[Nel] [Flame][Offtopic] Congratulations + concerns

stephane.craux@voila.fr stephane.craux@voila.fr
Sun, 1 Jul 2001 21:01:45 +0200

> > You are totally wrong... GPL allow us the common user to join and build a big, 
> > great product. From my personal experience, I could have never build such 
> > project as mine is without GPL.
Ah , so u are the grat man , it will be a primer !

> > GPL promote talents as everyone learn fasters, so yes it do a leverage, but you 
> > get a better level that those close source fanatic. :-/

> > I suppose that Nevrax is using GPL because:
> > 1) It make faster the development.
did u get it right ?????
> > 2) The user base is also developers base
sure ?
> > 3) The open architecture means bugs are found faster and easier.
proved ?
> > 4) Port to other OS are almost automatic.
yes , but is it that much important ?
> > 5) Personal Challenge ( 1st commercial GPL game )
> > Why in the hell people thing that Communism, Jew or Gay are bad things???
what kind of mix are trying to involve here ?
> > Man... you have serious problems with your ethics.
you are in real rouble with ur mind , but I'm quiet confident 
u may still evolve , i hope that , be sure of it :)
> > You are really inside... you should go back to school and learn something about 
> > ethics.
I learned I school that u have always more to learn , did u miss that point ?
no time loosed , quiet easy answers , regards for comin' into it

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