From 0ea5fc66924303d1bf73ba283a383e2aadee02f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: neodarz Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2018 20:21:34 +0200 Subject: Initial commit --- .../nel/driver__opengl__texture_8cpp-source.html | 1222 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1222 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/doxygen/nel/driver__opengl__texture_8cpp-source.html (limited to 'docs/doxygen/nel/driver__opengl__texture_8cpp-source.html') diff --git a/docs/doxygen/nel/driver__opengl__texture_8cpp-source.html b/docs/doxygen/nel/driver__opengl__texture_8cpp-source.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6d07f55b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/doxygen/nel/driver__opengl__texture_8cpp-source.html @@ -0,0 +1,1222 @@ + + + + : docs + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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Go to the documentation of this file.
+00011 /* Copyright, 2000 Nevrax Ltd.
+00012  *
+00013  * This file is part of NEVRAX NEL.
+00014  * NEVRAX NEL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+00015  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+00016  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+00017  * any later version.
+00019  * NEVRAX NEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+00020  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+00022  * General Public License for more details.
+00024  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+00025  * along with NEVRAX NEL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+00026  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+00027  * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+00028  */
+00030 #include "stdopengl.h"
+00032 #include "3d/texture_cube.h"
+00033 #include "nel/misc/rect.h"
+00034 #include "nel/misc/file.h" // temp
+00037 using   namespace NLMISC;
+00038 using   namespace std;
+00041 namespace NL3D
+00042 {
+00045 // ***************************************************************************
+00046 CTextureDrvInfosGL::CTextureDrvInfosGL(IDriver *drv, ItTexDrvInfoPtrMap it, CDriverGL *drvGl) : ITextureDrvInfos(drv, it)
+00047 {
+00048         // The id is auto created here.
+00049         glGenTextures(1,&ID);
+00051         Compressed= false;
+00052         TextureMemory= 0;
+00054         // Nb: at Driver dtor, all tex infos are deleted, so _Driver is always valid.
+00055         _Driver= drvGl;
+00056 }
+00057 // ***************************************************************************
+00058 CTextureDrvInfosGL::~CTextureDrvInfosGL()
+00059 {
+00060         // The id is auto deleted here.
+00061         glDeleteTextures(1,&ID);
+00063         // release profiling texture mem.
+00064         _Driver->_AllocatedTextureMemory-= TextureMemory;
+00066         // release in TextureUsed.
+00067         _Driver->_TextureUsed.erase (this);
+00068 }
+00072 // ***************************************************************************
+00073 // Get the glText mirror of an existing setuped texture.
+00074 static  inline CTextureDrvInfosGL*      getTextureGl(ITexture& tex)
+00075 {
+00076         CTextureDrvInfosGL*     gltex;
+00077         gltex= (CTextureDrvInfosGL*)(ITextureDrvInfos*)(tex.TextureDrvShare->DrvTexture);
+00078         return gltex;
+00079 }
+00082 // ***************************************************************************
+00083 // Translation of TexFmt mode.
+00084 GLint   CDriverGL::getGlTextureFormat(ITexture& tex, bool &compressed)
+00085 {
+00086         ITexture::TUploadFormat         texfmt= tex.getUploadFormat();
+00088         // If auto, retrieve the pixel format of the bitmap.
+00089         if(texfmt== ITexture::Auto)
+00090         {
+00091                 switch(tex.getPixelFormat())
+00092                 {
+00093                         case CBitmap::RGBA: 
+00094                                 if(_ForceDXTCCompression && tex.allowDegradation() )
+00095                                         texfmt= ITexture::DXTC5;
+00096                                 else
+00097                                         texfmt= ITexture::RGBA8888;
+00098                                 break;
+00099                         case CBitmap::DXTC1: texfmt= ITexture::DXTC1; break;
+00100                         case CBitmap::DXTC1Alpha: texfmt= ITexture::DXTC1Alpha; break;
+00101                         case CBitmap::DXTC3: texfmt= ITexture::DXTC3; break;
+00102                         case CBitmap::DXTC5: texfmt= ITexture::DXTC5; break;
+00103                         case CBitmap::Luminance: texfmt= ITexture::Luminance; break;
+00104                         case CBitmap::Alpha: texfmt= ITexture::Alpha; break;
+00105                         case CBitmap::AlphaLuminance: texfmt= ITexture::AlphaLuminance; break;
+00106                         case CBitmap::DsDt: texfmt= ITexture::DsDt; break;
+00107                         default: texfmt= ITexture::RGBA8888; break;
+00108                 }
+00109         }
+00112         // Get gl tex format, try S3TC compressed ones.
+00113         if(_Extensions.EXTTextureCompressionS3TC)
+00114         {
+00115                 compressed= true;
+00116                 // Try Compressed ones.
+00117                 switch(texfmt)
+00118                 {
+00119                         case ITexture::DXTC1:           return GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;
+00120                         case ITexture::DXTC1Alpha:      return GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;
+00121                         case ITexture::DXTC3:           return GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT;
+00122                         case ITexture::DXTC5:           return GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT;
+00123                         default: break;
+00124                 }
+00125         }
+00128         // Get standard gl tex format.
+00129         compressed= false;
+00130         switch(texfmt)
+00131         {
+00132                 case ITexture::RGBA8888: return GL_RGBA8;
+00133                 case ITexture::RGBA4444: return GL_RGBA4;
+00134                 case ITexture::RGBA5551: return GL_RGB5_A1;
+00135                 case ITexture::RGB888: return GL_RGB8;
+00136                 case ITexture::RGB565: return GL_RGB5;
+00137                 case ITexture::Luminance: return GL_LUMINANCE8;
+00138                 case ITexture::Alpha: return GL_ALPHA8;
+00139                 case ITexture::AlphaLuminance: return GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8;
+00140                 case ITexture::DsDt: 
+00141                         if (_Extensions.NVTextureShader) return GL_DSDT_NV;
+00142                         else if (_Extensions.ATIEnvMapBumpMap) return GL_DU8DV8_ATI;
+00143                         else
+00144                         {                       
+00145                                 nlassert(0);
+00146                                 return 0;
+00147                         }
+00148                 break;
+00149                 default: return GL_RGBA8;
+00150         }
+00151 }
+00154 // ***************************************************************************
+00155 static GLint    getGlSrcTextureFormat(ITexture &tex, GLint glfmt)
+00156 {
+00157         // Is destination format is alpha or lumiance ?
+00158         if ((glfmt==GL_ALPHA8)||(glfmt==GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8)||(glfmt==GL_LUMINANCE8))
+00159         {
+00160                 switch(tex.getPixelFormat())
+00161                 {
+00162                 case CBitmap::Alpha:    return GL_ALPHA;
+00163                 case CBitmap::AlphaLuminance:   return GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
+00164                 case CBitmap::Luminance:        return GL_LUMINANCE;
+00165                 default: break;
+00166                 }
+00167         }
+00169         if (glfmt == GL_DSDT_NV)
+00170         {
+00171                 return GL_DSDT_NV;
+00172         }
+00174         if (glfmt == GL_DU8DV8_ATI)
+00175         {
+00176                 return GL_DUDV_ATI;
+00177         }
+00179         // Else, not a Src format for upload, or RGBA.
+00180         return GL_RGBA;
+00181 }
+00183 // ***************************************************************************
+00184 static GLenum getGlSrcTextureComponentType(GLint texSrcFormat)
+00185 {
+00186         switch (texSrcFormat)
+00187         {
+00188                 case GL_DSDT_NV:
+00189                 case GL_DU8DV8_ATI:
+00190                         return GL_BYTE; // these are signed format                      
+00191                 break;          
+00192                 default:
+00193                         return GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+00194                 break;
+00196         }
+00197 }
+00199 // ***************************************************************************
+00200 uint                            CDriverGL::computeMipMapMemoryUsage(uint w, uint h, GLint glfmt) const
+00201 {
+00202         switch(glfmt)
+00203         {
+00204         case GL_RGBA8:          return w*h* 4;
+00205         // Well this is ugly, but simple :). GeForce 888 is stored as 32 bits.
+00206         case GL_RGB8:           return w*h* 4;
+00207         case GL_RGBA4:          return w*h* 2;
+00208         case GL_RGB5_A1:        return w*h* 2;
+00209         case GL_RGB5:           return w*h* 2;
+00210         case GL_LUMINANCE8:     return w*h* 1;
+00211         case GL_ALPHA8:         return w*h* 1;
+00212         case GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8:      return w*h* 2;
+00213         case GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT:   return w*h /2;
+00214         case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT:  return w*h /2;
+00215         case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT:  return w*h* 1;
+00216         case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT:  return w*h* 1;
+00217         case GL_DU8DV8_ATI:
+00218         case GL_DSDT_NV:                                                return w*h* 2;
+00219         };
+00221         // One format has not been coded.
+00222         nlstop;
+00225         return w*h* 4;
+00226 }
+00229 // ***************************************************************************
+00230 // Translation of Wrap mode.
+00231 static inline GLenum    translateWrapToGl(ITexture::TWrapMode mode, const CGlExtensions &extensions)
+00232 {
+00233         if(mode== ITexture::Repeat)
+00234                 return GL_REPEAT;
+00235         else
+00236         {
+00237                 if(extensions.Version1_2)
+00238                         return GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
+00239                 else
+00240                         return GL_CLAMP;
+00241         }
+00242 }
+00245 // ***************************************************************************
+00246 static inline GLenum    translateMagFilterToGl(ITexture::TMagFilter mode)
+00247 {       
+00248         switch(mode)
+00249         {
+00250                 case ITexture::Linear: return GL_LINEAR;
+00251                 case ITexture::Nearest: return GL_NEAREST;
+00252                 default: break;
+00253         }
+00255         nlstop;
+00256         return GL_LINEAR;
+00257 }
+00260 // ***************************************************************************
+00261 static inline GLenum    translateMinFilterToGl(ITexture::TMinFilter mode)
+00262 {
+00263         switch(mode)
+00264         {
+00265                 case ITexture::NearestMipMapOff: return GL_NEAREST;
+00266                 case ITexture::NearestMipMapNearest: return GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST;
+00267                 case ITexture::NearestMipMapLinear: return GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR;
+00268                 case ITexture::LinearMipMapOff: return GL_LINEAR;
+00269                 case ITexture::LinearMipMapNearest: return GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST;
+00270                 case ITexture::LinearMipMapLinear: return GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR;
+00271                 default: break;
+00272         }
+00274         nlstop;
+00275         return GL_LINEAR;
+00276 }
+00279 // ***************************************************************************
+00280 static inline bool              sameDXTCFormat(ITexture &tex, GLint glfmt)
+00281 {
+00282         if(glfmt==GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT && tex.PixelFormat==CBitmap::DXTC1)
+00283                 return true;
+00284         if(glfmt==GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT && tex.PixelFormat==CBitmap::DXTC1Alpha)
+00285                 return true;
+00286         if(glfmt==GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT && tex.PixelFormat==CBitmap::DXTC3)
+00287                 return true;
+00288         if(glfmt==GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT && tex.PixelFormat==CBitmap::DXTC5)
+00289                 return true;
+00291         return false;
+00292 }
+00295 // ***************************************************************************
+00296 static inline bool              isDXTCFormat(GLint glfmt)
+00297 {
+00298         if(glfmt==GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT)
+00299                 return true;
+00300         if(glfmt==GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT)
+00301                 return true;
+00302         if(glfmt==GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT)
+00303                 return true;
+00304         if(glfmt==GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT)
+00305                 return true;
+00307         return false;
+00308 }
+00311 // ***************************************************************************
+00312 bool CDriverGL::setupTexture (ITexture& tex)
+00313 {
+00314         bool nTmp;
+00315         return setupTextureEx (tex, true, nTmp);
+00316 }
+00318 // ***************************************************************************
+00319 bool CDriverGL::setupTextureEx (ITexture& tex, bool bUpload, bool &bAllUploaded, bool bMustRecreateSharedTexture)
+00320 {
+00321         bAllUploaded = false;
+00323         if(tex.isTextureCube() && (!_Extensions.ARBTextureCubeMap))
+00324                 return true;
+00326         // 0. Create/Retrieve the driver texture.
+00327         //=======================================
+00328         bool mustCreate = false;
+00329         if ( !tex.TextureDrvShare )
+00330         {
+00331                 // insert into driver list. (so it is deleted when driver is deleted).
+00332                 ItTexDrvSharePtrList    it= _TexDrvShares.insert(_TexDrvShares.end());
+00333                 // create and set iterator, for future deletion.
+00334                 *it= tex.TextureDrvShare= new CTextureDrvShare(this, it);
+00336                 // Must (re)-create the texture.
+00337                 mustCreate = true;
+00338         }
+00340         if ( (!tex.touched()) && (!mustCreate) )
+00341                 return true; // Do not do anything
+00344         // 1. If modified, may (re)load texture part or all of the texture.
+00345         //=================================================================
+00348         bool    mustLoadAll= false;
+00349         bool    mustLoadPart= false;
+00352         // To avoid any delete/new ptr problem, disable all texturing.
+00353         /* If an old texture is deleted, _CurrentTexture[*] and _CurrentTextureInfoGL[*] are invalid. 
+00354                 But this is grave only if a new texture is created, with the same pointer (bad luck). 
+00355                 Since an newly allocated texture always pass here before use, we are sure to avoid any problems.
+00356         */
+00357         for(sint stage=0 ; stage<inlGetNumTextStages() ; stage++)
+00358         {
+00359                 activateTexture(stage, NULL);
+00360         }
+00363         // A. Share mgt.
+00364         //==============
+00365         if(tex.supportSharing())
+00366         {
+00367                 // Try to get the shared texture.
+00369                 // Create the shared Name.
+00370                 std::string     name;
+00371                 getTextureShareName (tex, name);
+00373                 // insert or get the texture.
+00374                 {
+00375                         CSynchronized<TTexDrvInfoPtrMap>::CAccessor access(&_SyncTexDrvInfos);
+00376                         TTexDrvInfoPtrMap &rTexDrvInfos = access.value();
+00378                         ItTexDrvInfoPtrMap      itTex;
+00379                         itTex= rTexDrvInfos.find(name);
+00381                         // texture not found?
+00382                         if( itTex==rTexDrvInfos.end() )
+00383                         {
+00384                                 // insert into driver map. (so it is deleted when driver is deleted).
+00385                                 itTex= (rTexDrvInfos.insert(make_pair(name, (ITextureDrvInfos*)NULL))).first;
+00386                                 // create and set iterator, for future deletion.
+00387                                 itTex->second= tex.TextureDrvShare->DrvTexture= new CTextureDrvInfosGL(this, itTex, this);
+00389                                 // need to load ALL this texture.
+00390                                 mustLoadAll= true;
+00391                         }
+00392                         else
+00393                         {
+00394                                 tex.TextureDrvShare->DrvTexture= itTex->second;
+00396                                 if(bMustRecreateSharedTexture)
+00397                                         // reload this shared texture (user request)
+00398                                         mustLoadAll= true;
+00399                                 else
+00400                                         // Do not need to reload this texture, even if the format/mipmap has changed, since we found this 
+00401                                         // couple in the map.
+00402                                         mustLoadAll= false;
+00403                         }
+00404                 }
+00405                 // Do not test if part of texture may need to be computed, because Rect invalidation is incompatible 
+00406                 // with texture sharing.
+00407         }
+00408         else
+00409         {
+00410                 // If texture not already created.
+00411                 if(!tex.TextureDrvShare->DrvTexture)
+00412                 {
+00413                         // Must create it. Create auto a GL id (in constructor).
+00414                         // Do not insert into the map. This un-shared texture will be deleted at deletion of the texture.
+00415                         // Inform ITextureDrvInfos by passing NULL _Driver.
+00416                         tex.TextureDrvShare->DrvTexture= new CTextureDrvInfosGL(NULL, ItTexDrvInfoPtrMap(), this);
+00418                         // need to load ALL this texture.
+00419                         mustLoadAll= true;
+00420                 }
+00421                 else if(tex.isAllInvalidated())
+00422                         mustLoadAll= true;
+00423                 else if(tex.touched())
+00424                         mustLoadPart= true;
+00425         }
+00427         // B. Setup texture.
+00428         //==================
+00429         if(mustLoadAll || mustLoadPart)
+00430         {
+00431                 CTextureDrvInfosGL*     gltext;
+00432                 gltext= getTextureGl(tex);
+00434                 // system of "backup the previous binded texture" seems to not work with some drivers....
+00435                 _DriverGLStates.activeTextureARB(0);
+00436                 if(tex.isTextureCube())
+00437                 {
+00438                         _DriverGLStates.setTextureMode(CDriverGLStates::TextureCubeMap);
+00439                         // Bind this texture, for reload...
+00440                         glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, gltext->ID);                             
+00441                 }
+00442                 else
+00443                 {
+00444                         _DriverGLStates.setTextureMode(CDriverGLStates::Texture2D);
+00445                         // Bind this texture, for reload...
+00446                         glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gltext->ID);                               
+00447                 }
+00450                 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT,1);
+00452                 // a. Load All the texture case.
+00453                 //==============================
+00454                 if (mustLoadAll)
+00455                 {
+00456                         // profiling. sub old textre memory usage, and reset.
+00457                         _AllocatedTextureMemory-= gltext->TextureMemory;
+00458                         gltext->TextureMemory= 0;
+00461                         if(tex.isTextureCube())
+00462                         {
+00463                                 static GLenum face_map[6] = {   GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_ARB,
+00464                                                                                                 GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_ARB,
+00465                                                                                                 GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_ARB,
+00466                                                                                                 GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_ARB,
+00467                                                                                                 GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_ARB,
+00468                                                                                                 GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_ARB };
+00469                                 CTextureCube *pTC = NLMISC::safe_cast<CTextureCube *>(&tex);
+00470                                 // Regenerate all the texture.
+00471                                 tex.generate();                                 
+00472                                 for(uint nText = 0; nText < 6; ++nText)
+00473                                 if(pTC->getTexture((CTextureCube::TFace)nText) != NULL)
+00474                                 {
+00475                                         ITexture *pTInTC = pTC->getTexture((CTextureCube::TFace)nText);
+00476                                         // Get the correct texture format from texture...
+00477                                         GLint   glfmt= getGlTextureFormat(*pTInTC, gltext->Compressed);
+00478                                         GLint   glSrcFmt= getGlSrcTextureFormat(*pTInTC, glfmt);
+00479                                         GLenum  glSrcType= getGlSrcTextureComponentType(glSrcFmt);
+00481                                         sint    nMipMaps;
+00482                                         if(glSrcFmt==GL_RGBA && pTInTC->getPixelFormat()!=CBitmap::RGBA )
+00483                                                 pTInTC->convertToType(CBitmap::RGBA);
+00484                                         if(tex.mipMapOn())
+00485                                         {
+00486                                                 pTInTC->buildMipMaps();
+00487                                                 nMipMaps= pTInTC->getMipMapCount();
+00488                                         }
+00489                                         else
+00490                                                 nMipMaps= 1;
+00492                                         // Fill mipmaps.
+00493                                         for(sint i=0;i<nMipMaps;i++)
+00494                                         {
+00495                                                 void    *ptr= &(*pTInTC->getPixels(i).begin());
+00496                                                 uint    w= pTInTC->getWidth(i);
+00497                                                 uint    h= pTInTC->getHeight(i);
+00498                                                 if (bUpload)
+00499                                                 {
+00500                                                         glTexImage2D (face_map[nText], i, glfmt, w, h, 0, glSrcFmt, glSrcType, ptr);
+00501                                                         bAllUploaded = true;
+00502                                                 }
+00503                                                 else
+00504                                                 {
+00505                                                         glTexImage2D (face_map[nText], i, glfmt, w, h, 0, glSrcFmt, glSrcType, NULL);
+00506                                                 }
+00507                                                 // profiling: count TextureMemory usage.
+00508                                                 gltext->TextureMemory+= computeMipMapMemoryUsage(w, h, glfmt);
+00509                                         }
+00510                                 }
+00511                         }
+00512                         else
+00513                         {
+00514                                 // Regenerate all the texture.
+00515                                 tex.generate();
+00517                                 if(tex.getSize()>0)
+00518                                 {
+00519                                         // Get the correct texture format from texture...
+00520                                         GLint   glfmt= getGlTextureFormat(tex, gltext->Compressed);
+00521                                         GLint   glSrcFmt= getGlSrcTextureFormat(tex, glfmt);
+00522                                         GLenum  glSrcType= getGlSrcTextureComponentType(glSrcFmt);
+00524                                         // DXTC: if same format, and same mipmapOn/Off, use glTexCompressedImage*.
+00525                                         // We cannot build the mipmaps if they are not here.
+00526                                         if(_Extensions.EXTTextureCompressionS3TC && sameDXTCFormat(tex, glfmt) &&
+00527                                                 (tex.mipMapOff() || tex.getMipMapCount()>1) )
+00528                                         {
+00529                                                 sint    nMipMaps;
+00530                                                 if(tex.mipMapOn())
+00531                                                         nMipMaps= tex.getMipMapCount();
+00532                                                 else
+00533                                                         nMipMaps= 1;
+00535                                                 // Degradation in Size allowed only if DXTC texture are provided with mipmaps.
+00536                                                 // Because use them to resize !!!
+00537                                                 uint    decalMipMapResize= 0;
+00538                                                 if(_ForceTextureResizePower>0 && tex.allowDegradation() && nMipMaps>1)
+00539                                                 {
+00540                                                         decalMipMapResize= min(_ForceTextureResizePower, (uint)(nMipMaps-1));
+00541                                                 }
+00543                                                 // Fill mipmaps.
+00544                                                 for(sint i=decalMipMapResize;i<nMipMaps;i++)
+00545                                                 {
+00546                                                         void    *ptr= &(*tex.getPixels(i).begin());
+00547                                                         sint    size= tex.getPixels(i).size();
+00548                                                         if (bUpload)
+00549                                                         {
+00550                                                                 nglCompressedTexImage2DARB (GL_TEXTURE_2D, i-decalMipMapResize, glfmt, 
+00551                                                                                                                         tex.getWidth(i),tex.getHeight(i), 0, size, ptr);
+00552                                                                 bAllUploaded = true;
+00553                                                         }
+00554                                                         else
+00555                                                         {
+00556                                                                 //nglCompressedTexImage2DARB (GL_TEXTURE_2D, i-decalMipMapResize, glfmt, 
+00557                                                                 //                                                      tex.getWidth(i),tex.getHeight(i), 0, size, NULL);
+00558                                                                 glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, i-decalMipMapResize, glfmt, tex.getWidth(i), tex.getHeight(i), 
+00559                                                                                                 0, glSrcFmt, glSrcType, NULL);
+00560                                                         }
+00562                                                         // profiling: count TextureMemory usage.
+00563                                                         gltext->TextureMemory+= tex.getPixels(i).size();
+00564                                                 }
+00565                                         }
+00566                                         else
+00567                                         {
+00568                                                 sint    nMipMaps;
+00569                                                 if(glSrcFmt==GL_RGBA && tex.getPixelFormat()!=CBitmap::RGBA )
+00570                                                 {
+00571                                                         bUpload = true; // Force all upload
+00572                                                         tex.convertToType(CBitmap::RGBA);
+00573                                                 }
+00575                                                 // Degradation in Size.
+00576                                                 if(_ForceTextureResizePower>0 && tex.allowDegradation())
+00577                                                 {
+00578                                                         uint    w= tex.getWidth(0) >> _ForceTextureResizePower;
+00579                                                         uint    h= tex.getHeight(0) >> _ForceTextureResizePower;
+00580                                                         w= max(1U, w);
+00581                                                         h= max(1U, h);
+00582                                                         tex.resample(w, h);
+00583                                                 }
+00585                                                 if(tex.mipMapOn())
+00586                                                 {
+00587                                                         tex.buildMipMaps();
+00588                                                         nMipMaps= tex.getMipMapCount();
+00589                                                 }
+00590                                                 else
+00591                                                         nMipMaps= 1;
+00593                                                 // Fill mipmaps.
+00594                                                 for(sint i=0;i<nMipMaps;i++)
+00595                                                 {
+00596                                                         void    *ptr= &(*tex.getPixels(i).begin());
+00597                                                         uint    w= tex.getWidth(i);
+00598                                                         uint    h= tex.getHeight(i);
+00600                                                         if (bUpload)
+00601                                                         {                                                                                                                               
+00602                                                                 glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, i, glfmt, w, h, 0,glSrcFmt, glSrcType, ptr);
+00603                                                                 bAllUploaded = true;
+00604                                                         }
+00605                                                         else
+00606                                                         {                                                               
+00607                                                                 glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, i, glfmt, w, h, 0,glSrcFmt, glSrcType, NULL);                                                              
+00608                                                         }
+00609                                                         // profiling: count TextureMemory usage.
+00610                                                         gltext->TextureMemory += computeMipMapMemoryUsage (w, h, glfmt);
+00611                                                 }
+00612                                         }
+00613                                 }
+00614                         }
+00615                         //printf("%d,%d,%d\n", tex.getMipMapCount(), tex.getWidth(0), tex.getHeight(0));
+00618                         // profiling. add new TextureMemory usage.
+00619                         _AllocatedTextureMemory+= gltext->TextureMemory;
+00620                 }
+00621                 // b. Load part of the texture case.
+00622                 //==================================
+00623                 // \todo yoyo: TODO_DXTC
+00624                 // Replace parts of a compressed image. Maybe don't work with the actual system of invalidateRect()...
+00625                 else if (mustLoadPart && !gltext->Compressed)
+00626                 {
+00627                         // Regenerate wanted part of the texture.
+00628                         tex.generate();
+00630                         if(tex.getSize()>0)
+00631                         {
+00632                                 // Get the correct texture format from texture...
+00633                                 //===============================================
+00634                                 bool    dummy;
+00635                                 GLint   glfmt= getGlTextureFormat(tex, dummy);
+00636                                 GLint   glSrcFmt= getGlSrcTextureFormat(tex, glfmt);
+00637                                 GLenum  glSrcType= getGlSrcTextureComponentType(glSrcFmt);
+00639                                 sint    nMipMaps;
+00640                                 if(glSrcFmt==GL_RGBA && tex.getPixelFormat()!=CBitmap::RGBA )
+00641                                         tex.convertToType(CBitmap::RGBA);
+00642                                 if(tex.mipMapOn())
+00643                                 {
+00644                                         bool    hadMipMap= tex.getMipMapCount()>1;
+00645                                         tex.buildMipMaps();
+00646                                         nMipMaps= tex.getMipMapCount();
+00647                                         // If the texture had no mipmap before, release them.
+00648                                         if(!hadMipMap)
+00649                                         {
+00650                                                 tex.releaseMipMaps();
+00651                                         }
+00652                                 }
+00653                                 else
+00654                                         nMipMaps= 1;
+00656                                 // For all rect, update the texture/mipmap.
+00657                                 //===============================================
+00658                                 list<NLMISC::CRect>::iterator   itRect;
+00659                                 for(itRect=tex._ListInvalidRect.begin(); itRect!=tex._ListInvalidRect.end(); itRect++)
+00660                                 {
+00661                                         CRect   &rect= *itRect;
+00662                                         sint    x0= rect.X;
+00663                                         sint    y0= rect.Y;
+00664                                         sint    x1= rect.X+rect.Width;
+00665                                         sint    y1= rect.Y+rect.Height;
+00667                                         // Fill mipmaps.
+00668                                         for(sint i=0;i<nMipMaps;i++)
+00669                                         {
+00670                                                 void    *ptr= &(*tex.getPixels(i).begin());
+00671                                                 sint    w= tex.getWidth(i);
+00672                                                 sint    h= tex.getHeight(i);
+00673                                                 clamp(x0, 0, w);
+00674                                                 clamp(y0, 0, h);
+00675                                                 clamp(x1, x0, w);
+00676                                                 clamp(y1, y0, h);
+00678                                                 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, w);
+00679                                                 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, y0);
+00680                                                 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, x0);
+00681                                                 if (bUpload)
+00682                                                         glTexSubImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, i, x0, y0, x1-x0, y1-y0, glSrcFmt,glSrcType, ptr);
+00683                                                 else
+00684                                                         glTexSubImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, i, x0, y0, x1-x0, y1-y0, glSrcFmt,glSrcType, NULL);
+00686                                                 // Next mipmap!!
+00687                                                 // floor .
+00688                                                 x0= x0/2;
+00689                                                 y0= y0/2;
+00690                                                 // ceil.
+00691                                                 x1= (x1+1)/2;
+00692                                                 y1= (y1+1)/2;
+00693                                         }
+00694                                 }
+00696                                 // Reset the transfer mode...
+00697                                 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
+00698                                 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0);
+00699                                 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0);
+00700                         }
+00701                 }
+00704                 // Release, if wanted.
+00705                 if(tex.getReleasable())
+00706                         tex.release();
+00708                 // Basic parameters.
+00709                 //==================
+00710                 gltext->WrapS= tex.getWrapS();
+00711                 gltext->WrapT= tex.getWrapT();
+00712                 gltext->MagFilter= tex.getMagFilter();
+00713                 gltext->MinFilter= tex.getMinFilter();
+00714                 if(tex.isTextureCube())
+00715                 {
+00716                         glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, translateWrapToGl(ITexture::Clamp, _Extensions));
+00717                         glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, translateWrapToGl(ITexture::Clamp, _Extensions));
+00718                         glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, translateWrapToGl(ITexture::Clamp, _Extensions));
+00719                         glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, translateMagFilterToGl(gltext->MagFilter));
+00720                         glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, translateMinFilterToGl(gltext->MinFilter));
+00721                 }
+00722                 else
+00723                 {
+00724                         glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, translateWrapToGl(gltext->WrapS, _Extensions));
+00725                         glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, translateWrapToGl(gltext->WrapT, _Extensions));
+00726                         glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, translateMagFilterToGl(gltext->MagFilter));
+00727                         glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, translateMinFilterToGl(gltext->MinFilter));
+00728                 }
+00732                 // Disable texture 0
+00733                 _CurrentTexture[0]= NULL;
+00734                 _CurrentTextureInfoGL[0]= NULL;
+00735                 _DriverGLStates.setTextureMode(CDriverGLStates::TextureDisabled);
+00736         }
+00739         // The texture is correctly setuped.
+00740         tex.clearTouched();
+00741         return true;
+00742 }
+00745 // ***************************************************************************
+00746 bool CDriverGL::uploadTexture (ITexture& tex, CRect& rect, uint8 nNumMipMap)
+00747 {
+00748         if (tex.TextureDrvShare == NULL)
+00749                 return false; // Texture not created
+00750         if (tex.TextureDrvShare->DrvTexture == NULL)
+00751                 return false; // Texture not created
+00752         if (tex.isTextureCube())
+00753                 return false;
+00755         nlassert(nNumMipMap<(uint8)tex.getMipMapCount());
+00757         // validate rect.
+00758         sint x0 = rect.X;
+00759         sint y0 = rect.Y;
+00760         sint x1 = rect.X+rect.Width;
+00761         sint y1 = rect.Y+rect.Height;
+00762         sint w = tex.getWidth (nNumMipMap);
+00763         sint h = tex.getHeight (nNumMipMap);
+00764         clamp (x0, 0, w);
+00765         clamp (y0, 0, h);
+00766         clamp (x1, x0, w);
+00767         clamp (y1, y0, h);
+00769         // bind the texture to upload 
+00770         CTextureDrvInfosGL*     gltext;
+00771         gltext = getTextureGl (tex);
+00773         // system of "backup the previous binded texture" seems to not work with some drivers....
+00774         _DriverGLStates.activeTextureARB (0);
+00775         _DriverGLStates.setTextureMode (CDriverGLStates::Texture2D);
+00776         // Bind this texture, for reload...
+00777         glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, gltext->ID);
+00779         glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
+00781         bool dummy;
+00782         GLint glfmt = getGlTextureFormat (tex, dummy);
+00783         GLint glSrcFmt = getGlSrcTextureFormat (tex, glfmt);
+00784         GLenum  glSrcType= getGlSrcTextureComponentType(glSrcFmt);
+00785         // If DXTC format
+00786         //if (isDXTCFormat(glfmt))
+00787         if (_Extensions.EXTTextureCompressionS3TC && sameDXTCFormat(tex, glfmt) &&
+00788                         (tex.mipMapOff() || tex.getMipMapCount()>1) )
+00789         {
+00790                 nlassert (_Extensions.EXTTextureCompressionS3TC && sameDXTCFormat(tex, glfmt) &&
+00791                                         (tex.mipMapOff() || tex.getMipMapCount()>1) );
+00793                 sint nUploadMipMaps;
+00794                 if (tex.mipMapOn())
+00795                         nUploadMipMaps = tex.getMipMapCount();
+00796                 else
+00797                         nUploadMipMaps = 1;
+00799                 uint decalMipMapResize = 0;
+00800                 if (_ForceTextureResizePower>0 && tex.allowDegradation() && nUploadMipMaps>1)
+00801                 {
+00802                         decalMipMapResize = min(_ForceTextureResizePower, (uint)(nUploadMipMaps-1));
+00803                 }
+00805                 // Compute src compressed size and location
+00806                 sint imageSize = (x1-x0)*(y1-y0);
+00807                 void *ptr = &(*tex.getPixels(nNumMipMap).begin());
+00809                 // If DXTC1 or DXTC1A, then 4 bits/texel else 8 bits/texel
+00810                 if (glfmt == GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT || glfmt == GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT)
+00811                 {
+00812                         imageSize /= 2;
+00813                         ptr = (uint8*)ptr + y0*w/2 + x0/2;
+00814                 }
+00815                 else
+00816                 {
+00817                         ptr = (uint8*)ptr + y0*w + x0;
+00818                 }
+00820                 // Upload
+00822                 if (decalMipMapResize > nNumMipMap)
+00823                 {
+00824                         _CurrentTexture[0]= NULL;
+00825                         _CurrentTextureInfoGL[0]= NULL;
+00826                         _DriverGLStates.setTextureMode (CDriverGLStates::TextureDisabled);
+00827                         return false;
+00828                 }
+00831                 nlassert (((x0&3) == 0) && ((y0&3) == 0));
+00832                 if ((w>=4) && (h>=4))
+00833                 {
+00834                         nglCompressedTexSubImage2DARB ( GL_TEXTURE_2D, nNumMipMap-decalMipMapResize, 
+00835                                                                                         x0, y0, (x1-x0), (y1-y0), glfmt, imageSize, ptr );
+00836                 }
+00837                 else
+00838                 {
+00839                         // The CompressedTexSubImage2DARB function do not functionnate properly if width or height
+00840                         // of the mipmap is less than 4 pixel so we use the other form. (its not really time critical
+00841                         // to upload 16 bytes so we can do it twice if texture is cut)
+00842                         imageSize = tex.getPixels(nNumMipMap).size();
+00843                         nglCompressedTexImage2DARB (GL_TEXTURE_2D, nNumMipMap-decalMipMapResize, 
+00844                                                                                 glfmt, w, h, 0, imageSize, ptr);
+00845                 }
+00846         }
+00847         else
+00848         {
+00849                 // glSrcFmt and ITexture format must be identical
+00850                 nlassert (glSrcFmt!=GL_RGBA || tex.getPixelFormat()==CBitmap::RGBA);
+00852                 void    *ptr= &(*tex.getPixels(nNumMipMap).begin());
+00853                 glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, w);
+00854                 glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, y0);
+00855                 glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, x0);
+00856                 glTexSubImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, nNumMipMap, x0, y0, x1-x0, y1-y0, glSrcFmt,glSrcType, ptr);
+00858                 // Reset the transfer mode...
+00859                 glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
+00860                 glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0);
+00861                 glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0);
+00862         }
+00864         // Disable texture 0
+00865         _CurrentTexture[0]= NULL;
+00866         _CurrentTextureInfoGL[0]= NULL;
+00867         _DriverGLStates.setTextureMode (CDriverGLStates::TextureDisabled);
+00869         return true;
+00870 }
+00872 // ***************************************************************************
+00873 bool CDriverGL::uploadTextureCube (ITexture& tex, CRect& rect, uint8 nNumMipMap, uint8 nNumFace)
+00874 {
+00875         if (tex.TextureDrvShare == NULL)
+00876                 return false; // Texture not created
+00877         if (!tex.isTextureCube())
+00878                 return false;
+00880         return true;
+00881 }
+00883 // ***************************************************************************
+00884 bool CDriverGL::activateTexture(uint stage, ITexture *tex)
+00885 {       
+00886         if (this->_CurrentTexture[stage]!=tex)
+00887         {
+00888                 _DriverGLStates.activeTextureARB(stage);
+00889                 if(tex)
+00890                 {
+00891                         // get the drv info. should be not NULL.
+00892                         CTextureDrvInfosGL*     gltext;
+00893                         gltext= getTextureGl(*tex);
+00895                         // Profile, log the use of this texture
+00896                         //=========================================
+00897                         if (_SumTextureMemoryUsed)
+00898                         {
+00899                                 // Insert the pointer of this texture
+00900                                 _TextureUsed.insert (gltext);
+00901                         }
+00904                         if(tex->isTextureCube())
+00905                         {
+00906                                 // setup texture mode, after activeTextureARB()
+00907                                 _DriverGLStates.setTextureMode(CDriverGLStates::TextureCubeMap);
+00909                                 if(_Extensions.ARBTextureCubeMap)
+00910                                 {
+00911                                         // Activate texturing...
+00912                                         //======================
+00914                                         // If the shared texture is the same than before, no op.
+00915                                         if(_CurrentTextureInfoGL[stage] != gltext)
+00916                                         {
+00917                                                 // Cache setup.
+00918                                                 _CurrentTextureInfoGL[stage]= gltext;
+00920                                                 // setup this texture
+00921                                                 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, gltext->ID);
+00924                                                 // Change parameters of texture, if necessary.
+00925                                                 //============================================
+00926                                                 if(gltext->MagFilter!= tex->getMagFilter())
+00927                                                 {
+00928                                                         gltext->MagFilter= tex->getMagFilter();
+00929                                                         glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, translateMagFilterToGl(gltext->MagFilter));
+00930                                                 }
+00931                                                 if(gltext->MinFilter!= tex->getMinFilter())
+00932                                                 {
+00933                                                         gltext->MinFilter= tex->getMinFilter();
+00934                                                         glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, translateMinFilterToGl(gltext->MinFilter));
+00935                                                 }
+00936                                         }
+00937                                 }
+00938                         }
+00939                         else
+00940                         {
+00941                                 // setup texture mode, after activeTextureARB()
+00942                                 _DriverGLStates.setTextureMode(CDriverGLStates::Texture2D);                                                             
+00944                                 // Activate texture...
+00945                                 //======================
+00947                                 // If the shared texture is the same than before, no op.
+00948                                 if(_CurrentTextureInfoGL[stage] != gltext)
+00949                                 {
+00950                                         // Cache setup.
+00951                                         _CurrentTextureInfoGL[stage]= gltext;
+00953                                         // setup this texture
+00954                                         glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gltext->ID);                                                               
+00957                                         // Change parameters of texture, if necessary.
+00958                                         //============================================
+00959                                         if(gltext->WrapS!= tex->getWrapS())
+00960                                         {
+00961                                                 gltext->WrapS= tex->getWrapS();
+00962                                                 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, translateWrapToGl(gltext->WrapS, _Extensions));
+00963                                         }
+00964                                         if(gltext->WrapT!= tex->getWrapT())
+00965                                         {
+00966                                                 gltext->WrapT= tex->getWrapT();
+00967                                                 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, translateWrapToGl(gltext->WrapT, _Extensions));
+00968                                         }
+00969                                         if(gltext->MagFilter!= tex->getMagFilter())
+00970                                         {
+00971                                                 gltext->MagFilter= tex->getMagFilter();
+00972                                                 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, translateMagFilterToGl(gltext->MagFilter));
+00973                                         }
+00974                                         if(gltext->MinFilter!= tex->getMinFilter())
+00975                                         {
+00976                                                 gltext->MinFilter= tex->getMinFilter();                                 
+00977                                                 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, translateMinFilterToGl(gltext->MinFilter));
+00978                                         }
+00979                                 }
+00980                         }
+00981                 }
+00982                 else
+00983                 {
+00984                         // Force no texturing for this stage.
+00985                         _CurrentTextureInfoGL[stage]= NULL;
+00986                         // setup texture mode, after activeTextureARB()
+00987                         _DriverGLStates.setTextureMode(CDriverGLStates::TextureDisabled);                                                                       
+00988                 }
+00990                 this->_CurrentTexture[stage]= tex;      
+00991         }       
+00993         return true;
+00994 }
+00996 // ***************************************************************************
+00997 void            CDriverGL::forceActivateTexEnvMode(uint stage, const CMaterial::CTexEnv  &env)
+00998 {
+00999         // This maps the CMaterial::TTexOperator
+01000         static  const   GLenum  operatorLUT[9]= { GL_REPLACE, GL_MODULATE, GL_ADD, GL_ADD_SIGNED_EXT, 
+01003         // This maps the CMaterial::TTexSource
+01004         static  const   GLenum  sourceLUT[4]= { GL_TEXTURE, GL_PREVIOUS_EXT, GL_PRIMARY_COLOR_EXT, GL_CONSTANT_EXT };
+01006         // This maps the CMaterial::TTexOperand
+01007         static  const   GLenum  operandLUT[4]= { GL_SRC_COLOR, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA };
+01009         // This maps the CMaterial::TTexOperator, used for openGL Arg2 setup.
+01010         static  const   GLenum  interpolateSrcLUT[8]= { GL_TEXTURE, GL_TEXTURE, GL_TEXTURE, GL_TEXTURE, 
+01015         // cache mgt.
+01016         _CurrentTexEnv[stage].EnvPacked= env.EnvPacked;
+01017         // Disable Special tex env f().
+01018         _CurrentTexEnvSpecial[stage]= TexEnvSpecialDisabled;
+01021         // Setup the gl env mode.
+01022         _DriverGLStates.activeTextureARB(stage);
+01023         // "Normal drivers", setup EnvCombine.
+01024         if(_Extensions.EXTTextureEnvCombine)
+01025         {
+01026                 glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_COMBINE_EXT);
+01029                 // RGB.
+01030                 //=====
+01031                 // Operator.
+01032                 glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_COMBINE_RGB_EXT, operatorLUT[env.Env.OpRGB] );
+01033                 // Arg0.
+01034                 glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE0_RGB_EXT, sourceLUT[env.Env.SrcArg0RGB] );
+01035                 glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND0_RGB_EXT, operandLUT[env.Env.OpArg0RGB]);
+01036                 // Arg1.
+01037                 if(env.Env.OpRGB > CMaterial::Replace)
+01038                 {
+01039                         glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE1_RGB_EXT, sourceLUT[env.Env.SrcArg1RGB] );
+01040                         glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND1_RGB_EXT, operandLUT[env.Env.OpArg1RGB]);
+01041                         // Arg2.
+01042                         if(env.Env.OpRGB >= CMaterial::InterpolateTexture )
+01043                         {
+01044                                 glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE2_RGB_EXT, interpolateSrcLUT[env.Env.OpRGB] );
+01045                                 glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND2_RGB_EXT, GL_SRC_ALPHA);
+01046                         }
+01047                 }
+01050                 // Alpha.
+01051                 //=====
+01052                 // Operator.
+01053                 glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_COMBINE_ALPHA_EXT, operatorLUT[env.Env.OpAlpha] );
+01054                 // Arg0.
+01055                 glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA_EXT, sourceLUT[env.Env.SrcArg0Alpha] );
+01056                 glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA_EXT, operandLUT[env.Env.OpArg0Alpha]);
+01057                 // Arg1.
+01058                 if(env.Env.OpAlpha > CMaterial::Replace)
+01059                 {
+01060                         glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE1_ALPHA_EXT, sourceLUT[env.Env.SrcArg1Alpha] );
+01061                         glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA_EXT, operandLUT[env.Env.OpArg1Alpha]);
+01062                         // Arg2.
+01063                         if(env.Env.OpAlpha >= CMaterial::InterpolateTexture )
+01064                         {
+01065                                 glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE2_ALPHA_EXT, interpolateSrcLUT[env.Env.OpAlpha] );
+01066                                 glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA_EXT, GL_SRC_ALPHA);
+01067                         }
+01068                 }
+01069         }
+01070         // Very Bad drivers.
+01071         else
+01072         {
+01073                 glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE);
+01074         }
+01076 }
+01079 // ***************************************************************************
+01080 void            CDriverGL::activateTexEnvColor(uint stage, NLMISC::CRGBA col)
+01081 {       
+01082         if (col != _CurrentTexEnv[stage].ConstantColor)
+01083         {       
+01084                 forceActivateTexEnvColor(stage, col);   
+01085         }
+01086 }
+01089 // ***************************************************************************
+01090 void            CDriverGL::activateTexEnvMode(uint stage, const CMaterial::CTexEnv  &env)
+01091 {
+01092         // If a special Texture environnement is setuped, or if not the same normal texture environnement,
+01093         // must setup a new normal Texture environnement.
+01094         if( _CurrentTexEnvSpecial[stage] != TexEnvSpecialDisabled || _CurrentTexEnv[stage].EnvPacked!= env.EnvPacked)
+01095         { 
+01096                 forceActivateTexEnvMode(stage, env);
+01097         }
+01098 }
+01101 // ***************************************************************************
+01102 void            CDriverGL::activateTexEnvColor(uint stage, const CMaterial::CTexEnv  &env)
+01103 {
+01104         if(_CurrentTexEnv[stage].ConstantColor!= env.ConstantColor)
+01105         { 
+01106                 forceActivateTexEnvColor(stage, env);
+01107         }
+01108 }
+01111 // ***************************************************************************
+01112 void            CDriverGL::forceDXTCCompression(bool dxtcComp)
+01113 {
+01114         _ForceDXTCCompression= dxtcComp;
+01115 }
+01117 // ***************************************************************************
+01118 void            CDriverGL::forceTextureResize(uint divisor)
+01119 {
+01120         clamp(divisor, 1U, 256U);
+01122         // 16 -> 4.
+01123         _ForceTextureResizePower= getPowerOf2(divisor);
+01124 }
+01127 // ***************************************************************************
+01128 void            CDriverGL::swapTextureHandle(ITexture &tex0, ITexture &tex1)
+01129 {
+01130         // ensure creation of both texture
+01131         setupTexture(tex0);
+01132         setupTexture(tex1);
+01134         // avoid any problem, disable all textures
+01135         for(sint stage=0; stage<inlGetNumTextStages() ; stage++)
+01136         {
+01137                 activateTexture(stage, NULL);
+01138         }
+01140         // get the handle.
+01141         CTextureDrvInfosGL      *t0= getTextureGl(tex0);
+01142         CTextureDrvInfosGL      *t1= getTextureGl(tex1);
+01144         /* Swap contents. Can't swap directly the pointers cause would have to change all CTextureDrvShare which point on
+01145                 Can't do swap(*t0, *t1), because must keep the correct _DriverIterator
+01146         */
+01147         swap(t0->ID, t1->ID);
+01148         swap(t0->Compressed, t1->Compressed);
+01149         swap(t0->TextureMemory, t1->TextureMemory);
+01150         swap(t0->WrapS, t1->WrapS);
+01151         swap(t0->WrapT, t1->WrapT);
+01152         swap(t0->MagFilter, t1->MagFilter);
+01153         swap(t0->MinFilter, t1->MinFilter);
+01155 }
+01158 } // NL3D
+ + +
+ + -- cgit v1.2.1