[Nel] [Flame][Offtopic] Congratulations + concerns
elijah wright
Sun, 1 Jul 2001 13:57:10 -0400 (EDT)
could the GPL bigots and zealots please find something else to do with
their time? you're wasting a lot of energy on something that is
well-understood and needs very little additional explanation.
> > Software code in itself is not that important thing when GPL is
> > concerned,
> > and beeing able to read it and extract the major concepts of a software
> > is
> > the great thing : u always proceed with reverse engineering , - the
> > ever
> > coming question how do they do that - even when using software like ...
> > those which don't provide source code .
> You didn't understand it...
> GPL is not about reading others code... but giving you the freedom to copy,
> modify and resuse it under the GPL License.
> > That's why GPL is a bad trick to minor companies and therefore for
> > individuals :
> > releasing code shows the overall software architecture , may let u get
> > insights
> > about hardcore coded sections and definitively unprotects the source
> > providers .
> No, because all the code is under the GPL.
> If you read it, and code it on your way, then you could set whatever license you
> want... it is up to your ethical being to say if you use GPL or not.
> > Good and Exceptionnal concepts are quickly analysed (you always need to
> > understand
> > the philosophy that drives a software architecture to be able to use it)
> > So major companies will reuse GPLed code that much faster than minor
> > entities
> > - as far as software production is concerned -
> > I think that instead of promoting talents ,GPL comes with a global
> > leverage tendance .
> You are totally wrong... GPL allow us the common user to join and build a big,
> great product. From my personal experience, I could have never build such
> project as mine is without GPL.
> GPL promote talents as everyone learn fasters, so yes it do a leverage, but you
> get a better level that those close source fanatic. :-/
> > Great support is provided to software users , but anyway , any reliable
> > company
> > protects its sources ( Nevrax Executives don ot read that ). Please note
> > that I'm in no way related to MS .
> > Isn't GPL the biggest break to creativity we ever seen since communism
> > died
> > out of realism ?
> GPL is not about companies, but about users.
> GPL means to refuse to a lot of rights so that your users can share your work.
> I suppose that Nevrax is using GPL because:
> 1) It make faster the development.
> 2) The user base is also developers base
> 3) The open architecture means bugs are found faster and easier.
> 4) Port to other OS are almost automatic.
> 5) Personal Challenge ( 1st commercial GPL game )
> Why in the hell people thing that Communism, Jew or Gay are bad things???
> > Would GPL minds expect great french wine caves to make their 'elevage'
> > methods publically available - I love great wines - , but who ever
> > thought
> > that we would get better wine through that way , that's not a reliable
> > way of
> > thinking and only fools rush in .
> Man... you have serious problems with your ethics.
> If you say... "Mine is the best wine of the world", just tell me how you did,
> and I will do one better. What we have? A wine that is better than the better.
> And as my way is not secret and open and free to use, someone will use it to
> create an even better one.
> That is what GPL is about, only fools don't understand.
> > I don't want to minimize the brightness of people who go promoting the
> > GPL concept ,
> > (I 've the reputation to use my mind in very efficient ways though ) ,
> > but
> > since I'm tightened to realism in my comapany , I totally agree with GPL
> > detractors .
> > Privacy is definitively needed or the world dies out of any will .
> Yes, Your world will die, because a new one will appear where there is no more
> secrets, where you won't be able to sell ideas, where you won't be allowed to
> forbid people to copy and share apps.
> > I realize i might be removed from the list after that ,
> > but I don't think it will happen .
> GPL people is different. We tollerate different opinions.
> > Back to development and implementation , lots of to do ahead (I wouldn't
> > be there if not)
> You are really inside... you should go back to school and learn something about
> ethics.
> REgards,
> Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin
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> Ala yihad mosad kgb free freedom human rights yugoslavia kosovo ebola dna
> -- Echelon must die --
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