[Nel] Some comments from a new user (builder only for now)

sameh chafik Pro chafik@nevrax.com
Thu, 4 Jan 2001 10:38:52 +0100

Hello, what you say is very interesting and I understand question let me
answer to your python question you say

>From the docs online I had even the impression that you wanted to use you
>custom scripting language (for ai I think). What is wrong with Python ?
>I even thought that the stackless (especially microthreads) would be nice
>for massively numerous agents :-)

Python is a very good script language, I used it a lot for many work and i
know it quite well, but if we use a custom scripting language that doesn't
mean that we'll use it exclusively. On the contrary the script will allow a
good opening to use any external script languag and we encourage that. Note
that Nel script is an script for write agent and is an agent ortiented
language we desigined  to lighten the design of agents and game desigin
And it seem to be more heavy to write the Python agent interface instead of
write the custom Nel script, due mainly to the lack of means to write agents
connection in a classical language and secondly the need to rewirte C++ code
for the python interface.