
   The NeL library need the following libraries :

      - STLPort 4.0    <URL:>            (Mandatory)
      - FreeType 2     <URL:>   (NeL 3D)
      - OpenAL         <URL:>             (NeL Sound)
      - Python 1.5     <URL:>             (NeL AI)

   STLPort need to be compiled. NeL is using the SGI iostreams and it require
   the STLPort compilation and a linking of NeL with the STLPort library.

   On a GNU/Linux platform you will need the following libraries and
   softwares :

      - Autoconf       <URL:>
      - Automake       <URL:>
      - Libtool        <URL:>
      - Lex / Flex     <URL:>
      - Yacc / Bison   <URL:>

      - Mesa  3.3      <URL:>             (NeL 3D)

   On some OpenGL implementations, you migth have some troubles, coming from
   the <GL/glext.h> file, to get NeL to compile. This file could be missing
   or not up to date. You will find the latest version of this file on SGI's
   website :

      - glext.h        <URL:>

   Most of our documentation is done using Doxygen, so you might need it
   to read our prose and our code documentation. If you want have nice
   graphs like dependency graphs, collaboration diagrams, or graphical
   class hierarchy graphs you will need Graphviz :

      - Doxygen        <URL:>
      - Graphviz       <URL:>
   Most of these softwares should be already installed on your system or
   provided on your installation disk. 

   The given sofware or library version numbers are the ones that we are
   using. We don't know if it working with other (older or more recent)
   versions of these softwares or libraries. You are welcome to help us
   to define more precisely these informations ;-)


   1. Windows compilation

      The compilation on Windows has been done only with Visual C++ 6.0 SP4.

      You first need to compile STLport and FreeType libraries. It's a quite
      long compilation process, and you should carefully read these libraries
      documentation (at least the README and INSTALL files) before compiling
      and installing them. 

      STLport Compilation :

         - Open a Dos window and go in the STLPort's src directory.

         - Rename or copy the "vc6-unicode.mak" to "Makefile".

         - Execute `nmake clean all` followed by `nmake install`.

      FreeType compilation, by using GNU Make :

         - You need to intall GNU make and to place it in the PATH.


         - Open a Dos window and go in the FreeType's directory.

         - Execute `make setup visualc' followed by `make`.

      FreeType compilation, by using an IDE :

         - Compile every (base and optionnal) library components listed
           at the end of the FreeType's INSTALL file.

      Set up Visual C++ to find the STLPort and FreeType libraries. This
      is done in the [Tools -> Options -> Directories] menu :

         - Add the STLPort include directory to the "Library Files" category.
           The STLPort include *must* be inserted before the microsoft one or
           the compiler will take microsoft STL instead of STLPort STL.
           (use the arrow button to put the STLPort include at the top)
           ex: D:/stlport-4.0/stlport

         - Add the STLPort library directory to the "Library Files" category.
           ex: D:/stlport-4.0/lib

         - Add the FreeType include directory to the "Include Files" category.
           ex: D:/freetype-2.0/include

         - Add the FreeType library directory to the "Library Files" category.
           ex: D:/freetype-2.0/obj

      Open the workspace file "nel.dsw" (in the menu [File -> Workspace]).

      Setup Visual C++ to find the NeL include and library files :

         - Add the NEL include directory to the "Library Files" category.
           ex: D:/test/code/nel/include

         - Add the STLPort library directory to the "Library Files" category.
           ex: D:/test/code/nel/lib

   2. GNU/Linux compilation

      In the NeL directory do :

       In the case (ex: after a cvs checkout) that you need to rebuild the
       "configure" script and/or the "" files, execute the
       "bootstrap" script in the NeL directory :
         % ./bootstrap

         % ./configure --with-stlport=<Path_to_the_stlport_install_directory>

         % make

      The "configure" script must be call with the "--with-stlport".
      The option "--with-stlport" allow to override the default STL headers

      It is possible to compile and install only the needed part of NeL.
      So you may, by using --disable-<net|3d|pacs> and --enable-<sound|ai> :

         - misc
              default: Mandatory
         - net
              default: Enables
              desativate with: --disable-net
         - 3d
              default: Enable
              desativate with: --disable-3d 
         - pacs
              default: Enable
              desativate with: --disable-pacs
         - sound
              default: Disable
              ativate with: --enable-sound
         - ai
              default: Disable
              ativate with: --enable-ai 

      To pass additional arguments to the C++ compiler, use the command line :

         % CXXFLAGS=-pipe ./configure --with-stlport=<STLPort_headers_path>

      To get the complete list of arguments of the "configure" script use the
      following command :

         % ./configure --help


   1. Windows installation

      Not done yet.

   2. GNU/Linux installation

      % make install

Contact us

   If you find any bugs use the Nevrax Bug Tracking System :

   If you need any help contact us on the NeL mailing-list :