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File: Nevrax / code / nelns / login_service / connection_client.cpp (download)
Revision 1.11, Mon Mar 25 09:29:24 2002 UTC (4 months ago) by lecroart
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.10: +3 -3 lines
CHANGED: use new service functions

/** \file login_service.cpp
 * Login Service (LS)
 * $Id: connection_client.cpp,v 1.11 2002/03/25 09:29:24 lecroart Exp $

/* Copyright, 2000 Nevrax Ltd.
 * This file is part of NEVRAX NeL Network Services.
 * NEVRAX NeL Network Services is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * NEVRAX NeL Network Services is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with NEVRAX NeL Network Services; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
 * MA 02111-1307, USA.

#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <vector>
#include <map>

#include "nel/misc/debug.h"
#include "nel/misc/config_file.h"
#include "nel/misc/displayer.h"
#include "nel/misc/log.h"

#include "nel/net/service.h"
#include "nel/net/net_manager.h"
#include "nel/net/login_cookie.h"
#include "login_service.h"


extern "C" char *crypt (const char *__key, const char *__salt);

using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NLNET;

// These functions enable crypting password, work only on unix

const uint32 EncryptedSize = 13;

// Get a number between 0 and 64, used by cryptPassword
static uint32 rand64 ()
        return (uint32) floor(64.0*(double)rand()/((double)RAND_MAX+1.0));

// Crypt a password
string cryptPassword (const string &password)
        if (CryptPassword)
                char Salt[3];
                static char SaltString[65] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789./";

                Salt[0] = SaltString[rand64()];
                Salt[1] = SaltString[rand64()];
                Salt[2] = '\0';

                return string (crypt (password.c_str(), Salt));
                return password;
        return password;

// Check if a password is valid
bool checkPassword (const string &password, const string &encrypted)
        if (CryptPassword)
                char Salt[3];

                if (encrypted.size() != EncryptedSize)
                        nlwarning ("checkPassword(): \"%s\" is not a valid encrypted password", encrypted.c_str());
                        return false;

                Salt[0] = encrypted[0];
                Salt[1] = encrypted[1];
                Salt[2] = '\0';

                return encrypted == crypt (password.c_str(), Salt);
                return encrypted == password;
        return encrypted == password;

sint findUser (string &login)
        for (sint i = 0; i < (sint) Users.size (); i++)
                if (Users[i].Login == login)
                        return i;
        // user not found
        return -1;

void addUser (string &login, string &password)
        if (findUser (login) == -1)
                Users.push_back (CUser (login, cryptPassword(password)));
                writePlayerDatabase ();
                nlwarning ("user '%s' already exists in the base", login.c_str ());

sint userToLog(sint userPos)
        if (userPos == -1) return userPos;
        else return Users[userPos].Id;

bool stringIsStandard(const string &str)
        for (sint i = 0; i < (sint) str.size(); i++)
                if (!isalnum (str[i])) return false;
        return true;

bool havePrivilege (string userPriv, string shardPriv)
        if (userPriv == "::")
                return shardPriv == "::";
                if (shardPriv == "::")
                        return true;
                        return userPriv.find (shardPriv) != string::npos;

/////////////// CONNECTION TO THE CLIENTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

 * Callback for service unregistration.
 * Message expected :
 * - nothing
static void cbClientVerifyLoginPassword (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase)
        // reason is empty if everything goes right or contains the reason of the failure
        string reason = "";

        // S03: check the validity of the client login/password and send "VLP" message to client

        string Login, Password;
        msgin.serial (Login);
        msgin.serial (Password);

        sint userPos = findUser (Login);
        const CInetAddress &ia = netbase.hostAddress (from);

        Output.displayNL ("***: %3d Login '%s' Ip '%s'", userToLog(userPos), Login.c_str(), ia.asString().c_str());

        // recv the client version and check it

        uint32 ClientVersion;
        msgin.serial (ClientVersion);
        if (ClientVersion < ServerVersion || ClientVersion > ServerVersion)
                // reject the use, bad version
                if (ClientVersion < ServerVersion)
                        reason = "Your client is out of date. You have to download the last version.";
                        reason = "Your client is too new compare to the server. You have to get an older version of the client.";
                Output.displayNL ("---: %3d Bad Version, ClientVersion: %d ServerVersion: %d", userToLog(userPos), ClientVersion, ServerVersion);

        // recv client hardware info

        string OS, Proc, Mem, Gfx;

        msgin.serial (OS);
        msgin.serial (Proc);
        msgin.serial (Mem);
        msgin.serial (Gfx);

        if (!OS.empty()) Output.displayNL ("OS : %3d %s", userToLog(userPos), OS.c_str());
        if (!Proc.empty()) Output.displayNL ("PRC: %3d %s", userToLog(userPos), Proc.c_str());
        if (!Mem.empty()) Output.displayNL ("MEM: %3d %s", userToLog(userPos), Mem.c_str());
        if (!Gfx.empty()) Output.displayNL ("GFX: %3d %s", userToLog(userPos), Gfx.c_str());

        // check the login & pass

        if (reason.empty() && !stringIsStandard (Login))
                // reject the new user, bad login format
                reason = "Bad login format, only alphanumeric character";
                Output.displayNL ("---: %3d Bad Login Format", userToLog(userPos));

        if (reason.empty() && !stringIsStandard (Password))
                // reject the new user, bad password format
                reason = "Bad password format, only alphanumeric character";
                Output.displayNL ("---: %3d Bad Password Format", userToLog(userPos));

        if (reason.empty())
                if (userPos == -1)
                        // unknown user
                        if (AcceptNewUser)
                                // add the new user
                                addUser (Login, Password);
                                // take the new user entry
                                userPos = findUser (Login);
                                Output.displayNL ("---: %3d New User (new id:%d)", -1, userToLog(userPos));
                                // reject the new user
                                reason = "Bad login";
                                Output.displayNL ("---: %3d Bad Login", userToLog(userPos));
                        // check id the account is active

                        if (!Users[userPos].Active)
                                reason = "Your account was disactivated";
                                Output.displayNL ("---: %3d Your account was disactivated", userToLog(userPos));
                        else if (!checkPassword (Password, Users[userPos].Password))
                                // error reason
                                reason = "Bad password";
                                Output.displayNL ("---: %3d Bad Password", userToLog(userPos));
                                Output.displayNL ("---: %3d Ok", userToLog(userPos));

        if (reason.empty())
                reason = Users[userPos].Authorize (from, netbase);

        uint32 nbshard = 0;
        if (reason.empty())
                // count online shards
                for (uint i = 0; i < Shards.size (); i++)
                        // add it only if the shard is on line and the user can go to this shard
                        if (Shards[i].Online && havePrivilege(Users[userPos].ShardPrivilege, Shards[i].ShardName))
                if (nbshard==0)
                        reason = "No shards available";


        CMessage msgout (netbase.getSIDA (), "VLP");

        if (reason.empty())
                uint8 ok = 1;
                msgout.serial (ok);

                // send number of online shard
                msgout.serial (nbshard);

                // send address and name of all online shards
                for (uint i = 0; i < Shards.size (); i++)
                        if (Shards[i].Online && havePrivilege (Users[userPos].ShardPrivilege, Shards[i].ShardName))
                                // serial the name of the shard
                                string shardname;
                                shardname = Shards[i].Name;

                                if (Shards[i].NbPlayers == 0)
                                        shardname += " (no users)";
                                        char num[1024];
                                        smprintf(num, 1024, "%d", Shards[i].NbPlayers);
                                        shardname += " (";
                                        shardname += num;
                                        if (Shards[i].NbPlayers == 1)
                                                shardname += " user)";
                                                shardname += " users)";
                                msgout.serial (shardname);
                                // serial the address of the WS service
                                msgout.serial (Shards[i].WSAddr);
                netbase.send (msgout, from);

                netbase.authorizeOnly ("CS", from);
                // put the error message
                uint8 ok = 0;
                msgout.serial (ok);
                msgout.serial (reason);
                netbase.send (msgout, from);
// FIX: On linux, when we disconnect now, sometime the other side doesnt receive the message sent just before.
//      So it's the other side to disconnect
//              netbase.disconnect (from);

static void cbClientChooseShard (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase)
        // S06: receive "CS" message from client

        // first find if the user is authorized
        for (vector<CUser>::iterator it = Users.begin (); it != Users.end (); it++)
                if ((*it).Authorized && (*it).SockId == from)
                        // it's ok, so we found the wanted shard
                        string WSAddr;
                        msgin.serial (WSAddr);

                        for (sint32 i = 0; i < (sint32) Shards.size (); i++)
                                if (Shards[i].Online && Shards[i].WSAddr == WSAddr && havePrivilege ((*it).ShardPrivilege, Shards[i].ShardName))
                                        CMessage msgout (CNetManager::getNetBase("WSLS")->getSIDA (), "CS");
                                        const CInetAddress &ia = netbase.hostAddress ((*it).SockId);
                                        msgout.serial ((*it).Cookie);
                                        CNetManager::send("WSLS", msgout, Shards[i].SockId);
                                        beep (1000, 1, 100, 100);
                        // the shard is not available, denied the user
                        nlwarning("User try to choose a shard without authorization");

                        CMessage msgout (netbase.getSIDA (), "SCS");
                        uint8 ok = false;
                        string reason = "Selected shard is not available";
                        msgout.serial (ok);
                        msgout.serial (reason);
                        netbase.send (msgout, from);
// FIX: On linux, when we disconnect now, sometime the other side doesnt receive the message sent just before.
//      So it's the other side to disconnect
//                      netbase.disconnect (from);

        // the user isn t authorized
        nlwarning("User try to choose a shard without authorization");
        // disconnect him
        netbase.disconnect (from);

static void cbClientConnection (const string &serviceName, TSockId from, void *arg)
        CCallbackNetBase *cnb = CNetManager::getNetBase("LS");
        const CInetAddress &ia = cnb->hostAddress (from);

        nldebug("new client connection: %s", ia.asString ().c_str ());

        Output.displayNL ("CCC: Connection from %s", ia.asString ().c_str ());

        if (ia.asString().find ("nevrax") != string::npos)
                // internal connection
                beep ();
                // external connection
                beep (1000, 2, 100, 100);

        cnb->authorizeOnly ("VLP", from);

static void cbClientDisconnection (const string &serviceName, TSockId from, void *arg)
        CCallbackNetBase *cnb = CNetManager::getNetBase("LS");
        const CInetAddress &ia = cnb->hostAddress (from);

        nldebug("new client disconnection: %s", ia.asString ().c_str ());

        // remove the user if necessary
        for (vector<CUser>::iterator it = Users.begin (); it != Users.end (); it++)
                if ((*it).SockId == from)
                        if ((*it).State == CUser::Awaiting)
                                // the user is disconnected from me because he have to connect to the front end right now, so we wait...
                                // prematurated disconnection, clean everything
                                disconnectClient (*it, false, false);
                        (*it).SockId = NULL;

const TCallbackItem ClientCallbackArray[] =
        { "VLP", cbClientVerifyLoginPassword },
        { "CS", cbClientChooseShard },

// if you add callback in the client side, don't forget to add it here!!!
static const char *OtherSideAssociations[] =

void connectionClientInit ()
        CNetManager::addCallbackArray ("LS", ClientCallbackArray, sizeof(ClientCallbackArray)/sizeof(ClientCallbackArray[0]));
        CNetManager::setConnectionCallback ("LS", cbClientConnection, NULL);
        CNetManager::setDisconnectionCallback ("LS", cbClientDisconnection, NULL);
        CNetManager::getNetBase("LS")->setOtherSideAssociations(OtherSideAssociations, sizeof(OtherSideAssociations)/sizeof(OtherSideAssociations[0]));