[Nel] NeL Network Engine

Bernard Hugueney nevrax@bernard-hugueney.org
Mon, 26 Feb 2001 17:49:39 +0100

* Nicolas Hognon <cblt@cblt.org> [010222 19:33]:
> i've got the same problem for the project i work for  :
> how many thread can i run under win nt/2000 and linux

Well, I'm as far as possible from a threads expert, but I think that
what makes LinuxThreads special is that they are system threads (vs user 
threads) maybe heavier, but making use of SMP, so basically, I think
the max nb of threads is very much system dependand (SMP?).

On a pessimistic note, I remember seeing in kernel traffic that Solaris
was more effective in handling huge number of threads :-(
Not only that, but Linus T. seemed not to recognize a defect is Linux,
but claimed that it was a matter of trade-off and that Solaris was
optimized for huge number of threads, and Linux more effective with
small number of threads.

But my memory is weak so I may be wrong...

On a completly unrelated note, I remember seeing a NeL coder seeking assistance
on a gcc mailing list for a trouble with exception causing an abort when
linking with C code (I think). I do not remember if there was a useful response
, but I saw a related message on boost mailing list:
I finally figured out why the regex++ shared library was crashing when
throwing an exception.  Somehow the shared library wasn't getting
created correctly by using ld to link it.  When using ld with c++ code,
some additional libraries need to be specified on the command line.  The
easy fix is to simply call g++ to link the files.  g++ then calls ld
with the appropriate commands.

Maybe this can help...
