[Nel] TCP vs. UDP

Vincent Caron v.caron@zerodeux.net
Fri, 06 Jul 2001 20:21:51 +0200

> Btw, you cannot "design your own layer", because you need to use the
> existing internet to send your data (which will only accept UDP and TCP).
> However, they probably did add to UDP, by adding an extra software layer to
> provide "reliable udp" (its almost trivial to do).

But do you need 'reliable transmission' ? Lost or delayed packets are
part of the rules, couldn't you take this into account in your network
and game code design ? Have a look at the streaming pb and protocols
such as RTP or RTSP, they deal with the pb of 1) time sync and 2) data
loss. This is sometime perfectly acceptable to loose some info in
a game and replace it with interpolated data until getting back in