[Nel] Compilation on Linux : no configure Script....

Valignat Cedric valignat@nevrax.com
Fri, 9 Feb 2001 16:47:13 +0100

Vincent Caron wrote:
> Olivier Tarnus wrote:
> > 
> > I've downloaded nel after the slashdot article, but i can't
> > find the configure script that should be included...
> It should be generated before being archived from CVS, I guess
> the Nevrax guys forgot to do it. Run ./bootstrap.

The version available on our web site are CVS ckeckout and not a distribution
version. That's mean that the configure script will no be include but
should be generated from the configuration files (configure.in and
Makefile.in) by using the bootstrap shell script.

The bootstrap script migth fail becuase some files are missing, so in that
case reexecute the script., it will copy the missing files ...
