeL more massively after Nevrax's game release. You could
also use Snowballs to make it an easy and agreable way to learn about
NeL : for instance, a document explaining step by step how to start from
a simple game design to a client/server application that does the job
would be a very valuable information that would gain you a thankful
audience. I believe this 'tutorial' thing would help with the very abstract
and austere look of nevrax.org. The screenshots where a very good idea
indeed, a lot of people coulnd't affort time and competence to compile
NeL+SnowBalls. And while we are at it, what about packaging binaries ? :)
'NeL-sdk', ready to code ...

Enough said, let's checkout that CVS !
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