[Nel] You guys will let us know when you're done mucking about, right?

robert@thatsnice.org robert@thatsnice.org
Sun, 8 Apr 2001 08:47:53 -0700 (PDT)

Hello again Nevrax folks,

I'm still interested in using NeL in a project, and I wanted to prod
you guys and see how things are coming along, and when we'll be able
to get involved again.

Don't forget that one of the selling points of free software is
collaboration with the community.  We're not just here to bug you. :)

Hope everything's going well.


Robert de Forest      "Give a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day;
System Administrator   set him on fire and he'll be warm 
Got.net                for the rest of his life."
<robert@got.net>                -- The Cube, forum3000.org