[Nel] compiling nel/3d ps_util.cpp causes error C1076, internal heap limit

Kai Schutte skander@WPI.EDU
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 20:13:32 -0500 (EST)


I'm trying to compile nel and snowballs, I've passed most hurdles, but
this one is sticking...

While compiling ps_util.cpp in nel\src\3d, VC++ 6 gives a fatal error
C1076, internal heap limit reached. Full output is

D:\SKANDER\STLPORT-4.5.1\STLPORT-4.5.1\STLPORT\stl/type_traits.h(339) :
fatal error C1076: compiler limit : internal heap limit reached; use /Zm
to specify a higher limit
Error executing cl.exe.

I tried adding the /Zm2000 option, but no luck...

Can I get a hint?

