[Nel] Snowball 2.0?

Vianney Lecroart lecroart@nevrax.com
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 15:14:50 +0200

Hello Tony,

> I'm curious as to the progress of SnowBall and it's compatability with
> the latest version of nel.

The Snowball is out of date. It doesn't compile with NeL since we change lot
of things in the user interface. We (Cedric Valignat, Benjamin Legros and I)
work on the new snowball called Snowballs2. In this version, we rewrite
everything from scratch (except lens flare and radar) with the current NeL
interface. There's a simple (14 cpp files) client explain how to use NeL.
It uses lot of stuffs from NeL like Particule system, Animation, Skeleton,
Skinning, Landscape, Collision, Network, etc...
So it will be a good tutorial or starting point to use NeL.
We plan to release it soon (before the end of the next week) and we actually
work on the server side and 3d datas integration.

> Has the team stableized things in the
> interface to a point where a new version could be done or should we see
> more inteface re-defineing changes in the future that could strongly
> affect any projects desired to be based off of it?

The NeL library user interface changes often because we have not fix it. We
plan to fix the NeL interface before the end of this year. But the current
user interface doesn't change often anyway.

>   Also, how's the progress on the 3d rendering engine?  At home I have a
> p3 800 but only a tnt2 ultra video card with 32mb ram.  Will nel
> eventually be developed to support that weak a model of graphics card?

> At least there should be some options of disableing a lot of 'special
> affects' to help speed up the game in question.  And we all know that it
> should be able to deal with 100 active actors on screen at one time.
> (Stress test)  But how possable does that look in the near future?

I leave Cyril Corvazier (lead 3d programer) to answer to this :)

Vianney Lecroart
lead network programmer / nevrax.com
icq#: 6870415
homepage: http://ace.planet-d.net
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