[Nel] Some comments from a new user (builder only for now)

Vianney Lecroart lecroart@nevrax.com
Thu, 4 Jan 2001 11:25:53 +0100

Hello and thank you for your post.

First of all, we had the problem to know which external copyleft libraries
we could
use in our project. We looked at libraries such as ACE (for sockets),
ClanLib (for
system init), libsock++ (for sockets too), SDL and so on, but the problem
was that these libraries did too much things or not enough. If a library
does only a few things, we can rewrite it very quickly (with, why not,
because we want the install very easy to do. If the user has to find and
10 libraries before starting the NeL compilation, he surely gives up. When
library does too much stuff, it often doesn't do it in the same way we want
to do it,
and we can only reuse a few part of the library. And in this case, it's sad
to compile
during 1 hour an external library for only reusing only a few functions. We
prefer copy/pasting
these parts directly in our lib.

> I understand that your code is (honestly !) of far better quality than the
> average available crap (I also find myself to rewrite much of the code
> I'm supposed to used) but there are exceptions (libsigc++ or any stuff
> www.boost.org for exemple). I just hope that nevrax does not lose time
> of a Not Invented Here syndrom...

We'll take a look on libsigc++ and boost. we don't reinvent every thing, we
only reuse code
from other libraries but we don't include the entire libraries.

Vianney Lecroart
lead programmer / nevrax.com
icq#: 6870415
homepage: http://ace.planet-d.net
www.geek.com: GCS/E d- s+++: a-- C+++$ UL++ P- L+++>+$ E+>- W++ N+ o? K-
w++$ O- M- V- PS- PE? Y PGP t 5? X+ R- tv++ b- DI D+ G e++ h+ r-- y?