[Nel] Server
Vianney Lecroart
Thu, 18 Jan 2001 18:19:46 +0100
>I have some problems launching the five services: log, login, moves, naming
and time.
>I found nowhere some help about the functionnalities about each service and
the order in which they start.
>Could you help me to launch correctly the services.
first, you have to create the ns.cfg file with:
--------begin of ns.cfg-------
Host="your nameservice ip";
--------end of ns.cfg-------
after, you launch, in order:
- naming <-- used to find a specific service by his name
- log <-- centralized log for all service
- time <-- centralized time reference
- login <-- centralized user account for all shard
- moves <-- a shard
of course, some services will create some config file that you have to fill.
you have to put in the ls.txt the moves service host ip like this:
Shards = {
"your moves service host ip", "the name of the shard appears on the client"
Vianney Lecroart