June 12 2002 ============ * NLNET: Added custumizable command with button using DisplayedVariables in the config file. June 6 2002 =========== * NLMISC: Added getFileSize(); * NLMISC: Now cut .log when they are greater then 5 mega bits; * NLNET: Added custumizable variable display using DisplayedVariables in the config file. * NLMISC: Added += in the config file to append values in an array. May 27 2002 =========== * NLNET: -I command line and IWinParam config file variable to start services in minimized. * NLNET: getWinDisplayerInfo() command to have info about size and pos (copy/paste into .cfg) May 21 2002 =========== * NLNET: send() receive() and serial() are 3 times faster. * NLNET: layer 2 was removed because not useful and take some CPU for nothing. * NLMISC: CFastMem::memcpy() copies a memory block as fast as possible depending of the OS and of the CPU. * NLMISC: CSystemInfo class contains info on the processor type (MMX, SSE, and so on). April 30 2002 ============= * NLNET: Added 3 new variables "NegFiltersDebug" and "NegFiltersInfo" (array of string) that call addNegativeFilter at the init of the service. You could change these variables in realtime with a notepad. * NLMISC: CPath::addSeachPath() class now filter CVS directory and *.log files. April 23 2002 ============= * NLNET: Added a new variable "StartCommands" (array of string) that execute these commands at the startup of the service (after the init() and before the first update()). * NLMISC: Added a new variable "RootConfigFilename" (string) that is a config filename that will be read. It's used to set common variable in a common file for all services. March 28 2002 ============= * NLNET: Added a new command "serviceInfo" that displays usefull informations on the services. * samples: Added a new udp sample that contains a client and server (service) that tests UDP connection and create some stat files. March 23 2002 ============= * NLNET: IService5 and IService are now merged in IService class in service.cpp and service.h. Take a look in the header to see differences. March 20 2002 ============= * NLMISC: New toString() function in common.h that enables you to create a string without using a printf()-like function. ex: int val = 100; string res = toString ("0x%x", val); March 15 2002 ============= * NLMISC: CCommand now manages spaces within parameters, putting "" around parameters. * NLMISC: CHTimer: Hierarchical time that allows to measure accurately the performance of routines, and displays results hierarchically. To time a piece of code, just declare a static. CHTimer object and encapsulate code between calls to before() and after() methods. * NLNET: New msgin and msgout commands in services to simulate incoming messages from a service and send messages to other services March 8 2002 ============ * NLNET: Add CTransportClass class that enables sending classes between services with different class parameters.