[Nel] 2 questions and something else

Leighton Haynes dayta@ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Mon, 26 Feb 2001 23:12:28 +0800

On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 03:53:18PM +0100, Valignat Cedric wrote:
> Hello Brandon,
> Brandon Barker wrote:
> > 
> > 1) I'm trying to compile NeL 2.0 (packaged with Snowballs 2) on a machine 
> > with Utah-GLX (its an accelerated version of Mesa 3.2 and will work with ATI 
> > Rage and others), but configure tells me I have no opengl, and suggest I get 
> > Mesa.  What should I do.
> That migth come from the file <GL/glext.h>, could you check that you have
> this file ?
> If it's missing, you will be able to download it from :
>    http://oss.sgi.com/projects/ogl-sample/ABI/glext.h

ie, the configure script checks that your GL_GLEXT_VERSION is greater
than or equal to 7. If your glext.h is earlier than this, it
will give you the message about not having opengl (the configure script
should probably be changed to a less misleading message).

> > 2) Is it possible to compile in Windows with Cygwin?  Cygwin would be a good 
> > compiler of choice for the windows platform because it is Free Software and 
> > anyone can get it ... for free.  
> We didn't try to compil it on Cygwin *yet*, i will try to do it
> during the next week, but you are welcome to give it a try and give
> us some feed back ... that will be nice ;-)

*shudder* Trying to get stuff which uses windows APIs to compile under
Cygwin can be..... painful.

On a completely unrelated point, I have fullscreen client under X11
_almost_ working (just have to get it to grab the mouse properly now).
One thing that did occur to me is that it used the XF86VidMode
extension, so presumably this should be added to the configure
script. Anyone wanna give me a pointer on how to do it? :)
(Oh, and do we have an established preference for how we'd like
out patches?)



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