[Nel] some questions about buildings Nel under win32

Nicolas Hognon cblt@cblt.org
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 23:08:35 +0100

hello (sorry for my english)

i've got problem to build the client under win32.
i build all the nel components and stl-port and freetype.
then i build the client and i've got some problem at the link.

here is the error log of visual.

 > Linking...
 > MSVCRTD.lib(cinitexe.obj) : warning LNK4098: defaultlib "libcmt.lib"
 > conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
 > freetype.lib(ftinit.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 > _psaux_module_class
 > Debug/snowballs.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
 > Error executing link.exe.

perhaps i make a mistake building freetype.
i've got freetype-2.0.1 which generate freetype200b8_D.lib (debug)
and freetype200b8MT.lib (release) in the lib directory.

i try to link with the debug and the release one renaming it to 
freetype.lib cos the client link with freetype.lib
but it don't work.
i read different message in the mailing list and i understand the 
freetype lib is build in obj directory but one my system it's build in lib.
is it possible i've got a wrong version of freetype ?

thank you for you're help.

and i've got another question a the 0.1 release of nel client and 
server. where are the data. in another module than code.
cos i can see data on the webcvs but i can't get it with wincvs ?

Nicolas Hognon
home : cblt@cblt.org         / www.cblt.org
work : nicolash@virtools.com / www.virtools.com
#ICQ : 36044443

Enjoy the silence