<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> [Nel] You guys will let us know when you're done mucking about, right?</TITLE> <LINK REL="Index" HREF="index.html" > <LINK REL="made" HREF="mailto:robert%40thatsnice.org"> <LINK REL="Previous" HREF="000397.html"> <LINK REL="Next" HREF="000400.html"> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1>[Nel] You guys will let us know when you're done mucking about, right?</H1> <B>robert@thatsnice.org</B> <A HREF="mailto:robert%40thatsnice.org" TITLE="[Nel] You guys will let us know when you're done mucking about, right?">robert@thatsnice.org</A><BR> <I>Tue, 10 Apr 2001 15:35:01 -0700 (PDT)</I> <P><UL> <LI> Previous message: <A HREF="000397.html">[Nel] You guys will let us know when you're done mucking about, right?</A></li> <LI> Next message: <A HREF="000400.html">[Nel] proposed control changes</A></li> <LI> <B>Messages sorted by:</B> <a href="date.html#399">[ date ]</a> <a href="thread.html#399">[ thread ]</a> <a href="subject.html#399">[ subject ]</a> <a href="author.html#399">[ author ]</a> </LI> </UL> <HR> <!--beginarticle--> <PRE>[ Charset ISO-8859-1 unsupported, converting... ] ><i> Hello Robert </I>><i> </I>><i> > I'm still interested in using NeL in a project, and I wanted to prod </I>><i> > you guys and see how things are coming along, and when we'll be able </I>><i> > to get involved again. </I>><i> </I>><i> What kind of project you are working on ? </I> Why a 3d MUD, of course. I started out on a MOO, then got into ColdMUD, which then begat this project: coldstore.sourceforge.net Which is just the back-end, and is embrionic still. My goal is to replace all the MMORPGs with a decentralized free alternative. Of course, this would compete with Nevrax, but that will just encourage them to be better. :) I think Nevrax has the best philosophical approach to this problem of any commercial effort, and I applaud them. However, since I don't work there, and I still want to work on these problems, I work for free. The particular subject I wish to tackle with an MMORPG is the social experimentation subject. This has been tried before in text-based adventures (LambdaMOO and its descendents), but never on a large enough scale or with new technology. I want to see if we can learn something as a culture by creating a super dynamic world with maximum "player" input into the universe and maybe solve some of our differences inside that world. Then maybe we can carry those lessons to the outside world. My experiment would NOT be a game. It would also not be a pure simulation because we just don't have that technology yet, either in input and output or in resources to process or computer it. It would be a rough analogy of life, and would try to put everyone at roughly the same level of world interaction, within reason. It would be based heavily on life as we know it, but with an accelerated time scale. I try not to think too much about whether I actually expect this to ever happen or be popular. :) Thanks for asking! Robert -- Robert de Forest "Give a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day; System Administrator set him on fire and he'll be warm Got.net for the rest of his life." <<A HREF="mailto:robert@got.net">robert@got.net</A>> -- The Cube, forum3000.org </pre> <!--endarticle--> <HR> <P><UL> <!--threads--> <LI> Previous message: <A HREF="000397.html">[Nel] You guys will let us know when you're done mucking about, right?</A></li> <LI> Next message: <A HREF="000400.html">[Nel] proposed control changes</A></li> <LI> <B>Messages sorted by:</B> <a href="date.html#399">[ date ]</a> <a href="thread.html#399">[ thread ]</a> <a href="subject.html#399">[ subject ]</a> <a href="author.html#399">[ author ]</a> </LI> </UL> </body></html>