[Nel] Landscapes without 3DSMax

Markus Ewald Markus_Ewald@gmx.net
Sat, 15 Dec 2001 13:02:07 +0100

Tony Hoyt schrieb:

> Paul Siegel wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone -
> >
> > I'm wondering if there's a way to build landscapes without 3D Studio Max.
> > That's some pricey software just to do level editing.  Is anything
> > available, or being worked on?  Or am I going to have to learn how to
> > rewrite the max plugins for Blender?
>   Blender is my choice as well for a good free alternative 3d editor.
> I'm not sure how you make plug-in's for Blender other then with python
> but if you can do it, I wish you all the best of luck. I think the
> problem with doing a port is that if your not able to see the original
> in action or see what library calls it's makeing, etc.  It's going to be
> rough going.  But if your serious about it, I'm willing to give a hand
> although I don't have 3D Studio Max as well.

There's also a free landscape modeller at
-> www.geofrac2000.com

It was once commercial and its interface is very much like that of 3dsmax.
The author discontinued the project and made it available for free, but it's
still worth a look. You can use standard algorithms (perlin, etc.) for
landscape generation, create mountains and craters or just paint with the
raise/lower-tool. Realtime 3D-display just like 3dsmax as well.

>   Tony
