[Nel] Re: Nel digest, Vol 1 #207 - 4 msgs

Paul Siegel psiegel@geneticanomalies.com
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 11:05:16 -0500

Cyril to the rescue again!  (Or do you prefer Hulud?  And if so, will you
tell me what it means?)  You know, I've gotten slower responses from
"support" that I pay for.  My thanks again.

> You can build patches with an heightfield. It a fast way to generate
> a simple lansdcape. Simply raise the tangeants vertices with the joined
> vertices of a bezier patch : you have a heightfield !

Hmm, I'm not sure I parse this, but it intrigues me.  Unfortunately, my
knowledge of height fields is even less than that of bezier patches, the
latter of which I've only learned as I researched writing this plugin.  What
do you mean by "the joined vertices"?  Are these the four outer corner
vertices of a bezier patch?  And what happens to the interiors?

> The BindEdges info are required to properly link patches together at
> runtime. You have to filled them for internal zone linking. zone_welder
> will fill them of inter-zone link. Hear come some explications on how to
fill the
> CBindInfo.

Thanks, the info was very helpful.  I've coppied it over into a monospaced
text file, and it all makes sense.  I'm guessing now that the program I've
been working with is much more simplistic than what you've had to deal with
(though I guess it doesn't take much to be more simplistic than max!)

The plugin includes the following code with which I can deal:

typedef struct {
 float x, y, z;
} SP_Vector;

typedef struct {
 long v1, v2, v3;
} SP_Triangle;

typedef struct {
 SP_Vector ctrlPoints[4][4];

 long  numPoints, numTriangles;
 SP_Vector *points, *normals;
 SP_Triangle *triangles;
} SP_Patch;

void SPExportPatch(SP_Patch *patch)
 /* This function is called for each patch in a layer. */
 /* Every patch is described as both a set of control points (for a cubic
Bezier */
 /* patch) and as a set of triangles - use whichever you need. */

Unfortunately there appears to be no information whatsoever on the
interconnectivity of the patches.  Therefore, I can either add some complex
ruitines to mathematically figure out which patches are adjacent to each
other and therefore how to bind them, or move along to another piece of
software with hopefully better export data.  I'd really hate to do the
former as I've actually got the thing exporting zone files (they just have
no bind info, and would probably look like hell if I tried to use them).
The latter though seems rather intimidating, especially with my limited
knowledge of three dimensional geometry.

Well, before I make that decision I want to be sure I understand all the
data I need to create these patches.  I've got the vertices, tangents,
interiors, and now the BindInfo structs.  There is also an array of
BaseVertices in the CPatchInfo object that I don't think I understand.
Besides that the rest of the data appears to concern coloration and tiles,
which I'm not going to worry about yet (recall that's phase 2).  Is it valid
though to set OrderS and OrderT to 0, and therefore only supply a single
color for the entire patch?  Will the patch render, or will I see nothing
until I complete phase 2 (painting the patches)?
