From 0ea5fc66924303d1bf73ba283a383e2aadee02f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: neodarz Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2018 20:21:34 +0200 Subject: Initial commit --- docs/doxygen/nel/classNLMISC_1_1CEvalNumExpr.html | 1600 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1600 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/doxygen/nel/classNLMISC_1_1CEvalNumExpr.html (limited to 'docs/doxygen/nel/classNLMISC_1_1CEvalNumExpr.html') diff --git a/docs/doxygen/nel/classNLMISC_1_1CEvalNumExpr.html b/docs/doxygen/nel/classNLMISC_1_1CEvalNumExpr.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..31b16c89 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/doxygen/nel/classNLMISC_1_1CEvalNumExpr.html @@ -0,0 +1,1600 @@ + + + + : docs + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr Class Reference

This class preforms numerical expression parsing. +More... +

+#include <eval_num_expr.h> +


Inheritance diagram for NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr: +

+ +NLGEORGES::CMyEvalNumExpr + +List of all members. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Public Types

enum  TReturnState {
+  NoError, +UnkownValue, +ValueError, +UnkownFunction, +
+  FunctionError, +NumberSyntaxError, +UnkownOperator, +MustBeOpen, +
+  MustBeClose, +MustBeComa, +MustBeExpression, +NotUnaryOperator, +
+  MustBeEnd, +MustBeDoubleQuote, +ReturnValueCount +
+ }
 Eval return error. More...

Public Methods

virtual ~CEvalNumExpr ()
TReturnState evalExpression (const char *expression, double &result, int *errorIndex, uint32 userData=0)
 Evaluate a numerical expression. More...

const char * getErrorString (TReturnState state) const
 Get error string. More...

bool internalCheck ()

Protected Methods

virtual TReturnState evalValue (const char *value, double &result, uint32 userData)
 Eval a user defined value. More...

virtual TReturnState evalFunction (const char *funcName, double arg0, double &result)
 Eval a user defined function. More...

virtual TReturnState evalFunction (const char *funcName, double arg0, double arg1, double &result)

Private Types

enum  TToken {
+  Number, +Function1, +Function2, +String, +
+  Operator, +Open, +Close, +Coma, +
+  End +
+ }
 Implementation Expression tokens. More...

enum  TOperator {
+  Not = 0, +Tilde, +Mul, +Div, +
+  Remainder, +Plus, +Minus, +ULeftShift, +
+  URightShift, +SLeftShift, +SRightShift, +Inferior, +
+  InferiorEqual, +Superior, +SuperiorEqual, +Equal, +
+  NotEqual, +And, +Or, +Xor, +
+  LogicalAnd, +LogicalOr, +LogicalXor, +OperatorCount, +
+  NotOperator, +ExtOperator +
+ }
enum  TReservedWord {
+  Abs = 0, +Acos, +Asin, +Atan, +
+  Atan2, +Ceil, +Cos, +Cosh, +
+  Exp, +Exponent, +Floor, +Int, +
+  Log, +Log10, +Mantissa, +Max, +
+  Min, +Pow, +Rand, +Round, +
+  Sin, +Sinh, +Sq, +Sqrt, +
+  Tan, +Tanh, +ReservedWordCount +
+ }
enum  { InternalStringLen = 32, +InternalOperator = 4 + }

Private Methods

TReturnState readDecimal (double &value)
 Read a decimal double. More...

void readIntegerNumberDecimal (double &value)
 Read an integer. More...

TReturnState getNextToken (TToken &token)
 Internal functions Get the next token. More...

TReturnState evalExpression (double &result, TToken &nextToken, uint32 userData)
 Evaluate an expression. More...

Private Attributes

TReturnState _State
 Members. More...

const char * _ExprPtr
TReservedWord _ReservedWordFound
 Reserved word. More...

char _InternalString [InternalStringLen]
 Current string. More...

std::string _InternalStlString
const char * _InternalStringPtr
double _Value
 Current value. More...

TOperator _Op
 Current operator. More...

Static Private Attributes

const TToken _ReservedWordToken [ReservedWordCount]
 Static values Char to operator array. More...

const char * _ReservedWord [ReservedWordCount]
const TOperator _OperatorArray [128]
const bool _StringChar [128]
const char * _ErrorString [ReturnValueCount]
const int _OperatorPrecedence []

Detailed Description

+This class preforms numerical expression parsing. +

+ +

+Definition at line 37 of file eval_num_expr.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


+ + + + +
+ + +
anonymous enum [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +


+Enumeration values:
+ + + +
InternalStringLen  +
InternalOperator  +
+ +

+Definition at line 288 of file eval_num_expr.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
enum NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::TOperator [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +


+Enumeration values:
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Not  +
Tilde  +
Mul  +
Div  +
Remainder  +
Plus  +
Minus  +
ULeftShift  +
URightShift  +
SLeftShift  +
SRightShift  +
Inferior  +
InferiorEqual  +
Superior  +
SuperiorEqual  +
Equal  +
NotEqual  +
And  +
Or  +
Xor  +
LogicalAnd  +
LogicalOr  +
LogicalXor  +
OperatorCount  +
NotOperator  +
ExtOperator  +
+ +

+Definition at line 225 of file eval_num_expr.h. +

+Referenced by evalExpression.


+ + + + +
+ + +
enum NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::TReservedWord [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +


+Enumeration values:
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Abs  +
Acos  +
Asin  +
Atan  +
Atan2  +
Ceil  +
Cos  +
Cosh  +
Exp  +
Exponent  +
Floor  +
Int  +
Log  +
Log10  +
Mantissa  +
Max  +
Min  +
Pow  +
Rand  +
Round  +
Sin  +
Sinh  +
Sq  +
Sqrt  +
Tan  +
Tanh  +
ReservedWordCount  +
+ +

+Definition at line 256 of file eval_num_expr.h. +

+Referenced by evalExpression.


+ + + + +
+ + +
enum NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::TReturnState +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Eval return error. +


+Enumeration values:
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
NoError  +
UnkownValue  +
ValueError  +
UnkownFunction  +
FunctionError  +
NumberSyntaxError  +
UnkownOperator  +
MustBeOpen  +
MustBeClose  +
MustBeComa  +
MustBeExpression  +
NotUnaryOperator  +
MustBeEnd  +
MustBeDoubleQuote  +
ReturnValueCount  +
+ +

+Definition at line 42 of file eval_num_expr.h. +

+Referenced by evalExpression, and getNextToken.


+ + + + +
+ + +
enum NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::TToken [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Implementation Expression tokens. +


+Enumeration values:
+ + + + + + + + + + +
Number  +
Function1  +
Function2  +
String  +
Operator  +
Open  +
Close  +
Coma  +
End  +
+ +

+Definition at line 211 of file eval_num_expr.h. +

+Referenced by evalExpression.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
virtual NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::~CEvalNumExpr   [inline, virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 40 of file eval_num_expr.h.


Member Function Documentation


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
CEvalNumExpr::TReturnState NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::evalExpression double &   result,
TToken  nextToken,
uint32   userData
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Evaluate an expression. +

+ +

+Definition at line 616 of file eval_num_expr.cpp. +

+References _InternalStringPtr, _Op, _OperatorPrecedence, _ReservedWordFound, _Value, Abs, Acos, And, arg1, Asin, Atan, Atan2, Ceil, Close, Coma, Cos, Cosh, Div, Equal, evalExpression, evalFunction, evalValue, Exp, Exponent, Floor, Function1, Function2, getNextToken, index, Inferior, InferiorEqual, Int, InternalOperator, InternalStringLen, Log, Log10, LogicalAnd, LogicalOr, LogicalXor, Mantissa, Max, Min, Minus, Mul, MustBeClose, MustBeComa, MustBeExpression, MustBeOpen, nlassert, nlstop, NoError, Not, NotEqual, NotOperator, NotUnaryOperator, Number, Open, Operator, Or, Plus, Pow, Rand, Remainder, Round, Sin, Sinh, SLeftShift, Sq, Sqrt, SRightShift, String, Superior, SuperiorEqual, Tan, Tanh, Tilde, TOperator, TReservedWord, TReturnState, TToken, ULeftShift, URightShift, value, and Xor.


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
CEvalNumExpr::TReturnState NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::evalExpression const char *   expression,
double &   result,
int *   errorIndex,
uint32   userData = 0
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Evaluate a numerical expression. +

+Doesn't allocate heap memory for common complexity expression.

+ + + + + +
expression  +is an expression string. See the expression grammar.
result  +is filled with the result if the function returns "NoError".
errorIndex  +is a pointer on an integer value filled with the index of the parsing error in the input string if function doesn't return "NoError". This value can be NULL.
userData  +is a user data used by user eval function
+NoError if the expression has been parsed. Result is filled with the evaluated value.
This expression must follow the following grammar with the following evaluation priority: +

+expression: '-' expression | '!' expression // Returns true if a equal false, else false (logical not) | '~' expression // Returns ~ round(a) (bitwise not) | '(' expression ')' | expression operator expression | function1 '(' expression ')' | function2 '(' expression ',' expression ')' | number | constant | string // User defined value, evaluated by the evalValue() callback +

+operator: '*' // Calculates (a * b) | '/' // Calculates (a / b) | '%' // Calculates the remainder of (a / b) | '+' // Calculates (a + b) | '-' // Calculates (a - b) | '<<' // Returns round(a) left 32 bits unsigned shift by round(b) | '>>' // Returns round(a) right 32 bits unsigned shift by round(b) | '<-' // Returns round(a) left 32 bits signed shift by round(b) | '->' // Returns round(a) right 32 bits signed shift by round(b) | '<' // Returns true if a is strictly smaller than b | '<=' // Returns true if a is smaller or equal than b | '>' // Returns true if a is strictly bigger than b | '>=' // Returns true if a is bigger or equal than b | '==' // Returns true if a equal b, else returns false (warning, performs a floating point comparison) | '!=' // Returns false if a equal b, else returns true (warning, performs a floating point comparison) | '&' // Returns round(a) & round(b) over 32 bits | '|' // Returns round(a) | round(b) over 32 bits | '^' // Returns round(a) ^ round(b) over 32 bits | '&&' // Returns true if a equal true and b equal true else returns false | '||' // Returns true if a equal true or b equal true else returns false | '^^' // Returns true if a equal true and b equal false, or, a equal false and b equal 1.0, else returns false +

+function1: abs // Calculates the absolute value | acos // Calculates the arccosine | asin // Calculates the arcsine | atan // Calculates the arctangent | ceil // Calculates the ceiling of a value ( ceil(-1.1) = -1, ceil(1.1) = 2 ) | cos // Calculates the cosine | cosh // Calculates the hyperbolic cosine | exp // Calculates the exponential | exponent // Calculates the exponent of a floating point value | floor // Calculates the floor of a value ( floor(-1.1) = -2, floor(1.1) = 1 ) | int // Calculates the C style integer value ( int(-1.6) = -1, int(1.6) = 1 ) | log // Calculates logarithms | log10 // Calculates base-10 logarithms | mantissa // Calculates the mantissa of a floating point value | round // Calculates the nearest integer value ( round(-1.6) = -2, round(1.1) = 1 ) | sin // Calculate sines | sinh // Calculate hyperbolic sines | sq // Calculates the square | sqrt // Calculates the square root | tan // Calculates the tangent | tanh // Calculates the hyperbolic tangent | string // User defined one arg function, evaluated by the evalfunction() callback +

+function2: max // Returns the larger of two values | min // Returns the smaller of two values | atan2 // Calculates the arctangent of arg0/arg1 | pow // Calculates a raised at the power of b | rand // Calculates a pseudo random value (arg0 <= randomValue < arg1) | string // User defined two args function, evaluated by the evalfunction() callback +

+number: [0-9]+ // Unsigned decimal integer | "0x"[0-9a-fA-F]+ // Unsigned hexadecimal integer | "0"[0-7]+ // Unsigned octal integer | [0-9]*.[0-9]+ // Unsigned floating point value | [0-9]*.[0-9]+[eE]-?[0-9]*.[0-9]+ // Unsigned floating point value with signed exponent +

+constant: e // 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 | pi // 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 +

+string: [^ 0-9\t
+/\*-+=<>&|\^!%~\(\)\.,\"][^ \t
+/\*-+=<>&|\^!%~\(\)\.,\"]* // Labels ($foo, foo01, _001) | \"[]+\" // All kind of labels between double quotes "123456" "[12]" +

+Operator precedence: +

+0 - unary operator (-, ~, !) 1 - *, /, % 2 - +, -, 3 - <<, >>, <-, -> 4 - <, <=, >, >= 5 - ==, != 6 - & 7 - | 8 - ^ 9 - && 10 - || 11 - ^^ +

+Definition at line 586 of file eval_num_expr.cpp. +

+References _ExprPtr, End, MustBeEnd, NoError, TReturnState, and TToken. +

+Referenced by evalExpression.


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
CEvalNumExpr::TReturnState NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::evalFunction const char *   funcName,
double   arg0,
double   arg1,
double &   result
[protected, virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 1190 of file eval_num_expr.cpp. +

+References arg1, and UnkownFunction.


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
CEvalNumExpr::TReturnState NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::evalFunction const char *   funcName,
double   arg0,
double &   result
[protected, virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Eval a user defined function. +

+Default implementation returns UnkownFunction. The user can parse the function name and fill the result double and return NoError, UnkownFunction or FunctionError. +

+To convert double argu in boolean argu, use (round (value) != 0.0) ? true : false

+ + + + + +
funcName  +is the name of the function to evaluate.
arg0  +is the first parameter passed to the function.
arg1  +is the second parameter passed to the function.
result  +is the result to fill if the value has been succesfully parsed.
+UnkownFunction if the function doesn't exist, FunctionError if the function evaluation failed, NoError if it has been parsed.

+Definition at line 1183 of file eval_num_expr.cpp. +

+References UnkownFunction. +

+Referenced by evalExpression.


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
CEvalNumExpr::TReturnState NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::evalValue const char *   value,
double &   result,
uint32   userData
[protected, virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Eval a user defined value. +

+Default implementation returns UnkownValue. The user can parse the value and fill the result double and return NoError, UnkownValue or ValueError.

+ + + + +
value  +is the value to parse.
result  +is the result to fill if the value has been succesfully parsed.
userData  +is a user data used by user eval function.
+UnkownValue if the value is not known, ValueError is the value evaluation failed or NoError if it has been parsed.

+Reimplemented in NLGEORGES::CMyEvalNumExpr. +

+Definition at line 1176 of file eval_num_expr.cpp. +

+References UnkownValue, and value. +

+Referenced by evalExpression.


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
const char * NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::getErrorString TReturnState   state const
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Get error string. +

+ +

+Definition at line 1281 of file eval_num_expr.cpp. +

+References _ErrorString.


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
CEvalNumExpr::TReturnState NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::getNextToken TToken  token [private]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Internal functions Get the next token. +

+ +

+Definition at line 96 of file eval_num_expr.cpp. +

+References _ExprPtr, _InternalStlString, _InternalString, _InternalStringPtr, _Op, _OperatorArray, _ReservedWord, _ReservedWordFound, _ReservedWordToken, _StringChar, _Value, And, Close, Coma, End, Equal, ExtOperator, Inferior, InferiorEqual, InternalStringLen, LogicalAnd, LogicalOr, LogicalXor, Minus, MustBeDoubleQuote, NoError, Not, NotEqual, NotOperator, Number, NumberSyntaxError, Open, Operator, Or, readDecimal, ReservedWordCount, SLeftShift, SRightShift, String, Superior, SuperiorEqual, TReturnState, ULeftShift, UnkownOperator, URightShift, and Xor. +

+Referenced by evalExpression.


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
bool NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::internalCheck  
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 1120 of file eval_num_expr.cpp. +

+References _ReservedWord, nlassert, and ReservedWordCount.


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
CEvalNumExpr::TReturnState NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::readDecimal double &   value [private]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Read a decimal double. +

+ +

+Definition at line 37 of file eval_num_expr.cpp. +

+References _ExprPtr, NoError, NumberSyntaxError, readIntegerNumberDecimal, and value. +

+Referenced by getNextToken.


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
void NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::readIntegerNumberDecimal double &   value [private]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Read an integer. +

+ +

+Definition at line 65 of file eval_num_expr.cpp. +

+References _ExprPtr, and value. +

+Referenced by readDecimal.


Member Data Documentation


+ + + + +
+ + +
const char * NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::_ErrorString [static, private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Initial value:

+        "No error",
+        "Unkown value",
+        "Error during user defined value evaluation",
+        "Unkown function",
+        "Error during user defined function evaluation",
+        "Syntax error in a number expression",
+        "Unkown operator",
+        "Should be a open parentesis",
+        "Should be a close parentesis",
+        "Should be a coma character",
+        "Should be an expression",
+        "Should not be an unary operator",
+        "Should be the end of the expression",
+        "Should be a double quote",

+Definition at line 1261 of file eval_num_expr.cpp. +

+Referenced by getErrorString.


+ + + + +
+ + +
const char* NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::_ExprPtr [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 296 of file eval_num_expr.h. +

+Referenced by evalExpression, getNextToken, readDecimal, and readIntegerNumberDecimal.


+ + + + +
+ + +
std::string NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::_InternalStlString [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 317 of file eval_num_expr.h. +

+Referenced by getNextToken.


+ + + + +
+ + +
char NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::_InternalString[InternalStringLen] [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Current string. +

+ +

+Definition at line 316 of file eval_num_expr.h. +

+Referenced by getNextToken.


+ + + + +
+ + +
const char* NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::_InternalStringPtr [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 318 of file eval_num_expr.h. +

+Referenced by evalExpression, and getNextToken.


+ + + + +
+ + +
TOperator NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::_Op [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Current operator. +

+ +

+Definition at line 324 of file eval_num_expr.h. +

+Referenced by evalExpression, and getNextToken.


+ + + + +
+ + +
const CEvalNumExpr::TOperator NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::_OperatorArray [static, private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Initial value:

+        NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator,
+        NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator,
+        NotOperator, ExtOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, Remainder,   ExtOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, Mul,             Plus,                NotOperator, ExtOperator, NotOperator, Div,
+        NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, ExtOperator, ExtOperator, ExtOperator, NotOperator,
+        NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator,
+        NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, ExtOperator, NotOperator,
+        NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator,
+        NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, NotOperator, ExtOperator, NotOperator, Tilde,       NotOperator,

+Definition at line 1148 of file eval_num_expr.cpp. +

+Referenced by getNextToken.


+ + + + +
+ + +
const int NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::_OperatorPrecedence [static, private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Initial value:

+        0,      
+        0,      
+        1,      
+        1,      
+        1,      
+        2,      
+        2,      
+        3,      
+        3,      
+        3,      
+        3,      
+        4,      
+        4,      
+        4,      
+        4,      
+        5,      
+        5,      
+        6,      
+        7,      
+        8,      
+        9,      
+        10,     
+        11,     
+        0xffffffff,     
+        20,     

+Definition at line 1288 of file eval_num_expr.cpp. +

+Referenced by evalExpression.


+ + + + +
+ + +
const char * NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::_ReservedWord [static, private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Initial value:

+        "abs", 
+        "acos", 
+        "asin", 
+        "atan", 
+        "atan2", 
+        "ceil", 
+        "cos",  
+        "cosh", 
+        "exp", 
+        "exponent", 
+        "floor", 
+        "int", 
+        "log", 
+        "log10", 
+        "mantissa", 
+        "max", 
+        "min", 
+        "pow", 
+        "rand", 
+        "round", 
+        "sin", 
+        "sinh", 
+        "sq", 
+        "sqrt", 
+        "tan", 
+        "tanh", 

+Definition at line 1197 of file eval_num_expr.cpp. +

+Referenced by getNextToken, and internalCheck.


+ + + + +
+ + +
TReservedWord NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::_ReservedWordFound [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Reserved word. +

+ +

+Definition at line 313 of file eval_num_expr.h. +

+Referenced by evalExpression, and getNextToken.


+ + + + +
+ + +
const CEvalNumExpr::TToken NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::_ReservedWordToken [static, private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Initial value:

Static values Char to operator array. +

+ +

+Definition at line 1229 of file eval_num_expr.cpp. +

+Referenced by getNextToken.


+ + + + +
+ + +
TReturnState NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::_State [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Members. +

+ +

+Definition at line 295 of file eval_num_expr.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
const bool NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::_StringChar [static, private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Initial value:

+        false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
+        false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
+        false, false, true,  true,  true,  false, false, true,  false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
+        true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  false, false, false, true,
+        true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,
+        true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  false,  true,
+        true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,
+        true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  false, true,  false, true,

+Definition at line 1162 of file eval_num_expr.cpp. +

+Referenced by getNextToken.


+ + + + +
+ + +
double NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::_Value [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Current value. +

+ +

+Definition at line 321 of file eval_num_expr.h. +

+Referenced by evalExpression, and getNextToken.


The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: + + + +
+ + -- cgit v1.2.1