[Nel] Something I don't understand about the license agreement.

x5101920@fedro.ugr.es x5101920@fedro.ugr.es
Tue, 20 Feb 2001 18:38:51 +0100

Jared Mark escribió:

> I just want to make sure I understand this right... I use this source
> code to build the base of my game...I do all sorts of work to make my
> own game built around this core engine...I then try to get people to
> play the game...
> #Sound easy, it is hard.
>  People get the game (for free, or at least, for the cost of shipping
> it, but no profit can be made on that...)
> #Fucking HTML messages!!!
> #Ok, with GPL you can sell it and make money but you CAN'T forbid the
> buyer to sell, copy, or hire it.
>  I charge for the monthly service to the game, and make boat loads of
> money...
> #And why people would pay for your service!?
> #It isn't a easy thing But then, because of the way this license
> reads, someone else can request the entire source code to my game, set
> up their own game that's exactly like mine, and charge people to use
> it just like I am doing... So if all of the above is correct... what
> is the point of me making my game using NeL in the first place?  When
> someone can just steal my entire game (not just the NeL source, but
> all of the "derivitive works" that are packaged with it as a whole),
> and run the game service themselves... basically, taking me out of the
> loop entirely.
> #Well, the code is GPL, but the GFX, SFX, History, and so aren't GPL
> so you can't copy them. ( isn't this true? )
> #Someone don't steal but derive the work, if this happens you have two
> options:
> #a) Forgive your project and join then
> #b) Use their modifications ( that are GPL ) to make yours better. If
> I'm completely off here, I appologise.  I'm extremely new to the whole
> "open source" thing...
> # Well, Open Source is like Fire for the Primitive mens. Someone scary
> and others just get hot near it.