From 0ea5fc66924303d1bf73ba283a383e2aadee02f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: neodarz Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2018 20:21:34 +0200 Subject: Initial commit --- docs/doxygen/nel/object_viewer_cpp-source.html | 896 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 896 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/doxygen/nel/object_viewer_cpp-source.html (limited to 'docs/doxygen/nel/object_viewer_cpp-source.html') diff --git a/docs/doxygen/nel/object_viewer_cpp-source.html b/docs/doxygen/nel/object_viewer_cpp-source.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..af990629 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/doxygen/nel/object_viewer_cpp-source.html @@ -0,0 +1,896 @@ + + + + : docs + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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Go to the documentation of this file.
+00007 /* Copyright, 2000 Nevrax Ltd.
+00008  *
+00009  * This file is part of NEVRAX NEL.
+00010  * NEVRAX NEL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+00011  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+00012  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+00013  * any later version.
+00015  * NEVRAX NEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+00016  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+00018  * General Public License for more details.
+00020  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+00021  * along with NEVRAX NEL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+00022  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+00023  * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+00024  */
+00026 #include "std_afx.h"
+00028 #define OBJECT_VIEWER_EXPORT __declspec( dllexport ) 
+00030 #include "object_viewer.h"
+00031 #include <3d/nelu.h>
+00032 #include <3d/mesh.h>
+00033 #include <3d/transform_shape.h>
+00034 #include <3d/mesh_instance.h>
+00035 #include <3d/skeleton_model.h>
+00036 #include <nel/misc/file.h>
+00037 #include <nel/misc/path.h>
+00038 #include <nel/misc/time_nl.h>
+00040 #include "editable_range.h"
+00041 #include "located_properties.h"
+00042 #include "color_button.h"
+00044 #ifdef _DEBUG
+00045 #define new DEBUG_NEW
+00046 #undef THIS_FILE
+00047 static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
+00048 #endif
+00050 using namespace NL3D;
+00051 using namespace NLMISC;
+00053 //
+00054 //      Note!
+00055 //
+00056 //              If this DLL is dynamically linked against the MFC
+00057 //              DLLs, any functions exported from this DLL which
+00058 //              call into MFC must have the AFX_MANAGE_STATE macro
+00059 //              added at the very beginning of the function.
+00060 //
+00061 //              For example:
+00062 //
+00063 //              extern "C" BOOL PASCAL EXPORT ExportedFunction()
+00064 //              {
+00065 //                      AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
+00066 //                      // normal function body here
+00067 //              }
+00068 //
+00069 //              It is very important that this macro appear in each
+00070 //              function, prior to any calls into MFC.  This means that
+00071 //              it must appear as the first statement within the 
+00072 //              function, even before any object variable declarations
+00073 //              as their constructors may generate calls into the MFC
+00074 //              DLL.
+00075 //
+00076 //              Please see MFC Technical Notes 33 and 58 for additional
+00077 //              details.
+00078 //
+00081 // CObject_viewerApp
+00083 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CObject_viewerApp, CWinApp)
+00084         //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CObject_viewerApp)
+00085                 // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
+00086                 //    DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code!
+00087         //}}AFX_MSG_MAP
+00091 // CObject_viewerApp construction
+00093 CObject_viewerApp::CObject_viewerApp()
+00094 {
+00095         // TODO: add construction code here,
+00096         // Place all significant initialization in InitInstance
+00097 }
+00100 // The one and only CObject_viewerApp object
+00102 CObject_viewerApp theApp;
+00104 // ***************************************************************************
+00106 CObjectViewer::CObjectViewer ()
+00107 {
+00108         AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
+00109         _SlotDlg=NULL;
+00110         _AnimationSetDlg=NULL;
+00111         _AnimationDlg=NULL;
+00112         _SceneDlg=NULL;
+00113         _ParticleDlg = NULL ;
+00115         // Setup animation set
+00116         _ChannelMixer.setAnimationSet (&_AnimationSet);
+00118         // Hotspot color
+00119         _HotSpotColor.R=255;
+00120         _HotSpotColor.G=255;
+00121         _HotSpotColor.B=0;
+00122         _HotSpotColor.A=255;
+00124         // Hotspot size
+00125         _HotSpotSize=10.f;
+00126 }
+00128 // ***************************************************************************
+00130 CObjectViewer::~CObjectViewer ()
+00131 {
+00132         AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
+00133         if (_SlotDlg)   
+00134                 delete _SlotDlg;
+00135         if (_AnimationSetDlg)
+00136                 delete _AnimationSetDlg;
+00137         if (_AnimationDlg)
+00138                 delete _AnimationDlg;
+00139         if (_SceneDlg)
+00140                 delete _SceneDlg;
+00141         if (_ParticleDlg)
+00142                 delete _ParticleDlg ;
+00143 }
+00145 // ***************************************************************************
+00147 void CObjectViewer::initUI ()
+00148 {
+00149         AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
+00151         // The viewport
+00152         CViewport viewport;
+00154         // Init NELU
+00155         CNELU::init (640, 480, viewport);
+00157         // Create a cwnd
+00158         CWnd driverWnd;
+00159         driverWnd.Attach((HWND)CNELU::Driver->getDisplay());
+00160         getRegisterWindowState (&driverWnd, REGKEY_OBJ_VIEW_OPENGL_WND, true);
+00162         // Camera
+00163         CFrustum frustrum;
+00164         frustrum.initPerspective( 75.f*(float)Pi/180.f, 1.33f, 0.1f, 1000.f);
+00165         CNELU::Camera->setFrustum (frustrum);
+00168         // Hide the main window
+00169         //driverWnd.ShowWindow (SW_HIDE);
+00171         // Create animation set dialog
+00172         _AnimationDlg=new CAnimationDlg (this, &driverWnd);
+00173         _AnimationDlg->Create (IDD_ANIMATION);
+00174         getRegisterWindowState (_AnimationDlg, REGKEY_OBJ_VIEW_ANIMATION_DLG, false);
+00176         // Create animation set dialog
+00177         _AnimationSetDlg=new CAnimationSetDlg (this, &driverWnd);
+00178         _AnimationSetDlg->Create (IDD_ANIMATION_SET);
+00179         getRegisterWindowState (_AnimationSetDlg, REGKEY_OBJ_VIEW_ANIMATION_SET_DLG, false);
+00181         // Create the main dialog
+00182         _SlotDlg=new CMainDlg (this, &driverWnd);
+00183         _SlotDlg->init (&_AnimationSet);
+00184         _SlotDlg->Create (IDD_MAIN_DLG);
+00185         getRegisterWindowState (_SlotDlg, REGKEY_OBJ_VIEW_SLOT_DLG, false);
+00187         // Create animation set dialog
+00188         _SceneDlg=new CSceneDlg (this, &driverWnd);
+00189         _SceneDlg->Create (IDD_SCENE);
+00190         _SceneDlg->ShowWindow (TRUE);
+00191         getRegisterWindowState (_SceneDlg, REGKEY_OBJ_VIEW_SCENE_DLG, false);
+00193         // Create particle dialog
+00194         _ParticleDlg=new CParticleDlg (&driverWnd, _SceneDlg);
+00195         _ParticleDlg->Create (IDD_PARTICLE);
+00196         getRegisterWindowState (_ParticleDlg, REGKEY_OBJ_PARTICLE_DLG, false);  
+00199         // Show the windows
+00200         //driverWnd.ShowWindow (SW_SHOW);
+00202         // Set current frame
+00203         setAnimTime (0.f, 100.f);
+00205         // Register this as listener
+00206         CNELU::EventServer.addListener (EventDestroyWindowId, this);
+00208         // Add mouse listener to event server
+00209         _MouseListener.addToServer(CNELU::EventServer);
+00211         // Detach the hwnd
+00212         driverWnd.Detach ();
+00214         CNELU::Driver->activate ();
+00215 }
+00217 // ***************************************************************************
+00219 void CObjectViewer::operator ()(const CEvent& event)
+00220 {
+00221         // Destro window ?
+00222         if (event==EventDestroyWindowId)
+00223         {
+00224         }
+00225 }
+00227 // ***************************************************************************
+00229 void CObjectViewer::go ()
+00230 {
+00231         AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
+00233         do
+00234         {
+00235                 CNELU::Driver->activate ();
+00237                 // Handle animation
+00238                 _AnimationDlg->handle ();
+00240                 // Update the playlist
+00241                 _SlotDlg->getSlot ();
+00243                 // Setup the channel mixer
+00244                 _SlotDlg->Playlist.setupMixer (_ChannelMixer, _AnimationDlg->getTime());
+00246                 // Animate the automatic animation in the scene
+00247                 CNELU::Scene.animate( NLMISC::CTime::ticksToSecond( NLMISC::CTime::getPerformanceTime() ) );
+00249                 // Eval channel mixer for transform
+00250                 _ChannelMixer.eval (false);
+00252                 // Mouse listener
+00253                 _SceneDlg->UpdateData();
+00257                 // Clear the buffers
+00258 //              CNELU::clearBuffers(CRGBA(120,120,120));
+00260                 CNELU::clearBuffers(CRGBA(0,0,0));
+00262                 // Draw the scene
+00263                 CNELU::Scene.render();
+00265                 // Draw the hotSpot
+00266                 if (_SceneDlg->ObjectMode)
+00267                 {
+00268                         float radius=_HotSpotSize/2.f;
+00269                         CNELU::Driver->setupModelMatrix (CMatrix::Identity);
+00270                         CDRU::drawLine (_MouseListener.getHotSpot()+CVector (radius, 0, 0), _MouseListener.getHotSpot()+CVector (-radius, 0, 0), _HotSpotColor, *CNELU::Driver);
+00271                         CDRU::drawLine (_MouseListener.getHotSpot()+CVector (0, radius, 0), _MouseListener.getHotSpot()+CVector (0, -radius, 0), _HotSpotColor, *CNELU::Driver);
+00272                         CDRU::drawLine (_MouseListener.getHotSpot()+CVector (0, 0, radius), _MouseListener.getHotSpot()+CVector (0, 0, -radius), _HotSpotColor, *CNELU::Driver);
+00273                 }
+00275                 // Swap the buffers
+00276                 CNELU::swapBuffers();
+00279                 if (_SceneDlg->ObjectMode)
+00280                         _MouseListener.setMouseMode (CEvent3dMouseListener::edit3d);
+00281                 else
+00282                 {
+00283                         _MouseListener.setMouseMode (CEvent3dMouseListener::firstPerson);
+00284                         _MouseListener.setSpeed (_SceneDlg->MoveSpeed);
+00285                 }
+00288                 // Pump message from the server
+00289                 CNELU::EventServer.pump();
+00291                 if (!_SceneDlg->MoveElement)
+00292                 {
+00293                         // New matrix from camera
+00294                         CNELU::Camera->setTransformMode (ITransformable::DirectMatrix);
+00295                         CNELU::Camera->setMatrix (_MouseListener.getViewMatrix());
+00296                 }
+00297                 else
+00298                 {
+00299                         // for now we apply a transform on the selected object in the particle system                   
+00300                         _ParticleDlg->moveElement(_MouseListener.getModelMatrix()) ;            
+00301                 }
+00303                 // Pump others message for the windows
+00304                 MSG     msg;
+00305                 while ( PeekMessage(&msg, NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE) )
+00306                 {
+00307                         TranslateMessage(&msg);
+00308                         DispatchMessage(&msg);
+00309                 }
+00310         }
+00311         while (!CNELU::AsyncListener.isKeyPushed(KeyESCAPE)&&CNELU::Driver->isActive());
+00312 }
+00314 // ***************************************************************************
+00316 void CObjectViewer::releaseUI ()
+00317 {
+00318         AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
+00320         if (CNELU::Driver->isActive())
+00321         {
+00322                 // register window position
+00323                 if (CNELU::Driver->getDisplay())
+00324                 {
+00325                         CWnd driverWnd;
+00326                         driverWnd.Attach((HWND)CNELU::Driver->getDisplay());
+00327                         setRegisterWindowState (&driverWnd, REGKEY_OBJ_VIEW_OPENGL_WND);
+00328                         driverWnd.Detach ();
+00329                 }
+00330         }
+00332         // Release the emitter from the server
+00333         _MouseListener.removeFromServer (CNELU::EventServer);
+00335         // Remove this as listener
+00336         CNELU::EventServer.removeListener (EventDestroyWindowId, this);
+00338         // exit
+00339         CNELU::release();
+00340 }
+00342 // ***************************************************************************
+00344 void setRegisterWindowState (const CWnd *pWnd, const char* keyName)
+00345 {
+00346         HKEY hKey;
+00347         if (RegCreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, keyName, &hKey)==ERROR_SUCCESS)
+00348         {
+00349                 RECT rect;
+00350                 pWnd->GetWindowRect (&rect);
+00351                 RegSetValueEx(hKey, "Left", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&rect.left, 4);
+00352                 RegSetValueEx(hKey, "Right", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&rect.right, 4);
+00353                 RegSetValueEx(hKey, "Top", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&, 4);
+00354                 RegSetValueEx(hKey, "Bottom", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&rect.bottom, 4);
+00355         }
+00356 }
+00358 // ***************************************************************************
+00360 void getRegisterWindowState (CWnd *pWnd, const char* keyName, bool resize)
+00361 {
+00362         HKEY hKey;
+00363         if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, keyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey)==ERROR_SUCCESS)
+00364         {
+00365                 DWORD len=4;
+00366                 DWORD type;
+00367                 RECT rect;
+00368                 RegQueryValueEx (hKey, "Left", 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&rect.left, &len);
+00369                 RegQueryValueEx (hKey, "Right", 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&rect.right, &len);
+00370                 RegQueryValueEx (hKey, "Top", 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&, &len);
+00371                 RegQueryValueEx (hKey, "Bottom", 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&rect.bottom, &len);
+00373                 // Set window pos
+00374                 pWnd->SetWindowPos (NULL, rect.left,, rect.right-rect.left,, SWP_NOOWNERZORDER|SWP_NOZORDER|
+00375                         (resize?0:SWP_NOSIZE));
+00376         }
+00377 }
+00379 // ***************************************************************************
+00381 void CObjectViewer::setAnimTime (float animStart, float animEnd)
+00382 {
+00383         // Dispatch the command
+00384         _SlotDlg->setAnimTime (animStart, animEnd);
+00385         _AnimationDlg->setAnimTime (animStart, animEnd);
+00386 }
+00388 // ***************************************************************************
+00391 void CObjectViewer::resetSlots ()
+00392 {
+00393         // Reset the animation set
+00394         _AnimationSet.reset ();
+00396         // Set no animation in slot UI
+00397         for (uint i=0; i<NL3D::CChannelMixer::NumAnimationSlot; i++)
+00398                 _SlotDlg->Slots[i].setAnimation (0xffffffff, NULL, NULL);
+00399 }
+00401 // ***************************************************************************
+00403 void CObjectViewer::reinitChannels ()
+00404 {
+00405         // Reset the channels
+00406         _ChannelMixer.resetChannels ();
+00408         // Add all the instance in the channel mixer
+00409         for (uint i=0; i<_ListTransformShape.size(); i++)
+00410                 _ListTransformShape[i]->registerToChannelMixer (&_ChannelMixer, _ListShapeBaseName[i]);
+00411 }
+00413 // ***************************************************************************
+00415 float CObjectViewer::getFrameRate ()
+00416 {
+00417         return _AnimationDlg->Speed;
+00418 }
+00420 // ***************************************************************************
+00422 void CObjectViewer::serial (NLMISC::IStream& f)
+00423 {
+00424         // serial "OBJV_CFG"
+00425         f.serialCheck ((uint32)'VJBO');
+00426         f.serialCheck ((uint32)'GFC_');
+00428         // serial the version
+00429         int ver=f.serialVersion (0);
+00431         // update data
+00432         _AnimationDlg->UpdateData ();
+00433         _SceneDlg->UpdateData ();
+00435         // serial animation data
+00436         f.serial (_AnimationDlg->Start);
+00437         f.serial (_AnimationDlg->End);
+00438         f.serial (_AnimationDlg->Speed);
+00439         bool loop=_AnimationDlg->Loop!=0;
+00440         f.serial (loop);
+00441         _AnimationDlg->Loop=loop;
+00442         bool euler=_SceneDlg->Euler!=0;
+00443         f.serial (euler);
+00444         _SceneDlg->Euler=euler;
+00445         sint32 ui=_AnimationDlg->UICurrentFrame;
+00446         f.serial (ui);
+00447         _AnimationDlg->UICurrentFrame=ui;
+00448         f.serial (_AnimationDlg->CurrentFrame);
+00450         // update data
+00451         _AnimationDlg->UpdateData (FALSE);
+00452         _SceneDlg->UpdateData (FALSE);
+00454         // For each slot
+00455         for (uint i=0; i<NL3D::CChannelMixer::NumAnimationSlot; i++)
+00456         {
+00457                 // Update values
+00458                 _SlotDlg->Slots[i].UpdateData();
+00460                 // Serial the slot state
+00461                 bool slotState=_SlotDlg->Slots[i].enable!=0;
+00462                 f.serial (slotState);
+00463                 _SlotDlg->Slots[i].enable=slotState;
+00465                 // Update values
+00466                 _SlotDlg->Slots[i].UpdateData(FALSE);
+00467         }
+00470         // view matrix
+00471         CMatrix mt=_MouseListener.getViewMatrix();
+00472         f.serial (mt);
+00473         _MouseListener.setMatrix (mt);
+00475         // serial list of shape
+00476         std::vector<CMeshDesc> meshArray=_ListMeshes;
+00478         // serial list of shape
+00479         f.serialCont (meshArray);
+00481         // If reading, read shapes
+00482         if (f.isReading ())
+00483         {
+00484                 // Load each shape
+00485                 for (uint s=0; s<meshArray.size(); s++)
+00486                         loadMesh (meshArray[s].MeshName.c_str(), meshArray[s].SkeletonName.c_str());
+00487         }
+00489         // List of animation
+00490         std::vector<std::string> stringArray=_AnimationSetDlg->_ListAnimation;
+00492         // Serial the list
+00493         f.serialCont (stringArray);
+00495         // Serial the list of animation
+00496         if (f.isReading ())
+00497         {
+00498                 // Load animation file
+00499                 for (uint s=0; s<stringArray.size(); s++)
+00500                         _AnimationSetDlg->loadAnimation (stringArray[s].c_str());
+00501         }
+00503         // List of skeleton
+00504         stringArray=_AnimationSetDlg->_ListSkeleton;
+00506         // Serial the list
+00507         f.serialCont (stringArray);
+00509         // Serial the list of animation
+00510         if (f.isReading ())
+00511         {
+00512                 // Load animation file
+00513                 for (uint s=0; s<stringArray.size(); s++)
+00514                         _AnimationSetDlg->loadSkeleton (stringArray[s].c_str());
+00515         }
+00517         // Serial the play list
+00518         if (f.isReading ())
+00519         {
+00520                 // Serial the play list
+00521                 f.serial (_SlotDlg->Playlist);
+00523                 // Set the play list
+00524                 _SlotDlg->setSlot ();
+00525         }
+00526         else
+00527         {
+00528                 // Set the play list
+00529                 _SlotDlg->getSlot ();
+00531                 // Serial the play list
+00532                 f.serial (_SlotDlg->Playlist);
+00533         }
+00535         // Some init
+00536         if (f.isReading ())
+00537         {
+00538                 // Init start and end time
+00539                 setAnimTime (_AnimationDlg->Start, _AnimationDlg->End);
+00541                 // Touch the channel mixer
+00542                 reinitChannels ();
+00543         }
+00544 }
+00546 // ***************************************************************************
+00548 bool CObjectViewer::loadMesh (const char* meshFilename, const char* skeleton)
+00549 {
+00550         AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
+00552         // Add to the path
+00553         char drive[256];
+00554         char dir[256];
+00555         char path[256];
+00557         // Add search path for the mesh
+00558         _splitpath (meshFilename, drive, dir, NULL, NULL);
+00559         _makepath (path, drive, dir, NULL, NULL);
+00560         CPath::addSearchPath (path);
+00562         // Add search path for the skeleton
+00563         if (skeleton)
+00564         {
+00565                 _splitpath (skeleton, drive, dir, NULL, NULL);
+00566                 _makepath (path, drive, dir, NULL, NULL);
+00567                 CPath::addSearchPath (path);
+00568         }
+00570         // Shape pointer
+00571         IShape *shapeMesh=NULL;
+00572         IShape *shapeSkel=NULL;
+00574         // Open a file
+00575         CIFile file;
+00576         if ( (meshFilename))
+00577         {
+00578                 // Sream a shape
+00579                 CShapeStream streamShape;
+00580                 try
+00581                 {
+00582                         // Stream it
+00583                         streamShape.serial (file);
+00585                         // Add the shape
+00586                         shapeMesh=streamShape.getShapePointer();
+00587                 }
+00588                 catch (Exception& e)
+00589                 {
+00590                         _SceneDlg->MessageBox (e.what(), "NeL object viewer", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
+00591                         return false;
+00592                 }
+00593         }
+00594         else
+00595         {
+00596                 // Create a message
+00597                 char msg[512];
+00598                 _snprintf (msg, 512, "Can't open the file %s for reading.", meshFilename);
+00599                 _SceneDlg->MessageBox (msg, "NeL object viewer", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
+00600                 return false;
+00601         }
+00603         // Continue ?
+00604         if (skeleton&&(strcmp (skeleton, "")!=0))
+00605         {
+00606                 // Skel error ?
+00607                 bool skelError=false;
+00609                 if (skeleton)
+00610                 {
+00611                         // Open a file
+00612                         if ( (skeleton))
+00613                         {
+00614                                 // Sream a shape
+00615                                 CShapeStream streamShape;
+00616                                 try
+00617                                 {
+00618                                         // Stream it
+00619                                         streamShape.serial (file);
+00621                                         // Add the shape
+00622                                         shapeSkel=streamShape.getShapePointer();
+00623                                 }
+00624                                 catch (Exception& e)
+00625                                 {
+00626                                         _SceneDlg->MessageBox (e.what(), "NeL object viewer", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
+00628                                         // error
+00629                                         skelError=true;
+00630                                 }
+00631                         }
+00632                         else
+00633                         {
+00634                                 // Create a message
+00635                                 char msg[512];
+00636                                 _snprintf (msg, 512, "Can't open the file %s for reading.", meshFilename);
+00637                                 _SceneDlg->MessageBox (msg, "NeL object viewer", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
+00639                                 // error
+00640                                 skelError=true;
+00641                         }
+00642                 }
+00644                 // Remove the mesh shape ?
+00645                 if (skelError)
+00646                 {
+00647                         if (shapeMesh)
+00648                                 delete shapeMesh;
+00649                         shapeMesh=NULL;
+00650                         return false;
+00651                 }
+00652         }
+00654         // Add the skel shape
+00655         NL3D::CSkeletonModel *transformSkel=NULL;
+00656         if (shapeSkel)
+00657                 transformSkel=addSkel (shapeSkel, skeleton, "");
+00659         // Add the skel shape
+00660         if (shapeMesh)
+00661                 addMesh (shapeMesh, meshFilename, "", transformSkel);
+00663         // Add an entry for config
+00664         _ListMeshes.push_back (CMeshDesc (meshFilename, skeleton));
+00666         return true;
+00667 }
+00669 // ***************************************************************************
+00671 void CObjectViewer::resetCamera ()
+00672 {
+00673         AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
+00675         _SceneDlg->OnResetCamera();
+00676 }
+00678 // ***************************************************************************
+00680 CTransformShape *CObjectViewer::addMesh (NL3D::IShape* pMeshShape, const char* meshName, const char *meshBaseName, CSkeletonModel* pSkel)
+00681 {
+00682         AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
+00684         // *** Add the shape
+00686         // Store the shape pointer
+00687         CNELU::ShapeBank->add (meshName, CSmartPtr<IShape> (pMeshShape));
+00689         // Store the name of the shape
+00690         _ListShapeBaseName.push_back (meshBaseName);
+00692         // Create a model and add it to the scene
+00693         CTransformShape *pTrShape=CNELU::Scene.createInstance (meshName);
+00694         nlassert (pTrShape);
+00696         // Set the rot model
+00697         if (_SceneDlg->Euler)
+00698                 pTrShape->setTransformMode (ITransformable::RotEuler);
+00699         else
+00700                 pTrShape->setTransformMode (ITransformable::RotQuat);
+00702         // Store the transform shape pointer
+00703         _ListTransformShape.push_back (pTrShape);
+00705         // *** Bind to the skeleton
+00707         // Get a mesh instance
+00708         CMeshInstance  *meshInstance=dynamic_cast<CMeshInstance*>(pTrShape);
+00710         // Bind the mesh
+00711         if (pSkel)
+00712                 pSkel->bindSkin (meshInstance);
+00714         // Return the instance
+00715         return pTrShape;
+00716 }
+00718 // ***************************************************************************
+00720 CSkeletonModel *CObjectViewer::addSkel (NL3D::IShape* pSkelShape, const char* skelName, const char *skelBaseName)
+00721 {
+00722         AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
+00724         // *** Add the shape
+00726         // Store the shape pointer
+00727         CNELU::ShapeBank->add (skelName, CSmartPtr<IShape> (pSkelShape));
+00729         // Create a model and add it to the scene
+00730         CTransformShape *pTrShape=CNELU::Scene.createInstance (skelName);
+00731         nlassert (pTrShape);
+00733         // Get a skeleton model
+00734         CSkeletonModel *skelModel=dynamic_cast<CSkeletonModel*>(pTrShape);
+00736         // Is a skel ?
+00737         if (skelModel)
+00738         {
+00739                 // Set the rot model
+00740                 if (_SceneDlg->Euler)
+00741                         pTrShape->setTransformMode (ITransformable::RotEuler);
+00742                 else
+00743                         pTrShape->setTransformMode (ITransformable::RotQuat);
+00745                 // Store the name of the shape
+00746                 _ListShapeBaseName.push_back (skelBaseName);
+00748                 // Store the transform shape pointer
+00749                 _ListTransformShape.push_back (skelModel);
+00750         }
+00752         // Return the instance
+00753         return skelModel;
+00754 }
+00756 // ***************************************************************************
+00758 IObjectViewer* IObjectViewer::getInterface (int version)
+00759 {
+00760         AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
+00762         // Check version number
+00763         if (version!=OBJECT_VIEWER_VERSION)
+00764         {
+00765                 MessageBox (NULL, "Bad version of object_viewer.dll.", "NeL object viewer", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK);
+00766                 return NULL;
+00767         }
+00768         else
+00769                 return new CObjectViewer;
+00770 }
+00772 // ***************************************************************************
+00774 void IObjectViewer::releaseInterface (IObjectViewer* view)
+00775 {
+00776         AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
+00778         delete view;
+00779 }
+00781 // ***************************************************************************
+00783 void CObjectViewer::setSingleAnimation (NL3D::CAnimation* pAnim, const char* name)
+00784 {
+00785         AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
+00787         // Add the animation to the animationSet
+00788         _AnimationSetDlg->UpdateData (TRUE);
+00789         _AnimationSetDlg->addAnimation (pAnim, name);
+00790         _AnimationSetDlg->UpdateData (FALSE);
+00792         // Set time
+00793         setAnimTime (pAnim->getBeginTime()*_AnimationDlg->Speed, pAnim->getEndTime()*_AnimationDlg->Speed);
+00795         // Set the animation in the first slot
+00796         _SlotDlg->UpdateData ();
+00797         _SlotDlg->Slots[0].setAnimation (_AnimationSet.getAnimationIdByName(name), pAnim, name);
+00798         _SlotDlg->Slots[0].StartBlend=1.f;
+00799         _SlotDlg->Slots[0].EndBlend=1.f;
+00800         _SlotDlg->Slots[0].Offset=0;
+00801         _SlotDlg->Slots[0].enable=TRUE;
+00802         _SlotDlg->UpdateData (FALSE);
+00804         // Reinit
+00805         reinitChannels ();
+00806 }
+00808 // ***************************************************************************
+00810 void CObjectViewer::setAutoAnimation (NL3D::CAnimation* pAnim)
+00811 {
+00812         CNELU::Scene.setAutoAnim (pAnim);
+00813 }
+00815 // ***************************************************************************
+00817 void CObjectViewer::setAmbientColor (const NLMISC::CRGBA& color)
+00818 {
+00819         CNELU::Driver->setAmbientColor (color);
+00820 }
+00822 // ***************************************************************************
+00824 void CObjectViewer::setLight (unsigned char id, const NL3D::CLight& light)
+00825 {
+00826         CNELU::Driver->enableLight (id);
+00827         CNELU::Driver->setLight (id, light);
+00828 }
+00830 // ***************************************************************************
+ + +
+ + -- cgit v1.2.1