[Nel] Dynamic load balancing?

Thierry Mallard thierry@mallard.com
Tue, 20 Feb 2001 20:28:01 +0100

On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 11:21:38AM -0300, Nahuel Greco wrote:
> [... case of zone server failure ...]
> Then, you has the map divided in zones,... if a geographic server dies, other
> will be taking the zone that belong to the died server? .. 

The problem here will be persistency (is that english ? ;-). All the data
currently in memory on server A, which is failing, will be lost for server B
which is supposed to take over.

I'm still trying to get up to date with NeL design, so I dunno yet how the
data are/will be stored.

	Best regards,


Thierry Mallard              |              
GnuPG key on wwwkeys.pgp.net |
key 0xA3D021CB               |
http://thierry.mallard.com   |