[Nel] Landscapes without 3DSMax

Tony Hoyt ahoyt@packetport.com
Thu, 13 Dec 2001 08:41:20 -0500

Paul Siegel wrote:
> Hi everyone -
> I'm wondering if there's a way to build landscapes without 3D Studio Max.
> That's some pricey software just to do level editing.  Is anything
> available, or being worked on?  Or am I going to have to learn how to
> rewrite the max plugins for Blender?

  Blender is my choice as well for a good free alternative 3d editor. 
I'm not sure how you make plug-in's for Blender other then with python
but if you can do it, I wish you all the best of luck. I think the
problem with doing a port is that if your not able to see the original
in action or see what library calls it's makeing, etc.  It's going to be
rough going.  But if your serious about it, I'm willing to give a hand
although I don't have 3D Studio Max as well.
