[Nel] 2 questions and something else

Valignat Cedric valignat@nevrax.com
Mon, 26 Feb 2001 19:02:44 +0100

Hello Leighton,

Leighton Haynes wrote:
> ie, the configure script checks that your GL_GLEXT_VERSION is greater
> than or equal to 7. If your glext.h is earlier than this, it
> will give you the message about not having opengl (the configure script
> should probably be changed to a less misleading message).

Fixed, sorry about that ...

It will be on the public CVS tonigth.

> *shudder* Trying to get stuff which uses windows APIs to compile under
> Cygwin can be..... painful.

I never tried yet, migth be interesting :-)

> On a completely unrelated point, I have fullscreen client under X11
> _almost_ working (just have to get it to grab the mouse properly now).
> One thing that did occur to me is that it used the XF86VidMode
> extension, so presumably this should be added to the configure
> script. Anyone wanna give me a pointer on how to do it? :)

You can check the GNU website's documentation :


And there is an online book, on RedHat's website, about Automake, Autoconf,
and Libtool which is a quite good introduction to all this "stuff" :


Contact me if i can help ...

Have fun ;-)
