[Nel] Status question

Vincent Archer archer@nevrax.com
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 10:19:13 +0100

> I am reading some of the emails publishing, and because of my prior 
> experience in MMORPG, I would like to know in what stage is the 
> overall project?
> Planning? Alpha? Beta?

None of the above? :)

The game itself is somewhere between planning and alpha. We are approaching
the date of our first internal prototype, but we know what the game itself
is about, how it will play (in terms of game), and how we are structuring
the NeL platform and how it is used to develop the real game.

> I have browse the CVS and is something running?

Depend on what you call running. You do not have a 3D scene and interface
available yet, for example, but you have several services for the building
of the server part.

Vincent Archer                                         Email: archer@nevrax.com

Nevrax France.                              Off on the yellow brick road we go!