[Nel] Server

Vianney Lecroart lecroart@nevrax.com
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 16:21:48 +0100


please, could you stop to send your email in HTML format?
it s not safe and not really cool to read them on text mail program. thank

>I have now two bugs.
>- The first one is when i launch the moves service, it closes itself.
>- The second one (linked to the first one i guess) is when i launch the
client i get the following exception:
>"01/01/18 18:45:00 ERR client.cpp 2574: Exception: toto2"

ok, if your moves serive is not launch, you *cant* connect your client, so
the second problem
is because of that. if your moves service closes itself, it s surely because
the login service
didn't authorized him to be an official shard. official shard are in ls.txt
file (Shard variable) and
for a strange reason, the ip you put on it isn t the same that the one who
sent by the moves service.

all services log informations in a file called logs.log, you should take a
look on it.

Vianney Lecroart