[Nel] Pb with glx version

Valignat Cedric valignat@nevrax.com
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 14:28:04 +0100

Vincent Caron wrote:
> Since the latest version from SGI's OpenGL sample implementation is set to 7,
> and Mesa's CVS stick to that 6, I guess Nevrax developpers use somewhat
> cstomized RPMs (let me guess ... Mandrake ? :))

Nop, but you are quite close : RedHat 7.0 :-)

> I suggest that the configure script should be relying on version 6 for now,
> in order we claim what's really implemented by XFree 4.0.2.

The problem is that we are going, in a very short time, to use recent
extensions present only in the version 7 of glext.h. So it migth be useless
to change it now and change it agin soon ...

Anyway, i'm going to put a note about the glext.h version and where to find it
in nel's INSTALL file.
