From 0ea5fc66924303d1bf73ba283a383e2aadee02f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: neodarz Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2018 20:21:34 +0200 Subject: Initial commit --- docs/doxygen/nel/driver__user_8h-source.html | 419 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 419 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/doxygen/nel/driver__user_8h-source.html (limited to 'docs/doxygen/nel/driver__user_8h-source.html') diff --git a/docs/doxygen/nel/driver__user_8h-source.html b/docs/doxygen/nel/driver__user_8h-source.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..68c45bff --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/doxygen/nel/driver__user_8h-source.html @@ -0,0 +1,419 @@ + + + + : docs + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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Go to the documentation of this file.
+00007 /* Copyright, 2001 Nevrax Ltd.
+00008  *
+00009  * This file is part of NEVRAX NEL.
+00010  * NEVRAX NEL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+00011  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+00012  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+00013  * any later version.
+00015  * NEVRAX NEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+00016  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+00018  * General Public License for more details.
+00020  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+00021  * along with NEVRAX NEL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+00022  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+00023  * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+00024  */
+00026 #ifndef NL_DRIVER_USER_H
+00027 #define NL_DRIVER_USER_H
+00029 #include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
+00030 #include "nel/misc/common.h"
+00031 #include "nel/3d/u_driver.h"
+00032 #include "3d/event_mouse_listener.h"
+00033 #include "3d/driver.h"
+00034 #include "3d/register_3d.h"
+00035 #include "3d/vertex_buffer.h"
+00036 #include "3d/primitive_block.h"
+00037 #include "3d/font_manager.h"
+00038 #include "3d/material_user.h"
+00039 #include "3d/ptr_set.h"
+00040 #include "3d/shape_bank_user.h"
+00041 #include "3d/light_user.h"
+00042 #include "3d/mesh_skin_manager.h"
+00043 #include "3d/async_texture_manager.h"
+00044 #include "3d/lod_character_manager.h"
+00046 #define NL3D_MEM_DRIVER                                         NL_ALLOC_CONTEXT( 3dDrv )
+00048 namespace NL3D 
+00049 {
+00052 class   CTextureUser;
+00053 class   CTextContextUser;
+00054 class   CSceneUser;
+00057 // ***************************************************************************
+00063 class CDriverUser : public UDriver
+00064 {
+00065 // **********************
+00066 protected:
+00067         struct  CMatrixContext
+00068         {
+00069                 CScissor        Scissor;                // Init to fullscreen.
+00070                 CViewport       Viewport;               // Init to fullscreen.
+00071                 CFrustum        Frustum;
+00072                 CMatrix         ViewMatrix;
+00073                 CMatrix         ModelMatrix;
+00074         };
+00077 protected:
+00078         IDriver                                 *_Driver;
+00079         bool                                    _WindowInit;
+00080         CMatrixContext                  _CurrentMatrixContext;
+00081         CFontManager                    _FontManager;
+00082         // Components List.
+00083         typedef CPtrSet<CTextureUser>           TTextureSet;
+00084         typedef CPtrSet<CMaterialUser>          TMaterialSet;
+00085         typedef CPtrSet<CTextContextUser>       TTextContextSet;
+00086         typedef CPtrSet<CSceneUser>                     TSceneSet;
+00087         TTextureSet                             _Textures;
+00088         TMaterialSet                    _Materials;
+00089         TTextContextSet                 _TextContexts;
+00090         TSceneSet                               _Scenes;
+00091         CShapeBankUser                  _ShapeBank;
+00092         // There is one MeshSkinManager per driver, and for all scenes.
+00093         CMeshSkinManager                _MeshSkinManager;
+00094         // There is one AsyncTextureManager per driver, and for all scenes
+00095         CAsyncTextureManager    _AsyncTextureManager;
+00096         // There is one LodCharacterManager per driver, and for all scenes
+00097         CLodCharacterManager    _LodCharacterManager;
+00099         // For 2D/3D Interface.
+00100         CVertexBuffer                   _VBFlat;
+00101         CVertexBuffer                   _VBColor;
+00102         CVertexBuffer                   _VBUv;
+00103         CVertexBuffer                   _VBColorUv;
+00104         CPrimitiveBlock                 _PBLine, _PBTri, _PBQuad;
+00106         CVertexBuffer                   _VBQuadsColUv;
+00107         // For security, texture are initUnlit() at init()/release().
+00108         CMaterialUser                   _MatFlat;
+00109         CMaterialUser                   _MatText;
+00112         // StaticInit
+00113         static  bool                    _StaticInit;
+00115 protected:
+00116         void                    setupMatrixContext();
+00117         CMaterial               &convMat(UMaterial &mat);
+00120 // **********************
+00121 public:
+00125         // @{
+00126         CDriverUser();
+00127         virtual ~CDriverUser();
+00128         // @}
+00132         // @{
+00135         virtual TModeList               enumModes();
+00137         virtual void                    disableHardwareVertexProgram();
+00138         virtual void                    disableHardwareVertexArrayAGP();
+00139         virtual void                    disableHardwareTextureShader();
+00142         virtual void                    setDisplay(const CMode &mode) ;
+00144         virtual void                    release() ;
+00147         virtual bool                    activate(void);
+00149         virtual bool                    isActive();
+00151         // @}
+00155         // @{
+00157         virtual void                    clearRGBABuffer(CRGBA col= CRGBA(255,255,255,255));
+00159         virtual void                    clearZBuffer();
+00161         virtual void                    clearBuffers(CRGBA col= CRGBA(255,255,255,255));
+00163         virtual void                    swapBuffers();
+00165         // @}
+00170         // @{
+00171         virtual bool                    fogEnabled();
+00172         virtual void                    enableFog(bool enable);
+00174         virtual void                    setupFog(float start, float end, CRGBA color);
+00175         // @}
+00178         // @{
+00179         virtual void                    setLight (uint8 num, const ULight& light);
+00180         virtual void                    enableLight (uint8 num, bool enable=true);
+00181         virtual void                    setAmbientColor (CRGBA color);
+00182         // @}
+00186         // @{
+00188         virtual UScene                  *createScene() ;
+00190         virtual void                    deleteScene(UScene      *scene) ;
+00191         // @}
+00196         // @{
+00199         virtual UTextContext    *createTextContext(const std::string fontFileName, const std::string fontExFileName = "") ;
+00201         virtual void                    deleteTextContext(UTextContext  *textContext) ;
+00203         virtual void                    setFontManagerMaxMemory(uint maxMem) ;
+00205         virtual         std::string getFontManagerCacheInformation() const ;
+00211         virtual UTextureFile    *createTextureFile(const std::string &file) ;
+00213         virtual void                    deleteTextureFile(UTextureFile *textfile) ;
+00215         virtual UTextureRaw             *createTextureRaw() ;
+00217         virtual void                    deleteTextureRaw(UTextureRaw *textraw) ;
+00219         virtual UMaterial               *createMaterial() ;
+00221         virtual void                    deleteMaterial(UMaterial *mat) ;
+00222         // @}
+00229         // @{
+00233         virtual void                    setScissor(const CScissor &);
+00234         virtual CScissor                getScissor();
+00237         virtual void                    setViewport(const CViewport &);
+00238         virtual CViewport               getViewport();
+00241         virtual void                    setFrustum(const CFrustum &frust) ;
+00242         virtual CFrustum                getFrustum() ;
+00246         virtual void                    setViewMatrix(const CMatrix &mat) ;
+00247         virtual CMatrix                 getViewMatrix() ;
+00250         virtual void                    setModelMatrix(const CMatrix &mat) ;
+00251         virtual CMatrix                 getModelMatrix() ;
+00257         virtual void                    setMatrixMode2D(const CFrustum &frust) ;
+00262         virtual void                    setMatrixMode3D(UCamera &camera) ;
+00264         // @}
+00272         // @{
+00275         virtual void                    drawLine(const NLMISC::CLine &tri, UMaterial &mat) ;
+00277         virtual void                    drawLine(const NLMISC::CLineColor &tri, UMaterial &mat) ;
+00279         virtual void                    drawLine(const NLMISC::CLineUV &tri, UMaterial &mat) ;
+00281         virtual void                    drawLine(const NLMISC::CLineColorUV &tri, UMaterial &mat) ;
+00284         virtual void                    drawTriangle(const NLMISC::CTriangle &tri, UMaterial &mat) ;
+00286         virtual void                    drawTriangle(const NLMISC::CTriangleColor &tri, UMaterial &mat) ;
+00288         virtual void                    drawTriangle(const NLMISC::CTriangleUV &tri, UMaterial &mat) ;
+00290         virtual void                    drawTriangle(const NLMISC::CTriangleColorUV &tri, UMaterial &mat) ;
+00293         virtual void                    drawQuad(const NLMISC::CQuad &tri, UMaterial &mat) ;
+00295         virtual void                    drawQuad(const NLMISC::CQuadColor &tri, UMaterial &mat) ;
+00297         virtual void                    drawQuad(const NLMISC::CQuadUV &tri, UMaterial &mat) ;
+00299         virtual void                    drawQuad(const NLMISC::CQuadColorUV &tri, UMaterial &mat) ;
+00301         virtual void                    drawQuads(const std::vector<NLMISC::CQuadColorUV> &tri, UMaterial &mat) ;
+00302         virtual void                    drawQuads(const NLMISC::CQuadColorUV *quads, uint32 nbQuads, UMaterial &mat) ;
+00304         // @}
+00310         // @{
+00313         virtual void                    drawBitmap (float x, float y, float width, float height, class UTexture& texture, bool blend=true, CRGBA col= CRGBA(255,255,255,255)) ;
+00315         virtual void                    drawLine (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, CRGBA col= CRGBA(255,255,255,255)) ;
+00317         virtual void                    drawTriangle (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, CRGBA col) ;
+00319         virtual void                    drawQuad (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, CRGBA col) ;
+00321         virtual void                    drawQuad (float xcenter, float ycenter, float radius, CRGBA col) ;
+00323         virtual void                    drawWiredQuad (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, CRGBA col) ;
+00325         virtual void                    drawWiredQuad (float xcenter, float ycenter, float radius, CRGBA col) ;
+00327         // @}
+00332         // @{
+00333         virtual uint32                  getImplementationVersion () const;
+00334         virtual const char*             getDriverInformation ();
+00335         virtual const char*             getVideocardInformation ();
+00336         virtual sint                    getNbTextureStages();
+00337         virtual void                    getWindowSize (uint32 &width, uint32 &height);
+00338         virtual uint                    getWindowWidth ();
+00339         virtual uint                    getWindowHeight ();
+00340         virtual void                    getBuffer (CBitmap &bitmap) ;
+00341         virtual void                    getZBuffer (std::vector<float>  &zbuffer) ;
+00342         virtual void                    getBufferPart (CBitmap &bitmap, NLMISC::CRect &rect) ;
+00343         virtual void                    getZBufferPart (std::vector<float>  &zbuffer, NLMISC::CRect &rect) ;
+00344         virtual bool                    fillBuffer (CBitmap &bitmap);
+00345         // @}
+00349         // @{
+00350         virtual NLMISC::IMouseDevice                    *enableLowLevelMouse(bool enable);
+00351         //
+00352         virtual NLMISC::IKeyboardDevice                 *enableLowLevelKeyboard(bool enable) ;
+00353         virtual NLMISC::IInputDeviceManager             *getLowLevelInputDeviceManager();
+00355         virtual void                    showCursor (bool b);
+00357         virtual void                    setMousePos (float x, float y);
+00359         virtual void                    setCapture (bool b);
+00360         // @}
+00364         // @{
+00375         virtual TMessageBoxId   systemMessageBox (const char* message, const char* title, TMessageBoxType type=okType, TMessageBoxIcon icon=noIcon);
+00384         virtual void                    setPolygonMode (TPolygonMode mode);
+00385         virtual U3dMouseListener*       create3dMouseListener ();
+00386         virtual void delete3dMouseListener (U3dMouseListener *listener);
+00387         virtual TPolygonMode    getPolygonMode () ;
+00388         virtual void                    forceDXTCCompression(bool dxtcComp);
+00389         virtual void                    forceTextureResize(uint divisor);
+00390         virtual bool                    setMonitorColorProperties (const CMonitorColorProperties &properties);
+00391         // @}
+00394         // @{
+00396         virtual UShapeBank*             getShapeBank()
+00397         {
+00398                 NL3D_MEM_DRIVER
+00399                 return &_ShapeBank;
+00400         }
+00401         // @}
+00405         // @{
+00407         virtual void                    profileRenderedPrimitives(CPrimitiveProfile &pIn, CPrimitiveProfile &pOut);
+00409         virtual uint32                  profileAllocatedTextureMemory();
+00411         virtual uint32                  profileSetupedMaterials() const;
+00413         virtual uint32                  profileSetupedModelMatrix() const;
+00415         virtual void                    enableUsedTextureMemorySum (bool enable);
+00417         virtual uint32                  getUsedTextureMemory() const;
+00419         // @}
+00423         // @{
+00424         virtual void                            setupAsyncTextureLod(uint baseLevel, uint maxLevel);
+00425         virtual void                            setupAsyncTextureMaxUploadPerFrame(uint maxup);
+00426         virtual void                            setupMaxTotalAsyncTextureSize(uint maxText);
+00427         virtual void                            setupMaxHLSColoringPerFrame(uint maxCol);
+00428         virtual void                            updateAsyncTexture();
+00429         virtual uint                            getTotalAsyncTextureSizeAsked() const;
+00430         virtual uint                            getLastAsyncTextureSizeGot() const;
+00431         virtual void                            loadHLSBank(const std::string &fileName);
+00432         // @}
+00435 public:
+00437         // @{
+00438         IDriver         *getDriver()
+00439         {
+00440                 NL3D_MEM_DRIVER
+00441                 return _Driver;
+00442         }
+00443         void            restoreMatrixContext()
+00444         {
+00445                 NL3D_MEM_DRIVER
+00446                 setupMatrixContext();
+00447         }
+00448         // @}
+00450 };
+00453 } // NL3D
+00456 #endif // NL_DRIVER_USER_H
+00458 /* End of driver_user.h */
+ + +
+ + -- cgit v1.2.1