[Nel] mesa3D

Valignat Cedric valignat@nevrax.com
Fri, 12 Jan 2001 12:01:36 +0100

Hello Bernard,

Bernard Hugueney wrote:
> I must say that for once, Debian unstable is not up to date.
> I've been left behind recently, even with latest (today's!) xlibmesa-dev :-(

Ouch !...

> Just when I bought those extra 128 Mo that 'd have allowed me to compile Nel
> AND move he mouse cursor :-(

How much RAM did you have, before, to run X ? :-P

> And lanch ddd on the servers because they segfaulted on startup here :-(

Did you get any error messages ?

The servers are, actually, made in a way that they print an error message and
create a core files if there is a problem, that's help us to debug them ...

> I've no relevent version number as debian seem to sync them with XFree's:
> bubastis:~# dpkg -p xlibmesa-dev |fgrep Version
> Version: 4.0.2-1
> bubastis:~# dpkg -L xlibmesa-dev |fgrep glext.h
> /usr/include/GL/glext.h
> but 
> bubastis:~# fgrep GL_GLEXT_VERSION `dpkg -L xlibmesa-dev |fgrep glext.h`
> #define GL_GLEXT_VERSION 6
> which does not plese Nel :-((

The Mesa's rpm that we used is the 3.3-5 version and it use the version 7
of GL/glext.h. We didn't test it with any other version of mesa yet, but you
could try to download the lastest version of GL/glext.h at
http://oss.sgi.com/projects/ogl-sample/ABI/glext.h and recompile NeL.

An other solution is to remove the GL_GLEXT_VERSION checking in the 
configure.in file and in the src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl_extension.h
file and try to recompile NeL ...

I hope that could help you to fixed your problem ...
