[Nel] Some thoughts about NeL

Thierry Mallard thierry@mallard.com
Wed, 15 Nov 2000 10:20:26 +0100

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On Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 08:34:09PM +0100, Dim Segebart wrote:
> [...] So, I just thinking about possibility of linking worlds, which
> is NeL based, similar to WWW -

This is something I though about in the Genesis project (yes I know,
not very original name ;-) a few years ago. The problems we found
were the consistency of the global universe, and the trust we could
have to any server. For example : who managed the characters ? who
can we trust for them ? There can be a time line synchronisation problem
too, although that seemed less important...=20

But definitly that could be a good idea to implement now ;-)


Thierry Mallard              |             =20
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