[Nel] re: Boost library

Vincent Archer archer@nevrax.com
Fri, 5 Jan 2001 10:39:53 +0100

According to Bernard Hugueney:
> I think there is a misunderstanding. They exclude GPL and LGPL for
> library SUBMITTED. They want more of a BSD kind I think. You could not
> submit Nel for Boost acceptance, 

Well, the same problem applies in the reverse. Libraries in Boost are
not covered by a GPL-style license. Which means that they cannot be
lifted verbatim from the Boost collection and incorporated in ours
without a lot of precautions.

Just like someone cannot take a GPL piece of software and turn it into
a BSD-licensed software, one cannot lift a BSD-style software and put it
into a GPL project. The licenses are "orthogonal" in style, and you
cannot decide on your own to alter the license; only the copyright owner
may do so.

The license styles from Boost (the ones I've looked at so far, boost.org
is unresolvable at the moment) would prevent us from incoporating them
in NeL. We *might* be able to use them side-by-side, asking people to get
them (and provide mirrors) and compile them separately, but they cannot
be *part* of NeL.

> <Quote>
>      * Must grant permission to copy, use and modify the software for any
>        use (commercial and non-commercial) for no fee.
> </Quote>
> You cannot say that you are not allowed to use a library with such a
> licence (Note: ANY USE ) !!!

The GPL is better worded in that regard; it says for no fee exceeding
the cost of support and shipping (meaning I'm am not obliged to *pay* for
*your* copy).

> leads them to move slowly at time (network threads are not there yet...), and
> their advanced use of C++ clashes with crappy compiler (VC++). But if you

Well, we also have to use VC++. The compiler quirks may drive us crazy
with all its "let's not bother the developper with clarity, I'll guess
what he wants to do" philosophy, but there aren't many useful C++
development environments when you're working on a Windows system.

> Happy coding !
> Bernard
> (kinda jealous not to code for my living)

Many of us code for a living. We just don't code what we'd really love
to code :)

Vincent Archer                                         Email: archer@nevrax.com

Nevrax France.                              Off on the yellow brick road we go!