[Nel] Feedback

Cedric Valignat valignat@nevrax.com
Thu, 13 Dec 2001 19:10:15 +0100

Hi Arnaud,

Arnaud Bienvenu wrote:
> Actually, I have libICE.so, not libICE.soh ! Do you have any idea where this
> error could come from ? Even if I ln -s libICE.soh libICE.so, I get the same
> error. My libICE.so comes from XFree86-devel-4.1.0-3.

Sorry but i i have no clue for that problem :-(

> PS : Please tell me if the patches below are useful for you. If yes, would
> you prefer to have them attached as text files ?

I applied the first patch, the second one was already applied when a
took a look on ii.

If the patches are small you can do it like that, otherwise that will be
better to have them as attachments.

Thanks a lot for your help.
