From 0ea5fc66924303d1bf73ba283a383e2aadee02f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: neodarz Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2018 20:21:34 +0200 Subject: Initial commit --- docs/doxygen/nel/a02901.html | 5416 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 5416 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/doxygen/nel/a02901.html (limited to 'docs/doxygen/nel/a02901.html') diff --git a/docs/doxygen/nel/a02901.html b/docs/doxygen/nel/a02901.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bc24e750 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/doxygen/nel/a02901.html @@ -0,0 +1,5416 @@ + + +NeL: NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom class Reference + + + +

NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom Class Reference

#include <mesh_mrm_skinned.h> +


Inheritance diagram for NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom: +

+ +NL3D::IMeshGeom +NLMISC::IStreamable +NLMISC::IClassable + +

Detailed Description

+An MRM mesh geometry, with no materials information.

+To build a CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom, you should:


+NB: internally, build() use CMRMBuilder, a builder of MRM.


Lionel Berenguier

+Nevrax France

+ +

+ +

+Definition at line 90 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

RawSkin optimisation.

uint NumCacheVertexNormal1 = NL_BlockByteL1 / sizeof(CRawVertexNormalSkinned1)
uint NumCacheVertexNormal2 = NL_BlockByteL1 / sizeof(CRawVertexNormalSkinned2)
uint NumCacheVertexNormal3 = NL_BlockByteL1 / sizeof(CRawVertexNormalSkinned3)
uint NumCacheVertexNormal4 = NL_BlockByteL1 / sizeof(CRawVertexNormalSkinned4)
uint NumCacheVertexShadow = NL_BlockByteL1 / sizeof(CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CShadowVertex)
void applyArrayRawSkinNormal1 (CRawVertexNormalSkinned1 *src, uint8 *destVertexPtr, CMatrix3x4 *boneMat3x4, uint nInf)
void applyArrayRawSkinNormal2 (CRawVertexNormalSkinned2 *src, uint8 *destVertexPtr, CMatrix3x4 *boneMat3x4, uint nInf)
void applyArrayRawSkinNormal3 (CRawVertexNormalSkinned3 *src, uint8 *destVertexPtr, CMatrix3x4 *boneMat3x4, uint nInf)
void applyArrayRawSkinNormal4 (CRawVertexNormalSkinned4 *src, uint8 *destVertexPtr, CMatrix3x4 *boneMat3x4, uint nInf)
void dirtMeshDataId ()
 Increment the refCount, so instances RawSkins are no longer valid.

void updateRawSkinNormal (bool enabled, CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance *mi, sint curLodId)
 compute RawSkin info in the MRMInstance according to current skin setup.

uint _MeshDataId
 Each time the mesh is loaded/built, this increment.

ShadowMap Skin rendering

void applyArrayShadowSkin (CShadowVertex *src, CVector *dst, CSkeletonModel *skeleton, uint numVerts)
std::vector< uint32_ShadowSkinTriangles
std::vector< CShadowVertex_ShadowSkinVertices
bool _SupportShadowSkinGrouping

Hard VB

void fillAGPSkinPartWithVBHardPtr (CLod &lod, uint8 *vertexDst)
bool _PreciseClipping
 NB: HERE FOR PACKING ONLY. For clipping. Estimate if we must do a Precise clipping (ie with bboxes).

Public Types

enum  TRenderFlag {
+  RenderOpaqueMaterial = 1, +RenderTransparentMaterial = 2, +RenderPassOpaque = 4, +RenderGlobalAlpha = 8, +
+  RenderGADisableZWrite = 16 +
+ }
 Render Flags, used in render. More...

Public Member Functions

void applyMaterialRemap (const std::vector< sint > &remap)
 change materials Ids (called from CMesh::optimizeMaterialUsage())

void build (CMesh::CMeshBuild &m, uint numMaxMaterial, const CMRMParameters &params=CMRMParameters())
void changeMRMDistanceSetup (float distanceFinest, float distanceMiddle, float distanceCoarsest)
 CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom ()

virtual std::string getClassName ()=0
const CMRMLevelDetailgetLevelDetail () const
 get the MRM level detail information

virtual bool hasMeshVertexProgram () const
 True if this mesh has a vertexProgram.

 ~CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom ()
Mesh Block Render Interface
virtual bool isActiveInstanceNeedVBFill () const
bool isMeshInVBHeap () const
Mesh Block Render Interface
bool isMeshInVBHeap () const
Mesh Block Render Implementation
virtual void activeInstance (CMeshGeomRenderContext &rdrCtx, CMeshBaseInstance *inst, float polygonCount, void *vbDst)
virtual void beginMesh (CMeshGeomRenderContext &rdrCtx)
virtual void endMesh (CMeshGeomRenderContext &rdrCtx)
virtual uint getNumRdrPassesForInstance (CMeshBaseInstance *inst) const
virtual uint getNumRdrPassesForMesh () const
virtual void renderPass (CMeshGeomRenderContext &rdrCtx, CMeshBaseInstance *inst, float polygonCount, uint rdrPass)
virtual bool sortPerMaterial () const
virtual bool supportMeshBlockRendering () const
From IMeshGeom
virtual bool clip (const std::vector< CPlane > &pyramid, const CMatrix &worldMatrix)
 clip this mesh in a driver. true if visible.

virtual float getNumTriangles (float distance)
 get an approximation of the number of triangles this instance will render for a fixed distance.

virtual void initInstance (CMeshBaseInstance *mbi)
 Init instance info.

 clip this mesh in a driver. true if visible.

void profileSceneRender (CRenderTrav *rdrTrav, CTransformShape *trans, float polygonCount, uint32 rdrFlags)
 Scene profile.

virtual void render (IDriver *drv, CTransformShape *trans, float polygonCount, uint32 rdrFlags, float globalAlpha)
 render() this mesh in a driver, given an instance and his materials.

virtual void renderSkin (CTransformShape *trans, float alphaMRM)
 render() this mesh as a skin

virtual void serial (NLMISC::IStream &f)
 serial this meshGeom.

Skinning Behavior
void computeBonesId (CSkeletonModel *skeleton)
 Compute skinning id.

const std::vector< NLMISC::CBSphere > & getSkinBoneSphere () const
 see CTransform::getSkinBoneSphere() doc for the meaning of this value. computeBonesId must has been called before.

const std::vector< sint32 > & getSkinBoneUsage () const
 return array of bones used by the skin. computeBonesId must has been called before.

void updateSkeletonUsage (CSkeletonModel *sm, bool increment)
 update Skeleton Usage. increment or decrement. computeBonesId must has been called before.

Mesh Block Render Interface
virtual void computeMeshVBHeap (void *dst, uint indexStart)
virtual bool getVBHeapInfo (uint &vertexFormat, uint &numVertices)
virtual bool isActiveInstanceNeedVBFill () const
bool isMeshInVBHeap () const
Geometry accessors
const std::vector< std::string > & getBonesName () const
 get the bone names of the meshMRM.

const NLMISC::CAABBoxExtgetBoundingBox () const
 get the extended axis aligned bounding box of the mesh

const std::vector< CMRMWedgeGeom > & getGeomorphs (uint lodId) const
 Advanced. get the geomorphs for a special lod.

uint getNbLod () const
uint getNbRdrPass (uint lodId) const
uint32 getRdrPassMaterial (uint lodId, uint renderingPassIndex) const
void getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock (uint lodId, uint renderingPassIndex, CPrimitiveBlock &block) const
void getSkinWeights (std::vector< CMesh::CSkinWeight > &skinWeights) const
 get the skin weight buffer

void getVertexBuffer (CVertexBuffer &output) const
 get the vertex buffer used by the mrm mesh. NB: this VB store all Vertices used by All LODs.

ShadowMap Skin rendering
uint getNumShadowSkinVertices () const
 Get the num of shadow skin vertices.

sint renderShadowSkinGeom (CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance *mi, uint remainingVertices, uint8 *vbDest)
 Get the num of shadow skin vertices.

void renderShadowSkinPrimitives (CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance *mi, CMaterial &castMat, IDriver *drv, uint baseVertex)
 Get the num of shadow skin vertices.

void setShadowMesh (const std::vector< CShadowVertex > &shadowVertices, const std::vector< uint32 > &triangles)
 Setup the ShadowMesh.

bool supportShadowSkinGrouping () const
 Render the ShadowSkin (SkinGroup like).

Special SkinGrouping Rendering
sint renderSkinGroupGeom (CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance *mi, float alphaMRM, uint remainingVertices, uint8 *vbDest)
void renderSkinGroupPrimitives (CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance *mi, uint baseVertex, std::vector< CSkinSpecularRdrPass > &specularRdrPasses, uint skinIndex)
void renderSkinGroupSpecularRdrPass (CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance *mi, uint rdrPassId)
bool supportSkinGrouping () const

Private Member Functions

void applyGeomorph (std::vector< CMRMWedgeGeom > &geoms, float alphaLod)
 Apply the geomorph to the _VBuffer, or the VBhard, if exist/used.

void applyGeomorphPosNormalUV0 (std::vector< CMRMWedgeGeom > &geoms, uint8 *vertexPtr, uint8 *vertexDestPtr, sint32 vertexSize, float a, float a1)
 Faster, but common geomorph apply.

void applyGeomorphPosNormalUV0Int (std::vector< CMRMWedgeGeom > &geoms, uint8 *vertexPtr, uint8 *vertexDestPtr, sint32 vertexSize, sint a, sint a1)
 Faster, but common geomorph apply.

void applyGeomorphWithVBHardPtr (std::vector< CMRMWedgeGeom > &geoms, float alphaLod)
 Apply the geomorph to the VBhard ptr, if not NULL.

void applyRawSkinWithNormal (CLod &lod, CRawSkinnedNormalCache &rawSkinLod, const CSkeletonModel *skeleton, uint8 *vbHard, float alphaLod)
sint chooseLod (float alphaMRM, float &alphaLod)
 choose the lod according to the alphaMRM [0,1] given.

void compileRunTime ()
void updateShiftedTriangleCache (CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance *mi, sint curLodId, uint baseVertex)

Private Attributes

 For clipping. this is the BB of all vertices of all Lods.

bool _BoneIdComputed
 This boolean is true if the bones id have been passed in the skeleton.

bool _BoneIdExtended
 true if the _BonesIdExt have been computed (for bone Usage).

std::vector< sint32_BonesId
 This array give the index in the skeleton of the local bones used. computed at first computeBoneId().

std::vector< sint32_BonesIdExt
 Same as _BonesId but with parent of bones added. (used for bone usage).

std::vector< std::string > _BonesName
 This array give the name of the local bones.

std::vector< NLMISC::CBSphere_BonesSphere
 see CTransform::getSkinBoneSphere() doc for the meaning of this value

uint8 _LastLodComputed
 Last lod rendered. used with renderSkinGroup*() only.

std::vector< CLod_Lods
 List of Lods.

CPackedVertexBuffer _VBufferFinal
CMRMLevelDetail _LevelDetail


class CMRMBuilder
Structures for building a MRM mesh.
class CLod

Member Enumeration Documentation


+ + + + +
+ + +
enum NL3D::IMeshGeom::TRenderFlag [inherited] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Render Flags, used in render. +


Enumeration values:
+ + + + + + +
RenderOpaqueMaterial  +
RenderTransparentMaterial  +
RenderPassOpaque  +
RenderGlobalAlpha  +
RenderGADisableZWrite  +
+ +

+Definition at line 82 of file mesh_geom.h. +


00083         {
+00084                 RenderOpaqueMaterial= 1,                // set when the mesh geom must render opaque material
+00085                 RenderTransparentMaterial= 2,   // set when the mesh geom must render transparent material
+00086                 RenderPassOpaque=4,                             // set when the current traversal rdrPass is the opaque pass
+00087                 RenderGlobalAlpha= 8,                   // set when the caller wants to draw material with global alpha
+00088                 RenderGADisableZWrite= 16,              // only when globalAlpha is used. set if must disable ZWrite
+00089         };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom  ) 
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Constructor. +

+ +

+Definition at line 171 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +


00172 {
+00173         _BoneIdComputed = false;
+00174         _BoneIdExtended = false;
+00175         _PreciseClipping= false;
+00176         _MeshDataId= 0;
+00177         _SupportShadowSkinGrouping= false;
+00178 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::~CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom  ) 
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 182 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +


00183 {
+00184 }

Member Function Documentation


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
virtual void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::activeInstance CMeshGeomRenderContext rdrCtx,
CMeshBaseInstance inst,
float  polygonCount,
void *  vbDst
[inline, virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+The framework call this method any time a change of instance occurs. +

+Implements NL3D::IMeshGeom. +

+Definition at line 233 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +


00233 {};

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::applyArrayRawSkinNormal1 CRawVertexNormalSkinned1 src,
uint8 destVertexPtr,
CMatrix3x4 boneMat3x4,
uint  nInf
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 2390 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp.


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::applyArrayRawSkinNormal2 CRawVertexNormalSkinned2 src,
uint8 destVertexPtr,
CMatrix3x4 boneMat3x4,
uint  nInf
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 2569 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp.


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::applyArrayRawSkinNormal3 CRawVertexNormalSkinned3 src,
uint8 destVertexPtr,
CMatrix3x4 boneMat3x4,
uint  nInf
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 2872 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp.


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::applyArrayRawSkinNormal4 CRawVertexNormalSkinned4 src,
uint8 destVertexPtr,
CMatrix3x4 boneMat3x4,
uint  nInf
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 3266 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp.


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::applyArrayShadowSkin CShadowVertex src,
CVector dst,
CSkeletonModel skeleton,
uint  numVerts
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 2283 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::computeBoneMatrixes3x4(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CLod::MatrixInfluences, min, src, and uint. +

+Referenced by renderShadowSkinGeom(). +


02284 {
+02285         // For all matrix this Mesh use. (the shadow geometry cannot use other Matrix than the mesh use).
+02286         // NB: take the best lod since the lower lods cannot use other Matrix than the higher one.
+02287         static  vector<CMatrix3x4>              boneMat3x4;
+02288         CLod    &lod= _Lods[_Lods.size()-1];
+02289         computeBoneMatrixes3x4(boneMat3x4, lod.MatrixInfluences, skeleton);
+02291         // Then do the skin
+02292         for(;numVerts>0;)
+02293         {
+02294                 // number of vertices to process for this block.
+02295                 uint    nBlockInf= min(NumCacheVertexShadow, numVerts);
+02296                 // next block.
+02297                 numVerts-= nBlockInf;
+02299                 // cache the data in L1 cache.
+02300                 CFastMem::precache(src, nBlockInf * sizeof(CShadowVertex));
+02302                 //  for all InfluencedVertices only.
+02303                 for(;nBlockInf>0;nBlockInf--, src++, dst++)
+02304                 {
+02305                         boneMat3x4[ src->MatrixId ].mulSetPoint( src->Vertex, *dst );
+02306                 }
+02307         }
+02308 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::applyGeomorph std::vector< CMRMWedgeGeom > &  geoms,
float  alphaLod
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Apply the geomorph to the _VBuffer, or the VBhard, if exist/used. +

+ +

+Definition at line 410 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References applyGeomorphWithVBHardPtr(). +

+Referenced by render(). +


00411 {
+00412         applyGeomorphWithVBHardPtr(geoms, alphaLod);
+00413 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::applyGeomorphPosNormalUV0 std::vector< CMRMWedgeGeom > &  geoms,
uint8 vertexPtr,
uint8 vertexDestPtr,
sint32  vertexSize,
float  a,
float  a1
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Faster, but common geomorph apply. +

+ +

+Definition at line 438 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::CMRMWedgeGeom::End, nlassert, sint32, NL3D::CMRMWedgeGeom::Start, uint, and uint8. +


00439 {
+00440         nlassert(vertexSize==32);
+00443         // For all geomorphs.
+00444         uint                    nGeoms= geoms.size();
+00445         CMRMWedgeGeom   *ptrGeom= &(geoms[0]);
+00446         uint8                   *destPtr= vertexDestPtr;
+00447         for(; nGeoms>0; nGeoms--, ptrGeom++, destPtr+= vertexSize )
+00448         {
+00449                 // Consider the Pos/Normal/UV as an array of 8 float to interpolate.
+00450                 float                   *start= (float*)(vertexPtr + (ptrGeom->Start<<5));
+00451                 float                   *end=   (float*)(vertexPtr + (ptrGeom->End<<5));
+00452                 float                   *dst=   (float*)(destPtr);
+00454                 // unrolled
+00455                 dst[0]= start[0] * a + end[0]* a1;
+00456                 dst[1]= start[1] * a + end[1]* a1;
+00457                 dst[2]= start[2] * a + end[2]* a1;
+00458                 dst[3]= start[3] * a + end[3]* a1;
+00459                 dst[4]= start[4] * a + end[4]* a1;
+00460                 dst[5]= start[5] * a + end[5]* a1;
+00461                 dst[6]= start[6] * a + end[6]* a1;
+00462                 dst[7]= start[7] * a + end[7]* a1;
+00463         }
+00464 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::applyGeomorphPosNormalUV0Int std::vector< CMRMWedgeGeom > &  geoms,
uint8 vertexPtr,
uint8 vertexDestPtr,
sint32  vertexSize,
sint  a,
sint  a1
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Faster, but common geomorph apply. +

+ +

+Definition at line 468 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::CMRMWedgeGeom::End, sint, sint16, sint32, NL3D::CMRMWedgeGeom::Start, uint, and uint8. +

+Referenced by applyGeomorphWithVBHardPtr(). +


00469 {
+00470         // For all geomorphs.
+00471         uint                    nGeoms= geoms.size();
+00472         CMRMWedgeGeom   *ptrGeom= &(geoms[0]);
+00473         uint8                   *destPtr= vertexDestPtr;
+00474         for(; nGeoms>0; nGeoms--, ptrGeom++, destPtr+= vertexSize )
+00475         {
+00476                 // Consider the Pos/Normal/UV as an array of 8 float to interpolate.
+00477                 sint16                  *start= (sint16*)(vertexPtr + (ptrGeom->Start*vertexSize));
+00478                 sint16                  *end=   (sint16*)(vertexPtr + (ptrGeom->End*vertexSize));
+00479                 sint16                  *dst=   (sint16*)(destPtr);
+00481                 /* Hulud
+00482                  * This is slow but, we don't care because this method is called for debug purpose only (watch skin without skinning)
+00483                  */
+00485                 // unrolled
+00486                 dst[0]= (sint16)(((sint)(start[0]) * a + (sint)(end[0]) * a1)>>8);
+00487                 dst[1]= (sint16)(((sint)(start[1]) * a + (sint)(end[1]) * a1)>>8);
+00488                 dst[2]= (sint16)(((sint)(start[2]) * a + (sint)(end[2]) * a1)>>8);
+00489                 dst[3]= (sint16)(((sint)(start[3]) * a + (sint)(end[3]) * a1)>>8);
+00490                 dst[4]= (sint16)(((sint)(start[4]) * a + (sint)(end[4]) * a1)>>8);
+00491                 dst[5]= (sint16)(((sint)(start[5]) * a + (sint)(end[5]) * a1)>>8);
+00492                 dst[6]= (sint16)(((sint)(start[6]) * a + (sint)(end[6]) * a1)>>8);
+00493                 dst[7]= (sint16)(((sint)(start[7]) * a + (sint)(end[7]) * a1)>>8);
+00494         }
+00495 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::applyGeomorphWithVBHardPtr std::vector< CMRMWedgeGeom > &  geoms,
float  alphaLod
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Apply the geomorph to the VBhard ptr, if not NULL. +

+ +

+Definition at line 417 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References applyGeomorphPosNormalUV0Int(), NLMISC::clamp(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::getPackedVertices(), sint, sint32, uint, and uint8. +

+Referenced by applyGeomorph(). +


00418 {
+00419         // no geomorphs? quit.
+00420         if(geoms.size()==0)
+00421                 return;
+00423         clamp(alphaLod, 0.f, 1.f);
+00424         sint            a= (uint)floor((256.f*alphaLod)+0.5f);
+00425         sint            a1= 256 - a;
+00428         // info from VBuffer.
+00429         uint8           *vertexPtr= (uint8*)_VBufferFinal.getPackedVertices();
+00430         sint32          vertexSize= sizeof(CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex);
+00432         // use a faster method
+00433         applyGeomorphPosNormalUV0Int(geoms, vertexPtr, vertexPtr, vertexSize, a, a1);
+00434 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::applyMaterialRemap const std::vector< sint > &  remap  ) 
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+change materials Ids (called from CMesh::optimizeMaterialUsage()) +

+ +

+Definition at line 395 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References getNbLod(), getNbRdrPass(), nlassert, uint, and uint32. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::optimizeMaterialUsage(). +


00396 {
+00397         for(uint lod=0;lod<getNbLod();lod++)
+00398         {
+00399                 for(uint rp=0;rp<getNbRdrPass(lod);rp++)
+00400                 {
+00401                         // remap
+00402                         uint32  &matId= _Lods[lod].RdrPass[rp].MaterialId;
+00403                         nlassert(remap[matId]>=0);
+00404                         matId= remap[matId];
+00405                 }
+00406         }
+00407 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::applyRawSkinWithNormal CLod lod,
CRawSkinnedNormalCache rawSkinLod,
const CSkeletonModel skeleton,
uint8 vbHard,
float  alphaLod
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+The same as apply skin, but with normal modified. Normal is not normalized. 4 versions from slower to faster. +

+Definition at line 3320 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+Referenced by renderSkinGroupGeom().


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
virtual void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::beginMesh CMeshGeomRenderContext rdrCtx  )  [inline, virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+The framework call this method when he will render instances of this meshGeom soon. +

+Implements NL3D::IMeshGeom. +

+Definition at line 232 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +


00232 {};

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::build CMesh::CMeshBuild m,
uint  numMaxMaterial,
const CMRMParameters params = CMRMParameters()
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Build a mesh, replacing old. this is much slower than CMeshGeom::build(), because it computes the MRM.

+ + +
params parameters of the MRM build process.
+ +

+Definition at line 206 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CMeshBuildMRM::BlendShapes, NL3D::CMesh::CMeshBuild::BonesNames, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::build(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::clear(), NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::compileDistanceSetup(), NL3D::CMRMBuilder::compileMRM(), compileRunTime(), dirtMeshDataId(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CMeshBuildMRM::DistanceCoarsest, NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::DistanceCoarsest, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CMeshBuildMRM::DistanceFinest, NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::DistanceFinest, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CMeshBuildMRM::DistanceMiddle, NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::DistanceMiddle, NL3D::CMesh::CMeshBuild::Faces, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CRdrPass::getNumTriangle(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::getNumVertices(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::getPackedVertices(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CMeshBuildMRM::Lods, NL3D::makeBBox(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex::Matrices, matrix, NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::MaxFaceUsed, NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::MinFaceUsed, NL3D_MESH_MRM_SKINNED_MAX_MATRIX, nlassert, params, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CLod::RdrPass, NLMISC::CAABBoxExt::setCenter(), NLMISC::CAABBoxExt::setSize(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CMeshBuildMRM::Skinned, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CMeshBuildMRM::SkinWeights, uint, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CMeshBuildMRM::VBuffer, NL3D::CMesh::CMeshBuild::Vertices, and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex::Weights. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::build(). +


00208 {
+00209         // Empty geometry?
+00210         if(m.Vertices.size()==0 || m.Faces.size()==0)
+00211         {
+00212                 _VBufferFinal.clear();
+00213                 _Lods.clear();
+00214                 _BBox.setCenter(CVector::Null);
+00215                 _BBox.setSize(CVector::Null);
+00216                 return;
+00217         }
+00218         nlassert(numMaxMaterial>0);
+00222         //======================
+00223         // NB: this is equivalent as building BBox from MRM VBuffer, because CMRMBuilder create new vertices 
+00224         // which are just interpolation of original vertices.
+00225         _BBox= makeBBox(m.Vertices);
+00229         //================================================
+00230         CMRMBuilder                     mrmBuilder;
+00231         CMeshBuildMRM           meshBuildMRM;
+00232         std::vector<CMesh::CMeshBuild*> bsList;
+00234         mrmBuilder.compileMRM(m, bsList, params, meshBuildMRM, numMaxMaterial);
+00235         nlassert (meshBuildMRM.Skinned);
+00237         // Then build the packed vertex buffer
+00238         //================================================
+00239 (meshBuildMRM.VBuffer, meshBuildMRM.SkinWeights);
+00240         _Lods= meshBuildMRM.Lods;
+00242         // Compute degradation control.
+00243         //================================================
+00244         _LevelDetail.DistanceFinest= meshBuildMRM.DistanceFinest;
+00245         _LevelDetail.DistanceMiddle= meshBuildMRM.DistanceMiddle;
+00246         _LevelDetail.DistanceCoarsest= meshBuildMRM.DistanceCoarsest;
+00247         nlassert(_LevelDetail.DistanceFinest>=0);
+00248         nlassert(_LevelDetail.DistanceMiddle > _LevelDetail.DistanceFinest);
+00249         nlassert(_LevelDetail.DistanceCoarsest > _LevelDetail.DistanceMiddle);
+00250         // Compute OODistDelta and DistancePow
+00251         _LevelDetail.compileDistanceSetup();
+00254         // For load balancing.
+00255         //================================================
+00256         // compute Max Face Used
+00257         _LevelDetail.MaxFaceUsed= 0;
+00258         _LevelDetail.MinFaceUsed= 0;
+00259         // Count of primitive block
+00260         if(_Lods.size()>0)
+00261         {
+00262                 uint    pb;
+00263                 // Compute MinFaces.
+00264                 CLod    &firstLod= _Lods[0];
+00265                 for (pb=0; pb<firstLod.RdrPass.size(); pb++)
+00266                 {
+00267                         CRdrPass &pass= firstLod.RdrPass[pb];
+00268                         // Sum tri
+00269                         _LevelDetail.MinFaceUsed+= pass.getNumTriangle ();
+00270                 }
+00271                 // Compute MaxFaces.
+00272                 CLod    &lastLod= _Lods[_Lods.size()-1];
+00273                 for (pb=0; pb<lastLod.RdrPass.size(); pb++)
+00274                 {
+00275                         CRdrPass &pass= lastLod.RdrPass[pb];
+00276                         // Sum tri
+00277                         _LevelDetail.MaxFaceUsed+= pass.getNumTriangle ();
+00278                 }
+00279         }
+00282         // For skinning.
+00283         //================================================
+00285         // Inform that the mesh data has changed
+00286         dirtMeshDataId();
+00289         // For AGP SKinning optim, and for Render optim
+00290         //================================================
+00291         uint i;
+00292         for(i=0;i<_Lods.size();i++)
+00293         {
+00294                 // sort triangles for better cache use.
+00295                 _Lods[i].optimizeTriangleOrder();
+00296         }
+00298         // No Blend Shapes
+00299         //================================================      
+00300         nlassert (meshBuildMRM.BlendShapes.size() == 0);
+00302         // Compact bone id and build a bone id names
+00303         //================================================      
+00305         // Remap
+00306         std::map<uint, uint> remap;
+00308         // Current bone
+00309         uint currentBone = 0;
+00311         // Reserve memory
+00312         _BonesName.reserve (m.BonesNames.size());
+00314         // For each vertices
+00315         uint vert;
+00316         CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex *vertices = _VBufferFinal.getPackedVertices();
+00317         for (vert=0; vert<_VBufferFinal.getNumVertices(); vert++)
+00318         {
+00319                 // Found one ?
+00320                 bool found=false;
+00322                 // For each weight
+00323                 uint weight;
+00324                 for (weight=0; weight<NL3D_MESH_MRM_SKINNED_MAX_MATRIX; weight++)
+00325                 {
+00326                         // Active ?
+00327                         if ((vertices[vert].Weights[weight]>0)||(weight==0))
+00328                         {
+00329                                 // Look for it
+00330                                 std::map<uint, uint>::iterator ite = remap.find (vertices[vert].Matrices[weight]);
+00332                                 // Find ?
+00333                                 if (ite == remap.end())
+00334                                 {
+00335                                         // Insert it
+00336                                         remap.insert (std::map<uint, uint>::value_type (vertices[vert].Matrices[weight], currentBone));
+00338                                         // Check the id
+00339                                         nlassert (vertices[vert].Matrices[weight]<m.BonesNames.size());
+00341                                         // Set the bone name
+00342                                         _BonesName.push_back (m.BonesNames[vertices[vert].Matrices[weight]]);
+00344                                         // Set the local bone id
+00345                                         vertices[vert].Matrices[weight] = currentBone++;
+00346                                 }
+00347                                 else
+00348                                 {
+00349                                         // Set the local bone id
+00350                                         vertices[vert].Matrices[weight] = ite->second;
+00351                                 }
+00353                                 // Found one
+00354                                 found = true;
+00355                         }
+00356                 }
+00358                 // Found one ?
+00359                 nlassert (found);
+00360         }
+00362         // Remap the vertex influence by lods
+00363         uint lod;
+00364         for (lod=0; lod<_Lods.size(); lod++)
+00365         {
+00366                 // For each matrix used
+00367                 uint matrix;
+00368                 for (matrix=0; matrix<_Lods[lod].MatrixInfluences.size(); matrix++)
+00369                 {
+00370                         // Remap
+00371                         std::map<uint, uint>::iterator ite = remap.find (_Lods[lod].MatrixInfluences[matrix]);
+00373                         // Not find ?
+00374                         if (ite == remap.end())
+00375                         {
+00376                                 // Remove it
+00377                                 _Lods[lod].MatrixInfluences.erase (_Lods[lod].MatrixInfluences.begin()+matrix);
+00378                                 matrix--;
+00379                                 continue;
+00380                         }
+00382                         // Remap
+00383                         _Lods[lod].MatrixInfluences[matrix] = ite->second;
+00384                 }
+00385         }
+00387         // Misc.
+00388         //===================
+00389         // Some runtime not serialized compilation
+00390         compileRunTime();
+00392 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::changeMRMDistanceSetup float  distanceFinest,
float  distanceMiddle,
float  distanceCoarsest
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Change MRM Distance setup. NB: no-op if distanceFinest<0, distanceMiddle<=distanceFinest or if distanceCoarsest<=distanceMiddle.

+ + + + +
distanceFinest The MRM has its max faces when dist<=distanceFinest.
distanceMiddle The MRM has 50% of its faces at dist==distanceMiddle.
distanceCoarsest The MRM has faces/Divisor (ie near 0) when dist>=distanceCoarsest.
+ +

+Definition at line 188 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::compileDistanceSetup(), NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::DistanceCoarsest, NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::DistanceFinest, and NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::DistanceMiddle. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::changeMRMDistanceSetup(). +


00189 {
+00190         // check input.
+00191         if(distanceFinest<0)    return;
+00192         if(distanceMiddle<=distanceFinest)      return;
+00193         if(distanceCoarsest<=distanceMiddle)    return;
+00195         // Change.
+00196         _LevelDetail.DistanceFinest= distanceFinest;
+00197         _LevelDetail.DistanceMiddle= distanceMiddle;
+00198         _LevelDetail.DistanceCoarsest= distanceCoarsest;
+00200         // compile 
+00201         _LevelDetail.compileDistanceSetup();
+00202 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
sint NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::chooseLod float  alphaMRM,
float &  alphaLod
[inline, private]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+choose the lod according to the alphaMRM [0,1] given. +

+ +

+Definition at line 547 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References sint. +

+Referenced by profileSceneRender(), render(), and renderSkinGroupGeom(). +


00548 {
+00549         // Choose what Lod to draw.
+00550         alphaMRM*= _Lods.size()-1;
+00551         sint    numLod= (sint)ceil(alphaMRM);
+00552         if(numLod==0)
+00553         {
+00554                 numLod= 0;
+00555                 alphaLod= 0;
+00556         }
+00557         else
+00558         {
+00559                 // Lerp beetween lod i-1 and lod i.
+00560                 alphaLod= alphaMRM-(numLod-1);
+00561         }
+00563         return numLod;
+00564 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
bool NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::clip const std::vector< CPlane > &  pyramid,
const CMatrix worldMatrix
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+clip this mesh in a driver. true if visible. +

+ +

+Reimplemented from NL3D::IMeshGeom. +

+Definition at line 505 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NLMISC::CBSphere::applyTransform(), NLMISC::CBSphere::Center, NLMISC::CAABBoxExt::clipBack(), NLMISC::CAABBoxExt::getCenter(), NLMISC::CAABBoxExt::getRadius(), NLMISC::CPlane::normalize(), NLMISC::CBSphere::Radius, and sint. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::clip(). +


00506 {
+00507         // Speed Clip: clip just the sphere.
+00508         CBSphere        localSphere(_BBox.getCenter(), _BBox.getRadius());
+00509         CBSphere        worldSphere;
+00511         // transform the sphere in WorldMatrix (with nearly good scale info).
+00512         localSphere.applyTransform(worldMatrix, worldSphere);
+00514         // if out of only plane, entirely out.
+00515         for(sint i=0;i<(sint)pyramid.size();i++)
+00516         {
+00517                 // We are sure that pyramid has normalized plane normals.
+00518                 // if SpherMax OUT return false.
+00519                 float   d= pyramid[i]*worldSphere.Center;
+00520                 if(d>worldSphere.Radius)
+00521                         return false;
+00522         }
+00524         // test if must do a precise clip, according to mesh size.
+00525         if( _PreciseClipping )
+00526         {
+00527                 CPlane  localPlane;
+00529                 // if out of only plane, entirely out.
+00530                 for(sint i=0;i<(sint)pyramid.size();i++)
+00531                 {
+00532                         // Transform the pyramid in Object space.
+00533                         localPlane= pyramid[i]*worldMatrix;
+00534                         // localPlane must be normalized, because worldMatrix mya have a scale.
+00535                         localPlane.normalize();
+00536                         // if the box is not partially inside the plane, quit
+00537                         if( !_BBox.clipBack(localPlane) )
+00538                                 return false;
+00539                 }
+00540         }
+00542         return true;
+00543 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::compileRunTime  )  [private]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 1273 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +


+Referenced by build(), and serial(). +


01274 {
+01275         _PreciseClipping= _BBox.getRadius() >= NL3D_MESH_PRECISE_CLIP_THRESHOLD;
+01277         // The Mesh must follow those restrictions, to support group skinning
+01278         nlassert (_VBufferFinal.getNumVertices() < NL3D_MESH_SKIN_MANAGER_MAXVERTICES);
+01280         // Support Shadow SkinGrouping if Shadow setuped, and if not too many vertices.
+01281         _SupportShadowSkinGrouping= !_ShadowSkinVertices.empty() &&
+01282                 NL3D_SHADOW_MESH_SKIN_MANAGER_VERTEXFORMAT==CVertexBuffer::PositionFlag &&
+01283                 _ShadowSkinVertices.size() <= NL3D_SHADOW_MESH_SKIN_MANAGER_MAXVERTICES;
+01284 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::computeBonesId CSkeletonModel skeleton  ) 
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Compute skinning id. +

+ +

+Definition at line 1062 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::CSkeletonModel::Bones, NL3D::CSkeletonModel::flagBoneAndParents(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::getBoneIdByName(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::getNumVertices(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::getPackedVertices(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::getPos(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex::Matrices, matrix, NL3D_MESH_SKINNING_MAX_MATRIX, nlassert, nlwarning, sint32, uint, uint32, v, and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex::Weights. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::computeBonesId(). +


01063 {
+01064         // Already computed ?
+01065         if (!_BoneIdComputed)
+01066         {
+01067                 // Get a pointer on the skeleton
+01068                 nlassert (skeleton);
+01069                 if (skeleton)
+01070                 {
+01071                         // Resize boneId to the good size.
+01072                         _BonesId.resize(_BonesName.size());
+01074                         // Remap bones id table
+01075                         std::vector<uint> remap (_BonesName.size());
+01077                         // **** For each bones, compute remap
+01078                         uint bone;
+01079                         for (bone=0; bone<remap.size(); bone++)
+01080                         {
+01081                                 // Look for the bone
+01082                                 sint32 boneId = skeleton->getBoneIdByName (_BonesName[bone]);
+01084                                 // Setup the _BoneId.
+01085                                 _BonesId[bone]= boneId;
+01087                                 // Bones found ?
+01088                                 if (boneId != -1)
+01089                                 {
+01090                                         // Set the bone id
+01091                                         remap[bone] = (uint32)boneId;
+01092                                 }
+01093                                 else
+01094                                 {
+01095                                         // Put id 0
+01096                                         remap[bone] = 0;
+01098                                         // Error
+01099                                         nlwarning ("Bone %s not found in the skeleton.", _BonesName[bone].c_str());
+01100                                 }
+01101                         }
+01103                         // **** Remap the vertices, and compute Bone Spheres.
+01105                         // Find the Geomorph space: to process only real vertices, not geomorphed ones.
+01106                         uint    nGeomSpace= 0;
+01107                         uint    lod;
+01108                         for (lod=0; lod<_Lods.size(); lod++)
+01109                         {
+01110                                 nGeomSpace= max(nGeomSpace, (uint)_Lods[lod].Geomorphs.size());
+01111                         }
+01113                         // Prepare Sphere compute
+01114                         static std::vector<CAABBox>             boneBBoxes;
+01115                         static std::vector<bool>                boneBBEmpty;
+01116                         boneBBoxes.clear();
+01117                         boneBBEmpty.clear();
+01118                         boneBBoxes.resize(_BonesId.size());
+01119                         boneBBEmpty.resize(_BonesId.size(), true);
+01122                         // Remap the vertex, and compute the bone spheres. see CTransform::getSkinBoneSphere() doc.
+01123                         // for true vertices
+01124                         uint vert;
+01125                         const uint vertexCount = _VBufferFinal.getNumVertices();
+01126                         CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex *vertices = _VBufferFinal.getPackedVertices();
+01127                         for (vert=nGeomSpace; vert<vertexCount; vert++)
+01128                         {
+01129                                 // get the vertex position.
+01130                                 CVector vertex;
+01131                                 _VBufferFinal.getPos (vertex, vertices[vert]);
+01133                                 // For each weight
+01134                                 uint weight;
+01135                                 for (weight=0; weight<NL3D_MESH_SKINNING_MAX_MATRIX; weight++)
+01136                                 {
+01137                                         // Active ?
+01138                                         if ((vertices[vert].Weights[weight]>0)||(weight==0))
+01139                                         {
+01140                                                 // Check id
+01141                                                 uint    srcId= vertices[vert].Matrices[weight];
+01142                                                 nlassert (srcId < remap.size());
+01143                                                 // remap
+01144                                                 vertices[vert].Matrices[weight] = remap[srcId];
+01146                                                 // if the boneId is valid (ie found)
+01147                                                 if(_BonesId[srcId]>=0)
+01148                                                 {
+01149                                                         // transform the vertex pos in BoneSpace
+01150                                                         CVector         p= skeleton->Bones[_BonesId[srcId]].getBoneBase().InvBindPos * vertex;
+01151                                                         // extend the bone bbox.
+01152                                                         if(boneBBEmpty[srcId])
+01153                                                         {
+01154                                                                 boneBBoxes[srcId].setCenter(p);
+01155                                                                 boneBBEmpty[srcId]= false;
+01156                                                         }
+01157                                                         else
+01158                                                         {
+01159                                                                 boneBBoxes[srcId].extend(p);
+01160                                                         }
+01161                                                 }
+01162                                         }
+01163                                         else
+01164                                                 break;
+01165                                 }                               
+01166                         }
+01168                         // Compile spheres
+01169                         _BonesSphere.resize(_BonesId.size());
+01170                         for(bone=0;bone<_BonesSphere.size();bone++)
+01171                         {
+01172                                 // If the bone is empty, mark with -1 in the radius.
+01173                                 if(boneBBEmpty[bone])
+01174                                 {
+01175                                         _BonesSphere[bone].Radius= -1;
+01176                                 }
+01177                                 else
+01178                                 {
+01179                                         _BonesSphere[bone].Center= boneBBoxes[bone].getCenter();
+01180                                         _BonesSphere[bone].Radius= boneBBoxes[bone].getRadius();
+01181                                 }
+01182                         }
+01184                         // **** Remap the vertex influence by lods
+01185                         for (lod=0; lod<_Lods.size(); lod++)
+01186                         {
+01187                                 // For each matrix used
+01188                                 uint matrix;
+01189                                 for (matrix=0; matrix<_Lods[lod].MatrixInfluences.size(); matrix++)
+01190                                 {
+01191                                         // Check
+01192                                         nlassert (_Lods[lod].MatrixInfluences[matrix]<remap.size());
+01194                                         // Remap
+01195                                         _Lods[lod].MatrixInfluences[matrix] = remap[_Lods[lod].MatrixInfluences[matrix]];
+01196                                 }
+01197                         }
+01199                         // **** Remap Shadow Vertices.
+01200                         for(vert=0;vert<_ShadowSkinVertices.size();vert++)
+01201                         {
+01202                                 CShadowVertex   &v= _ShadowSkinVertices[vert];
+01203                                 // Check id
+01204                                 nlassert (v.MatrixId < remap.size());
+01205                                 v.MatrixId= remap[v.MatrixId];
+01206                         }
+01208                         // Computed
+01209                         _BoneIdComputed = true;
+01210                 }
+01211         }
+01213         // Already extended ?
+01214         if (!_BoneIdExtended)
+01215         {
+01216                 nlassert (skeleton);
+01217                 if (skeleton)
+01218                 {
+01219                         // the total bone Usage of the mesh.
+01220                         vector<bool>    boneUsage;
+01221                         boneUsage.resize(skeleton->Bones.size(), false);
+01223                         // for all Bones marked as valid.
+01224                         uint    i;
+01225                         for(i=0; i<_BonesId.size(); i++)
+01226                         {
+01227                                 // if not a valid boneId, skip it.
+01228                                 if(_BonesId[i]<0)
+01229                                         continue;
+01231                                 // mark him and his father in boneUsage.
+01232                                 skeleton->flagBoneAndParents(_BonesId[i], boneUsage);
+01233                         }
+01235                         // fill _BonesIdExt with bones of _BonesId and their parents.
+01236                         _BonesIdExt.clear();
+01237                         for(i=0; i<boneUsage.size();i++)
+01238                         {
+01239                                 // if the bone is used by the mesh, add it to BoneIdExt.
+01240                                 if(boneUsage[i])
+01241                                         _BonesIdExt.push_back(i);
+01242                         }
+01244                 }
+01246                 // Extended
+01247                 _BoneIdExtended= true;
+01248         }
+01250 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
virtual void NL3D::IMeshGeom::computeMeshVBHeap void *  dst,
uint  indexStart
[inline, virtual, inherited]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+When the framework succes to allocate a VBHeap space, it call this method to fill this space and compute shifted Primitive block.

+ + + +
the dest VertexBuffer. NB: start to fill at dst[0]
indexStart used to shift primitive block.
+ +

+Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshGeom, and NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom. +

+Definition at line 207 of file mesh_geom.h. +

+References uint. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshBlockManager::allocateMeshVBHeap(). +


00207 {}

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::dirtMeshDataId  )  [private]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Increment the refCount, so instances RawSkins are no longer valid. +

+ +

+Definition at line 1560 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+Referenced by build(), and serial(). +


01561 {
+01562         // see updateRawSkinNormal()
+01563         _MeshDataId++;
+01564 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
virtual void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::endMesh CMeshGeomRenderContext rdrCtx  )  [inline, virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+The framework call this method when it has done with this meshGeom +

+Implements NL3D::IMeshGeom. +

+Definition at line 235 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +


00235 {};

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::fillAGPSkinPartWithVBHardPtr CLod lod,
uint8 vertexDst
+ + + + + +
+   + + +



+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
const std::vector<std::string>& NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::getBonesName  )  const [inline]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+get the bone names of the meshMRM. +

+ +

+Definition at line 161 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +


00161 {return _BonesName;}

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
const NLMISC::CAABBoxExt& NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::getBoundingBox  )  const [inline, virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+get the extended axis aligned bounding box of the mesh +

+ +

+Implements NL3D::IMeshGeom. +

+Definition at line 148 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::getBoundingBox(). +


00149         {
+00150                 return _BBox;
+00151         }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
virtual std::string NLMISC::IClassable::getClassName  )  [pure virtual, inherited]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Implemented in NLAIAGENT::CNumericIndex, NLAIC::IPointerGestion, NLAIC::CIdentType, and CAutomataDesc. +

+Referenced by NLMISC::CClassRegistry::checkObject(), and NL3D::GetTextureSize().


+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
const std::vector<CMRMWedgeGeom>& NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::getGeomorphs uint  lodId  )  const [inline]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Advanced. get the geomorphs for a special lod. +

+ +

+Definition at line 195 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +

+References uint. +


00196         {
+00197                 return _Lods[lodId].Geomorphs;
+00198         }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
const CMRMLevelDetail& NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::getLevelDetail  )  const [inline]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+get the MRM level detail information +

+ +

+Definition at line 241 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::getMRMLevelDetail(). +


00241 {return _LevelDetail;}

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
uint NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::getNbLod  )  const [inline]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+get the number of LOD. +

+Definition at line 165 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +

+References uint. +

+Referenced by applyMaterialRemap(), and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::getNbLod(). +


00165 { return _Lods.size() ; }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
uint NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::getNbRdrPass uint  lodId  )  const [inline]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+get the number of rendering pass of a LOD.

+ + +
lodId the id of the LOD.
+ +

+Definition at line 171 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +

+References uint. +

+Referenced by applyMaterialRemap(), and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::getNbRdrPass(). +


00171 { return _Lods[lodId].RdrPass.size() ; }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
virtual uint NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::getNumRdrPassesForInstance CMeshBaseInstance inst  )  const [inline, virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+return the number of renderPasses for this instance. Called after activateInstance() Used only if sortPerMaterial()) is false +

+Implements NL3D::IMeshGeom. +

+Definition at line 231 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +

+References uint. +


00231 { return 0; };

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
virtual uint NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::getNumRdrPassesForMesh  )  const [inline, virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+return the number of renderPasses for this mesh. Used only if sortPerMaterial()) is true +

+Implements NL3D::IMeshGeom. +

+Definition at line 230 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +

+References uint. +


00230 { return 0; };

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
uint NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::getNumShadowSkinVertices  )  const
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Get the num of shadow skin vertices. +

+ +

+Definition at line 1837 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References uint. +


01838 {
+01839         return _ShadowSkinVertices.size();
+01840 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
float NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::getNumTriangles float  distance  )  [virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+get an approximation of the number of triangles this instance will render for a fixed distance. +

+ +

+Implements NL3D::IMeshGeom. +

+Definition at line 1055 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::getNumTriangles(). +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::getNumTriangles(). +


01056 {
+01057         // NB: this is an approximation, but this is continious.
+01058         return _LevelDetail.getNumTriangles(distance);
+01059 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
uint32 NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::getRdrPassMaterial uint  lodId,
uint  renderingPassIndex
const [inline]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+get the material ID associated with a rendering pass of a LOD.

+ + + +
lodId the id of the LOD.
renderingPassIndex the index of the rendering pass in the matrix block
+ +

+Definition at line 188 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +

+References uint, and uint32. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::getRdrPassMaterial(). +


00189         {
+00190                 return _Lods[lodId].RdrPass[renderingPassIndex].MaterialId ;
+00191         }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock uint  lodId,
uint  renderingPassIndex,
CPrimitiveBlock block
const [inline]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+get the primitive block associated with a rendering pass of a LOD.

+ + + +
lodId the id of the LOD.
renderingPassIndex the index of the rendering pass
+ +

+Definition at line 178 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +

+References uint. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock(). +


00179         {
+00180                 _Lods[lodId].getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock(renderingPassIndex, block);
+00181         }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
const std::vector<NLMISC::CBSphere>& NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::getSkinBoneSphere  )  const [inline]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+see CTransform::getSkinBoneSphere() doc for the meaning of this value. computeBonesId must has been called before. +

+ +

+Definition at line 216 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::getSkinBoneSphere(). +


00216 {return _BonesSphere;}

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
const std::vector<sint32>& NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::getSkinBoneUsage  )  const [inline]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+return array of bones used by the skin. computeBonesId must has been called before. +

+ +

+Definition at line 213 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::getSkinBoneUsage(). +


00213 {return _BonesId;}

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::getSkinWeights std::vector< CMesh::CSkinWeight > &  skinWeights  )  const
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+get the skin weight buffer +

+ +

+Definition at line 2107 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::getNumVertices(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::getPackedVertices(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex::getWeight(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex::Matrices, NL3D_MESH_MRM_SKINNED_MAX_MATRIX, and uint. +


02108 {
+02109         const uint vertexCount = _VBufferFinal.getNumVertices();
+02110         skinWeights.resize (vertexCount);
+02111         const CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex *vertices = _VBufferFinal.getPackedVertices();
+02112         uint i;
+02113         for (i=0; i<vertexCount; i++)
+02114         {
+02115                 const CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex &vertex = vertices[i];
+02117                 uint j;
+02118                 // Matrices
+02119                 for (j=0; j<NL3D_MESH_MRM_SKINNED_MAX_MATRIX; j++)
+02120                 {
+02121                         skinWeights[i].MatrixId[j] = vertex.Matrices[j];
+02122                         vertex.getWeight (skinWeights[i].Weights[j], j);
+02123                 }
+02124         }
+02125 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
virtual bool NL3D::IMeshGeom::getVBHeapInfo uint vertexFormat,
uint numVertices
[inline, virtual, inherited]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+The framework call this method to know if the mesh can fit in VBHeap. if yes, deriver must return mesh vertexFormat and num of vertices. +

+Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshGeom, and NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom. +

+Definition at line 200 of file mesh_geom.h. +

+References uint. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshBlockManager::allocateMeshVBHeap(). +


00200 {return false;}

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::getVertexBuffer CVertexBuffer output  )  const
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+get the vertex buffer used by the mrm mesh. NB: this VB store all Vertices used by All LODs. +

+ +

+Definition at line 2088 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex::getNormal(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::getNormalCoordPointer(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::getNumVertices(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::getPackedVertices(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::getPos(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::getTexCoordPointer(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex::getU(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex::getV(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::getVertexCoordPointer(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::setNumVertices(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::setVertexFormat(), and uint. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::getVertexBuffer(), and render(). +


02089 {
+02090         output.setVertexFormat (CVertexBuffer::PositionFlag|CVertexBuffer::NormalFlag|CVertexBuffer::TexCoord0Flag);
+02091         const uint numVertices = _VBufferFinal.getNumVertices();
+02092         output.setNumVertices (numVertices);
+02093         uint i;
+02094         const CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex        *vertex = _VBufferFinal.getPackedVertices();
+02095         for (i=0; i<numVertices; i++)
+02096         {
+02097                 _VBufferFinal.getPos(*(CVector*)output.getVertexCoordPointer(i), vertex[i]);
+02098                 vertex[i].getNormal(*(CVector*)output.getNormalCoordPointer(i));
+02099                 float *texCoord = (float*)output.getTexCoordPointer(i,0);
+02100                 vertex[i].getU(texCoord[0]);
+02101                 vertex[i].getV(texCoord[1]);
+02102         }
+02103 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
virtual bool NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::hasMeshVertexProgram  )  const [inline, virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+True if this mesh has a vertexProgram. +

+ +

+Reimplemented from NL3D::IMeshGeom. +

+Definition at line 253 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::initRenderFilterType(). +


00253 {return false;}

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::initInstance CMeshBaseInstance mbi  )  [virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Init instance info. +

+ +

+Implements NL3D::IMeshGeom. +

+Definition at line 499 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::createInstance(). +


00500 {
+00501 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
virtual bool NL3D::IMeshGeom::isActiveInstanceNeedVBFill  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Return true if the meshGeom has to Fill some Vertices at activeInstance() time if VBHeap enabled at this time, then vbDst in activeInstance(,,,vbDst) will contains the vb to write to. +

+Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom. +

+Definition at line 212 of file mesh_geom.h. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshBlockManager::render(). +


00212 {return false;}

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
bool NL3D::IMeshGeom::isMeshInVBHeap  )  const [inline, inherited]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Return true if the meshGeom has to Fill some Vertices at activeInstance() time if VBHeap enabled at this time, then vbDst in activeInstance(,,,vbDst) will contains the vb to write to. +

+Definition at line 215 of file mesh_geom.h. +

+References NL3D::IMeshGeom::_MeshVBHeapId. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::profileSceneRender(), and NL3D::CMeshGeom::profileSceneRender(). +


00215 {return _MeshVBHeapId!=0;}

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::NLMISC_DECLARE_CLASS CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom   ) 
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+clip this mesh in a driver. true if visible. +



+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::profileSceneRender CRenderTrav rdrTrav,
CTransformShape trans,
float  polygonCount,
uint32  rdrFlags
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Scene profile. +

+ +

+Implements NL3D::IMeshGeom. +

+Definition at line 1288 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::CScene::BenchRes, chooseLod(), NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::getLevelDetailFromPolyCount(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CRdrPass::getNumTriangle(), NL3D::CScene::incrementProfileTriVBFormat(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CRdrPass::MaterialId, NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::Materials, NL3D::UScene::CBenchResults::MeshMRMProfileTriVBFormat, NL3D_MESH_SKIN_MANAGER_VERTEXFORMAT, NL3D::UScene::CBenchResults::NumMeshMRMRdrNormal, NL3D::UScene::CBenchResults::NumMeshMRMTriRdrNormal, NL3D::UScene::CBenchResults::NumMeshMRMVBufferStd, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CLod::RdrPass, NL3D::CTraversal::Scene, sint, uint, and uint32. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::profileSceneRender(). +


01289 {
+01290         // get the result of the Load Balancing.
+01291         float   alphaMRM= _LevelDetail.getLevelDetailFromPolyCount(polygonCount);
+01293         // choose the lod.
+01294         float   alphaLod;
+01295         sint    numLod= chooseLod(alphaMRM, alphaLod);
+01297         // Render the choosen Lod.
+01298         CLod    &lod= _Lods[numLod];
+01300         // get the mesh instance.
+01301         CMeshBaseInstance       *mi= safe_cast<CMeshBaseInstance*>(trans);
+01303         // Profile all pass.
+01304         uint    triCount= 0;
+01305         for (uint i=0;i<lod.RdrPass.size();i++)
+01306         {
+01307                 CRdrPass        &rdrPass= lod.RdrPass[i];
+01308                 // Profile with the Materials of the MeshInstance.
+01309                 if ( ( (mi->Materials[rdrPass.MaterialId].getBlend() == false) && (rdrFlags & IMeshGeom::RenderOpaqueMaterial) ) ||
+01310                          ( (mi->Materials[rdrPass.MaterialId].getBlend() == true) && (rdrFlags & IMeshGeom::RenderTransparentMaterial) ) )
+01311                 {
+01312                         triCount+= rdrPass.getNumTriangle();
+01313                 }
+01314         }
+01316         // Profile
+01317         if(triCount)
+01318         {
+01319                 // tri per VBFormat
+01320                 rdrTrav->Scene->incrementProfileTriVBFormat(rdrTrav->Scene->BenchRes.MeshMRMProfileTriVBFormat, 
+01321                         NL3D_MESH_SKIN_MANAGER_VERTEXFORMAT, triCount);
+01323                 rdrTrav->Scene->BenchRes.NumMeshMRMVBufferStd++;
+01324                 rdrTrav->Scene->BenchRes.NumMeshMRMRdrNormal++;
+01325                 rdrTrav->Scene->BenchRes.NumMeshMRMTriRdrNormal+= triCount;
+01326         }
+01327 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::render IDriver drv,
CTransformShape trans,
float  polygonCount,
uint32  rdrFlags,
float  globalAlpha
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+render() this mesh in a driver, given an instance and his materials. +

+ +

+Implements NL3D::IMeshGeom. +

+Definition at line 568 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::IDriver::activeVertexBuffer(), applyGeomorph(), chooseLod(), NL3D::IDriver::forceNormalize(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CLod::Geomorphs, NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::getLevelDetailFromPolyCount(), NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CLod::getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock(), NL3D::CScene::getRenderTrav(), NL3D::CTransform::getSkeletonModel(), getVertexBuffer(), NL3D::CTransform::getWorldMatrix(), H_AUTO, NL3D::IDriver::isForceNormalize(), NL3D::CTransform::isSkinned(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CRdrPass::MaterialId, NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::Materials, nlassert, NLMISC::OptFastFloor(), NL3D::CMeshBlender::prepareRenderForGlobalAlpha(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CLod::RdrPass, NL3D::IDriver::render(), NL3D::CMeshBlender::restoreRender(), NL3D::IDriver::setupModelMatrix(), sint, uint, uint32, and uint8. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::render(). +


00569 {
+00570         nlassert(drv);
+00571         if(_Lods.size()==0)
+00572                 return;
+00575         // get the meshMRM instance.
+00576         CMeshBaseInstance       *mi= safe_cast<CMeshBaseInstance*>(trans);
+00577         // get a ptr on scene
+00578         CScene                          *ownerScene= mi->getOwnerScene();
+00579         // get a ptr on renderTrav
+00580         CRenderTrav                     *renderTrav= &ownerScene->getRenderTrav();
+00583         // get the result of the Load Balancing.
+00584         float   alphaMRM= _LevelDetail.getLevelDetailFromPolyCount(polygonCount);
+00586         // choose the lod.
+00587         float   alphaLod;
+00588         sint    numLod= chooseLod(alphaMRM, alphaLod);
+00591         // Render the choosen Lod.
+00592         CLod    &lod= _Lods[numLod];
+00593         if(lod.RdrPass.size()==0)
+00594                 return;
+00597         // get the skeleton model to which I am binded (else NULL).
+00598         CSkeletonModel *skeleton;
+00599         skeleton = mi->getSkeletonModel();
+00600         // The mesh must not be skinned for render()
+00601         nlassert(!(mi->isSkinned() && skeleton));
+00604         // Profiling
+00605         //===========
+00606         H_AUTO( NL3D_MeshMRMGeom_RenderNormal );
+00608         // Skinning.
+00609         //===========
+00611         // set the instance worldmatrix.
+00612         drv->setupModelMatrix(trans->getWorldMatrix());
+00615         // Geomorph.
+00616         //===========
+00617         // Geomorph the choosen Lod (if not the coarser mesh).
+00618         if(numLod>0)
+00619         {
+00620                 applyGeomorph(lod.Geomorphs, alphaLod);
+00621         }
+00624         // force normalisation of normals..
+00625         bool    bkupNorm= drv->isForceNormalize();
+00626         drv->forceNormalize(true);                      
+00629         // Setup meshVertexProgram
+00630         //===========
+00632         // Render the lod.
+00633         //===========
+00634         // active VB.
+00636         /* Hulud
+00637          * This is slow but, we don't care because this method is called for debug purpose only (watch skin without skinning)
+00638          */
+00639         CVertexBuffer tmp;
+00640         getVertexBuffer (tmp);
+00642         drv->activeVertexBuffer(tmp);
+00645         // Global alpha used ?
+00646         uint32  globalAlphaUsed= rdrFlags & IMeshGeom::RenderGlobalAlpha;
+00647         uint8   globalAlphaInt=(uint8)NLMISC::OptFastFloor(globalAlpha*255);
+00649         // Render all pass.
+00650         if (globalAlphaUsed)
+00651         {
+00652                 bool    gaDisableZWrite= (rdrFlags & IMeshGeom::RenderGADisableZWrite)?true:false;
+00654                 // for all passes
+00655                 for(uint i=0;i<lod.RdrPass.size();i++)
+00656                 {
+00657                         CRdrPass        &rdrPass= lod.RdrPass[i];
+00659                         if ( ( (mi->Materials[rdrPass.MaterialId].getBlend() == false) && (rdrFlags & IMeshGeom::RenderOpaqueMaterial) ) ||
+00660                                  ( (mi->Materials[rdrPass.MaterialId].getBlend() == true) && (rdrFlags & IMeshGeom::RenderTransparentMaterial) ) )
+00661                         {
+00662                                 // CMaterial Ref
+00663                                 CMaterial &material=mi->Materials[rdrPass.MaterialId];
+00665                                 // Use a MeshBlender to modify material and driver.
+00666                                 CMeshBlender    blender;
+00667                                 blender.prepareRenderForGlobalAlpha(material, drv, globalAlpha, globalAlphaInt, gaDisableZWrite);
+00669                                 /* Hulud
+00670                                  * This is slow but, we don't care because this method is called for debug purpose only (watch skin without skinning)
+00671                                  */
+00672                                 CPrimitiveBlock block;
+00673                                 lod.getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock (i, block);
+00675                                 // Render
+00676                                 drv->render(block, material);
+00678                                 // Resetup material/driver
+00679                                 blender.restoreRender(material, drv, gaDisableZWrite);
+00680                         }
+00681                 }
+00682         }
+00683         else
+00684         {
+00685                 for(uint i=0;i<lod.RdrPass.size();i++)
+00686                 {
+00687                         CRdrPass        &rdrPass= lod.RdrPass[i];
+00689                         if ( ( (mi->Materials[rdrPass.MaterialId].getBlend() == false) && (rdrFlags & IMeshGeom::RenderOpaqueMaterial) ) ||
+00690                                  ( (mi->Materials[rdrPass.MaterialId].getBlend() == true) && (rdrFlags & IMeshGeom::RenderTransparentMaterial) ) )
+00691                         {
+00692                                 // CMaterial Ref
+00693                                 CMaterial &material=mi->Materials[rdrPass.MaterialId];
+00695                                 /* Hulud
+00696                                  * This is slow but, we don't care because this method is called for debug purpose only (watch skin without skinning)
+00697                                  */
+00698                                 CPrimitiveBlock block;
+00699                                 lod.getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock (i, block);
+00701                                 // Render with the Materials of the MeshInstance.
+00702                                 drv->render(block, material);
+00703                         }
+00704                 }
+00705         }
+00707         // bkup force normalisation.
+00708         drv->forceNormalize(bkupNorm);
+00710 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
virtual void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::renderPass CMeshGeomRenderContext rdrCtx,
CMeshBaseInstance inst,
float  polygonCount,
uint  rdrPass
[inline, virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+The framework call this method to render the current renderPass, with the current instance NB: if the material is blended, DON'T render it!! +

+Implements NL3D::IMeshGeom. +

+Definition at line 234 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +

+References uint. +


00234 {};

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
sint NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::renderShadowSkinGeom CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance mi,
uint  remainingVertices,
uint8 vbDest
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Get the num of shadow skin vertices. +

+ +

+Definition at line 1843 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References applyArrayShadowSkin(), NL3D::CTransform::getSkeletonModel(), H_AUTO_USE, nlassert, sint, uint, and uint8. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::renderShadowSkinGeom(). +


01844 {
+01845         uint    numVerts= _ShadowSkinVertices.size();
+01847         if(numVerts==0)
+01848                 return 0;
+01850         // If the Lod is too big to render in the VBufferHard
+01851         if(numVerts>remainingVertices)
+01852                 // return Failure
+01853                 return -1;
+01855         // get the skeleton model to which I am skinned
+01856         CSkeletonModel *skeleton;
+01857         skeleton = mi->getSkeletonModel();
+01858         // must be skinned for renderSkin()
+01859         nlassert(skeleton);
+01862         // Profiling
+01863         //===========
+01864         H_AUTO_USE( NL3D_MeshMRMGeom_RenderShadow );
+01867         // Skinning.
+01868         //===========
+01870         // skinning with normal, but no tangent space
+01871         applyArrayShadowSkin(&_ShadowSkinVertices[0], (CVector*)vbDest, skeleton, numVerts);
+01874         // How many vertices are added to the VBuffer ???
+01875         return numVerts;
+01876 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::renderShadowSkinPrimitives CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance mi,
CMaterial castMat,
IDriver drv,
uint  baseVertex
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Get the num of shadow skin vertices. +

+ +

+Definition at line 1879 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References H_AUTO_USE, min, nlassert, NL3D::IDriver::renderTriangles(), src, uint, and uint32. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::renderShadowSkinPrimitives(). +


01880 {
+01881         nlassert(drv);
+01883         if(_ShadowSkinTriangles.empty())
+01884                 return;
+01886         // Profiling
+01887         //===========
+01888         H_AUTO_USE( NL3D_MeshMRMGeom_RenderShadow );
+01890         // NB: the skeleton matrix has already been setuped by CSkeletonModel
+01891         // NB: the normalize flag has already been setuped by CSkeletonModel
+01893         // TODO_SHADOW: optim: Special triangle cache for shadow!
+01894         static  vector<uint32>          shiftedTris;
+01895         if(shiftedTris.size()<_ShadowSkinTriangles.size())
+01896         {
+01897                 shiftedTris.resize(_ShadowSkinTriangles.size());
+01898         }
+01899         uint32  *src= &_ShadowSkinTriangles[0];
+01900         uint32  *dst= &shiftedTris[0];
+01901         for(uint n= _ShadowSkinTriangles.size();n>0;n--, src++, dst++)
+01902         {
+01903                 *dst= *src + baseVertex;
+01904         }
+01906         // Render Triangles with cache
+01907         //===========
+01909         uint    numTris= _ShadowSkinTriangles.size()/3;
+01911         // This speed up 4 ms for 80K polys.
+01912         uint    memToCache= numTris*12;
+01913         memToCache= min(memToCache, 4096U);
+01914         CFastMem::precache(&shiftedTris[0], memToCache);
+01916         // Render with the Materials of the MeshInstance.
+01917         drv->renderTriangles(castMat, &shiftedTris[0], numTris);
+01918 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::renderSkin CTransformShape trans,
float  alphaMRM
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+render() this mesh as a skin +

+ +

+Implements NL3D::IMeshGeom. +

+Definition at line 714 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::renderSkin(). +


00715 {
+00716 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
sint NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::renderSkinGroupGeom CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance mi,
float  alphaMRM,
uint  remainingVertices,
uint8 vbDest
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 726 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::_RawSkinCache, applyRawSkinWithNormal(), chooseLod(), NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::Geomorphs, NL3D::CRenderTrav::getDriver(), NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), NL3D::CScene::getRenderTrav(), NL3D::CTransform::getSkeletonModel(), H_AUTO, NL3D::CTransform::isSkinned(), nlassert, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CLod::NWedges, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CLod::RdrPass, sint, NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::TotalHardVertices, NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::TotalSoftVertices, uint, uint8, and updateRawSkinNormal(). +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::renderSkinGroupGeom(). +


00727 {
+00728         H_AUTO( NL3D_MeshMRMGeom_rdrSkinGrpGeom )
+00730         // get a ptr on scene
+00731         CScene                          *ownerScene= mi->getOwnerScene();
+00732         // get a ptr on renderTrav
+00733         CRenderTrav                     *renderTrav= &ownerScene->getRenderTrav();
+00734         // get a ptr on the driver
+00735         IDriver                         *drv= renderTrav->getDriver();
+00736         nlassert(drv);
+00739         // choose the lod.
+00740         float   alphaLod;
+00741         sint    numLod= chooseLod(alphaMRM, alphaLod);
+00742         _LastLodComputed= numLod;
+00745         // Render the choosen Lod.
+00746         CLod    &lod= _Lods[numLod];
+00747         if(lod.RdrPass.size()==0)
+00748                 // return no vertices added
+00749                 return 0;
+00751         // If the Lod is too big to render in the VBufferHard
+00752         if(lod.NWedges>remainingVertices)
+00753                 // return Failure
+00754                 return -1;
+00756         // get the skeleton model to which I am skinned
+00757         CSkeletonModel *skeleton;
+00758         skeleton = mi->getSkeletonModel();
+00759         // must be skinned for renderSkin()
+00760         nlassert(mi->isSkinned() && skeleton);
+00763         // Profiling
+00764         //===========
+00765         H_AUTO( NL3D_MeshMRMGeom_rdrSkinGrpGeom_go );
+00768         // Skinning.
+00769         //===========
+00771         // Use RawSkin if possible: only if no morph, and only Vertex/Normal
+00772         updateRawSkinNormal(true, mi, numLod);
+00774         // NB: the skeleton matrix has already been setuped by CSkeletonModel
+00775         // NB: the normalize flag has already been setuped by CSkeletonModel
+00777         // applySkin with RawSkin.
+00778         //--------
+00779         nlassert(mi->_RawSkinCache);
+00781         H_AUTO( NL3D_RawSkinning );
+00783         // RawSkin do all the job in optimized way: Skinning, copy to VBHard and Geomorph.
+00785         // skinning with normal, but no tangent space
+00786         applyRawSkinWithNormal (lod, *(mi->_RawSkinCache), skeleton, vbDest, alphaLod);
+00788         // Vertices are packed in RawSkin mode (ie no holes due to MRM!)
+00789         return  mi->_RawSkinCache->Geomorphs.size() + 
+00790                         mi->_RawSkinCache->TotalSoftVertices + 
+00791                         mi->_RawSkinCache->TotalHardVertices;
+00792 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::renderSkinGroupPrimitives CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance mi,
uint  baseVertex,
std::vector< CSkinSpecularRdrPass > &  specularRdrPasses,
uint  skinIndex
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 795 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::_ShiftedTriangleCache, NL3D::CRenderTrav::getDriver(), NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), NL3D::CScene::getRenderTrav(), NL3D::CMaterial::getShader(), NL3D::CMaterial::getTexture(), NL3D::IDriver::getTextureHandle(), H_AUTO, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CRdrPass::MaterialId, NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::Materials, min, nlassert, NL3D::CShiftedTriangleCache::CRdrPass::NumTriangles, NL3D::CShiftedTriangleCache::RdrPass, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CLod::RdrPass, NL3D::CSkinSpecularRdrPass::RdrPassIndex, NL3D::IDriver::renderTriangles(), NL3D::CSkinSpecularRdrPass::SkinIndex, NL3D::CSkinSpecularRdrPass::SpecId, NL3D::CShiftedTriangleCache::CRdrPass::Triangles, uint, and updateShiftedTriangleCache(). +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::renderSkinGroupPrimitives(). +


00796 {
+00797         H_AUTO( NL3D_MeshMRMGeom_rdrSkinGrpPrimitives );
+00799         // get a ptr on scene
+00800         CScene                          *ownerScene= mi->getOwnerScene();
+00801         // get a ptr on renderTrav
+00802         CRenderTrav                     *renderTrav= &ownerScene->getRenderTrav();
+00803         // get a ptr on the driver
+00804         IDriver                         *drv= renderTrav->getDriver();
+00805         nlassert(drv);
+00807         // Get the lod choosen in renderSkinGroupGeom()
+00808         CLod    &lod= _Lods[_LastLodComputed];
+00811         // must update primitive cache
+00812         updateShiftedTriangleCache(mi, _LastLodComputed, baseVertex);
+00813         nlassert(mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache);
+00816         // Render Triangles with cache
+00817         //===========
+00818         for(uint i=0;i<lod.RdrPass.size();i++)
+00819         {
+00820                 CRdrPass        &rdrPass= lod.RdrPass[i];
+00822                 // CMaterial Ref
+00823                 CMaterial &material=mi->Materials[rdrPass.MaterialId];
+00825                 // TestYoyo. Material Speed Test
+00826                 /*if( material.getDiffuse()!=CRGBA(250, 251, 252) )
+00827                 {
+00828                         material.setDiffuse(CRGBA(250, 251, 252));
+00829                         // Set all texture the same.
+00830                         static CSmartPtr<ITexture>      pTexFile= new CTextureFile("fy_hom_visage_c1_fy_e1.tga");
+00831                         material.setTexture(0, pTexFile );
+00832                         // Remove Specular.
+00833                         if(material.getShader()==CMaterial::Specular)
+00834                         {
+00835                                 CSmartPtr<ITexture>     tex= material.getTexture(0);
+00836                                 material.setShader(CMaterial::Normal);
+00837                                 material.setTexture(0, tex );
+00838                         }
+00839                         // Remove MakeUp
+00840                         material.setTexture(1, NULL);
+00841                 }*/
+00843                 // If the material is a specular material, don't render it now!
+00844                 if(material.getShader()==CMaterial::Specular)
+00845                 {
+00846                         // Add it to the rdrPass to sort!
+00847                         CSkinSpecularRdrPass    specRdrPass;
+00848                         specRdrPass.SkinIndex= skinIndex;
+00849                         specRdrPass.RdrPassIndex= i;
+00850                         // Get the handle of the specular Map as the sort Key
+00851                         ITexture        *specTex= material.getTexture(1);
+00852                         if(!specTex)
+00853                                 specRdrPass.SpecId= 0;
+00854                         else
+00855                                 specRdrPass.SpecId= drv->getTextureHandle( *specTex );
+00856                         // Append it to the list
+00857                         specularRdrPasses.push_back(specRdrPass);
+00858                 }
+00859                 else
+00860                 {
+00861                         // Get the shifted triangles.
+00862                         CShiftedTriangleCache::CRdrPass         &shiftedRdrPass= mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache->RdrPass[i];
+00864                         // This speed up 4 ms for 80K polys.
+00865                         uint    memToCache= shiftedRdrPass.NumTriangles*12;
+00866                         memToCache= min(memToCache, 4096U);
+00867                         CFastMem::precache(shiftedRdrPass.Triangles, memToCache);
+00869                         // Render with the Materials of the MeshInstance.
+00870                         drv->renderTriangles(material, shiftedRdrPass.Triangles, shiftedRdrPass.NumTriangles);
+00871                 }
+00872         }
+00873 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::renderSkinGroupSpecularRdrPass CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance mi,
uint  rdrPassId
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 877 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::_ShiftedTriangleCache, NL3D::CRenderTrav::getDriver(), NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), NL3D::CScene::getRenderTrav(), H_AUTO, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CRdrPass::MaterialId, NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::Materials, min, nlassert, NL3D::CShiftedTriangleCache::CRdrPass::NumTriangles, NL3D::CShiftedTriangleCache::RdrPass, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CLod::RdrPass, NL3D::IDriver::renderTriangles(), NL3D::CShiftedTriangleCache::CRdrPass::Triangles, and uint. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::renderSkinGroupSpecularRdrPass(). +


00878 {
+00879         H_AUTO( NL3D_MeshMRMGeom_rdrSkinGrpSpecularRdrPass );
+00881         // get a ptr on scene
+00882         CScene                          *ownerScene= mi->getOwnerScene();
+00883         // get a ptr on renderTrav
+00884         CRenderTrav                     *renderTrav= &ownerScene->getRenderTrav();
+00885         // get a ptr on the driver
+00886         IDriver                         *drv= renderTrav->getDriver();
+00887         nlassert(drv);
+00889         // Get the lod choosen in renderSkinGroupGeom()
+00890         CLod    &lod= _Lods[_LastLodComputed];
+00893         // _ShiftedTriangleCache must have been computed in renderSkinGroupPrimitives
+00894         nlassert(mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache);
+00897         // Render Triangles with cache
+00898         //===========
+00899         CRdrPass        &rdrPass= lod.RdrPass[rdrPassId];
+00901         // CMaterial Ref
+00902         CMaterial &material=mi->Materials[rdrPass.MaterialId];
+00904         // Get the shifted triangles.
+00905         CShiftedTriangleCache::CRdrPass         &shiftedRdrPass= mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache->RdrPass[rdrPassId];
+00907         // This speed up 4 ms for 80K polys.
+00908         uint    memToCache= shiftedRdrPass.NumTriangles*12;
+00909         memToCache= min(memToCache, 4096U);
+00910         CFastMem::precache(shiftedRdrPass.Triangles, memToCache);
+00912         // Render with the Materials of the MeshInstance.
+00913         drv->renderTriangles(material, shiftedRdrPass.Triangles, shiftedRdrPass.NumTriangles);
+00914 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::serial NLMISC::IStream f  )  [virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+serial this meshGeom. +

+ +

+Implements NLMISC::IStreamable. +

+Definition at line 991 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References compileRunTime(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::contReset(), dirtMeshDataId(), NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::DistanceCoarsest, NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::DistanceFinest, NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::DistanceMiddle, NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::DistancePow, NLMISC::IStream::isReading(), NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::MaxFaceUsed, NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::MinFaceUsed, NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::OODistanceDelta, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::serial(), NLMISC::IStream::serial(), NLMISC::IStream::serialCont(), NLMISC::IStream::serialVersion(), and sint. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::serial(). +


00992 {
+00993         // because of complexity, serial is separated in save / load.
+00995         /*
+00996         Version 0:
+00997                 - base version.
+00998         */
+00999         sint    ver= f.serialVersion(0);
+01002         // serial bones names
+01003         f.serialCont (_BonesName);
+01005         if (f.isReading())
+01006         {
+01007                 // Bones index are in skeleton model id list
+01008                 _BoneIdComputed = false;
+01010                 // Must always recompute usage of parents of bones used.
+01011                 _BoneIdExtended = false;
+01012         }
+01014         // serial Basic info.
+01015         // ==================
+01016         f.serial(_BBox);
+01017         f.serial(_LevelDetail.MaxFaceUsed);
+01018         f.serial(_LevelDetail.MinFaceUsed);
+01019         f.serial(_LevelDetail.DistanceFinest);
+01020         f.serial(_LevelDetail.DistanceMiddle);
+01021         f.serial(_LevelDetail.DistanceCoarsest);
+01022         f.serial(_LevelDetail.OODistanceDelta);
+01023         f.serial(_LevelDetail.DistancePow);
+01025         // Prepare the VBuffer.
+01026         if (f.isReading())
+01027                 _VBufferFinal.contReset();
+01028         _VBufferFinal.serial(f);
+01030         // serial Shadow Skin Information
+01031         f.serialCont (_ShadowSkinVertices);
+01032         f.serialCont (_ShadowSkinTriangles);
+01034         // resest the Lod arrays. NB: each Lod is empty, and ready to receive Lod data.
+01035         // ==================
+01036         if (f.isReading())
+01037         {
+01038                 contReset(_Lods);
+01039         }
+01041         f.serialCont (_Lods);
+01043         if (f.isReading())
+01044         {
+01045                 // Inform that the mesh data has changed
+01046                 dirtMeshDataId();
+01048                 // Some runtime not serialized compilation
+01049                 compileRunTime();
+01050         }
+01051 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::setShadowMesh const std::vector< CShadowVertex > &  shadowVertices,
const std::vector< uint32 > &  triangles
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Setup the ShadowMesh. +

+ +

+Definition at line 1826 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +



01827 {
+01828         _ShadowSkinVertices= shadowVertices;
+01829         _ShadowSkinTriangles= triangles;
+01830         // update flag. Support Shadow SkinGrouping if Shadow setuped, and if not too many vertices.
+01831         _SupportShadowSkinGrouping= !_ShadowSkinVertices.empty() &&
+01832                 NL3D_SHADOW_MESH_SKIN_MANAGER_VERTEXFORMAT==CVertexBuffer::PositionFlag &&
+01833                 _ShadowSkinVertices.size() <= NL3D_SHADOW_MESH_SKIN_MANAGER_MAXVERTICES;
+01834 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
virtual bool NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::sortPerMaterial  )  const [inline, virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+true if the sort criterion must be by material. Else, sort per instance. +

+Implements NL3D::IMeshGeom. +

+Definition at line 229 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +


00229 { return false; };

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
bool NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::supportMeshBlockRendering  )  const [virtual]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+true if this meshGeom support meshBlock rendering. return false if skinned/meshMorphed. +

+Implements NL3D::IMeshGeom. +

+Definition at line 1339 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +


01340 {
+01341         /*
+01342                 Yoyo: Don't Support It for MRM because too Slow!!
+01343                 The problem is that lock() unlock() on each instance, on the same VBHeap IS AS SLOWER AS
+01344                 VB switching.
+01346                 TODO_OPTIMIZE: find a way to optimize MRM.
+01347         */
+01348         return false;
+01349 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
bool NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::supportShadowSkinGrouping  )  const [inline]
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Render the ShadowSkin (SkinGroup like). +

+ +

+Definition at line 291 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::supportShadowSkinGrouping(). +


00291 {return _SupportShadowSkinGrouping;}

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
bool NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::supportSkinGrouping  )  const
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 720 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::supportSkinGrouping(). +


00721 {
+00722         return true;
+00723 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::updateRawSkinNormal bool  enabled,
CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance mi,
sint  curLodId
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+compute RawSkin info in the MRMInstance according to current skin setup. +

+ +

+Definition at line 1568 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::_RawSkinCache, NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::clearArrays(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::clearRawSkinCache(), NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::Geomorphs, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CLod::Geomorphs, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex::getNormal(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::getNumVertices(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::getPackedVertices(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::getPos(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex::getU(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex::getV(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex::getWeight(), H_AUTO, NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::HardVertices, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CLod::InfluencedVertices, NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::LodId, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex::Matrices, NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::MeshDataId, NL3D_MESH_SKINNING_MAX_MATRIX, nlassert, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CLod::RdrPass, NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::RdrPass, NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRawVertexNormalSkinned4, false >::resize(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRawVertexNormalSkinned3, false >::resize(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRawVertexNormalSkinned2, false >::resize(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRawVertexNormalSkinned1, false >::resize(), sint, NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRawVertexNormalSkinned4, false >::size(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRawVertexNormalSkinned3, false >::size(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRawVertexNormalSkinned2, false >::size(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRawVertexNormalSkinned1, false >::size(), NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::SoftVertices, NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::TotalHardVertices, NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::TotalSoftVertices, uint, uint16, uint32, NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::Vertices1, NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::Vertices2, NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::Vertices3, and NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::Vertices4. +

+Referenced by renderSkinGroupGeom(). +


01569 {
+01570         if(!enabled)
+01571         {
+01572                 // if the instance cache is not cleared, must clear.
+01573                 mi->clearRawSkinCache();
+01574         }
+01575         else
+01576         {
+01577                 // If the instance has no RawSkin, or has a too old RawSkin cache, must delete it, and recreate
+01578                 if ((mi->_RawSkinCache == NULL) || (mi->_RawSkinCache->MeshDataId!=_MeshDataId))
+01579                 {
+01580                         // first delete if too old.
+01581                         mi->clearRawSkinCache();
+01583                         // Then recreate, and use _MeshDataId to verify that the instance works with same data.
+01584                         mi->_RawSkinCache= new CRawSkinnedNormalCache;
+01585                         mi->_RawSkinCache->MeshDataId= _MeshDataId;
+01586                         mi->_RawSkinCache->LodId= -1;
+01587                 }
+01590                 /* If the instance rawSkin has a different Lod (or if -1), then must recreate it.
+01591                         NB: The lod may change each frame per instance, but suppose not so many change, so we can cache those data.
+01592                 */
+01593                 if( mi->_RawSkinCache->LodId != curLodId )
+01594                 {
+01595                         H_AUTO( NL3D_CMeshMRMGeom_updateRawSkinNormal );
+01597                         CRawSkinnedNormalCache  &skinLod= *mi->_RawSkinCache;
+01598                         CLod                            &lod= _Lods[curLodId];
+01599                         uint                            i;
+01600                         sint                            rawIdx;
+01602                         // Clear the raw skin mesh.
+01603                         skinLod.clearArrays();
+01605                         // Cache this lod
+01606                         mi->_RawSkinCache->LodId= curLodId;
+01608                         // For each matrix influence.
+01609                         nlassert(NL3D_MESH_SKINNING_MAX_MATRIX==4);
+01611                         // For each vertex, acknowledge if it is a src for geomorph.
+01612                         static  vector<uint8>   softVertices;
+01613                         softVertices.clear();
+01614                         softVertices.resize( _VBufferFinal.getNumVertices(), 0 );
+01615                         for(i=0;i<lod.Geomorphs.size();i++)
+01616                         {
+01617                                 softVertices[lod.Geomorphs[i].Start]= 1;
+01618                                 softVertices[lod.Geomorphs[i].End]= 1;
+01619                         }
+01621                         // The remap from old index in _VBufferFinal to RawSkin vertices (without Geomorphs).
+01622                         static  vector<uint32>  vertexRemap;
+01623                         vertexRemap.resize( _VBufferFinal.getNumVertices() );
+01624                         sint    softSize[4];
+01625                         sint    hardSize[4];
+01626                         sint    softStart[4];
+01627                         sint    hardStart[4];
+01628                         // count vertices
+01629                         skinLod.TotalSoftVertices= 0;
+01630                         skinLod.TotalHardVertices= 0;
+01631                         for(i=0;i<4;i++)
+01632                         {
+01633                                 softSize[i]= 0;
+01634                                 hardSize[i]= 0;
+01635                                 // Count.
+01636                                 for(uint j=0;j<lod.InfluencedVertices[i].size();j++)
+01637                                 {
+01638                                         uint    vid= lod.InfluencedVertices[i][j];
+01639                                         if(softVertices[vid])
+01640                                                 softSize[i]++;
+01641                                         else
+01642                                                 hardSize[i]++;
+01643                                 }
+01644                                 skinLod.TotalSoftVertices+= softSize[i];
+01645                                 skinLod.TotalHardVertices+= hardSize[i];
+01646                                 skinLod.SoftVertices[i]= softSize[i];
+01647                                 skinLod.HardVertices[i]= hardSize[i];
+01648                         }
+01649                         // compute offsets
+01650                         softStart[0]= 0;
+01651                         hardStart[0]= skinLod.TotalSoftVertices;
+01652                         for(i=1;i<4;i++)
+01653                         {
+01654                                 softStart[i]= softStart[i-1]+softSize[i-1];
+01655                                 hardStart[i]= hardStart[i-1]+hardSize[i-1];
+01656                         }
+01657                         // compute remap
+01658                         for(i=0;i<4;i++)
+01659                         {
+01660                                 uint    softIdx= softStart[i];
+01661                                 uint    hardIdx= hardStart[i];
+01662                                 for(uint j=0;j<lod.InfluencedVertices[i].size();j++)
+01663                                 {
+01664                                         uint    vid= lod.InfluencedVertices[i][j];
+01665                                         if(softVertices[vid])
+01666                                                 vertexRemap[vid]= softIdx++;
+01667                                         else
+01668                                                 vertexRemap[vid]= hardIdx++;
+01669                                 }
+01670                         }
+01673                         // Resize the dest array.
+01674                         skinLod.Vertices1.resize(lod.InfluencedVertices[0].size());
+01675                         skinLod.Vertices2.resize(lod.InfluencedVertices[1].size());
+01676                         skinLod.Vertices3.resize(lod.InfluencedVertices[2].size());
+01677                         skinLod.Vertices4.resize(lod.InfluencedVertices[3].size());
+01679                         // Vertex buffer pointers
+01680                         const CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex *vertices = _VBufferFinal.getPackedVertices();
+01682                         // 1 Matrix skinning.
+01683                         //========
+01684                         for(i=0;i<skinLod.Vertices1.size();i++)
+01685                         {
+01686                                 // get the dest vertex.
+01687                                 uint    vid= lod.InfluencedVertices[0][i];
+01688                                 // where to store?
+01689                                 rawIdx= vertexRemap[vid];
+01690                                 if(softVertices[vid])
+01691                                         rawIdx-= softStart[0];
+01692                                 else
+01693                                         rawIdx+= softSize[0]-hardStart[0];
+01695                                 // fill raw struct
+01696                                 const CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex &vertex = vertices[vid];
+01697                                 skinLod.Vertices1[rawIdx].MatrixId[0]= vertex.Matrices[0];
+01698                                 _VBufferFinal.getPos (skinLod.Vertices1[rawIdx].Vertex, vertex);
+01699                                 vertex.getNormal (skinLod.Vertices1[rawIdx].Normal);
+01700                                 vertex.getU (skinLod.Vertices1[rawIdx].UV.U);
+01701                                 vertex.getV (skinLod.Vertices1[rawIdx].UV.V);
+01702                         }
+01704                         // 2 Matrix skinning.
+01705                         //========
+01706                         for(i=0;i<skinLod.Vertices2.size();i++)
+01707                         {
+01708                                 // get the dest vertex.
+01709                                 uint    vid= lod.InfluencedVertices[1][i];
+01710                                 // where to store?
+01711                                 rawIdx= vertexRemap[vid];
+01712                                 if(softVertices[vid])
+01713                                         rawIdx-= softStart[1];
+01714                                 else
+01715                                         rawIdx+= softSize[1]-hardStart[1];
+01716                                 // fill raw struct
+01717                                 const CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex &vertex = vertices[vid];
+01718                                 skinLod.Vertices2[rawIdx].MatrixId[0]= vertex.Matrices[0];
+01719                                 skinLod.Vertices2[rawIdx].MatrixId[1]= vertex.Matrices[1];
+01720                                 _VBufferFinal.getPos (skinLod.Vertices2[rawIdx].Vertex, vertex);
+01721                                 vertex.getWeight (skinLod.Vertices2[rawIdx].Weights[0], 0);
+01722                                 vertex.getWeight (skinLod.Vertices2[rawIdx].Weights[1], 1);
+01723                                 vertex.getNormal (skinLod.Vertices2[rawIdx].Normal);
+01724                                 vertex.getU (skinLod.Vertices2[rawIdx].UV.U);
+01725                                 vertex.getV (skinLod.Vertices2[rawIdx].UV.V);
+01726                         }
+01728                         // 3 Matrix skinning.
+01729                         //========
+01730                         for(i=0;i<skinLod.Vertices3.size();i++)
+01731                         {
+01732                                 // get the dest vertex.
+01733                                 uint    vid= lod.InfluencedVertices[2][i];
+01734                                 // where to store?
+01735                                 rawIdx= vertexRemap[vid];
+01736                                 if(softVertices[vid])
+01737                                         rawIdx-= softStart[2];
+01738                                 else
+01739                                         rawIdx+= softSize[2]-hardStart[2];
+01740                                 // fill raw struct
+01741                                 const CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex &vertex = vertices[vid];
+01742                                 skinLod.Vertices3[rawIdx].MatrixId[0]= vertex.Matrices[0];
+01743                                 skinLod.Vertices3[rawIdx].MatrixId[1]= vertex.Matrices[1];
+01744                                 skinLod.Vertices3[rawIdx].MatrixId[2]= vertex.Matrices[2];
+01745                                 _VBufferFinal.getPos (skinLod.Vertices3[rawIdx].Vertex, vertex);
+01746                                 vertex.getWeight (skinLod.Vertices3[rawIdx].Weights[0], 0);
+01747                                 vertex.getWeight (skinLod.Vertices3[rawIdx].Weights[1], 1);
+01748                                 vertex.getWeight (skinLod.Vertices3[rawIdx].Weights[2], 2);
+01749                                 vertex.getNormal (skinLod.Vertices3[rawIdx].Normal);
+01750                                 vertex.getU (skinLod.Vertices3[rawIdx].UV.U);
+01751                                 vertex.getV (skinLod.Vertices3[rawIdx].UV.V);
+01752                         }
+01754                         // 4 Matrix skinning.
+01755                         //========
+01756                         for(i=0;i<skinLod.Vertices4.size();i++)
+01757                         {
+01758                                 // get the dest vertex.
+01759                                 uint    vid= lod.InfluencedVertices[3][i];
+01760                                 // where to store?
+01761                                 rawIdx= vertexRemap[vid];
+01762                                 if(softVertices[vid])
+01763                                         rawIdx-= softStart[3];
+01764                                 else
+01765                                         rawIdx+= softSize[3]-hardStart[3];
+01766                                 // fill raw struct
+01767                                 const CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex &vertex = vertices[vid];
+01768                                 skinLod.Vertices4[rawIdx].MatrixId[0]= vertex.Matrices[0];
+01769                                 skinLod.Vertices4[rawIdx].MatrixId[1]= vertex.Matrices[1];
+01770                                 skinLod.Vertices4[rawIdx].MatrixId[2]= vertex.Matrices[2];
+01771                                 skinLod.Vertices4[rawIdx].MatrixId[3]= vertex.Matrices[3];
+01772                                 _VBufferFinal.getPos (skinLod.Vertices4[rawIdx].Vertex, vertex);
+01773                                 vertex.getWeight (skinLod.Vertices4[rawIdx].Weights[0], 0);
+01774                                 vertex.getWeight (skinLod.Vertices4[rawIdx].Weights[1], 1);
+01775                                 vertex.getWeight (skinLod.Vertices4[rawIdx].Weights[2], 2);
+01776                                 vertex.getWeight (skinLod.Vertices4[rawIdx].Weights[3], 3);
+01777                                 vertex.getNormal (skinLod.Vertices4[rawIdx].Normal);
+01778                                 vertex.getU (skinLod.Vertices4[rawIdx].UV.U);
+01779                                 vertex.getV (skinLod.Vertices4[rawIdx].UV.V);
+01780                         }
+01782                         // Remap Geomorphs.
+01783                         //========
+01784                         uint    numGeoms= lod.Geomorphs.size();
+01785                         skinLod.Geomorphs.resize( numGeoms );
+01786                         for(i=0;i<numGeoms;i++)
+01787                         {
+01788                                 // NB: don't add "numGeoms" to the index because RawSkin look in a TempArray in RAM, wich start at 0...
+01789                                 skinLod.Geomorphs[i].Start= vertexRemap[lod.Geomorphs[i].Start];
+01790                                 skinLod.Geomorphs[i].End= vertexRemap[lod.Geomorphs[i].End];
+01791                         }
+01793                         // Remap RdrPass.
+01794                         //========
+01795                         skinLod.RdrPass.resize(lod.RdrPass.size());
+01796                         for(i=0;i<skinLod.RdrPass.size();i++)
+01797                         {
+01798                                 // remap tris.
+01799                                 skinLod.RdrPass[i].setNumTri(lod.RdrPass[i].getNumTriangle());
+01800                                 uint16  *srcTriPtr= &(lod.RdrPass[i].PBlock[0]);
+01801                                 uint32  *dstTriPtr= skinLod.RdrPass[i].getTriPointer();
+01802                                 uint32  numIndices= lod.RdrPass[i].PBlock.size();
+01803                                 for(uint j=0;j<numIndices;j++, srcTriPtr++, dstTriPtr++)
+01804                                 {
+01805                                         uint    vid= (uint)*srcTriPtr;
+01806                                         // If this index refers to a Geomorphed vertex, don't modify!
+01807                                         if(vid<numGeoms)
+01808                                                 *dstTriPtr= vid;
+01809                                         else
+01810                                                 *dstTriPtr= vertexRemap[vid] + numGeoms;
+01811                                 }
+01812                         }
+01813                 }
+01814         }
+01815 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::updateShiftedTriangleCache CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance mi,
sint  curLodId,
uint  baseVertex
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 918 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::_RawSkinCache, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::_ShiftedTriangleCache, NL3D::CShiftedTriangleCache::BaseVertex, NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::clearShiftedTriangleCache(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< uint32, false >::getPtr(), NL3D::CShiftedTriangleCache::LodId, NL3D::CShiftedTriangleCache::MeshDataId, nlassert, NL3D::CShiftedTriangleCache::CRdrPass::NumTriangles, NL3D::CShiftedTriangleCache::RawIndices, NL3D::CShiftedTriangleCache::RdrPass, NL3D::CRawSkinnedNormalCache::RdrPass, NLMISC::CObjectVector< uint32, false >::resize(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRdrPass, false >::resize(), sint, NL3D::CShiftedTriangleCache::CRdrPass::Triangles, uint, and uint32. +

+Referenced by renderSkinGroupPrimitives(). +


00919 {
+00920         // if the instance has a cache, but not sync to us, delete it.
+00921         if( mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache && (
+00922                 mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache->MeshDataId != _MeshDataId ||
+00923                 mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache->LodId != curLodId ||
+00924                 mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache->BaseVertex != baseVertex) )
+00925         {
+00926                 mi->clearShiftedTriangleCache();
+00927         }
+00929         // If the instance has not a valid cache, must create it.
+00930         if( !mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache )
+00931         {
+00932                 mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache= new CShiftedTriangleCache;
+00933                 // Fill the cache Key.
+00934                 mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache->MeshDataId= _MeshDataId;
+00935                 mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache->LodId= curLodId;
+00936                 mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache->BaseVertex= baseVertex;
+00938                 // Build list of PBlock. From Lod, or from RawSkin cache.
+00939                 static  vector<CPrimitiveBlock*>        pbList;
+00940                 pbList.clear();
+00941                 nlassert(mi->_RawSkinCache);
+00942                 pbList.resize(mi->_RawSkinCache->RdrPass.size());
+00943                 for(uint i=0;i<pbList.size();i++)
+00944                 {
+00945                         pbList[i]= &mi->_RawSkinCache->RdrPass[i];
+00946                 }
+00948                 // Build RdrPass
+00949                 mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache->RdrPass.resize(pbList.size());
+00951                 // First pass, count number of triangles, and fill header info
+00952                 uint    totalTri= 0;
+00953                 uint    i;
+00954                 for(i=0;i<pbList.size();i++)
+00955                 {
+00956                         mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache->RdrPass[i].NumTriangles= pbList[i]->getNumTri();
+00957                         totalTri+= pbList[i]->getNumTri();
+00958                 }
+00960                 // Allocate triangles indices.
+00961                 mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache->RawIndices.resize(totalTri*3);
+00962                 uint32          *rawPtr= mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache->RawIndices.getPtr();
+00964                 // Second pass, fill ptrs, and fill Arrays
+00965                 uint    indexTri= 0;
+00966                 for(i=0;i<pbList.size();i++)
+00967                 {
+00968                         CShiftedTriangleCache::CRdrPass &dstRdrPass= mi->_ShiftedTriangleCache->RdrPass[i];
+00969                         dstRdrPass.Triangles= rawPtr + indexTri*3;
+00971                         // Fill the array
+00972                         uint    numTris= pbList[i]->getNumTri();
+00973                         if(numTris)
+00974                         {
+00975                                 uint    nIds= numTris*3;
+00976                                 // index, and fill
+00977                                 uint32  *pSrcTri= pbList[i]->getTriPointer();
+00978                                 uint32  *pDstTri= dstRdrPass.Triangles;
+00979                                 for(;nIds>0;nIds--,pSrcTri++,pDstTri++)
+00980                                         *pDstTri= *pSrcTri + baseVertex;
+00981                         }
+00983                         // Next
+00984                         indexTri+= dstRdrPass.NumTriangles;
+00985                 }
+00986         }
+00987 }

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
void NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::updateSkeletonUsage CSkeletonModel sm,
bool  increment
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+update Skeleton Usage. increment or decrement. computeBonesId must has been called before. +

+ +

+Definition at line 1254 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp. +

+References NL3D::CSkeletonModel::Bones, NL3D::CSkeletonModel::decBoneUsage(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::incBoneUsage(), nlerror, and uint. +

+Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::updateSkeletonUsage(). +


01255 {
+01256         // For all Bones used.
+01257         for(uint i=0; i<_BonesIdExt.size();i++)
+01258         {
+01259                 uint    boneId= _BonesIdExt[i];
+01260                 // Some explicit Error.
+01261                 if(boneId>=sm->Bones.size())
+01262                         nlerror(" Skin is incompatible with Skeleton: tries to use bone %d", boneId);
+01263                 // increment or decrement not Forced, because CMeshGeom use getActiveBoneSkinMatrix().
+01264                 if(increment)
+01265                         sm->incBoneUsage(boneId, CSkeletonModel::UsageNormal);
+01266                 else
+01267                         sm->decBoneUsage(boneId, CSkeletonModel::UsageNormal);
+01268         }
+01269 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation


+ + + + +
+ + +
friend class CLod [friend] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 383 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
friend class CMRMBuilder [friend] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 299 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


Field Documentation


+ + + + +
+ + +
NLMISC::CAABBoxExt NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::_BBox [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+For clipping. this is the BB of all vertices of all Lods. +

+ +

+Definition at line 552 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
bool NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::_BoneIdComputed [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+This boolean is true if the bones id have been passed in the skeleton. +

+ +

+Definition at line 533 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
bool NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::_BoneIdExtended [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+true if the _BonesIdExt have been computed (for bone Usage). +

+ +

+Definition at line 535 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
std::vector<sint32> NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::_BonesId [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+This array give the index in the skeleton of the local bones used. computed at first computeBoneId(). +

+ +

+Definition at line 543 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
std::vector<sint32> NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::_BonesIdExt [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Same as _BonesId but with parent of bones added. (used for bone usage). +

+ +

+Definition at line 545 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
std::vector<std::string> NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::_BonesName [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+This array give the name of the local bones. +

+ +

+Definition at line 541 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
std::vector<NLMISC::CBSphere> NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::_BonesSphere [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+see CTransform::getSkinBoneSphere() doc for the meaning of this value +

+ +

+Definition at line 547 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
uint8 NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::_LastLodComputed [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Last lod rendered. used with renderSkinGroup*() only. +

+ +

+Definition at line 538 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
CMRMLevelDetail NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::_LevelDetail [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 557 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
std::vector<CLod> NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::_Lods [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+List of Lods. +

+ +

+Definition at line 550 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
uint NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::_MeshDataId [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+Each time the mesh is loaded/built, this increment. +

+ +

+Definition at line 614 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
bool NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::_PreciseClipping [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+NB: HERE FOR PACKING ONLY. For clipping. Estimate if we must do a Precise clipping (ie with bboxes). +

+ +

+Definition at line 565 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
std::vector<uint32> NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::_ShadowSkinTriangles [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 575 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
std::vector<CShadowVertex> NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::_ShadowSkinVertices [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 574 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
bool NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::_SupportShadowSkinGrouping [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 576 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
CPackedVertexBuffer NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::_VBufferFinal [private] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 530 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.h.


+ + + + +
+ + +
uint NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::NumCacheVertexNormal1 = NL_BlockByteL1 / sizeof(CRawVertexNormalSkinned1) [static] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 2324 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp.


+ + + + +
+ + +
uint NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::NumCacheVertexNormal2 = NL_BlockByteL1 / sizeof(CRawVertexNormalSkinned2) [static] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 2326 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp.


+ + + + +
+ + +
uint NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::NumCacheVertexNormal3 = NL_BlockByteL1 / sizeof(CRawVertexNormalSkinned3) [static] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 2328 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp.


+ + + + +
+ + +
uint NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::NumCacheVertexNormal4 = NL_BlockByteL1 / sizeof(CRawVertexNormalSkinned4) [static] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 2330 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp.


+ + + + +
+ + +
uint NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::NumCacheVertexShadow = NL_BlockByteL1 / sizeof(CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CShadowVertex) [static] +
+ + + + + +
+   + + +

+ +

+Definition at line 2333 of file mesh_mrm_skinned.cpp.


The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: +
Generated on Tue Mar 16 06:54:20 2004 for NeL by + +doxygen +1.3.6
+ + -- cgit v1.2.1