[Nel] Some comments from a new user (builder only for now)

Nevrax nevrax@bernard-hugueney.org
Wed, 3 Jan 2001 21:14:04 +0100

Hi, and happy new millenium to everyone!
First I'd like to say that I'm gratly impressed by your work!
So please do not take my comments as hard critcisms...

You seem to be building everything from scratch while a quick search
at sourceforge.net for MMORPG seems to suggest that there are plenty
of already available material. You say that you had to work at your own
(impressive) speed and did not want to hijack an existing project...
But you seem to give up quite easly to good part of the GPL, you could have
forked an existing project: the maintainer would hold no grudge against you
as you would not take any of his/her volonteers but instead bring your team
to some work he/she could also benefit.
Even for low-level, everyday use classes, you seem to always invent your
own (callbacks, smart pointers and sockets come to mind).
I understand that your code is (honestly !) of far better quality than the
average available crap (I also find myself to rewrite much of the code that
I'm supposed to used) but there are exceptions (libsigc++ or any stuff from
www.boost.org for exemple). I just hope that nevrax does not lose time because
of a Not Invented Here syndrom...
>From the docs online I had even the impression that you wanted to use you own
custom scripting language (for ai I think). What is wrong with Python ?
I even thought that the stackless (especially microthreads) would be nice
for massively numerous agents :-)

By the way, I'm impressed by that amount of work already done, how many of
the mythical month-man have you put in current cvs ?

It is not often that I can build source code so easly on my alpha!
You bug-fixes were really fast... (I mean FAST!)

For your information, on a Debian woody, one should 'apt-get install'
the following packages (might go in a README or INSTALL):

beta-builder, soon beta testerly yours,
(typing startx right now to see the beast)