[Nel] NeL Network Engine

Ian Holsman nevrax@holsman.net
Mon, 26 Feb 2001 12:54:15 -0800

On 26 Feb 2001, you wrote in games.nevrax:

 >Bernard Hugueney wrote:
 >I guess we're raising the question of time sharing (or 'multiplexing',
 >sounds cool :)). You can let the OS do it for you and use threads
 >everywhere : BeOS is a good example since everything than can receive
 >events is in a thread. You can do it all by yourself : use one process
 >and dispatch the incoming events to functions (ie. WinProc). Why you
 >would use one more than the other is a matter of design, and also
 >depends on the type of application and the OS you use. The anwser is
 >really not simple and won't certainly fit in a mail, but I must admit I
 >don't have good pointers to give ...

for discussions on different threading models you really should be 
looking at, and drill down to the documents/technical papers.
you probably don't want to maintain a thread per connected user, but
have some kind of 'state' information which can be refered to by the 
incoming request.

