[Nel] Landscape Building problems

Benjamin Legros legros@nevrax.com
Thu, 6 Dec 2001 12:28:50 +0100

From: "Róbert Bjarnason" <robert@in-orbit.net>

> The .rbank files don't seem to be working because I'm never
> snapped to ground on our landscape and can't move except
> with /goto.

According to the log file, it seems that the build process crashes at the
tessellation pass :

01/12/04 23:01:37 INF 1928 build_surf.cpp 1186 : setup zone tessellation
2306 10_AC
01/12/04 23:01:37 INF 1928 build_surf.cpp 1447 : Compute landscape
01/12/04 23:01:37 INF 1928 build_surf.cpp 1450 :    - load tile bank
01/12/04 23:01:37 WRN 1928 common.cpp 392 : Exception will be launched: Path
not found for warpstorm.smallbank
01/12/04 23:01:37 INF 1928 main.cpp 241 : Total Span : 0
01/12/04 23:01:37 INF 1928 main.cpp 242 : Total SpanList : 0
01/12/04 23:01:37 INF 1928 main.cpp 325 : total computation time: 0 days, 0
hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds

The builder doesn't find a path to the file 'warpstorm.smallbank'
It should be located somewhere with the tile files...
