[Nel] .shape file format change

Vincent Caron v.caron@zerodeux.net
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 14:43:05 +0200

Valerio Santinelli wrote:
> Just one personal thought.. how many people are actually developing on NeL,
> except those at Nevrax themselves?

>From time to time, I checkout the CVS, compile, make some introspection in
the code ... To keep informed, I'm involved in game programming and
crossp-platform development.

The nevrax.org site is well designed and has rather comprehensive docs.
However this looks too much as a shop's display, it's laking some life...
For instance, we don't have a roadmap and I think the users were a
bit lost when the whole code was redesigned these last months. Posting
the change logs in a regular basis is part of the solution, you should
also talk about the directions, the problem encountered in your game
development, ask for some debates on technical questions ... I know
this is not easy.

NeL is also a consequent piece of code, and most importantly an application
framework : you don't choose to rely on it that easily ! :) People will
surely consider NeL more massively after Nevrax's game release. You could
also use Snowballs to make it an easy and agreable way to learn about
NeL : for instance, a document explaining step by step how to start from
a simple game design to a client/server application that does the job
would be a very valuable information that would gain you a thankful
audience. I believe this 'tutorial' thing would help with the very abstract
and austere look of nevrax.org. The screenshots where a very good idea
indeed, a lot of people coulnd't affort time and competence to compile
NeL+SnowBalls. And while we are at it, what about packaging binaries ? :)
'NeL-sdk', ready to code ...

Enough said, let's checkout that CVS !