[Nel] TCP vs. UDP

Yann Morvan ymorvan@ens-lyon.fr
Thu, 5 Jul 2001 16:59:27 +0200 (MET DST)

I've read the thread on MUD-Dev and some people here,
who seem to be quite experienced, say that TCP is not a
good choice for client/server communication when there are
many users and with real time constraints and it seems reasonable
since TCP implements re-emit mecanisms which are irrelevent
if the resent data doesn't matter anymore. They
say that UDP is a better choice, though EA and AC designed their own
layer. I am not a network expert but I think it would be wise to ponder
things thoroughly on that point, but I realize that designing one's own
layer (even using UDP as a starting point) is probably quite a hard task.
