From 0ea5fc66924303d1bf73ba283a383e2aadee02f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: neodarz Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2018 20:21:34 +0200 Subject: Initial commit --- .../landscape__vegetable__block_8cpp-source.html | 416 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 416 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/doxygen/nel/landscape__vegetable__block_8cpp-source.html (limited to 'docs/doxygen/nel/landscape__vegetable__block_8cpp-source.html') diff --git a/docs/doxygen/nel/landscape__vegetable__block_8cpp-source.html b/docs/doxygen/nel/landscape__vegetable__block_8cpp-source.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fedbc93f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/doxygen/nel/landscape__vegetable__block_8cpp-source.html @@ -0,0 +1,416 @@ + + + + : docs + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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Go to the documentation of this file.
+00007 /* Copyright, 2001 Nevrax Ltd.
+00008  *
+00009  * This file is part of NEVRAX NEL.
+00010  * NEVRAX NEL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+00011  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+00012  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+00013  * any later version.
+00015  * NEVRAX NEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+00016  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+00018  * General Public License for more details.
+00020  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+00021  * along with NEVRAX NEL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+00022  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+00023  * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+00024  */
+00026 #include "std3d.h"
+00028 #include "3d/landscape_vegetable_block.h"
+00029 #include "3d/vegetable_manager.h"
+00030 #include "3d/vegetable_clip_block.h"
+00031 #include "3d/vegetable_instance_group.h"
+00032 #include "3d/patch.h"
+00033 #include "3d/bezier_patch.h"
+00036 using namespace std;
+00037 using namespace NLMISC;
+00040 namespace NL3D 
+00041 {
+00044 // ***************************************************************************
+00045 /*
+00046         Distances type squared.
+00047 */
+00048 class   CLVBSqrDistLUT
+00049 {
+00050 public:
+00051         static  float           Array[NL3D_VEGETABLE_BLOCK_NUMDIST+1];
+00053         CLVBSqrDistLUT()
+00054         {
+00055                 // 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
+00056                 for(uint i=0;i<NL3D_VEGETABLE_BLOCK_NUMDIST+1;i++)
+00057                 {
+00058                         Array[i]= i*NL3D_VEGETABLE_BLOCK_ELTDIST;
+00059                         Array[i]= sqr(Array[i]);
+00060                 }
+00061         }
+00063 };
+00066 CLVBSqrDistLUT  NL3D_InitSqrDistLUT;
+00067 float           CLVBSqrDistLUT::Array[NL3D_VEGETABLE_BLOCK_NUMDIST+1];
+00070 // ***************************************************************************
+00071 CLandscapeVegetableBlock::CLandscapeVegetableBlock()
+00072 {
+00073         _VegetableClipBlock= NULL;
+00074         _CurDistType= NL3D_VEGETABLE_BLOCK_NUMDIST;
+00076         for(uint j=0;j<NL3D_TESSBLOCK_TILESIZE;j++)
+00077         {
+00078                 _VegetableSortBlock[j]= NULL;
+00079                 for(uint i=0;i<NL3D_VEGETABLE_BLOCK_NUMDIST;i++)
+00080                 {
+00081                         _VegetableIG[j][i]= NULL;
+00082                 }
+00083         }
+00084 }
+00088 // ***************************************************************************
+00089 void                    CLandscapeVegetableBlock::init(const CVector &center, CVegetableManager *vegetManager, 
+00090         CVegetableClipBlock *vegetableClipBlock, CPatch *patch, uint ts, uint tt, CTessList<CLandscapeVegetableBlock> &vblist)
+00091 {
+00092         nlassert(patch);
+00093         _Center= center;
+00094         _VegetableClipBlock= vegetableClipBlock;
+00095         _Patch= patch;
+00096         _Ts= ts;
+00097         _Tt= tt;
+00099         // Create the Vegetable SortBlocks
+00100         sint    tms,tmt;
+00101         // for all tiles
+00102         nlassert(NL3D_TESSBLOCK_TILESIZE==4);
+00103         for(tmt= _Tt; tmt<_Tt+2; tmt++)
+00104         {
+00105                 for(tms= _Ts; tms<_Ts+2; tms++)
+00106                 {
+00107                         // compute approximate center of the tile.
+00108                         float   s= (tms + 0.5f) / _Patch->getOrderS();
+00109                         float   t= (tmt + 0.5f) / _Patch->getOrderT();
+00110                         CBezierPatch    *bpatch= _Patch->unpackIntoCache();
+00111                         CVector center= bpatch->eval(s, t);
+00113                         // create the sortBlock. NB: very approximate SortBlock radius....
+00114                         _VegetableSortBlock[(tmt-_Tt)*2 + (tms-_Ts)]= vegetManager->createSortBlock(_VegetableClipBlock, center, NL3D_PATCH_TILE_RADIUS);
+00115                 }
+00116         }
+00118         // append to list.
+00119         vblist.append(this);
+00120 }
+00123 // ***************************************************************************
+00124 void                    CLandscapeVegetableBlock::release(CVegetableManager *vegeManager, CTessList<CLandscapeVegetableBlock> &vblist)
+00125 {
+00126         // release all Igs, and all Sbs.
+00127         for(uint j=0;j<NL3D_TESSBLOCK_TILESIZE;j++)
+00128         {
+00129                 // release IGs first.
+00130                 for(uint i=0;i<NL3D_VEGETABLE_BLOCK_NUMDIST;i++)
+00131                 {
+00132                         if(_VegetableIG[j][i])
+00133                         {
+00134                                 vegeManager->deleteIg(_VegetableIG[j][i]);
+00135                                 _VegetableIG[j][i]= NULL;
+00136                         }
+00137                 }
+00139                 // release SB
+00140                 if(_VegetableSortBlock[j])
+00141                 {
+00142                         vegeManager->deleteSortBlock(_VegetableSortBlock[j]);
+00143                         _VegetableSortBlock[j]= NULL;
+00144                 }
+00145         }
+00147         // reset state.
+00148         _CurDistType= NL3D_VEGETABLE_BLOCK_NUMDIST;
+00150         // remove from list.
+00151         vblist.remove(this);
+00152 }
+00154 // ***************************************************************************
+00155 void                    CLandscapeVegetableBlock::update(const CVector &viewCenter, CVegetableManager *vegeManager)
+00156 {
+00157         float   sqrDist= (viewCenter-_Center).sqrnorm();
+00159         // compute new distance type. Incremental mode.
+00160         uint    newDistType= _CurDistType;
+00161         while(sqrDist<CLVBSqrDistLUT::Array[newDistType])
+00162         {
+00163                 newDistType--;
+00164         }
+00165         while(newDistType<NL3D_VEGETABLE_BLOCK_NUMDIST && sqrDist>CLVBSqrDistLUT::Array[newDistType+1])
+00166         {
+00167                 newDistType++;
+00168         }
+00169         /*
+00170                 NB: to test but may be better than 
+00171                         newDistType= floor()(delta.norm() / NL3D_VEGETABLE_BLOCK_ELTDIST);
+00172         */
+00175         // Change of distance type??
+00176         if(newDistType!=_CurDistType)
+00177         {
+00178                 // Erase or create IGs.
+00179                 if(newDistType>_CurDistType)
+00180                 {
+00181                         // For all tiles
+00182                         for(uint j=0;j<NL3D_TESSBLOCK_TILESIZE;j++)
+00183                         {
+00184                                 // Erase no more needed Igs.
+00185                                 for(uint i=_CurDistType; i<newDistType; i++)
+00186                                 {
+00187                                         if(_VegetableIG[j][i])
+00188                                         {
+00189                                                 vegeManager->deleteIg(_VegetableIG[j][i]);
+00190                                                 _VegetableIG[j][i]= NULL;
+00191                                         }
+00192                                 }
+00194                                 // update the sort block for this tile
+00195                                 _VegetableSortBlock[j]->updateSortBlock(*vegeManager);
+00196                         }
+00197                 }
+00198                 else
+00199                 {
+00200                         // Create a context for creation.
+00201                         CLandscapeVegetableBlockCreateContext   ctx;
+00202                         ctx.init(_Patch, _Ts, _Tt);
+00204                         // create new Igs, for all tiles
+00205                         for(uint i=newDistType; i<_CurDistType; i++)
+00206                         {
+00207                                 createVegetableIGForDistType(i, vegeManager, ctx);
+00208                         }
+00210                         // For all tiles
+00211                         for(uint j=0;j<NL3D_TESSBLOCK_TILESIZE;j++)
+00212                         {
+00213                                 // update the sort block for this tile
+00214                                 _VegetableSortBlock[j]->updateSortBlock(*vegeManager);
+00215                         }
+00216                 }
+00218                 // copy new dist type.
+00219                 _CurDistType= newDistType;
+00220         }
+00223 }
+00226 // ***************************************************************************
+00227 void                    CLandscapeVegetableBlock::createVegetableIGForDistType(uint i, CVegetableManager *vegeManager,
+00228         CLandscapeVegetableBlockCreateContext &vbCreateCtx)
+00229 {
+00230         // check
+00231         nlassert(NL3D_TESSBLOCK_TILESIZE==4);
+00232         nlassert(_VegetableIG[0][i]==NULL);
+00233         nlassert(_VegetableIG[1][i]==NULL);
+00234         nlassert(_VegetableIG[2][i]==NULL);
+00235         nlassert(_VegetableIG[3][i]==NULL);
+00237         // Create vegetables instances per tile_material.
+00238         sint    tms,tmt;
+00239         // for all tiles
+00240         nlassert(NL3D_TESSBLOCK_TILESIZE==4);
+00241         for(tmt= _Tt; tmt<_Tt+2; tmt++)
+00242         {
+00243                 for(tms= _Ts; tms<_Ts+2; tms++)
+00244                 {
+00245                         uint    tileId= tms-_Ts + (tmt-_Tt)*2;
+00247                         // create the instance group in the good sortBlock
+00248                         CVegetableInstanceGroup         *vegetIg= vegeManager->createIg(_VegetableSortBlock[tileId]);
+00249                         _VegetableIG[tileId][i]= vegetIg;
+00251                         // generate 
+00252                         _Patch->generateTileVegetable(vegetIg, i, tms, tmt, vbCreateCtx);
+00254                         // If the ig is empty, delete him. This optimize rendering because no unusefull ig are 
+00255                         // tested for rendering. This speed up some 1/10 of ms...
+00256                         if(vegetIg->isEmpty())
+00257                         {
+00258                                 vegeManager->deleteIg(vegetIg);
+00259                                 _VegetableIG[tileId][i]= NULL;
+00260                         }
+00262                         // NB: vegtable SortBlock is updated in CLandscapeVegetableBlock::update() after
+00263                 }
+00264         }
+00266 }
+00269 // ***************************************************************************
+00270 // ***************************************************************************
+00271 // CLandscapeVegetableIGCreateContext
+00272 // ***************************************************************************
+00273 // ***************************************************************************
+00276 // ***************************************************************************
+00277 CLandscapeVegetableBlockCreateContext::CLandscapeVegetableBlockCreateContext()
+00278 {
+00279         _Patch= NULL;
+00280 }
+00283 // ***************************************************************************
+00284 void                    CLandscapeVegetableBlockCreateContext::init(CPatch *patch, uint ts, uint tt)
+00285 {
+00286         nlassert(patch);
+00287         _Empty= true;
+00288         _Patch= patch;
+00289         _Ts= ts;
+00290         _Tt= tt;
+00291 }
+00294 // ***************************************************************************
+00295 void                    CLandscapeVegetableBlockCreateContext::eval(uint ts, uint tt, float x, float y, CVector &pos)
+00296 {
+00297         nlassert(NL3D_TESSBLOCK_TILESIZE==4);
+00299         // If never created, do it now
+00300         // ==================
+00301         if(_Empty)
+00302         {
+00303                 // Eval Position and normals for the 9 vertices (around the 2x2 tiles)
+00304                 for(uint j=0; j<3;j++)
+00305                 {
+00306                         float   t= (float)(_Tt+j)/_Patch->getOrderT();
+00307                         for(uint i=0; i<3;i++)
+00308                         {
+00309                                 float   s= (float)(_Ts+i)/_Patch->getOrderS();
+00310                                 // eval position.
+00311                                 // use computeVertex() and not bpatch->eval() because vegetables must follow the 
+00312                                 // noise (at least at tile precision...). It is slower but necessary.
+00313                                 _Pos[j*3+i]= _Patch->computeVertex(s, t);
+00314                         }
+00315                 }
+00317                 // Ok, it's done
+00318                 _Empty= false;
+00319         }
+00322         // Eval, with simple bilinear
+00323         // ==================
+00324         nlassert(ts==_Ts || ts==_Ts+1);
+00325         nlassert(tt==_Tt || tt==_Tt+1);
+00326         uint    ds= ts-_Ts;
+00327         uint    dt= tt-_Tt;
+00328         // Indices.
+00329         uint    v00= dt*3 + ds;
+00330         uint    v10= v00 + 1;
+00331         uint    v01= v00 + 3;
+00332         uint    v11= v00 + 4;
+00333         // BiLinearFactor.
+00334         float   dxdy= (1-x)*(1-y);
+00335         float   dx2dy= x*(1-y);
+00336         float   dxdy2= (1-x)*y;
+00337         float   dx2dy2= x*y;
+00339         // Compute Pos.
+00340         pos = _Pos[v00] * dxdy;
+00341         pos+= _Pos[v10] * dx2dy;
+00342         pos+= _Pos[v01] * dxdy2;
+00343         pos+= _Pos[v11] * dx2dy2;
+00344 }
+00347 } // NL3D
+ + +
+ + -- cgit v1.2.1