From 0ea5fc66924303d1bf73ba283a383e2aadee02f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: neodarz Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2018 20:21:34 +0200 Subject: Initial commit --- .../plain/index.html | 7 + .../plain/index.html | 340 ++++++ .../plain/index.html | 90 ++ .../~checkout~/code/snowballs2/INSTALL?rev=1.4 | 116 +++ .../plain/index.html | 35 + .../plain/index.html | 6 + .../README?content-type=text/plain&rev=1.1 | 142 +++ .../plain/index.html | 140 +++ .../plain/index.html | 3 + .../~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acconfig.h?rev=1.1 | 12 + .../plain/index.html | 1049 +++++++++++++++++++ .../plain/index.html | 1049 +++++++++++++++++++ .../plain/index.html | 1049 +++++++++++++++++++ .../plain/index.html | 1076 +++++++++++++++++++ .../code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.14 | 1079 ++++++++++++++++++++ .../plain/index.html | 1054 +++++++++++++++++++ .../plain/index.html | 1059 +++++++++++++++++++ .../plain/index.html | 186 ++++ .../plain/index.html | 204 ++++ .../plain/index.html | 340 ++++++ .../plain/index.html | 165 +++ .../plain/index.html | 95 ++ .../plain/index.html | 110 ++ .../plain/index.html | 113 ++ .../plain/index.html | 155 +++ .../code/snowballs2/snowballs2.dsw?rev=1.6 | 209 ++++ .../plain/index.html | 145 +++ .../plain/index.html | 144 +++ 28 files changed, 10172 insertions(+) create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/AUTHORS?rev=1.1&content-type=text/plain/index.html create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/COPYING?rev=1.1&content-type=text/plain/index.html create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/INSTALL?rev=1.1&content-type=text/plain/index.html create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/INSTALL?rev=1.4 create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/ create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/NEWS?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/README?content-type=text/plain&rev=1.1 create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/README?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/THANKS?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acconfig.h?rev=1.1 create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.10&content-type=text/plain/index.html create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.11&content-type=text/plain/index.html create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.12&content-type=text/plain/index.html create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.13&content-type=text/plain/index.html create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.14 create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.7&content-type=text/plain/index.html create mode 100644 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cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/snowballs2.sln?rev=1.1&content-type=text/plain/index.html create mode 100644 cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/snowballs2.sln?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html (limited to 'cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2') diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/AUTHORS?rev=1.1&content-type=text/plain/index.html b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/AUTHORS?rev=1.1&content-type=text/plain/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0f6a0fb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/AUTHORS?rev=1.1&content-type=text/plain/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +Nevrax Team : + + Olivier Cado + Stephane Coutelas + Vianney Lecroart + Cedric Valignat + diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/COPYING?rev=1.1&content-type=text/plain/index.html b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/COPYING?rev=1.1&content-type=text/plain/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d60c31a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/COPYING?rev=1.1&content-type=text/plain/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/INSTALL?rev=1.1&content-type=text/plain/index.html b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/INSTALL?rev=1.1&content-type=text/plain/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6877f146 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/INSTALL?rev=1.1&content-type=text/plain/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ + +If you find any bugs use the Nevrax Bug Tracking System : + + + +If you need any help contact us on the NeL mailing-list : + + + + +Requirements +============ + + Snowballs need the folowing libraries : + + - STLPort 4.0 + - NeL + + +Compilation +=========== + + 1. Windows compilation + ---------------------- + + The compilation on Windows has been done only with Visual C++ 6.0 SP4. + + Set up Visual C++ to find the STLPort libraries. This is done in the + [Tools -> Options -> Directories] menu : + + - Add the STLPort include directory to the "Library Files" category. + ex: D:/stlport-4.0/stlport + + - Add the STLPort library directory to the "Library Files" category. + ex: D:/stlport-4.0/lib + + Open the workspace file "snowballs.dsw" (in the menu [File -> Workspace]). + + Setup Visual C++ to find the NeL include and library files : + + - Add the NEL include directory to the "Library Files" category. + ex: D:/prefix/include + + - Add the STLPort library directory to the "Library Files" category. + ex: D:/prefix/lib + + + 2. GNU/Linux compilation + ------------------------ + + In the case (ex: after a cvs checkout) that you need to rebuild the + "configure" script and/or the "" files, execute the + "bootstrap" script in the swnoballs directory : + + % ./bootstrap + + In the snowballs directory do : + + % ./configure --with-stlport= + + % make + + The "configure" script must be call with the "--with-stlport" option. + This option permit to override the default STL headers. + + To pass additional arguments to the C++ compiler, use the command line : + + % CXXFLAGS=-pipe ./configure --with-stlport= + + To get the complete list of arguments of the "configure" script use the + following command : + + % ./configure --help + + +Installation +============ + + 1. Windows installation + ----------------------- + + Not done yet. + + + 2. GNU/Linux installation + -------------------------- + + % make install + + diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/INSTALL?rev=1.4 b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/INSTALL?rev=1.4 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e38d22e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/INSTALL?rev=1.4 @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ + +If you find any bugs use the Nevrax Bug Tracking System : + + + +If you need any help contact us on the NeL mailing-list : + + + + +Requirements +============ + + Snowballs need the folowing libraries : + + - STLPort 4.5 + - NeL + Default install plus NeL Sound. + You need to launch the configure script with the '--enable-sound' + option. + - NeLNS + This is mandatory to run the Snowballs server but it isn't for + the Snowballs client. + + And the lastest Snowballs data pack available : + + + + +Compilation +=========== + + 1. Windows compilation + ---------------------- + + The compilation on Windows has been done only with Visual C++ 6.0 SP4. + + Set up Visual C++ to find the STLPort libraries. This is done in the + [Tools -> Options -> Directories] menu : + + - Add the STLPort include directory to the "Library Files" category. + ex: D:/stlport-4.0/stlport + + - Add the STLPort library directory to the "Library Files" category. + ex: D:/stlport-4.0/lib + + Open the workspace file "snowballs.dsw" (in the menu [File -> Workspace]). + + Setup Visual C++ to find the NeL include and library files : + + - Add the NEL include directory to the "Library Files" category. + ex: D:/prefix/include + + - Add the STLPort library directory to the "Library Files" category. + ex: D:/prefix/lib + + + 2. GNU/Linux compilation + ------------------------ + + In the case (ex: after a cvs checkout) that you need to rebuild the + "configure" script and/or the "" files, execute the + "bootstrap" script in the swnoballs directory : + + % ./bootstrap + + In the snowballs directory do : + + % ./configure --with-stlport= + + % make + + The "configure" script must be call with the "--with-stlport" option. + This option permit to override the default STL headers. + + To disable the client or the server compilation and install, use + '--disable-client' and '--disable-server' options. + + To pass additional arguments to the C++ compiler, use the command line : + + % CXXFLAGS=-pipe ./configure --with-stlport= + + To get the complete list of arguments of the "configure" script use the + following command : + + % ./configure --help + + +Installation +============ + + 1. Windows installation + ----------------------- + + Not done yet. + + + 2. GNU/Linux installation + -------------------------- + + % make install + + +Contact us +========== + + If you find any bugs use the Nevrax Bug Tracking System : + + + + If you need any help contact us on the NeL mailing-list : + + + + + diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ec0df932 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# +# $Id:,v 1.4 2002/04/10 07:32:46 lecroart Exp $ +# + +MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = configure config.guess missing \ + config.sub ltconfig aclocal.m4 \ + install-sh mkinstalldirs + +EXTRA_DIST = acconfig.h bootstrap \ + snowballs2.dsw + +DIST_SUBDIRS = client server + +SUBDIRS = @SNO_SUBDIRS@ + +install-data-hook: + mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${logdir} + mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${pkgsysconfdir} +# +# Do not override existing config file +# + test -f ${DESTDIR}${pkgsysconfdir}/client.cfg || cp client/client.cfg ${DESTDIR}${pkgsysconfdir} + for service in frontend chat position ; \ + do \ + test -f ${DESTDIR}${pkgsysconfdir}/$${service}_service.cfg || cp ${srcdir}/server/$${service}/$${service}_service.cfg ${DESTDIR}${pkgsysconfdir} ; \ + done + +uninstall-local: + rm -f ${DESTDIR}${pkgsysconfdir}/client.cfg + for service in frontend chat position ; \ + do \ + rm -f ${DESTDIR}${pkgsysconfdir}/$${service}_service.cfg ; \ + done + +# End of diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/NEWS?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/NEWS?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..496a72d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/NEWS?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + +No news, good news ... + +Currently, this file exist to get rid of an Automake error. The content of +that file will be what it should be at the next release. + diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/README?content-type=text/plain&rev=1.1 b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/README?content-type=text/plain&rev=1.1 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..33e43ef1 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/README?content-type=text/plain&rev=1.1 @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ + +1. What's this document about? + --------------------------- + +This document contains useful information about SNOWBALLS, NeL, Nevrax, +technical requirements, and caveats about compilation and installation. +It also includes a short "user manual" for the programs provided. It is +highly recommended reading. + + +2. What are NeL and Nevrax + ----------------------- + +You should really take a look at the (for NeL) +and (for Nevrax). NeL is a free software +framework developped and maintained by Nevrax Ltd, for the purpose of +building internet multiuser entertainment. + +Nevrax is a company dedicated to Free Software, which is why our +tools are covered by the GPL. See the attached license file. + + +3. What's in the package? + ---------------------- + +The package contains: + + - The latest source code for the NeL client and server frameworks + - The source code and data for a sample NeL game called 'SNOWBALLS' + +If you have a source distribution, you need to compile the source to +produce the various executables. If you have a binary distribution, +you have a pre-built exe client for Snowballs, but no source. + +The source code is provided as is, and reflects the state of the NeL +framework at the release date. We have done our best to insure that the +snapshot you are using now compiles and works correctly. However, we +only test on a limited range of configurations, and the vagaries of +OS and hardware means we cannot guarantee it compiles and executes +correctly on your system at the time. + +If you are using CVS, you can keep in synch with the NeL Development Team +as we have included the required CVS information. An update will give you +current source. We do not guarantee that the source in CVS will compile +and work correctly at all time as it includes the latest work in progress. + + +4. Caveat + ------ + +The sample client, server and data files provided do not accurately reflect +our game currently in production. We do not intend penguins and gnus to appear +in the final game, and most of the gameplay you will see does not reflect +what we will implement later. + + +5. Compiling NeL and SNOWBALLS + --------------------------- + +You will need a C++ compiler to properly compile and execute the NeL +framework. The program compiles reasonably under a Unix/GCC environment, +but it has been chiefly tested under a Linux environment. + +The server has been compiled and executed on a Windows machine, but it +is highly recommended that you run it on a separate Linux machine. The +client has been compiled and executed on a Linux machine, but will +probably not work on other unix systems (yet). + +The client and server require an operating TCP/IP stack to communicate. + +The data files for the client and server should be in the ./data child +directories of the directory in which the executables are located. + +See the INSTALL file for the requirements and installation instructions. + + +6. Running SNOWBALLS + ----------------- + +It is highly recommended that you run the client on a PC with plenty of +main memory (128Megs+) and a 3D card that supports T&L in hardware and +has 32Mb of memory. Lesser configurations will probably give you very +poor framerates. + +If you want to run your own server, start the naming service on the +machine that you want to use as a server. The binary is named, +appropriately, naming_service. Otherwise, you may use the default server, which is hosted here at Nevrax. + +The client starts normally. Once started, you'll be asked to select +your langage. You then fill in a name and password (which must be +alpha-numeric), and you'll be able to enter the test area. If you enter +a user name that has never been used before on the server that you are +connected to then a new account will be created with the password that +you enter at the 'PASSWORD' prompt. You'll need to remeber this password +as you'll need each time you login in the future. + +Select now your character type and server to play on, and you're set. + +You're now a penguin on an artic snowfield. You have snowballs which you +can throw at other people. When you throw a snowball, you have a few +seconds during which you gather more snow before you can throw the next +one. If you hit someone, your score increases, and the snowed opponent +becomes immune to further snowing (he flashes on the screen) for 5s. He +cannot retaliate while invulnerable. + +If you get stuck somehow, remove the client.CFG file from your client +directory, and restart. Good luck. If you find a penguin named TMS on +the server, it's me, throw me a low one :) + + +7. The controls in SNOWBALLS + ------------------------- + +Use the mouse to look around. +Use arrow keys to move forward, backward, strafe left and strafe right. + +F1: switch on/off informations +F2: switch on/off the chat text full height +SHIFT-F2: clear the chat +F3: switch on/off the wireframe mode +F4: change movement speed +F5: dump client and server information to the log file +F6: switch on/off the radar +F7: zoom out the radar +F8: zoom in the radar +F9: capture or uncapture the mouse +F10: Windows menu +F12: take a screenshot +PgUp/PgDw: Zoom in/out +TAB: display scores +ESC: quit +Left Mouse Button: throw a snowball +Type text followed by ENTER to broadcast messages + + +8. Contacting us + ------------- + +For comments and problems relating to SNOWBALLS contact us at +For comments, bugs and suggestions relating to NeL contact us at + diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/README?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/README?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7b37e850 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/README?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ + +1. What's this document about? + --------------------------- + +This document contains useful information about SNOWBALLS, NeL, Nevrax, +technical requirements, and caveats about compilation and installation. +It also includes a short "user manual" for the programs provided. It is +highly recommended reading. + + +2. What are NeL and Nevrax + ----------------------- + +You should really take a look at the (for NeL) +and (for Nevrax). NeL is a free software +framework developped and maintained by Nevrax Ltd, for the purpose of +building internet multiuser entertainment. + +Nevrax is a company dedicated to Free Software, which is why our +tools are covered by the GPL. See the attached license file. + + +3. What's in the package? + ---------------------- + +The package contains: + + - The latest source code for the NeL client and server frameworks + - The source code and data for a sample NeL game called 'SNOWBALLS' + +If you have a source distribution, you need to compile the source to +produce the various executables. If you have a binary distribution, +you have a pre-built exe client for Snowballs, but no source. + +The source code is provided as is, and reflects the state of the NeL +framework at the release date. We have done our best to insure that the +snapshot you are using now compiles and works correctly. However, we +only test on a limited range of configurations, and the vagaries of +OS and hardware means we cannot guarantee it compiles and executes +correctly on your system at the time. + +If you are using CVS, you can keep in synch with the NeL Development Team +as we have included the required CVS information. An update will give you +current source. We do not guarantee that the source in CVS will compile +and work correctly at all time as it includes the latest work in progress. + + +4. Caveat + ------ + +The sample client, server and data files provided do not accurately reflect +our game currently in production. We do not intend penguins and gnus to appear +in the final game, and most of the gameplay you will see does not reflect +what we will implement later. + + +5. Compiling NeL and SNOWBALLS + --------------------------- + +You will need a C++ compiler to properly compile and execute the NeL +framework. The program compiles reasonably under a Unix/GCC environment, +but it has been chiefly tested under a Linux environment. + +The server has been compiled and executed on a Windows machine, but it +is highly recommended that you run it on a separate Linux machine. The +client has been compiled and executed on a Linux machine, but will +probably not work on other unix systems (yet). + +The client and server require an operating TCP/IP stack to communicate. + +The data files for the client and server should be in the ./data child +directories of the directory in which the executables are located. + +See the INSTALL file for the requirements and installation instructions. + + +6. Running SNOWBALLS + ----------------- + +It is highly recommended that you run the client on a PC with plenty of +main memory (128Megs+) and a 3D card that supports T&L in hardware and +has 32Mb of memory. Lesser configurations will probably give you very +poor framerates. + +If you want to run your own server, start the naming service on the +machine that you want to use as a server. The binary is named, +appropriately, naming_service. Otherwise, you may use the default server, which is hosted here at Nevrax. + +The client starts normally. Once started, you'll be asked to select +your langage. You then fill in a name and password (which must be +alpha-numeric), and you'll be able to enter the test area. If you enter +a user name that has never been used before on the server that you are +connected to then a new account will be created with the password that +you enter at the 'PASSWORD' prompt. You'll need to remeber this password +as you'll need each time you login in the future. + +Select now your character type and server to play on, and you're set. + +You're now a penguin on an artic snowfield. You have snowballs which you +can throw at other people. When you throw a snowball, you have a few +seconds during which you gather more snow before you can throw the next +one. If you hit someone, your score increases, and the snowed opponent +becomes immune to further snowing (he flashes on the screen) for 5s. He +cannot retaliate while invulnerable. + +If you get stuck somehow, remove the client.CFG file from your client +directory, and restart. Good luck. If you find a penguin named TMS on +the server, it's me, throw me a low one :) + + +7. The controls in SNOWBALLS + ------------------------- + +Use the mouse to look around. +Use arrow keys to move forward, backward, strafe left and strafe right. + +F1: go online (display the login interface) +F2: go offline +F3: switch on/off the wireframe mode +F4: clear the chat window +F5: switch on/off the chat text +F6: switch on/off the radar +F7: zoom out the radar +F8: zoom in the radar +F9: capture or uncapture the mouse +F10: Windows menu +F11: reset player position +F12: take a screenshot +SHIFT-ESC: quit +Left Mouse Button: throw a snowball +Type text followed by ENTER to broadcast messages + + +8. Contacting us + ------------- + +For comments and problems relating to SNOWBALLS contact us at +For comments, bugs and suggestions relating to NeL contact us at + diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/THANKS?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/THANKS?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e3366f29 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/THANKS?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + +All users ... + diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acconfig.h?rev=1.1 b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acconfig.h?rev=1.1 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b6d452a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acconfig.h?rev=1.1 @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + +/* + * Configuration files directory path + */ +#undef SNOWBALLS_CONFIG + +/* + * Log files directory path + */ +#undef SNOWBALLS_LOGS + diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.10&content-type=text/plain/index.html b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.10&content-type=text/plain/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd93eb5c --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.10&content-type=text/plain/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,1049 @@ +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl +dnl Macros used by Nevrax in files. +dnl +dnl $Id: acinclude.m4,v 1.10 2002/03/21 10:54:37 valignat Exp $ +dnl +dnl ========================================================================= + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl WARNING: The original version of this file is placed in the $CVSROOT/code +dnl directory. +dnl There is links in the $CVSROOT/code sub-directories to that file +dnl (ex: $CVSROOT/code/nel), so be careful of the consequences of +dnl any modification of that file. +dnl ========================================================================= + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl Macros available in that file. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_NEL_DEBUG +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: manage the different debug and the release mode by setting +dnl correctly the CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS variables. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_NEL +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the NeL library and set the +dnl CXXFLAGS and LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_STLPORT +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the STLPort library and set the +dnl CXXFLAGS and LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_OPENGL +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the OpenGL library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl OPENGL_CFLAGS and OPENGL_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_FREETYPE +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the Freetype library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl FREETYPE_CFLAGS and FREETYPE_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS and XF86VIDMODE_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_OPENAL +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the OpenAL library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl OPENAL_CFLAGS and OPENAL_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_PYTHON +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the Python library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl PYTHON_CFLAGS and PYTHON_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl ========================================================================= + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_NEL_DEBUG + +AC_DEFUN(AM_NEL_DEBUG, +[ + +MAX_C_OPTIMIZE="-O6" + +STL_DEBUG="-D__STL_DEBUG" + +NL_DEBUG="-DNL_DEBUG" +NL_DEBUG_FAST="-DNL_DEBUG_FAST" +NL_RELEASE_DEBUG="-DNL_RELEASE_DEBUG" +NL_RELEASE="-DNL_RELEASE" + +AC_ARG_WITH(debug, + [ --with-debug[=full|medium|fast] + Build a debug version (huge libraries). + Full mode set only NeL and STL debug flags. + Medium mode set NeL debug flags with inline + optimization (default mode). + Fast mode is like the Medium mode with some basic + optimization. + --without-debug Build without debugging code (default)], + [with_debug=$withval], + [with_debug=no]) + +dnl Build optimized or debug version ? +dnl First check for gcc and g++ +if test "$ac_cv_prog_gcc" = "yes" +then + DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC="-O" + OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="$MAX_C_OPTIMIZE" +else + DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC="" + OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="-O" +fi + +if test "$ac_cv_prog_cxx_g" = "yes" +then + DEBUG_CXXFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX="-O" + OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS="-O3" + OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS="-finline-functions" +else + DEBUG_CXXFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX="" + OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS="-O" + OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS="" +fi + +if test "$with_debug" = "yes" -o "$with_debug" = "medium" +then + dnl Medium debug. Inline optimization + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $NL_DEBUG_FAST $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $NL_DEBUG_FAST $CXXFLAGS" +else + if test "$with_debug" = "full" + then + dnl Full debug. Very slow in some cases + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $STL_DEBUG $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $STL_DEBUG $CXXFLAGS" + else + if test "$with_debug" = "fast" + then + dnl Fast debug. + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $CXXFLAGS" + else + dnl Optimized version. No debug + CFLAGS="$OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS $NL_RELEASE $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS $NL_RELEASE $CXXFLAGS" + fi + fi +fi + +dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([CFLAGS = $CFLAGS]) +dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([CXXGLAGS = $CXXFLAGS]) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK : NeL header files checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +chk_message_obj="$1" +header="$2" +macro="$3" +is_mandatory="$4" + +if test $is_mandatory = "yes" +then + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $NEL_CFLAGS" + + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for $header) + + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_header, +[#include <$header> +#ifdef $macro + yo_header +#endif], + have_header="yes", + have_header="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_header" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + else + if test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([$chk_message_obj must be installed (]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + fi +fi + + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# MY_NEL_LIB_CHK : NeL library checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(MY_NEL_LIB_CHK, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +chk_message_obj="$1" +nel_test_lib="$2" +is_mandatory="$3" + +if test $is_mandatory = "yes" +then + + AC_CHECK_LIB($nel_test_lib, main,,[AC_MSG_ERROR([$chk_message_obj must be installed (])]) +fi +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_NEL : NeL checking macros +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_NEL, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel, + [ --with-nel= path to the NeL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel-include, + [ --with-nel-include= + path to the NeL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel-lib, + [ --with-nel-lib= + path to the NeL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel/lib]) + + +nelmisc_is_mandatory="$1" +nelnet_is_mandatory="$2" +nel3d_is_mandatory="$3" +nelpacs_is_mandatory="$4" +nelsound_is_mandatory="$5" +nelai_is_mandatory="$6" +nelgeorges_is_mandatory="$7" + +dnl Check for nel-config +AC_PATH_PROG(NEL_CONFIG, nel-config, no) + +dnl +dnl Configure options (--with-nel*) have precendence +dnl over nel-config only set variables if they are not +dnl specified +dnl +if test "$NEL_CONFIG" != "no" +then + if test -z "$with_nel" -a -z "$with_nel_include" + then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS `nel-config --cflags`" + fi + + if test -z "$with_nel" -a -z "$with_nel_lib" + then + LDFLAGS="`nel-config --ldflags` $LDFLAGS" + fi +fi + +dnl +dnl Set nel_libraries and nel_includes according to +dnl user specification (--with-nel*) if any. +dnl --with-nel-include and --with-nel-lib have precendence +dnl over --with-nel +dnl +if test "$with_nel" = "no" +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of the NeL + AC_MSG_ERROR([NeL is mandatory: do not specify --without-nel]) +else + if test "$with_nel" -a "$with_nel" != "yes" + then + nel_includes="$with_nel/include" + nel_libraries="$with_nel/lib" + fi +fi + +if test "$with_nel_include" +then + nel_includes="$with_nel_include" +fi + +if test "$with_nel_lib" +then + nel_libraries="$with_nel_lib" +fi + +dnl +dnl Set compilation variables +dnl +if test "$nel_includes" +then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$nel_includes" +fi + +if test "$nel_libraries" +then + LDFLAGS="-L$nel_libraries $LDFLAGS" +fi + +dnl +dnl Collect headers information and bark if missing and +dnl mandatory +dnl + +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Misc], [nel/misc/types_nl.h], [NL_TYPES_H], $nelmisc_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Network], [nel/net/sock.h], [NL_SOCK_H], $nelnet_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL 3D], [nel/3d/u_camera.h], [NL_U_CAMERA_H], $nel3d_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL PACS], [nel/pacs/u_global_position.h], [NL_U_GLOBAL_POSITION_H], $nelpacs_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Sound], [nel/sound/u_source.h], [NL_U_SOURCE_H], $nelsound_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL AI], [nel/ai/nl_ai.h], [_IA_NEL_H], $nelai_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Georges], [nel/georges/common.h], [NLGEORGES_COMMON_H], $nelgeorges_is_mandatory) + +dnl +dnl Collect libraries information and bark if missing and +dnl mandatory +dnl + +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Misc], [nelmisc], $nelmisc_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Network], [nelnet], $nelnet_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL 3D], [nel3d], $nel3d_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL PACS], [nelpacs], $nelpacs_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Sound], [nelsnd], $nelsound_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL AI], [nelai], $nelai_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Georges], [nelgeorges], $nelgeorges_is_mandatory) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_STLPORT : STLPort checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_STLPORT, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport, + [ --with-stlport= path to the STLPort install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport-include, + [ --with-stlport-include= + path to the STLPort header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport-lib, + [ --with-stlport-lib= + path to the STLPort library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport/lib]) + +if test "$with_debug" = "full" +then + stlport_lib="stlport_gcc_stldebug" +else + stlport_lib="stlport_gcc" +fi + +if test "$with_stlport" = no +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of the STLPorts + AC_MSG_ERROR([STLPort is mandatory: do not specify --without-stlport]) +else + stlport_includes="/usr/include/stlport" + if test "$with_stlport" -a "$with_stlport" != yes + then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport/stlport" + stlport_libraries="$with_stlport/lib" + + if test ! -d "$stlport_includes" + then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport/include/stlport" + fi + fi +fi + +if test "$with_stlport_include" +then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport_include" +fi + +if test "$with_stlport_lib" +then + stlport_libraries="$with_stlport_lib" +fi + +AC_LANG_SAVE +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + +dnl Put STLPorts includes in CXXFLAGS +if test "$stlport_includes" +then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$stlport_includes" +fi + +dnl Put STLPorts libraries directory in LIBS +if test "$stlport_libraries" +then + LIBS="-L$stlport_libraries $LIBS" +else + stlport_libraries='default' +fi + +dnl Test the headers + +AC_CHECK_HEADER(algorithm, + have_stlport_headers="yes", + have_stlport_headers="no" ) + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for STLPort headers) + +if test "$have_stlport_headers" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$stlport_includes]) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +AC_CHECK_LIB($stlport_lib, main,, have_stlport_libraries="no") + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for STLPort library) + +if test "$have_stlport_libraries" != "no" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$stlport_libraries]) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +if test "$have_stlport_headers" = "yes" && + test "$have_stlport_libraries" != "no" +then + have_stlport="yes" +else + have_stlport="no" +fi + +if test "$have_stlport" = "no" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([STLPort must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_LANG_RESTORE + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_OPENGL : OpenGL checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_OPENGL, +[ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenGL headers and GL Version >= 1.2) + +is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl, + [ --with-opengl= path to the OpenGL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl-include, + [ --with-opengl-include= + path to the OpenGL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl-lib, + [ --with-opengl-lib= + path to the OpenGL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/lib]) + +opengl_lib="GL" + +if test "$with_opengl" +then + opengl_includes="$with_opengl/include" + opengl_libraries="$with_opengl/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_opengl_include" +then + opengl_includes="$with_opengl_include" +fi + +if test "$with_opengl_lib" +then + opengl_libraries="$with_opengl_lib" +fi + +dnl Set OPENGL_CFLAGS +if test "$opengl_includes" +then + OPENGL_CFLAGS="-I$opengl_includes" +fi + +dnl Set OPENGL_LIBS +if test "$opengl_libraries" +then + OPENGL_LIBS="-L$opengl_libraries" +fi +OPENGL_LIBS="$OPENGL_LIBS -l$opengl_lib" + +dnl Test the headers +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENGL_CFLAGS" + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_opengl, +[#include +#if defined(GL_VERSION_1_2) + yo_opengl +#endif], + have_opengl_headers="yes", + have_opengl_headers="no" ) + +if test "$have_opengl_headers" = "yes" +then + if test "$opengl_includes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$opengl_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Checking the GLEXT version >= 7 +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for and GLEXT version >= 7) + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_glext_version, +[#include +#ifdef GL_GLEXT_VERSION +#if GL_GLEXT_VERSION >= 7 + yo_glext_version +#endif +#endif], + have_glext="yes", + have_glext="no" ) + +if test "$have_glext" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT([no, can be downloaded from]) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenGL libraries) + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENGL_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_opengl_libraries="yes", have_opengl_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_opengl_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$opengl_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$opengl_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +opengl_libraries="$opengl_libraries" + +if test "$have_opengl_headers" = "yes" \ + -a "$have_glext" = "yes" \ + -a "$have_opengl_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_opengl="yes" +else + have_opengl="no" +fi + +if test "$have_opengl" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenGL >= 1.2 must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(OPENGL_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(OPENGL_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_FREETYPE : FreeType checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_FREETYPE, +[ is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype, + [ --with-freetype= path to the FreeType install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype-include, + [ --with-freetype-include= + path to the FreeType header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype-lib, + [ --with-freetype-lib= + path to the FreeType library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype/lib]) + +freetype_lib="freetype" + + +AC_PATH_PROG(FREETYPE_CONFIG, freetype-config, no) + +if test "$FREETYPE_CONFIG" = "no" +then + have_freetype_config="no" +else + FREETYPE_CFLAGS=`freetype-config --cflags` + FREETYPE_LIBS=`freetype-config --libs` + have_freetype_config="yes" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype" +then + freetype_includes="$with_freetype/include" + freetype_libraries="$with_freetype/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype_include" +then + freetype_includes="$with_freetype_include" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype_lib" +then + freetype_libraries="$with_freetype_lib" +fi + +if test "$freetype_includes" +then + FREETYPE_CFLAGS="-I$freetype_includes" +fi + +dnl Checking the FreeType 2 instalation +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $FREETYPE_CFLAGS" + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for FreeType version = 2) + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_freetype2, +[#include +#if FREETYPE_MAJOR == 2 + yo_freetype2 +#endif], + have_freetype2="yes", + have_freetype2="no") + +if test "$have_freetype2" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for FreeType libraries) + +if test $freetype_libraries +then + FREETYPE_LIBS="-L$freetype_libraries -l$freetype_lib" +fi + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $FREETYPE_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_freetype_libraries="yes", have_freetype_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_freetype_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$freetype_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$freetype_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +if test "$have_freetype2" = "yes" && test "$have_freetype_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_freetype="yes" +else + have_freetype="no" +fi + +if test "$have_freetype" = "no" && test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([FreeType 2 must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(FREETYPE_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(FREETYPE_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE : XF86VidMode checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE, +[ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for XF86VidMode extension) + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( xf86vidmode-lib, + [ --with-xf86vidmode-lib= + path to the XF86VidMode library. + e.g. /usr/X11R6/lib] ) + +xf86vidmode_lib="Xxf86vm" + +if test "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" = no +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of XF86VidMode + have_xf86vidmode="disabled" + AC_MSG_RESULT(disabled) +else + if test "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" + then + xf86vidmode_libraries="$with_xf86vidmode_lib" + fi + + XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS="-DXF86VIDMODE" +fi + +if test -z "$have_xf86vidmode" +dnl -a "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" +then + if test "$xf86vidmode_libraries" + then + XF86VIDMODE_LIBS="-L$xf86vidmode_libraries" + fi + + XF86VIDMODE_LIBS="$XF86VIDMODE_LIBS -l$xf86vidmode_lib" + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $XF86VIDMODE_LIBS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_xf86vidmode_libraries="yes", have_xf86vidmode_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_xf86vidmode_libraries" = "yes" + then + have_xf86vidmode="yes" + if test "$xf86vidmode_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT($xf86vidmode_libraries) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi + else + have_xf86vidmode="no" + AC_MSG_RESULT(no, no fullscreen support available.) + fi + + xf86vidmode_libraries="$xf86vidmode_libraries" + +fi + +AC_SUBST(XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(XF86VIDMODE_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_OPENAL : OpenAL checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_OPENAL, +[ is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +dnl Get from the user option the path to the OpenAL files location +AC_ARG_WITH( openal, + [ --with-openal= path to the OpenAL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( openal-include, + [ --with-openal-include= + path to the OpenAL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( openal-lib, + [ --with-openal-lib= + path to the OpenAL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/lib]) + +openal_lib="openal" + +if test $with_openal +then + openal_includes="$with_openal/include" + openal_libraries="$with_openal/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_openal_include" +then + openal_includes="$with_openal_include" +fi + +if test "$with_openal_lib" +then + openal_libraries="$with_openal_lib" +fi + + +dnl Set OPENAL_CFLAGS +if test "$openal_includes" +then + OPENAL_CFLAGS="-I$openal_includes" +fi + +dnl Set OPENAL_LIBS +if test "$openal_libraries" +then + OPENAL_LIBS="-L$openal_libraries" +fi +OPENAL_LIBS="$OPENAL_LIBS -l$openal_lib" + +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENAL_CFLAGS" + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenAL headers) +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_openal, +[#include +#ifdef AL_VERSION + yo_openal +#endif], + have_openal_headers="yes", + have_openal_headers="no" ) + +if test "$have_openal_headers" = "yes" +then + if test "$openal_includes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$openal_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenAL libraries) + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENAL_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_openal_libraries="yes", have_openal_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_openal_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$openal_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$openal_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +openal_libraries="$openal_libraries" + +if test "$have_openal_headers" = "yes" \ + && test "$have_openal_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_openal="yes" +else + have_openal="no" +fi + +if test "$have_openal" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenAL is needed to compile NeL (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(OPENAL_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(OPENAL_LIBS) + + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_PYTHON : Python checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_PYTHON, +[ python_version_required="$1" + +is_mandatory="$2" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +dnl Get from the user option the path to the Python files location +AC_ARG_WITH( python, + [ --with-python= path to the Python prefix installation directory. + e.g. /usr/local], + [ PYTHON_PREFIX=$with_python ] +) + +AC_ARG_WITH( python-version, + [ --with-python-version= + Python version to use, e.g. 1.5], + [ PYTHON_VERSION=$with_python_version ] +) + +if test ! "$PYTHON_PREFIX" = "" +then + PATH="$PYTHON_PREFIX/bin:$PATH" +fi + +if test ! "$PYTHON_VERSION" = "" +then + PYTHON_EXEC="python$PYTHON_VERSION" +else + PYTHON_EXEC="python python2.1 python2.0 python1.5" +fi + +AC_PATH_PROGS(PYTHON, $PYTHON_EXEC, no, $PATH) + +if test "$PYTHON" != "no" +then + PYTHON_PREFIX=`$PYTHON -c 'import sys; print "%s" % (sys.prefix)'` + PYTHON_VERSION=`$PYTHON -c 'import sys; print "%s" % (sys.version[[:3]])'` + + is_python_version_enough=`expr $python_version_required \<= $PYTHON_VERSION` +fi + + +if test "$PYTHON" = "no" || test "$is_python_version_enough" != "1" +then + + if test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Python $python_version_required must be installed (]) + else + have_python="no" + fi + +else + + python_includes="$PYTHON_PREFIX/include/python$PYTHON_VERSION" + python_libraries="$PYTHON_PREFIX/lib/python$PYTHON_VERSION/config" + python_lib="python$PYTHON_VERSION" + + PYTHON_CFLAGS="-I$python_includes" + PYTHON_LIBS="-L$python_libraries -l$python_lib" + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS ${PYTHON_CFLAGS}" + + dnl Test the headers + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Python headers) + + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_python, + [#include + yo_python + ], + have_python_headers="yes", + have_python_headers="no" ) + + if test "$have_python_headers" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$python_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + dnl Test the libraries + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Python libraries) + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $PYTHON_CFLAGS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_python_libraries="yes", have_python_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_python_libraries" = "yes" + then + if test "$python_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$python_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + if test "$have_python_headers" = "yes" \ + && test "$have_python_libraries" = "yes" + then + have_python="yes" + else + have_python="no" + fi + + if test "$have_python" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Python is needed to compile NeL (]) + fi + + AC_SUBST(PYTHON_CFLAGS) + AC_SUBST(PYTHON_LIBS) + +fi + +]) + + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl End of file diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.11&content-type=text/plain/index.html b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.11&content-type=text/plain/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49d5b40b --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.11&content-type=text/plain/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,1049 @@ +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl +dnl Macros used by Nevrax in files. +dnl +dnl $Id: acinclude.m4,v 1.11 2002/03/26 14:37:45 valignat Exp $ +dnl +dnl ========================================================================= + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl WARNING: The original version of this file is placed in the $CVSROOT/code +dnl directory. +dnl There is links in the $CVSROOT/code sub-directories to that file +dnl (ex: $CVSROOT/code/nel), so be careful of the consequences of +dnl any modification of that file. +dnl ========================================================================= + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl Macros available in that file. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_NEL_DEBUG +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: manage the different debug and the release mode by setting +dnl correctly the CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS variables. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_NEL +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the NeL library and set the +dnl CXXFLAGS and LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_STLPORT +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the STLPort library and set the +dnl CXXFLAGS and LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_OPENGL +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the OpenGL library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl OPENGL_CFLAGS and OPENGL_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_FREETYPE +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the Freetype library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl FREETYPE_CFLAGS and FREETYPE_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS and XF86VIDMODE_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_OPENAL +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the OpenAL library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl OPENAL_CFLAGS and OPENAL_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_PYTHON +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the Python library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl PYTHON_CFLAGS and PYTHON_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl ========================================================================= + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_NEL_DEBUG + +AC_DEFUN(AM_NEL_DEBUG, +[ + +MAX_C_OPTIMIZE="-O6" + +STL_DEBUG="-D__STL_DEBUG" + +NL_DEBUG="-DNL_DEBUG" +NL_DEBUG_FAST="-DNL_DEBUG_FAST" +NL_RELEASE_DEBUG="-DNL_RELEASE_DEBUG" +NL_RELEASE="-DNL_RELEASE" + +AC_ARG_WITH(debug, + [ --with-debug[=full|medium|fast] + Build a debug version (huge libraries). + Full mode set only NeL and STL debug flags. + Medium mode set NeL debug flags with inline + optimization (default mode). + Fast mode is like the Medium mode with some basic + optimization. + --without-debug Build without debugging code (default)], + [with_debug=$withval], + [with_debug=no]) + +dnl Build optimized or debug version ? +dnl First check for gcc and g++ +if test "$ac_cv_prog_gcc" = "yes" +then + DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC="-O" + OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="$MAX_C_OPTIMIZE" +else + DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC="" + OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="-O" +fi + +if test "$ac_cv_prog_cxx_g" = "yes" +then + DEBUG_CXXFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX="-O" + OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS="-O3" + OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS="-finline-functions" +else + DEBUG_CXXFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX="" + OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS="-O" + OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS="" +fi + +if test "$with_debug" = "yes" -o "$with_debug" = "medium" +then + dnl Medium debug. Inline optimization + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $NL_DEBUG_FAST $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $NL_DEBUG_FAST $CXXFLAGS" +else + if test "$with_debug" = "full" + then + dnl Full debug. Very slow in some cases + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $STL_DEBUG $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $STL_DEBUG $CXXFLAGS" + else + if test "$with_debug" = "fast" + then + dnl Fast debug. + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $CXXFLAGS" + else + dnl Optimized version. No debug + CFLAGS="$OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS $NL_RELEASE $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS $NL_RELEASE $CXXFLAGS" + fi + fi +fi + +dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([CFLAGS = $CFLAGS]) +dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([CXXGLAGS = $CXXFLAGS]) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK : NeL header files checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +chk_message_obj="$1" +header="$2" +macro="$3" +is_mandatory="$4" + +if test $is_mandatory = "yes" +then + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $NEL_CFLAGS" + + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for $header) + + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_header, +[#include <$header> +#ifdef $macro + yo_header +#endif], + have_header="yes", + have_header="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_header" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + else + if test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([$chk_message_obj must be installed (]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + fi +fi + + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# MY_NEL_LIB_CHK : NeL library checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(MY_NEL_LIB_CHK, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +chk_message_obj="$1" +nel_test_lib="$2" +is_mandatory="$3" + +if test $is_mandatory = "yes" +then + + AC_CHECK_LIB($nel_test_lib, main,,[AC_MSG_ERROR([$chk_message_obj must be installed (])]) +fi +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_NEL : NeL checking macros +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_NEL, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel, + [ --with-nel= path to the NeL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel-include, + [ --with-nel-include= + path to the NeL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel-lib, + [ --with-nel-lib= + path to the NeL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel/lib]) + + +nelmisc_is_mandatory="$1" +nelnet_is_mandatory="$2" +nel3d_is_mandatory="$3" +nelpacs_is_mandatory="$4" +nelsound_is_mandatory="$5" +nelai_is_mandatory="$6" +nelgeorges_is_mandatory="$7" + +dnl Check for nel-config +AC_PATH_PROG(NEL_CONFIG, nel-config, no) + +dnl +dnl Configure options (--with-nel*) have precendence +dnl over nel-config only set variables if they are not +dnl specified +dnl +if test "$NEL_CONFIG" != "no" +then + if test -z "$with_nel" -a -z "$with_nel_include" + then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS `nel-config --cflags`" + fi + + if test -z "$with_nel" -a -z "$with_nel_lib" + then + LDFLAGS="`nel-config --ldflags` $LDFLAGS" + fi +fi + +dnl +dnl Set nel_libraries and nel_includes according to +dnl user specification (--with-nel*) if any. +dnl --with-nel-include and --with-nel-lib have precendence +dnl over --with-nel +dnl +if test "$with_nel" = "no" +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of the NeL + AC_MSG_ERROR([NeL is mandatory: do not specify --without-nel]) +else + if test "$with_nel" -a "$with_nel" != "yes" + then + nel_includes="$with_nel/include" + nel_libraries="$with_nel/lib" + fi +fi + +if test "$with_nel_include" +then + nel_includes="$with_nel_include" +fi + +if test "$with_nel_lib" +then + nel_libraries="$with_nel_lib" +fi + +dnl +dnl Set compilation variables +dnl +if test "$nel_includes" +then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$nel_includes" +fi + +if test "$nel_libraries" +then + LDFLAGS="-L$nel_libraries $LDFLAGS" +fi + +dnl +dnl Collect headers information and bark if missing and +dnl mandatory +dnl + +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Misc], [nel/misc/types_nl.h], [NL_TYPES_H], $nelmisc_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Network], [nel/net/sock.h], [NL_SOCK_H], $nelnet_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL 3D], [nel/3d/u_camera.h], [NL_U_CAMERA_H], $nel3d_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL PACS], [nel/pacs/u_global_position.h], [NL_U_GLOBAL_POSITION_H], $nelpacs_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Sound], [nel/sound/u_source.h], [NL_U_SOURCE_H], $nelsound_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL AI], [nel/ai/nl_ai.h], [_IA_NEL_H], $nelai_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Georges], [nel/georges/common.h], [NLGEORGES_COMMON_H], $nelgeorges_is_mandatory) + +dnl +dnl Collect libraries information and bark if missing and +dnl mandatory +dnl + +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Misc], [nelmisc], $nelmisc_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Network], [nelnet], $nelnet_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL 3D], [nel3d], $nel3d_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL PACS], [nelpacs], $nelpacs_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Sound], [nelsnd], $nelsound_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL AI], [nelai], $nelai_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Georges], [nelgeorges], $nelgeorges_is_mandatory) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_STLPORT : STLPort checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_STLPORT, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport, + [ --with-stlport= path to the STLPort install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport-include, + [ --with-stlport-include= + path to the STLPort header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport-lib, + [ --with-stlport-lib= + path to the STLPort library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport/lib]) + +if test "$with_debug" = "full" +then + stlport_lib="stlport_gcc_stldebug" +else + stlport_lib="stlport_gcc" +fi + +if test "$with_stlport" = no +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of the STLPorts + AC_MSG_ERROR([STLPort is mandatory: do not specify --without-stlport]) +else + stlport_includes="/usr/include/stlport" + if test "$with_stlport" -a "$with_stlport" != yes + then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport/stlport" + stlport_libraries="$with_stlport/lib" + + if test ! -d "$stlport_includes" + then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport/include/stlport" + fi + fi +fi + +if test "$with_stlport_include" +then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport_include" +fi + +if test "$with_stlport_lib" +then + stlport_libraries="$with_stlport_lib" +fi + +AC_LANG_SAVE +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + +dnl Put STLPorts includes in CXXFLAGS +if test "$stlport_includes" +then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$stlport_includes" +fi + +dnl Put STLPorts libraries directory in LIBS +if test "$stlport_libraries" +then + LIBS="-L$stlport_libraries $LIBS" +else + stlport_libraries='default' +fi + +dnl Test the headers + +AC_CHECK_HEADER(algorithm, + have_stlport_headers="yes", + have_stlport_headers="no" ) + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for STLPort headers) + +if test "$have_stlport_headers" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$stlport_includes]) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +AC_CHECK_LIB($stlport_lib, main,, have_stlport_libraries="no") + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for STLPort library) + +if test "$have_stlport_libraries" != "no" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$stlport_libraries]) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +if test "$have_stlport_headers" = "yes" && + test "$have_stlport_libraries" != "no" +then + have_stlport="yes" +else + have_stlport="no" +fi + +if test "$have_stlport" = "no" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([STLPort must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_LANG_RESTORE + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_OPENGL : OpenGL checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_OPENGL, +[ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenGL headers and GL Version >= 1.2) + +is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl, + [ --with-opengl= path to the OpenGL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl-include, + [ --with-opengl-include= + path to the OpenGL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl-lib, + [ --with-opengl-lib= + path to the OpenGL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/lib]) + +opengl_lib="GL" + +if test "$with_opengl" +then + opengl_includes="$with_opengl/include" + opengl_libraries="$with_opengl/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_opengl_include" +then + opengl_includes="$with_opengl_include" +fi + +if test "$with_opengl_lib" +then + opengl_libraries="$with_opengl_lib" +fi + +dnl Set OPENGL_CFLAGS +if test "$opengl_includes" +then + OPENGL_CFLAGS="-I$opengl_includes" +fi + +dnl Set OPENGL_LIBS +if test "$opengl_libraries" +then + OPENGL_LIBS="-L$opengl_libraries" +fi +OPENGL_LIBS="$OPENGL_LIBS -l$opengl_lib" + +dnl Test the headers +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENGL_CFLAGS" + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_opengl, +[#include +#if defined(GL_VERSION_1_2) + yo_opengl +#endif], + have_opengl_headers="yes", + have_opengl_headers="no" ) + +if test "$have_opengl_headers" = "yes" +then + if test "$opengl_includes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$opengl_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Checking the GLEXT version >= 7 +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for and GLEXT version >= 7) + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_glext_version, +[#include +#ifdef GL_GLEXT_VERSION +#if GL_GLEXT_VERSION >= 7 + yo_glext_version +#endif +#endif], + have_glext="yes", + have_glext="no" ) + +if test "$have_glext" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT([no, can be downloaded from]) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenGL libraries) + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENGL_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_opengl_libraries="yes", have_opengl_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_opengl_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$opengl_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$opengl_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +opengl_libraries="$opengl_libraries" + +if test "$have_opengl_headers" = "yes" \ + -a "$have_glext" = "yes" \ + -a "$have_opengl_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_opengl="yes" +else + have_opengl="no" +fi + +if test "$have_opengl" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenGL >= 1.2 must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(OPENGL_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(OPENGL_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_FREETYPE : FreeType checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_FREETYPE, +[ is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype, + [ --with-freetype= path to the FreeType install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype-include, + [ --with-freetype-include= + path to the FreeType header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype-lib, + [ --with-freetype-lib= + path to the FreeType library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype/lib]) + +freetype_lib="freetype" + + +AC_PATH_PROG(FREETYPE_CONFIG, freetype-config, no) + +if test "$FREETYPE_CONFIG" = "no" +then + have_freetype_config="no" +else + FREETYPE_CFLAGS=`freetype-config --cflags` + FREETYPE_LIBS=`freetype-config --libs` + have_freetype_config="yes" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype" +then + freetype_includes="$with_freetype/include" + freetype_libraries="$with_freetype/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype_include" +then + freetype_includes="$with_freetype_include" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype_lib" +then + freetype_libraries="$with_freetype_lib" +fi + +if test "$freetype_includes" +then + FREETYPE_CFLAGS="-I$freetype_includes" +fi + +dnl Checking the FreeType 2 instalation +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS=" $FREETYPE_CFLAGS $CXXFLAGS" + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for FreeType version = 2) + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_freetype2, +[#include +#if FREETYPE_MAJOR == 2 + yo_freetype2 +#endif], + have_freetype2="yes", + have_freetype2="no") + +if test "$have_freetype2" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for FreeType libraries) + +if test $freetype_libraries +then + FREETYPE_LIBS="-L$freetype_libraries -l$freetype_lib" +fi + +CPPFLAGS="$FREETYPE_LIBS $CXXFLAGS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_freetype_libraries="yes", have_freetype_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_freetype_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$freetype_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$freetype_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +if test "$have_freetype2" = "yes" && test "$have_freetype_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_freetype="yes" +else + have_freetype="no" +fi + +if test "$have_freetype" = "no" && test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([FreeType 2 must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(FREETYPE_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(FREETYPE_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE : XF86VidMode checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE, +[ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for XF86VidMode extension) + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( xf86vidmode-lib, + [ --with-xf86vidmode-lib= + path to the XF86VidMode library. + e.g. /usr/X11R6/lib] ) + +xf86vidmode_lib="Xxf86vm" + +if test "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" = no +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of XF86VidMode + have_xf86vidmode="disabled" + AC_MSG_RESULT(disabled) +else + if test "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" + then + xf86vidmode_libraries="$with_xf86vidmode_lib" + fi + + XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS="-DXF86VIDMODE" +fi + +if test -z "$have_xf86vidmode" +dnl -a "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" +then + if test "$xf86vidmode_libraries" + then + XF86VIDMODE_LIBS="-L$xf86vidmode_libraries" + fi + + XF86VIDMODE_LIBS="$XF86VIDMODE_LIBS -l$xf86vidmode_lib" + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $XF86VIDMODE_LIBS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_xf86vidmode_libraries="yes", have_xf86vidmode_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_xf86vidmode_libraries" = "yes" + then + have_xf86vidmode="yes" + if test "$xf86vidmode_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT($xf86vidmode_libraries) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi + else + have_xf86vidmode="no" + AC_MSG_RESULT(no, no fullscreen support available.) + fi + + xf86vidmode_libraries="$xf86vidmode_libraries" + +fi + +AC_SUBST(XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(XF86VIDMODE_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_OPENAL : OpenAL checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_OPENAL, +[ is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +dnl Get from the user option the path to the OpenAL files location +AC_ARG_WITH( openal, + [ --with-openal= path to the OpenAL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( openal-include, + [ --with-openal-include= + path to the OpenAL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( openal-lib, + [ --with-openal-lib= + path to the OpenAL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/lib]) + +openal_lib="openal" + +if test $with_openal +then + openal_includes="$with_openal/include" + openal_libraries="$with_openal/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_openal_include" +then + openal_includes="$with_openal_include" +fi + +if test "$with_openal_lib" +then + openal_libraries="$with_openal_lib" +fi + + +dnl Set OPENAL_CFLAGS +if test "$openal_includes" +then + OPENAL_CFLAGS="-I$openal_includes" +fi + +dnl Set OPENAL_LIBS +if test "$openal_libraries" +then + OPENAL_LIBS="-L$openal_libraries" +fi +OPENAL_LIBS="$OPENAL_LIBS -l$openal_lib" + +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENAL_CFLAGS" + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenAL headers) +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_openal, +[#include +#ifdef AL_VERSION + yo_openal +#endif], + have_openal_headers="yes", + have_openal_headers="no" ) + +if test "$have_openal_headers" = "yes" +then + if test "$openal_includes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$openal_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenAL libraries) + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENAL_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_openal_libraries="yes", have_openal_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_openal_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$openal_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$openal_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +openal_libraries="$openal_libraries" + +if test "$have_openal_headers" = "yes" \ + && test "$have_openal_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_openal="yes" +else + have_openal="no" +fi + +if test "$have_openal" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenAL is needed to compile NeL (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(OPENAL_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(OPENAL_LIBS) + + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_PYTHON : Python checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_PYTHON, +[ python_version_required="$1" + +is_mandatory="$2" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +dnl Get from the user option the path to the Python files location +AC_ARG_WITH( python, + [ --with-python= path to the Python prefix installation directory. + e.g. /usr/local], + [ PYTHON_PREFIX=$with_python ] +) + +AC_ARG_WITH( python-version, + [ --with-python-version= + Python version to use, e.g. 1.5], + [ PYTHON_VERSION=$with_python_version ] +) + +if test ! "$PYTHON_PREFIX" = "" +then + PATH="$PYTHON_PREFIX/bin:$PATH" +fi + +if test ! "$PYTHON_VERSION" = "" +then + PYTHON_EXEC="python$PYTHON_VERSION" +else + PYTHON_EXEC="python python2.1 python2.0 python1.5" +fi + +AC_PATH_PROGS(PYTHON, $PYTHON_EXEC, no, $PATH) + +if test "$PYTHON" != "no" +then + PYTHON_PREFIX=`$PYTHON -c 'import sys; print "%s" % (sys.prefix)'` + PYTHON_VERSION=`$PYTHON -c 'import sys; print "%s" % (sys.version[[:3]])'` + + is_python_version_enough=`expr $python_version_required \<= $PYTHON_VERSION` +fi + + +if test "$PYTHON" = "no" || test "$is_python_version_enough" != "1" +then + + if test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Python $python_version_required must be installed (]) + else + have_python="no" + fi + +else + + python_includes="$PYTHON_PREFIX/include/python$PYTHON_VERSION" + python_libraries="$PYTHON_PREFIX/lib/python$PYTHON_VERSION/config" + python_lib="python$PYTHON_VERSION" + + PYTHON_CFLAGS="-I$python_includes" + PYTHON_LIBS="-L$python_libraries -l$python_lib" + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS ${PYTHON_CFLAGS}" + + dnl Test the headers + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Python headers) + + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_python, + [#include + yo_python + ], + have_python_headers="yes", + have_python_headers="no" ) + + if test "$have_python_headers" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$python_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + dnl Test the libraries + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Python libraries) + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $PYTHON_CFLAGS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_python_libraries="yes", have_python_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_python_libraries" = "yes" + then + if test "$python_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$python_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + if test "$have_python_headers" = "yes" \ + && test "$have_python_libraries" = "yes" + then + have_python="yes" + else + have_python="no" + fi + + if test "$have_python" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Python is needed to compile NeL (]) + fi + + AC_SUBST(PYTHON_CFLAGS) + AC_SUBST(PYTHON_LIBS) + +fi + +]) + + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl End of file diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.12&content-type=text/plain/index.html b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.12&content-type=text/plain/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9184a376 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.12&content-type=text/plain/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,1049 @@ +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl +dnl Macros used by Nevrax in files. +dnl +dnl $Id: acinclude.m4,v 1.12 2002/03/29 10:19:10 valignat Exp $ +dnl +dnl ========================================================================= + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl WARNING: The original version of this file is placed in the $CVSROOT/code +dnl directory. +dnl There is links in the $CVSROOT/code sub-directories to that file +dnl (ex: $CVSROOT/code/nel), so be careful of the consequences of +dnl any modification of that file. +dnl ========================================================================= + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl Macros available in that file. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_NEL_DEBUG +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: manage the different debug and the release mode by setting +dnl correctly the CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS variables. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_NEL +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the NeL library and set the +dnl CXXFLAGS and LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_STLPORT +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the STLPort library and set the +dnl CXXFLAGS and LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_OPENGL +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the OpenGL library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl OPENGL_CFLAGS and OPENGL_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_FREETYPE +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the Freetype library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl FREETYPE_CFLAGS and FREETYPE_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS and XF86VIDMODE_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_OPENAL +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the OpenAL library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl OPENAL_CFLAGS and OPENAL_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_PYTHON +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the Python library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl PYTHON_CFLAGS and PYTHON_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl ========================================================================= + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_NEL_DEBUG + +AC_DEFUN(AM_NEL_DEBUG, +[ + +MAX_C_OPTIMIZE="-O6" + +STL_DEBUG="-D__STL_DEBUG" + +NL_DEBUG="-DNL_DEBUG" +NL_DEBUG_FAST="-DNL_DEBUG_FAST" +NL_RELEASE_DEBUG="-DNL_RELEASE_DEBUG" +NL_RELEASE="-DNL_RELEASE" + +AC_ARG_WITH(debug, + [ --with-debug[=full|medium|fast] + Build a debug version (huge libraries). + Full mode set only NeL and STL debug flags. + Medium mode set NeL debug flags with inline + optimization (default mode). + Fast mode is like the Medium mode with some basic + optimization. + --without-debug Build without debugging code (default)], + [with_debug=$withval], + [with_debug=no]) + +dnl Build optimized or debug version ? +dnl First check for gcc and g++ +if test "$ac_cv_prog_gcc" = "yes" +then + DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC="-O" + OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="$MAX_C_OPTIMIZE" +else + DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC="" + OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="-O" +fi + +if test "$ac_cv_prog_cxx_g" = "yes" +then + DEBUG_CXXFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX="-O" + OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS="-O3" + OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS="-finline-functions" +else + DEBUG_CXXFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX="" + OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS="-O" + OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS="" +fi + +if test "$with_debug" = "yes" -o "$with_debug" = "medium" +then + dnl Medium debug. Inline optimization + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $NL_DEBUG_FAST $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $NL_DEBUG_FAST $CXXFLAGS" +else + if test "$with_debug" = "full" + then + dnl Full debug. Very slow in some cases + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $STL_DEBUG $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $STL_DEBUG $CXXFLAGS" + else + if test "$with_debug" = "fast" + then + dnl Fast debug. + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $CXXFLAGS" + else + dnl Optimized version. No debug + CFLAGS="$OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS $NL_RELEASE $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS $NL_RELEASE $CXXFLAGS" + fi + fi +fi + +dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([CFLAGS = $CFLAGS]) +dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([CXXGLAGS = $CXXFLAGS]) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK : NeL header files checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +chk_message_obj="$1" +header="$2" +macro="$3" +is_mandatory="$4" + +if test $is_mandatory = "yes" +then + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $NEL_CFLAGS" + + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for $header) + + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_header, +[#include <$header> +#ifdef $macro + yo_header +#endif], + have_header="yes", + have_header="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_header" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + else + if test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([$chk_message_obj must be installed (]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + fi +fi + + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# MY_NEL_LIB_CHK : NeL library checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(MY_NEL_LIB_CHK, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +chk_message_obj="$1" +nel_test_lib="$2" +is_mandatory="$3" + +if test $is_mandatory = "yes" +then + + AC_CHECK_LIB($nel_test_lib, main,,[AC_MSG_ERROR([$chk_message_obj must be installed (])]) +fi +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_NEL : NeL checking macros +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_NEL, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel, + [ --with-nel= path to the NeL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel-include, + [ --with-nel-include= + path to the NeL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel-lib, + [ --with-nel-lib= + path to the NeL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel/lib]) + + +nelmisc_is_mandatory="$1" +nelnet_is_mandatory="$2" +nel3d_is_mandatory="$3" +nelpacs_is_mandatory="$4" +nelsound_is_mandatory="$5" +nelai_is_mandatory="$6" +nelgeorges_is_mandatory="$7" + +dnl Check for nel-config +AC_PATH_PROG(NEL_CONFIG, nel-config, no) + +dnl +dnl Configure options (--with-nel*) have precendence +dnl over nel-config only set variables if they are not +dnl specified +dnl +if test "$NEL_CONFIG" != "no" +then + if test -z "$with_nel" -a -z "$with_nel_include" + then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS `nel-config --cflags`" + fi + + if test -z "$with_nel" -a -z "$with_nel_lib" + then + LDFLAGS="`nel-config --ldflags` $LDFLAGS" + fi +fi + +dnl +dnl Set nel_libraries and nel_includes according to +dnl user specification (--with-nel*) if any. +dnl --with-nel-include and --with-nel-lib have precendence +dnl over --with-nel +dnl +if test "$with_nel" = "no" +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of the NeL + AC_MSG_ERROR([NeL is mandatory: do not specify --without-nel]) +else + if test "$with_nel" -a "$with_nel" != "yes" + then + nel_includes="$with_nel/include" + nel_libraries="$with_nel/lib" + fi +fi + +if test "$with_nel_include" +then + nel_includes="$with_nel_include" +fi + +if test "$with_nel_lib" +then + nel_libraries="$with_nel_lib" +fi + +dnl +dnl Set compilation variables +dnl +if test "$nel_includes" +then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$nel_includes" +fi + +if test "$nel_libraries" +then + LDFLAGS="-L$nel_libraries $LDFLAGS" +fi + +dnl +dnl Collect headers information and bark if missing and +dnl mandatory +dnl + +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Misc], [nel/misc/types_nl.h], [NL_TYPES_H], $nelmisc_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Network], [nel/net/sock.h], [NL_SOCK_H], $nelnet_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL 3D], [nel/3d/u_camera.h], [NL_U_CAMERA_H], $nel3d_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL PACS], [nel/pacs/u_global_position.h], [NL_U_GLOBAL_POSITION_H], $nelpacs_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Sound], [nel/sound/u_source.h], [NL_U_SOURCE_H], $nelsound_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL AI], [nel/ai/nl_ai.h], [_IA_NEL_H], $nelai_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Georges], [nel/georges/common.h], [NLGEORGES_COMMON_H], $nelgeorges_is_mandatory) + +dnl +dnl Collect libraries information and bark if missing and +dnl mandatory +dnl + +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Misc], [nelmisc], $nelmisc_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Network], [nelnet], $nelnet_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL 3D], [nel3d], $nel3d_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL PACS], [nelpacs], $nelpacs_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Sound], [nelsnd], $nelsound_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL AI], [nelai], $nelai_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Georges], [nelgeorges], $nelgeorges_is_mandatory) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_STLPORT : STLPort checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_STLPORT, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport, + [ --with-stlport= path to the STLPort install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport-include, + [ --with-stlport-include= + path to the STLPort header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport-lib, + [ --with-stlport-lib= + path to the STLPort library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport/lib]) + +if test "$with_debug" = "full" +then + stlport_lib="stlport_gcc_stldebug" +else + stlport_lib="stlport_gcc" +fi + +if test "$with_stlport" = no +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of the STLPorts + AC_MSG_ERROR([STLPort is mandatory: do not specify --without-stlport]) +else + stlport_includes="/usr/include/stlport" + if test "$with_stlport" -a "$with_stlport" != yes + then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport/stlport" + stlport_libraries="$with_stlport/lib" + + if test ! -d "$stlport_includes" + then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport/include/stlport" + fi + fi +fi + +if test "$with_stlport_include" +then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport_include" +fi + +if test "$with_stlport_lib" +then + stlport_libraries="$with_stlport_lib" +fi + +AC_LANG_SAVE +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + +dnl Put STLPorts includes in CXXFLAGS +if test "$stlport_includes" +then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$stlport_includes" +fi + +dnl Put STLPorts libraries directory in LIBS +if test "$stlport_libraries" +then + LIBS="-L$stlport_libraries $LIBS" +else + stlport_libraries='default' +fi + +dnl Test the headers + +AC_CHECK_HEADER(algorithm, + have_stlport_headers="yes", + have_stlport_headers="no" ) + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for STLPort headers) + +if test "$have_stlport_headers" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$stlport_includes]) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +AC_CHECK_LIB($stlport_lib, main,, have_stlport_libraries="no") + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for STLPort library) + +if test "$have_stlport_libraries" != "no" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$stlport_libraries]) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +if test "$have_stlport_headers" = "yes" && + test "$have_stlport_libraries" != "no" +then + have_stlport="yes" +else + have_stlport="no" +fi + +if test "$have_stlport" = "no" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([STLPort must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_LANG_RESTORE + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_OPENGL : OpenGL checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_OPENGL, +[ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenGL headers and GL Version >= 1.2) + +is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl, + [ --with-opengl= path to the OpenGL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl-include, + [ --with-opengl-include= + path to the OpenGL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl-lib, + [ --with-opengl-lib= + path to the OpenGL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/lib]) + +opengl_lib="GL" + +if test "$with_opengl" +then + opengl_includes="$with_opengl/include" + opengl_libraries="$with_opengl/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_opengl_include" +then + opengl_includes="$with_opengl_include" +fi + +if test "$with_opengl_lib" +then + opengl_libraries="$with_opengl_lib" +fi + +dnl Set OPENGL_CFLAGS +if test "$opengl_includes" +then + OPENGL_CFLAGS="-I$opengl_includes" +fi + +dnl Set OPENGL_LIBS +if test "$opengl_libraries" +then + OPENGL_LIBS="-L$opengl_libraries" +fi +OPENGL_LIBS="$OPENGL_LIBS -l$opengl_lib" + +dnl Test the headers +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENGL_CFLAGS" + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_opengl, +[#include +#if defined(GL_VERSION_1_2) + yo_opengl +#endif], + have_opengl_headers="yes", + have_opengl_headers="no" ) + +if test "$have_opengl_headers" = "yes" +then + if test "$opengl_includes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$opengl_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Checking the GLEXT version >= 7 +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for and GLEXT version >= 7) + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_glext_version, +[#include +#ifdef GL_GLEXT_VERSION +#if GL_GLEXT_VERSION >= 7 + yo_glext_version +#endif +#endif], + have_glext="yes", + have_glext="no" ) + +if test "$have_glext" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT([no, can be downloaded from]) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenGL libraries) + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENGL_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_opengl_libraries="yes", have_opengl_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_opengl_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$opengl_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$opengl_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +opengl_libraries="$opengl_libraries" + +if test "$have_opengl_headers" = "yes" \ + -a "$have_glext" = "yes" \ + -a "$have_opengl_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_opengl="yes" +else + have_opengl="no" +fi + +if test "$have_opengl" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenGL >= 1.2 must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(OPENGL_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(OPENGL_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_FREETYPE : FreeType checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_FREETYPE, +[ is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype, + [ --with-freetype= path to the FreeType install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype-include, + [ --with-freetype-include= + path to the FreeType header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype-lib, + [ --with-freetype-lib= + path to the FreeType library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype/lib]) + +freetype_lib="freetype" + + +AC_PATH_PROG(FREETYPE_CONFIG, freetype-config, no) + +if test "$FREETYPE_CONFIG" = "no" +then + have_freetype_config="no" +else + FREETYPE_CFLAGS=`freetype-config --cflags` + FREETYPE_LIBS=`freetype-config --libs` + have_freetype_config="yes" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype" +then + freetype_includes="$with_freetype/include" + freetype_libraries="$with_freetype/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype_include" +then + freetype_includes="$with_freetype_include" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype_lib" +then + freetype_libraries="$with_freetype_lib" +fi + +if test "$freetype_includes" +then + FREETYPE_CFLAGS="-I$freetype_includes" +fi + +dnl Checking the FreeType 2 instalation +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS=" $FREETYPE_CFLAGS $CXXFLAGS" + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for FreeType version = 2) + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_freetype2, +[#include +#if FREETYPE_MAJOR == 2 + yo_freetype2 +#endif], + have_freetype2="yes", + have_freetype2="no") + +if test "$have_freetype2" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for FreeType libraries) + +if test $freetype_libraries +then + FREETYPE_LIBS="-L$freetype_libraries -l$freetype_lib" +fi + +CPPFLAGS="$FREETYPE_LIBS $CXXFLAGS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_freetype_libraries="yes", have_freetype_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_freetype_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$freetype_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$freetype_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +if test "$have_freetype2" = "yes" && test "$have_freetype_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_freetype="yes" +else + have_freetype="no" +fi + +if test "$have_freetype" = "no" && test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([FreeType 2 must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(FREETYPE_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(FREETYPE_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE : XF86VidMode checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE, +[ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for XF86VidMode extension) + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( xf86vidmode-lib, + [ --with-xf86vidmode-lib= + path to the XF86VidMode library. + e.g. /usr/X11R6/lib] ) + +xf86vidmode_lib="Xxf86vm" + +if test "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" = no +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of XF86VidMode + have_xf86vidmode="disabled" + AC_MSG_RESULT(disabled) +else + if test "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" + then + xf86vidmode_libraries="$with_xf86vidmode_lib" + fi + + XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS="-DXF86VIDMODE" +fi + +if test -z "$have_xf86vidmode" +dnl -a "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" +then + if test "$xf86vidmode_libraries" + then + XF86VIDMODE_LIBS="-L$xf86vidmode_libraries" + fi + + XF86VIDMODE_LIBS="$XF86VIDMODE_LIBS -l$xf86vidmode_lib" + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $XF86VIDMODE_LIBS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_xf86vidmode_libraries="yes", have_xf86vidmode_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_xf86vidmode_libraries" = "yes" + then + have_xf86vidmode="yes" + if test "$xf86vidmode_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT($xf86vidmode_libraries) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi + else + have_xf86vidmode="no" + AC_MSG_RESULT(no, no fullscreen support available.) + fi + + xf86vidmode_libraries="$xf86vidmode_libraries" + +fi + +AC_SUBST(XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(XF86VIDMODE_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_OPENAL : OpenAL checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_OPENAL, +[ is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +dnl Get from the user option the path to the OpenAL files location +AC_ARG_WITH( openal, + [ --with-openal= path to the OpenAL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( openal-include, + [ --with-openal-include= + path to the OpenAL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( openal-lib, + [ --with-openal-lib= + path to the OpenAL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/lib]) + +openal_lib="openal" + +if test $with_openal +then + openal_includes="$with_openal/include" + openal_libraries="$with_openal/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_openal_include" +then + openal_includes="$with_openal_include" +fi + +if test "$with_openal_lib" +then + openal_libraries="$with_openal_lib" +fi + + +dnl Set OPENAL_CFLAGS +if test "$openal_includes" +then + OPENAL_CFLAGS="-I$openal_includes" +fi + +dnl Set OPENAL_LIBS +if test "$openal_libraries" +then + OPENAL_LIBS="-L$openal_libraries" +fi +OPENAL_LIBS="$OPENAL_LIBS -l$openal_lib" + +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENAL_CFLAGS" + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenAL headers) +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_openal, +[#include +#ifdef AL_VERSION + yo_openal +#endif], + have_openal_headers="yes", + have_openal_headers="no" ) + +if test "$have_openal_headers" = "yes" +then + if test "$openal_includes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$openal_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenAL libraries) + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENAL_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_openal_libraries="yes", have_openal_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_openal_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$openal_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$openal_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +openal_libraries="$openal_libraries" + +if test "$have_openal_headers" = "yes" \ + && test "$have_openal_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_openal="yes" +else + have_openal="no" +fi + +if test "$have_openal" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenAL is needed to compile NeL (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(OPENAL_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(OPENAL_LIBS) + + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_PYTHON : Python checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_PYTHON, +[ python_version_required="$1" + +is_mandatory="$2" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +dnl Get from the user option the path to the Python files location +AC_ARG_WITH( python, + [ --with-python= path to the Python prefix installation directory. + e.g. /usr/local], + [ PYTHON_PREFIX=$with_python ] +) + +AC_ARG_WITH( python-version, + [ --with-python-version= + Python version to use, e.g. 1.5], + [ PYTHON_VERSION=$with_python_version ] +) + +if test ! "$PYTHON_PREFIX" = "" +then + PATH="$PYTHON_PREFIX/bin:$PATH" +fi + +if test ! "$PYTHON_VERSION" = "" +then + PYTHON_EXEC="python$PYTHON_VERSION" +else + PYTHON_EXEC="python python2.1 python2.0 python1.5" +fi + +AC_PATH_PROGS(PYTHON, $PYTHON_EXEC, no, $PATH) + +if test "$PYTHON" != "no" +then + PYTHON_PREFIX=`$PYTHON -c 'import sys; print "%s" % (sys.prefix)'` + PYTHON_VERSION=`$PYTHON -c 'import sys; print "%s" % (sys.version[[:3]])'` + + is_python_version_enough=`expr $python_version_required \<= $PYTHON_VERSION` +fi + + +if test "$PYTHON" = "no" || test "$is_python_version_enough" != "1" +then + + if test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Python $python_version_required must be installed (]) + else + have_python="no" + fi + +else + + python_includes="$PYTHON_PREFIX/include/python$PYTHON_VERSION" + python_libraries="$PYTHON_PREFIX/lib/python$PYTHON_VERSION/config" + python_lib="python$PYTHON_VERSION" + + PYTHON_CFLAGS="-I$python_includes" + PYTHON_LIBS="-L$python_libraries -l$python_lib" + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS ${PYTHON_CFLAGS}" + + dnl Test the headers + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Python headers) + + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_python, + [#include + yo_python + ], + have_python_headers="yes", + have_python_headers="no" ) + + if test "$have_python_headers" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$python_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + dnl Test the libraries + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Python libraries) + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $PYTHON_CFLAGS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_python_libraries="yes", have_python_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_python_libraries" = "yes" + then + if test "$python_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$python_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + if test "$have_python_headers" = "yes" \ + && test "$have_python_libraries" = "yes" + then + have_python="yes" + else + have_python="no" + fi + + if test "$have_python" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Python is needed to compile NeL (]) + fi + + AC_SUBST(PYTHON_CFLAGS) + AC_SUBST(PYTHON_LIBS) + +fi + +]) + + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl End of file diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.13&content-type=text/plain/index.html b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.13&content-type=text/plain/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d54d6b17 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.13&content-type=text/plain/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,1076 @@ +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl +dnl Macros used by Nevrax in files. +dnl +dnl $Id: acinclude.m4,v 1.13 2002/04/16 12:01:39 valignat Exp $ +dnl +dnl ========================================================================= + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl WARNING: The original version of this file is placed in the $CVSROOT/code +dnl directory. +dnl There is links in the $CVSROOT/code sub-directories to that file +dnl (ex: $CVSROOT/code/nel), so be careful of the consequences of +dnl any modification of that file. +dnl ========================================================================= + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl Macros available in that file. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_NEL_DEBUG +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: manage the different debug and the release mode by setting +dnl correctly the CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS variables. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_NEL +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the NeL library and set the +dnl CXXFLAGS and LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_STLPORT +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the STLPort library and set the +dnl CXXFLAGS and LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_OPENGL +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the OpenGL library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl OPENGL_CFLAGS and OPENGL_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_FREETYPE +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the Freetype library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl FREETYPE_CFLAGS and FREETYPE_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS and XF86VIDMODE_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_OPENAL +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the OpenAL library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl OPENAL_CFLAGS and OPENAL_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_PYTHON +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the Python library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl PYTHON_CFLAGS and PYTHON_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_CCACHE +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the Ccache utility. +dnl +dnl ========================================================================= + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_NEL_DEBUG + +AC_DEFUN(AM_NEL_DEBUG, +[ + +MAX_C_OPTIMIZE="-O6" + +STL_DEBUG="-D__STL_DEBUG" + +NL_DEBUG="-DNL_DEBUG" +NL_DEBUG_FAST="-DNL_DEBUG_FAST" +NL_RELEASE_DEBUG="-DNL_RELEASE_DEBUG" +NL_RELEASE="-DNL_RELEASE" + +AC_ARG_WITH(debug, + [ --with-debug[=full|medium|fast] + Build a debug version (huge libraries). + Full mode set only NeL and STL debug flags. + Medium mode set NeL debug flags with inline + optimization (default mode). + Fast mode is like the Medium mode with some basic + optimization. + --without-debug Build without debugging code (default)], + [with_debug=$withval], + [with_debug=no]) + +dnl Build optimized or debug version ? +dnl First check for gcc and g++ +if test "$ac_cv_prog_gcc" = "yes" +then + DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC="-O" + OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="$MAX_C_OPTIMIZE" +else + DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC="" + OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="-O" +fi + +if test "$ac_cv_prog_cxx_g" = "yes" +then + DEBUG_CXXFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX="-O" + OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS="-O3" + OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS="-finline-functions" +else + DEBUG_CXXFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX="" + OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS="-O" + OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS="" +fi + +if test "$with_debug" = "yes" -o "$with_debug" = "medium" +then + dnl Medium debug. Inline optimization + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $NL_DEBUG_FAST $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $NL_DEBUG_FAST $CXXFLAGS" +else + if test "$with_debug" = "full" + then + dnl Full debug. Very slow in some cases + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $STL_DEBUG $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $STL_DEBUG $CXXFLAGS" + else + if test "$with_debug" = "fast" + then + dnl Fast debug. + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $CXXFLAGS" + else + dnl Optimized version. No debug + CFLAGS="$OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS $NL_RELEASE $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS $NL_RELEASE $CXXFLAGS" + fi + fi +fi + +dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([CFLAGS = $CFLAGS]) +dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([CXXGLAGS = $CXXFLAGS]) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK : NeL header files checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +chk_message_obj="$1" +header="$2" +macro="$3" +is_mandatory="$4" + +if test $is_mandatory = "yes" +then + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $NEL_CFLAGS" + + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for $header) + + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_header, +[#include <$header> +#ifdef $macro + yo_header +#endif], + have_header="yes", + have_header="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_header" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + else + if test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([$chk_message_obj must be installed (]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + fi +fi + + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# MY_NEL_LIB_CHK : NeL library checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(MY_NEL_LIB_CHK, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +chk_message_obj="$1" +nel_test_lib="$2" +is_mandatory="$3" + +if test $is_mandatory = "yes" +then + + AC_CHECK_LIB($nel_test_lib, main,,[AC_MSG_ERROR([$chk_message_obj must be installed (])]) +fi +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_NEL : NeL checking macros +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_NEL, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel, + [ --with-nel= path to the NeL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel-include, + [ --with-nel-include= + path to the NeL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel-lib, + [ --with-nel-lib= + path to the NeL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel/lib]) + + +nelmisc_is_mandatory="$1" +nelnet_is_mandatory="$2" +nel3d_is_mandatory="$3" +nelpacs_is_mandatory="$4" +nelsound_is_mandatory="$5" +nelai_is_mandatory="$6" +nelgeorges_is_mandatory="$7" + +dnl Check for nel-config +AC_PATH_PROG(NEL_CONFIG, nel-config, no) + +dnl +dnl Configure options (--with-nel*) have precendence +dnl over nel-config only set variables if they are not +dnl specified +dnl +if test "$NEL_CONFIG" != "no" +then + if test -z "$with_nel" -a -z "$with_nel_include" + then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS `nel-config --cflags`" + fi + + if test -z "$with_nel" -a -z "$with_nel_lib" + then + LDFLAGS="`nel-config --ldflags` $LDFLAGS" + fi +fi + +dnl +dnl Set nel_libraries and nel_includes according to +dnl user specification (--with-nel*) if any. +dnl --with-nel-include and --with-nel-lib have precendence +dnl over --with-nel +dnl +if test "$with_nel" = "no" +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of the NeL + AC_MSG_ERROR([NeL is mandatory: do not specify --without-nel]) +else + if test "$with_nel" -a "$with_nel" != "yes" + then + nel_includes="$with_nel/include" + nel_libraries="$with_nel/lib" + fi +fi + +if test "$with_nel_include" +then + nel_includes="$with_nel_include" +fi + +if test "$with_nel_lib" +then + nel_libraries="$with_nel_lib" +fi + +dnl +dnl Set compilation variables +dnl +if test "$nel_includes" +then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$nel_includes" +fi + +if test "$nel_libraries" +then + LDFLAGS="-L$nel_libraries $LDFLAGS" +fi + +dnl +dnl Collect headers information and bark if missing and +dnl mandatory +dnl + +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Misc], [nel/misc/types_nl.h], [NL_TYPES_H], $nelmisc_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Network], [nel/net/sock.h], [NL_SOCK_H], $nelnet_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL 3D], [nel/3d/u_camera.h], [NL_U_CAMERA_H], $nel3d_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL PACS], [nel/pacs/u_global_position.h], [NL_U_GLOBAL_POSITION_H], $nelpacs_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Sound], [nel/sound/u_source.h], [NL_U_SOURCE_H], $nelsound_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL AI], [nel/ai/nl_ai.h], [_IA_NEL_H], $nelai_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Georges], [nel/georges/common.h], [NLGEORGES_COMMON_H], $nelgeorges_is_mandatory) + +dnl +dnl Collect libraries information and bark if missing and +dnl mandatory +dnl + +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Misc], [nelmisc], $nelmisc_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Network], [nelnet], $nelnet_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL 3D], [nel3d], $nel3d_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL PACS], [nelpacs], $nelpacs_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Sound], [nelsnd], $nelsound_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL AI], [nelai], $nelai_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Georges], [nelgeorges], $nelgeorges_is_mandatory) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_STLPORT : STLPort checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_STLPORT, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport, + [ --with-stlport= path to the STLPort install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport-include, + [ --with-stlport-include= + path to the STLPort header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport-lib, + [ --with-stlport-lib= + path to the STLPort library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport/lib]) + +if test "$with_debug" = "full" +then + stlport_lib="stlport_gcc_stldebug" +else + stlport_lib="stlport_gcc" +fi + +if test "$with_stlport" = no +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of the STLPorts + AC_MSG_ERROR([STLPort is mandatory: do not specify --without-stlport]) +else + stlport_includes="/usr/include/stlport" + if test "$with_stlport" -a "$with_stlport" != yes + then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport/stlport" + stlport_libraries="$with_stlport/lib" + + if test ! -d "$stlport_includes" + then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport/include/stlport" + fi + fi +fi + +if test "$with_stlport_include" +then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport_include" +fi + +if test "$with_stlport_lib" +then + stlport_libraries="$with_stlport_lib" +fi + +AC_LANG_SAVE +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + +dnl Put STLPorts includes in CXXFLAGS +if test "$stlport_includes" +then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$stlport_includes" +fi + +dnl Put STLPorts libraries directory in LIBS +if test "$stlport_libraries" +then + LIBS="-L$stlport_libraries $LIBS" +else + stlport_libraries='default' +fi + +dnl Test the headers + +AC_CHECK_HEADER(algorithm, + have_stlport_headers="yes", + have_stlport_headers="no" ) + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for STLPort headers) + +if test "$have_stlport_headers" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$stlport_includes]) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +AC_CHECK_LIB($stlport_lib, main,, have_stlport_libraries="no") + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for STLPort library) + +if test "$have_stlport_libraries" != "no" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$stlport_libraries]) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +if test "$have_stlport_headers" = "yes" && + test "$have_stlport_libraries" != "no" +then + have_stlport="yes" +else + have_stlport="no" +fi + +if test "$have_stlport" = "no" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([STLPort must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_LANG_RESTORE + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_OPENGL : OpenGL checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_OPENGL, +[ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenGL headers and GL Version >= 1.2) + +is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl, + [ --with-opengl= path to the OpenGL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl-include, + [ --with-opengl-include= + path to the OpenGL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl-lib, + [ --with-opengl-lib= + path to the OpenGL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/lib]) + +opengl_lib="GL" + +if test "$with_opengl" +then + opengl_includes="$with_opengl/include" + opengl_libraries="$with_opengl/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_opengl_include" +then + opengl_includes="$with_opengl_include" +fi + +if test "$with_opengl_lib" +then + opengl_libraries="$with_opengl_lib" +fi + +dnl Set OPENGL_CFLAGS +if test "$opengl_includes" +then + OPENGL_CFLAGS="-I$opengl_includes" +fi + +dnl Set OPENGL_LIBS +if test "$opengl_libraries" +then + OPENGL_LIBS="-L$opengl_libraries" +fi +OPENGL_LIBS="$OPENGL_LIBS -l$opengl_lib" + +dnl Test the headers +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENGL_CFLAGS" + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_opengl, +[#include +#if defined(GL_VERSION_1_2) + yo_opengl +#endif], + have_opengl_headers="yes", + have_opengl_headers="no" ) + +if test "$have_opengl_headers" = "yes" +then + if test "$opengl_includes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$opengl_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Checking the GLEXT version >= 7 +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for and GLEXT version >= 7) + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_glext_version, +[#include +#ifdef GL_GLEXT_VERSION +#if GL_GLEXT_VERSION >= 7 + yo_glext_version +#endif +#endif], + have_glext="yes", + have_glext="no" ) + +if test "$have_glext" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT([no, can be downloaded from]) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenGL libraries) + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENGL_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_opengl_libraries="yes", have_opengl_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_opengl_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$opengl_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$opengl_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +opengl_libraries="$opengl_libraries" + +if test "$have_opengl_headers" = "yes" \ + -a "$have_glext" = "yes" \ + -a "$have_opengl_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_opengl="yes" +else + have_opengl="no" +fi + +if test "$have_opengl" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenGL >= 1.2 must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(OPENGL_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(OPENGL_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_FREETYPE : FreeType checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_FREETYPE, +[ is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype, + [ --with-freetype= path to the FreeType install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype-include, + [ --with-freetype-include= + path to the FreeType header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype-lib, + [ --with-freetype-lib= + path to the FreeType library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype/lib]) + +freetype_lib="freetype" + + +AC_PATH_PROG(FREETYPE_CONFIG, freetype-config, no) + +if test "$FREETYPE_CONFIG" = "no" +then + have_freetype_config="no" +else + FREETYPE_CFLAGS=`freetype-config --cflags` + FREETYPE_LIBS=`freetype-config --libs` + have_freetype_config="yes" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype" +then + freetype_includes="$with_freetype/include" + freetype_libraries="$with_freetype/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype_include" +then + freetype_includes="$with_freetype_include" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype_lib" +then + freetype_libraries="$with_freetype_lib" +fi + +if test "$freetype_includes" +then + FREETYPE_CFLAGS="-I$freetype_includes" +fi + +dnl Checking the FreeType 2 instalation +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS=" $FREETYPE_CFLAGS $CXXFLAGS" + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for FreeType version = 2) + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_freetype2, +[#include +#if FREETYPE_MAJOR == 2 + yo_freetype2 +#endif], + have_freetype2="yes", + have_freetype2="no") + +if test "$have_freetype2" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for FreeType libraries) + +if test $freetype_libraries +then + FREETYPE_LIBS="-L$freetype_libraries -l$freetype_lib" +fi + +CPPFLAGS="$FREETYPE_LIBS $CXXFLAGS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_freetype_libraries="yes", have_freetype_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_freetype_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$freetype_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$freetype_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +if test "$have_freetype2" = "yes" && test "$have_freetype_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_freetype="yes" +else + have_freetype="no" +fi + +if test "$have_freetype" = "no" && test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([FreeType 2 must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(FREETYPE_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(FREETYPE_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE : XF86VidMode checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE, +[ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for XF86VidMode extension) + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( xf86vidmode-lib, + [ --with-xf86vidmode-lib= + path to the XF86VidMode library. + e.g. /usr/X11R6/lib] ) + +xf86vidmode_lib="Xxf86vm" + +if test "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" = no +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of XF86VidMode + have_xf86vidmode="disabled" + AC_MSG_RESULT(disabled) +else + if test "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" + then + xf86vidmode_libraries="$with_xf86vidmode_lib" + fi + + XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS="-DXF86VIDMODE" +fi + +if test -z "$have_xf86vidmode" +dnl -a "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" +then + if test "$xf86vidmode_libraries" + then + XF86VIDMODE_LIBS="-L$xf86vidmode_libraries" + fi + + XF86VIDMODE_LIBS="$XF86VIDMODE_LIBS -l$xf86vidmode_lib" + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $XF86VIDMODE_LIBS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_xf86vidmode_libraries="yes", have_xf86vidmode_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_xf86vidmode_libraries" = "yes" + then + have_xf86vidmode="yes" + if test "$xf86vidmode_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT($xf86vidmode_libraries) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi + else + have_xf86vidmode="no" + AC_MSG_RESULT(no, no fullscreen support available.) + fi + + xf86vidmode_libraries="$xf86vidmode_libraries" + +fi + +AC_SUBST(XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(XF86VIDMODE_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_OPENAL : OpenAL checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_OPENAL, +[ is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +dnl Get from the user option the path to the OpenAL files location +AC_ARG_WITH( openal, + [ --with-openal= path to the OpenAL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( openal-include, + [ --with-openal-include= + path to the OpenAL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( openal-lib, + [ --with-openal-lib= + path to the OpenAL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/lib]) + +openal_lib="openal" + +if test $with_openal +then + openal_includes="$with_openal/include" + openal_libraries="$with_openal/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_openal_include" +then + openal_includes="$with_openal_include" +fi + +if test "$with_openal_lib" +then + openal_libraries="$with_openal_lib" +fi + + +dnl Set OPENAL_CFLAGS +if test "$openal_includes" +then + OPENAL_CFLAGS="-I$openal_includes" +fi + +dnl Set OPENAL_LIBS +if test "$openal_libraries" +then + OPENAL_LIBS="-L$openal_libraries" +fi +OPENAL_LIBS="$OPENAL_LIBS -l$openal_lib" + +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENAL_CFLAGS" + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenAL headers) +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_openal, +[#include +#ifdef AL_VERSION + yo_openal +#endif], + have_openal_headers="yes", + have_openal_headers="no" ) + +if test "$have_openal_headers" = "yes" +then + if test "$openal_includes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$openal_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenAL libraries) + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENAL_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_openal_libraries="yes", have_openal_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_openal_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$openal_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$openal_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +openal_libraries="$openal_libraries" + +if test "$have_openal_headers" = "yes" \ + && test "$have_openal_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_openal="yes" +else + have_openal="no" +fi + +if test "$have_openal" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenAL is needed to compile NeL (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(OPENAL_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(OPENAL_LIBS) + + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_PYTHON : Python checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_PYTHON, +[ python_version_required="$1" + +is_mandatory="$2" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +dnl Get from the user option the path to the Python files location +AC_ARG_WITH( python, + [ --with-python= path to the Python prefix installation directory. + e.g. /usr/local], + [ PYTHON_PREFIX=$with_python ] +) + +AC_ARG_WITH( python-version, + [ --with-python-version= + Python version to use, e.g. 1.5], + [ PYTHON_VERSION=$with_python_version ] +) + +if test ! "$PYTHON_PREFIX" = "" +then + PATH="$PYTHON_PREFIX/bin:$PATH" +fi + +if test ! "$PYTHON_VERSION" = "" +then + PYTHON_EXEC="python$PYTHON_VERSION" +else + PYTHON_EXEC="python python2.1 python2.0 python1.5" +fi + +AC_PATH_PROGS(PYTHON, $PYTHON_EXEC, no, $PATH) + +if test "$PYTHON" != "no" +then + PYTHON_PREFIX=`$PYTHON -c 'import sys; print "%s" % (sys.prefix)'` + PYTHON_VERSION=`$PYTHON -c 'import sys; print "%s" % (sys.version[[:3]])'` + + is_python_version_enough=`expr $python_version_required \<= $PYTHON_VERSION` +fi + + +if test "$PYTHON" = "no" || test "$is_python_version_enough" != "1" +then + + if test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Python $python_version_required must be installed (]) + else + have_python="no" + fi + +else + + python_includes="$PYTHON_PREFIX/include/python$PYTHON_VERSION" + python_libraries="$PYTHON_PREFIX/lib/python$PYTHON_VERSION/config" + python_lib="python$PYTHON_VERSION" + + PYTHON_CFLAGS="-I$python_includes" + PYTHON_LIBS="-L$python_libraries -l$python_lib" + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS ${PYTHON_CFLAGS}" + + dnl Test the headers + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Python headers) + + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_python, + [#include + yo_python + ], + have_python_headers="yes", + have_python_headers="no" ) + + if test "$have_python_headers" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$python_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + dnl Test the libraries + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Python libraries) + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $PYTHON_CFLAGS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_python_libraries="yes", have_python_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_python_libraries" = "yes" + then + if test "$python_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$python_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + if test "$have_python_headers" = "yes" \ + && test "$have_python_libraries" = "yes" + then + have_python="yes" + else + have_python="no" + fi + + if test "$have_python" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Python is needed to compile NeL (]) + fi + + AC_SUBST(PYTHON_CFLAGS) + AC_SUBST(PYTHON_LIBS) + +fi + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_CCACHE : Ccache checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_CCACHE, +[ + +AC_ARG_WITH( ccache, + [ --with-ccache use ccache for compiling.], + [ using_ccache=$with_ccache ] +) + +AC_PATH_PROG(CCACHE, ccache) +if test "$CCACHE" -a "$using_ccache" = "yes" +then + CC="ccache $CC" + CXX="ccache $CXX" +fi + +]) + + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl End of file + diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.14 b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.14 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3a62ee8b --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.14 @@ -0,0 +1,1079 @@ +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl +dnl Macros used by Nevrax in files. +dnl +dnl $Id: acinclude.m4,v 1.14 2002/04/25 17:52:16 valignat Exp $ +dnl +dnl ========================================================================= + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl WARNING: The original version of this file is placed in the $CVSROOT/code +dnl directory. +dnl There is links in the $CVSROOT/code sub-directories to that file +dnl (ex: $CVSROOT/code/nel), so be careful of the consequences of +dnl any modification of that file. +dnl ========================================================================= + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl Macros available in that file. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_NEL_DEBUG +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: manage the different debug and the release mode by setting +dnl correctly the CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS variables. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_NEL +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the NeL library and set the +dnl CXXFLAGS and LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_STLPORT +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the STLPort library and set the +dnl CXXFLAGS and LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_OPENGL +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the OpenGL library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl OPENGL_CFLAGS and OPENGL_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_FREETYPE +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the Freetype library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl FREETYPE_CFLAGS and FREETYPE_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS and XF86VIDMODE_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_OPENAL +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the OpenAL library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl OPENAL_CFLAGS and OPENAL_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_PYTHON +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the Python library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl PYTHON_CFLAGS and PYTHON_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_CCACHE +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the Ccache utility. +dnl +dnl ========================================================================= + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_NEL_DEBUG + +AC_DEFUN(AM_NEL_DEBUG, +[ + +MAX_C_OPTIMIZE="-O6" + +STL_DEBUG="-D__STL_DEBUG" + +NL_DEBUG="-DNL_DEBUG" +NL_DEBUG_FAST="-DNL_DEBUG_FAST" +NL_RELEASE_DEBUG="-DNL_RELEASE_DEBUG" +NL_RELEASE="-DNL_RELEASE" + +AC_ARG_WITH(debug, + [ --with-debug[=full|medium|fast] + Build a debug version (huge libraries). + Full mode set only NeL and STL debug flags. + Medium mode set NeL debug flags with inline + optimization (default mode). + Fast mode is like the Medium mode with some basic + optimization. + --without-debug Build without debugging code (default)], + [with_debug=$withval], + [with_debug=no]) + +dnl Build optimized or debug version ? +dnl First check for gcc and g++ +if test "$ac_cv_prog_gcc" = "yes" +then + DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC="-O" + OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="$MAX_C_OPTIMIZE" +else + DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC="" + OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="-O" +fi + +if test "$ac_cv_prog_cxx_g" = "yes" +then + DEBUG_CXXFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX="-O" + OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS="-O3" + OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS="-finline-functions" +else + DEBUG_CXXFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX="" + OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS="-O" + OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS="" +fi + +if test "$with_debug" = "yes" -o "$with_debug" = "medium" +then + dnl Medium debug. Inline optimization + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $NL_DEBUG_FAST $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $NL_DEBUG_FAST $CXXFLAGS" +else + if test "$with_debug" = "full" + then + dnl Full debug. Very slow in some cases + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $STL_DEBUG $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $STL_DEBUG $CXXFLAGS" + else + if test "$with_debug" = "fast" + then + dnl Fast debug. + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $CXXFLAGS" + else + dnl Optimized version. No debug + CFLAGS="$OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS $NL_RELEASE $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS $NL_RELEASE $CXXFLAGS" + fi + fi +fi + +dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([CFLAGS = $CFLAGS]) +dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([CXXGLAGS = $CXXFLAGS]) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK : NeL header files checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +chk_message_obj="$1" +header="$2" +macro="$3" +is_mandatory="$4" + +if test $is_mandatory = "yes" +then + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $NEL_CFLAGS" + + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for $header) + + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_header, +[#include <$header> +#ifdef $macro + yo_header +#endif], + have_header="yes", + have_header="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_header" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + else + if test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([$chk_message_obj must be installed (]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + fi +fi + + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# MY_NEL_LIB_CHK : NeL library checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(MY_NEL_LIB_CHK, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +chk_message_obj="$1" +nel_test_lib="$2" +is_mandatory="$3" + +if test $is_mandatory = "yes" +then + + AC_CHECK_LIB($nel_test_lib, main,,[AC_MSG_ERROR([$chk_message_obj must be installed (])]) +fi +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_NEL : NeL checking macros +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_NEL, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel, + [ --with-nel= path to the NeL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel-include, + [ --with-nel-include= + path to the NeL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel-lib, + [ --with-nel-lib= + path to the NeL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel/lib]) + + +nelmisc_is_mandatory="$1" +nelnet_is_mandatory="$2" +nel3d_is_mandatory="$3" +nelpacs_is_mandatory="$4" +nelsound_is_mandatory="$5" +nelai_is_mandatory="$6" +nelgeorges_is_mandatory="$7" + +dnl Check for nel-config +AC_PATH_PROG(NEL_CONFIG, nel-config, no) + +dnl +dnl Configure options (--with-nel*) have precendence +dnl over nel-config only set variables if they are not +dnl specified +dnl +if test "$NEL_CONFIG" != "no" +then + if test -z "$with_nel" -a -z "$with_nel_include" + then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS `nel-config --cflags`" + fi + + if test -z "$with_nel" -a -z "$with_nel_lib" + then + LDFLAGS="`nel-config --ldflags` $LDFLAGS" + fi +fi + +dnl +dnl Set nel_libraries and nel_includes according to +dnl user specification (--with-nel*) if any. +dnl --with-nel-include and --with-nel-lib have precendence +dnl over --with-nel +dnl +if test "$with_nel" = "no" +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of the NeL + AC_MSG_ERROR([NeL is mandatory: do not specify --without-nel]) +else + if test "$with_nel" -a "$with_nel" != "yes" + then + nel_includes="$with_nel/include" + nel_libraries="$with_nel/lib" + fi +fi + +if test "$with_nel_include" +then + nel_includes="$with_nel_include" +fi + +if test "$with_nel_lib" +then + nel_libraries="$with_nel_lib" +fi + +dnl +dnl Set compilation variables +dnl +if test "$nel_includes" +then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$nel_includes" +fi + +if test "$nel_libraries" +then + LDFLAGS="-L$nel_libraries $LDFLAGS" +fi + +dnl +dnl Collect headers information and bark if missing and +dnl mandatory +dnl + +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Misc], [nel/misc/types_nl.h], [NL_TYPES_H], $nelmisc_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Network], [nel/net/sock.h], [NL_SOCK_H], $nelnet_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL 3D], [nel/3d/u_camera.h], [NL_U_CAMERA_H], $nel3d_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL PACS], [nel/pacs/u_global_position.h], [NL_U_GLOBAL_POSITION_H], $nelpacs_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Sound], [nel/sound/u_source.h], [NL_U_SOURCE_H], $nelsound_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL AI], [nel/ai/nl_ai.h], [_IA_NEL_H], $nelai_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Georges], [nel/georges/common.h], [NLGEORGES_COMMON_H], $nelgeorges_is_mandatory) + +dnl +dnl Collect libraries information and bark if missing and +dnl mandatory +dnl + +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Misc], [nelmisc], $nelmisc_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Network], [nelnet], $nelnet_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL 3D], [nel3d], $nel3d_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL PACS], [nelpacs], $nelpacs_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Sound], [nelsnd], $nelsound_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL AI], [nelai], $nelai_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Georges], [nelgeorges], $nelgeorges_is_mandatory) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_STLPORT : STLPort checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_STLPORT, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport, + [ --with-stlport= path to the STLPort install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport-include, + [ --with-stlport-include= + path to the STLPort header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport-lib, + [ --with-stlport-lib= + path to the STLPort library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport/lib]) + +if test "$with_debug" = "full" +then + stlport_lib="stlport_gcc_stldebug" +else + stlport_lib="stlport_gcc" +fi + +if test "$with_stlport" = no +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of the STLPorts + AC_MSG_ERROR([STLPort is mandatory: do not specify --without-stlport]) +else + stlport_includes="/usr/include/stlport" + if test "$with_stlport" -a "$with_stlport" != yes + then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport/stlport" + stlport_libraries="$with_stlport/lib" + + if test ! -d "$stlport_includes" + then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport/include/stlport" + fi + fi +fi + +if test "$with_stlport_include" +then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport_include" +fi + +if test "$with_stlport_lib" +then + stlport_libraries="$with_stlport_lib" +fi + +dnl Check for the 'pthread' library. SLTPort needs it. +AC_CHECK_LIB(pthread, main, , [AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find the pthread library.])]) + +AC_LANG_SAVE +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + +dnl Put STLPorts includes in CXXFLAGS +if test "$stlport_includes" +then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$stlport_includes" +fi + +dnl Put STLPorts libraries directory in LIBS +if test "$stlport_libraries" +then + LIBS="-L$stlport_libraries $LIBS" +else + stlport_libraries='default' +fi + +dnl Test the headers + +AC_CHECK_HEADER(algorithm, + have_stlport_headers="yes", + have_stlport_headers="no" ) + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for STLPort headers) + +if test "$have_stlport_headers" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$stlport_includes]) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +AC_CHECK_LIB($stlport_lib, main,, have_stlport_libraries="no") + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for STLPort library) + +if test "$have_stlport_libraries" != "no" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$stlport_libraries]) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +if test "$have_stlport_headers" = "yes" && + test "$have_stlport_libraries" != "no" +then + have_stlport="yes" +else + have_stlport="no" +fi + +if test "$have_stlport" = "no" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([STLPort must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_LANG_RESTORE + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_OPENGL : OpenGL checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_OPENGL, +[ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenGL headers and GL Version >= 1.2) + +is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl, + [ --with-opengl= path to the OpenGL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl-include, + [ --with-opengl-include= + path to the OpenGL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl-lib, + [ --with-opengl-lib= + path to the OpenGL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/lib]) + +opengl_lib="GL" + +if test "$with_opengl" +then + opengl_includes="$with_opengl/include" + opengl_libraries="$with_opengl/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_opengl_include" +then + opengl_includes="$with_opengl_include" +fi + +if test "$with_opengl_lib" +then + opengl_libraries="$with_opengl_lib" +fi + +dnl Set OPENGL_CFLAGS +if test "$opengl_includes" +then + OPENGL_CFLAGS="-I$opengl_includes" +fi + +dnl Set OPENGL_LIBS +if test "$opengl_libraries" +then + OPENGL_LIBS="-L$opengl_libraries" +fi +OPENGL_LIBS="$OPENGL_LIBS -l$opengl_lib" + +dnl Test the headers +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENGL_CFLAGS" + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_opengl, +[#include +#if defined(GL_VERSION_1_2) + yo_opengl +#endif], + have_opengl_headers="yes", + have_opengl_headers="no" ) + +if test "$have_opengl_headers" = "yes" +then + if test "$opengl_includes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$opengl_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Checking the GLEXT version >= 7 +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for and GLEXT version >= 7) + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_glext_version, +[#include +#ifdef GL_GLEXT_VERSION +#if GL_GLEXT_VERSION >= 7 + yo_glext_version +#endif +#endif], + have_glext="yes", + have_glext="no" ) + +if test "$have_glext" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT([no, can be downloaded from]) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenGL libraries) + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENGL_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_opengl_libraries="yes", have_opengl_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_opengl_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$opengl_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$opengl_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +opengl_libraries="$opengl_libraries" + +if test "$have_opengl_headers" = "yes" \ + -a "$have_glext" = "yes" \ + -a "$have_opengl_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_opengl="yes" +else + have_opengl="no" +fi + +if test "$have_opengl" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenGL >= 1.2 must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(OPENGL_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(OPENGL_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_FREETYPE : FreeType checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_FREETYPE, +[ is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype, + [ --with-freetype= path to the FreeType install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype-include, + [ --with-freetype-include= + path to the FreeType header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype-lib, + [ --with-freetype-lib= + path to the FreeType library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype/lib]) + +freetype_lib="freetype" + + +AC_PATH_PROG(FREETYPE_CONFIG, freetype-config, no) + +if test "$FREETYPE_CONFIG" = "no" +then + have_freetype_config="no" +else + FREETYPE_CFLAGS=`freetype-config --cflags` + FREETYPE_LIBS=`freetype-config --libs` + have_freetype_config="yes" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype" +then + freetype_includes="$with_freetype/include" + freetype_libraries="$with_freetype/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype_include" +then + freetype_includes="$with_freetype_include" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype_lib" +then + freetype_libraries="$with_freetype_lib" +fi + +if test "$freetype_includes" +then + FREETYPE_CFLAGS="-I$freetype_includes" +fi + +dnl Checking the FreeType 2 instalation +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS=" $FREETYPE_CFLAGS $CXXFLAGS" + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for FreeType version = 2) + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_freetype2, +[#include +#if FREETYPE_MAJOR == 2 + yo_freetype2 +#endif], + have_freetype2="yes", + have_freetype2="no") + +if test "$have_freetype2" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for FreeType libraries) + +if test $freetype_libraries +then + FREETYPE_LIBS="-L$freetype_libraries -l$freetype_lib" +fi + +CPPFLAGS="$FREETYPE_LIBS $CXXFLAGS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_freetype_libraries="yes", have_freetype_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_freetype_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$freetype_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$freetype_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +if test "$have_freetype2" = "yes" && test "$have_freetype_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_freetype="yes" +else + have_freetype="no" +fi + +if test "$have_freetype" = "no" && test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([FreeType 2 must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(FREETYPE_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(FREETYPE_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE : XF86VidMode checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE, +[ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for XF86VidMode extension) + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( xf86vidmode-lib, + [ --with-xf86vidmode-lib= + path to the XF86VidMode library. + e.g. /usr/X11R6/lib] ) + +xf86vidmode_lib="Xxf86vm" + +if test "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" = no +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of XF86VidMode + have_xf86vidmode="disabled" + AC_MSG_RESULT(disabled) +else + if test "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" + then + xf86vidmode_libraries="$with_xf86vidmode_lib" + fi + + XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS="-DXF86VIDMODE" +fi + +if test -z "$have_xf86vidmode" +dnl -a "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" +then + if test "$xf86vidmode_libraries" + then + XF86VIDMODE_LIBS="-L$xf86vidmode_libraries" + fi + + XF86VIDMODE_LIBS="$XF86VIDMODE_LIBS -l$xf86vidmode_lib" + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $XF86VIDMODE_LIBS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_xf86vidmode_libraries="yes", have_xf86vidmode_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_xf86vidmode_libraries" = "yes" + then + have_xf86vidmode="yes" + if test "$xf86vidmode_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT($xf86vidmode_libraries) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi + else + have_xf86vidmode="no" + AC_MSG_RESULT(no, no fullscreen support available.) + fi + + xf86vidmode_libraries="$xf86vidmode_libraries" + +fi + +AC_SUBST(XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(XF86VIDMODE_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_OPENAL : OpenAL checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_OPENAL, +[ is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +dnl Get from the user option the path to the OpenAL files location +AC_ARG_WITH( openal, + [ --with-openal= path to the OpenAL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( openal-include, + [ --with-openal-include= + path to the OpenAL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( openal-lib, + [ --with-openal-lib= + path to the OpenAL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/lib]) + +openal_lib="openal" + +if test $with_openal +then + openal_includes="$with_openal/include" + openal_libraries="$with_openal/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_openal_include" +then + openal_includes="$with_openal_include" +fi + +if test "$with_openal_lib" +then + openal_libraries="$with_openal_lib" +fi + + +dnl Set OPENAL_CFLAGS +if test "$openal_includes" +then + OPENAL_CFLAGS="-I$openal_includes" +fi + +dnl Set OPENAL_LIBS +if test "$openal_libraries" +then + OPENAL_LIBS="-L$openal_libraries" +fi +OPENAL_LIBS="$OPENAL_LIBS -l$openal_lib" + +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENAL_CFLAGS" + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenAL headers) +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_openal, +[#include +#ifdef AL_VERSION + yo_openal +#endif], + have_openal_headers="yes", + have_openal_headers="no" ) + +if test "$have_openal_headers" = "yes" +then + if test "$openal_includes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$openal_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenAL libraries) + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENAL_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_openal_libraries="yes", have_openal_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_openal_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$openal_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$openal_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +openal_libraries="$openal_libraries" + +if test "$have_openal_headers" = "yes" \ + && test "$have_openal_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_openal="yes" +else + have_openal="no" +fi + +if test "$have_openal" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenAL is needed to compile NeL (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(OPENAL_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(OPENAL_LIBS) + + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_PYTHON : Python checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_PYTHON, +[ python_version_required="$1" + +is_mandatory="$2" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +dnl Get from the user option the path to the Python files location +AC_ARG_WITH( python, + [ --with-python= path to the Python prefix installation directory. + e.g. /usr/local], + [ PYTHON_PREFIX=$with_python ] +) + +AC_ARG_WITH( python-version, + [ --with-python-version= + Python version to use, e.g. 1.5], + [ PYTHON_VERSION=$with_python_version ] +) + +if test ! "$PYTHON_PREFIX" = "" +then + PATH="$PYTHON_PREFIX/bin:$PATH" +fi + +if test ! "$PYTHON_VERSION" = "" +then + PYTHON_EXEC="python$PYTHON_VERSION" +else + PYTHON_EXEC="python python2.1 python2.0 python1.5" +fi + +AC_PATH_PROGS(PYTHON, $PYTHON_EXEC, no, $PATH) + +if test "$PYTHON" != "no" +then + PYTHON_PREFIX=`$PYTHON -c 'import sys; print "%s" % (sys.prefix)'` + PYTHON_VERSION=`$PYTHON -c 'import sys; print "%s" % (sys.version[[:3]])'` + + is_python_version_enough=`expr $python_version_required \<= $PYTHON_VERSION` +fi + + +if test "$PYTHON" = "no" || test "$is_python_version_enough" != "1" +then + + if test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Python $python_version_required must be installed (]) + else + have_python="no" + fi + +else + + python_includes="$PYTHON_PREFIX/include/python$PYTHON_VERSION" + python_libraries="$PYTHON_PREFIX/lib/python$PYTHON_VERSION/config" + python_lib="python$PYTHON_VERSION" + + PYTHON_CFLAGS="-I$python_includes" + PYTHON_LIBS="-L$python_libraries -l$python_lib" + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS ${PYTHON_CFLAGS}" + + dnl Test the headers + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Python headers) + + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_python, + [#include + yo_python + ], + have_python_headers="yes", + have_python_headers="no" ) + + if test "$have_python_headers" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$python_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + dnl Test the libraries + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Python libraries) + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $PYTHON_CFLAGS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_python_libraries="yes", have_python_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_python_libraries" = "yes" + then + if test "$python_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$python_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + if test "$have_python_headers" = "yes" \ + && test "$have_python_libraries" = "yes" + then + have_python="yes" + else + have_python="no" + fi + + if test "$have_python" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Python is needed to compile NeL (]) + fi + + AC_SUBST(PYTHON_CFLAGS) + AC_SUBST(PYTHON_LIBS) + +fi + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_CCACHE : Ccache checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_CCACHE, +[ + +AC_ARG_WITH( ccache, + [ --with-ccache use ccache for compiling.], + [ using_ccache=$with_ccache ] +) + +AC_PATH_PROG(CCACHE, ccache) +if test "$CCACHE" -a "$using_ccache" = "yes" +then + CC="ccache $CC" + CXX="ccache $CXX" +fi + +]) + + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl End of file + diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.7&content-type=text/plain/index.html b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.7&content-type=text/plain/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a7fcf13f --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.7&content-type=text/plain/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,1054 @@ +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl +dnl Macros used by Nevrax in files. +dnl +dnl $Id: acinclude.m4,v 1.7 2002/01/29 13:21:42 valignat Exp $ +dnl +dnl ========================================================================= + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl WARNING: The original version of this file is placed in the $CVSROOT/code +dnl directory. +dnl There is links in the $CVSROOT/code sub-directories to that file +dnl (ex: $CVSROOT/code/nel), so be careful of the consequences of +dnl any modification of that file. +dnl ========================================================================= + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl Macros available in that file. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_NEL_DEBUG +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: manage the different debug and the release mode by setting +dnl correctly the CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS variables. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_NEL +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the NeL library and set the +dnl CXXFLAGS and LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_STLPORT +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the STLPort library and set the +dnl CXXFLAGS and LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_OPENGL +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the OpenGL library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl OPENGL_CFLAGS and OPENGL_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_FREETYPE +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the Freetype library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl FREETYPE_CFLAGS and FREETYPE_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS and XF86VIDMODE_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_OPENAL +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the OpenAL library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl OPENAL_CFLAGS and OPENAL_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_PYTHON +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the Python library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl PYTHON_CFLAGS and PYTHON_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl ========================================================================= + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_NEL_DEBUG + +AC_DEFUN(AM_NEL_DEBUG, +[ + +MAX_C_OPTIMIZE="-O6" + +STL_DEBUG="-D__STL_DEBUG" + +NL_DEBUG="-DNL_DEBUG" +NL_DEBUG_FAST="-DNL_DEBUG_FAST" +NL_RELEASE_DEBUG="-DNL_RELEASE_DEBUG" +NL_RELEASE="-DNL_RELEASE" + +AC_ARG_WITH(debug, + [ --with-debug[=full|medium|fast] + Build a debug version (huge libraries). + Full mode set only NeL and STL debug flags. + Medium mode set NeL debug flags with inline + optimization (default mode). + Fast mode is like the Medium mode with some basic + optimization. + --without-debug Build without debugging code (default)], + [with_debug=$withval], + [with_debug=no]) + +dnl Build optimized or debug version ? +dnl First check for gcc and g++ +if test "$ac_cv_prog_gcc" = "yes" +then + DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC="-O" + OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="$MAX_C_OPTIMIZE" +else + DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC="" + OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="-O" +fi + +if test "$ac_cv_prog_cxx_g" = "yes" +then + DEBUG_CXXFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX="-O" + OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS="-O3" + OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS="-finline-functions" +else + DEBUG_CXXFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX="" + OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS="-O" + OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS="" +fi + +if test "$with_debug" = "yes" -o "$with_debug" = "medium" +then + dnl Medium debug. Inline optimization + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $NL_DEBUG_FAST $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $NL_DEBUG_FAST $CXXFLAGS" +else + if test "$with_debug" = "full" + then + dnl Full debug. Very slow in some cases + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $STL_DEBUG $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $STL_DEBUG $CXXFLAGS" + else + if test "$with_debug" = "fast" + then + dnl Fast debug. + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $CXXFLAGS" + else + dnl Optimized version. No debug + CFLAGS="$OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS $NL_RELEASE $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS $NL_RELEASE $CXXFLAGS" + fi + fi +fi + +dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([CFLAGS = $CFLAGS]) +dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([CXXGLAGS = $CXXFLAGS]) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK : NeL header files checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +chk_message_obj="$1" +header="$2" +macro="$3" +is_mandatory="$4" + +if test $is_mandatory = "yes" +then + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $NEL_CFLAGS" + + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for $header) + + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_header, +[#include <$header> +#ifdef $macro + yo_header +#endif], + have_header="yes", + have_header="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_header" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + else + if test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([$chk_message_obj must be installed (]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + fi +fi + + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# MY_NEL_LIB_CHK : NeL library checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(MY_NEL_LIB_CHK, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +chk_message_obj="$1" +nel_libraries="$2" +nel_test_lib="$3" +nel_additional_libs="$4" +is_mandatory="$5" + +if test $is_mandatory = "yes" +then + + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for -l$nel_test_lib) + + NEL_TEST_LIBS="$NEL_LIBS $nel_additional_libs -l$nel_test_lib" + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $LIBS $NEL_TEST_LIBS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_nel_test_libraries="yes", have_nel_test_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_nel_test_libraries" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + else + if test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([$chk_message_obj must be installed (]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + fi +fi +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_NEL : NeL checking macros +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_NEL, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel, + [ --with-nel= path to the NeL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel-include, + [ --with-nel-include= + path to the NeL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel-lib, + [ --with-nel-lib= + path to the NeL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel/lib]) + + +nel_misc_lib="nelmisc" +nel_net_lib="nelnet" +nel_3d_lib="nel3d" +nel_pacs_lib="nelpacs" +nel_sound_lib="nelsnd" +nel_ai_lib="nelai" + +nelmisc_is_mandatory="$1" +nelnet_is_mandatory="$2" +nel3d_is_mandatory="$3" +nelpacs_is_mandatory="$4" +nelsound_is_mandatory="$5" +nelai_is_mandatory="$6" + +dnl Check for nel-config +AC_PATH_PROG(NEL_CONFIG, nel-config, no) + +if test "$NEL_CONFIG" = "no" +then + have_nel_config="no" +else + NEL_CFLAGS=`nel-config --cflags` + + NEL_LIBS_CONFIG=`nel-config --libs` + + NEL_LIBS=`echo '$NEL_LIBS_CONFIG' | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*-l[^[:space:]]*//g'` + + have_nel_config="yes" +fi + +if test "$with_nel" +then + nel_includes="$with_nel/include" + nel_libraries="$with_nel/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_nel_include" +then + nel_includes="$with_nel_include" +fi + +if test "$with_nel_lib" +then + nel_libraries="$with_nel_lib" +fi + +if test "$nel_includes" +then + NEL_CFLAGS="-I$nel_includes" +fi + +if test "$nel_libraries" +then + NEL_LIBS="-L$nel_libraries" +fi + +dnl Checking for NeL headers +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Misc], [nel/misc/types_nl.h], [NL_TYPES_H], $nelmisc_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Network], [nel/net/sock.h], [NL_SOCK_H], $nelnet_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL 3D], [nel/3d/u_camera.h], [NL_U_CAMERA_H], $nel3d_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL PACS], [nel/pacs/u_global_position.h], [NL_U_GLOBAL_POSITION_H], $nelpacs_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Sound], [nel/sound/u_source.h], [NL_U_SOURCE_H], $nelsound_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL AI], [nel/ai/nl_ai.h], [_IA_NEL_H], $nelai_is_mandatory) + +dnl Checking for NeL libraries +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Misc], $nel_libraries, $nel_misc_lib, "", $nelmisc_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Network],$nel_libraries, $nel_net_lib, "-lnelmisc", $nelnet_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL 3D], $nel_libraries, $nel_3d_lib, "-lnelmisc", $nel3d_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL PACS], $nel_libraries, $nel_pacs_lib, "-lnelmisc", $nelpacs_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL AI], $nel_libraries, $nel_ai_lib, "-lnelmisc", $nelai_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Sound], $nel_libraries, $nel_sound_lib, "-lnelmisc" $OPENAL_LIBS, $nelsound_is_mandatory) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_STLPORT : STLPort checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_STLPORT, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport, + [ --with-stlport= path to the STLPort install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport-include, + [ --with-stlport-include= + path to the STLPort header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport-lib, + [ --with-stlport-lib= + path to the STLPort library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport/lib]) + +stlport_lib="stlport_gcc" + +if test "$with_stlport" = no +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of the STLPorts + AC_MSG_CHECKING(STLPort) + have_stlport="disabled" + AC_MSG_RESULT(disabled (*** EXPERIMENTAL ***)) +else + if test "$with_stlport" + then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport/stlport" + stlport_libraries="$with_stlport/lib" + + if test ! -d "$stlport_includes" + then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport/include/stlport" + fi + fi +fi + +if test -z "$have_stlport" -a "$with_stlport_include" +then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport_include" +fi + +if test -z "$have_stlport" -a "$with_stlport_lib" +then + stlport_libraries="$with_stlport_lib" +fi + +if test -z "$have_stlport" +then + dnl Put STLPorts includes in CXXFLAGS + if test "$stlport_includes" + then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$stlport_includes" + fi + + dnl Put STLPorts libraries in LIBS + if test "$stlport_libraries" + then + LIBS="-L$stlport_libraries $LIBS -l$stlport_lib" + fi + + dnl Test the headers + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for STLPort headers) + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" + + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_stlport, + [#include +#ifdef __SGI_STL_PORT + yo_stlport +#endif], + have_stlport_headers="yes", + have_stlport_headers="no" ) + + if test "$have_stlport_headers" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$stlport_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + dnl Test the libraries + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for STLPort libraries) + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $LIBS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_stlport_libraries="yes", have_stlport_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_stlport_libraries" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$stlport_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + if test "$have_stlport_headers" = "yes" \ + && test "$have_stlport_libraries" = "yes" + then + have_stlport="yes" + else + have_stlport="no" + fi + + if test "$have_stlport" = "no" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([STLPort must be installed (]) + fi + +fi + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_OPENGL : OpenGL checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_OPENGL, +[ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenGL headers and GL Version >= 1.2) + +is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl, + [ --with-opengl= path to the OpenGL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl-include, + [ --with-opengl-include= + path to the OpenGL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl-lib, + [ --with-opengl-lib= + path to the OpenGL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/lib]) + +opengl_lib="GL" + +if test "$with_opengl" +then + opengl_includes="$with_opengl/include" + opengl_libraries="$with_opengl/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_opengl_include" +then + opengl_includes="$with_opengl_include" +fi + +if test "$with_opengl_lib" +then + opengl_libraries="$with_opengl_lib" +fi + +dnl Set OPENGL_CFLAGS +if test "$opengl_includes" +then + OPENGL_CFLAGS="-I$opengl_includes" +fi + +dnl Set OPENGL_LIBS +if test "$opengl_libraries" +then + OPENGL_LIBS="-L$opengl_libraries" +fi +OPENGL_LIBS="$OPENGL_LIBS -l$opengl_lib" + +dnl Test the headers +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENGL_CFLAGS" + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_opengl, +[#include +#if defined(GL_VERSION_1_2) + yo_opengl +#endif], + have_opengl_headers="yes", + have_opengl_headers="no" ) + +if test "$have_opengl_headers" = "yes" +then + if test "$opengl_includes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$opengl_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Checking the GLEXT version >= 7 +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for and GLEXT version >= 7) + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_glext_version, +[#include +#ifdef GL_GLEXT_VERSION +#if GL_GLEXT_VERSION >= 7 + yo_glext_version +#endif +#endif], + have_glext="yes", + have_glext="no" ) + +if test "$have_glext" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT([no, can be downloaded from]) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenGL libraries) + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENGL_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_opengl_libraries="yes", have_opengl_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_opengl_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$opengl_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$opengl_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +opengl_libraries="$opengl_libraries" + +if test "$have_opengl_headers" = "yes" \ + -a "$have_glext" = "yes" \ + -a "$have_opengl_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_opengl="yes" +else + have_opengl="no" +fi + +if test "$have_opengl" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenGL >= 1.2 must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(OPENGL_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(OPENGL_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_FREETYPE : FreeType checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_FREETYPE, +[ is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype, + [ --with-freetype= path to the FreeType install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype-include, + [ --with-freetype-include= + path to the FreeType header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype-lib, + [ --with-freetype-lib= + path to the FreeType library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype/lib]) + +freetype_lib="freetype" + + +AC_PATH_PROG(FREETYPE_CONFIG, freetype-config, no) + +if test "$FREETYPE_CONFIG" = "no" +then + have_freetype_config="no" +else + FREETYPE_CFLAGS=`freetype-config --cflags` + FREETYPE_LIBS=`freetype-config --libs` + have_freetype_config="yes" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype" +then + freetype_includes="$with_freetype/include" + freetype_libraries="$with_freetype/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype_include" +then + freetype_includes="$with_freetype_include" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype_lib" +then + freetype_libraries="$with_freetype_lib" +fi + +if test "$freetype_includes" +then + FREETYPE_CFLAGS="-I$freetype_includes" +fi + +dnl Checking the FreeType 2 instalation +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $FREETYPE_CFLAGS" + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for FreeType version = 2) + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_freetype2, +[#include +#if FREETYPE_MAJOR == 2 + yo_freetype2 +#endif], + have_freetype2="yes", + have_freetype2="no") + +if test "$have_freetype2" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for FreeType libraries) + +if test $freetype_libraries +then + FREETYPE_LIBS="-L$freetype_libraries -l$freetype_lib" +fi + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $FREETYPE_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_freetype_libraries="yes", have_freetype_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_freetype_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$freetype_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$freetype_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +if test "$have_freetype2" = "yes" && test "$have_freetype_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_freetype="yes" +else + have_freetype="no" +fi + +if test "$have_freetype" = "no" && test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([FreeType 2 must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(FREETYPE_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(FREETYPE_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE : XF86VidMode checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE, +[ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for XF86VidMode extension) + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( xf86vidmode-lib, + [ --with-xf86vidmode-lib= + path to the XF86VidMode library. + e.g. /usr/X11R6/lib] ) + +xf86vidmode_lib="Xxf86vm" + +if test "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" = no +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of XF86VidMode + have_xf86vidmode="disabled" + AC_MSG_RESULT(disabled) +else + if test "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" + then + xf86vidmode_libraries="$with_xf86vidmode_lib" + fi + + XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS="-DXF86VIDMODE" +fi + +if test -z "$have_xf86vidmode" +dnl -a "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" +then + if test "$xf86vidmode_libraries" + then + XF86VIDMODE_LIBS="-L$xf86vidmode_libraries" + fi + + XF86VIDMODE_LIBS="$XF86VIDMODE_LIBS -l$xf86vidmode_lib" + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $XF86VIDMODE_LIBS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_xf86vidmode_libraries="yes", have_xf86vidmode_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_xf86vidmode_libraries" = "yes" + then + have_xf86vidmode="yes" + if test "$xf86vidmode_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT($xf86vidmode_libraries) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi + else + have_xf86vidmode="no" + AC_MSG_RESULT(no, no fullscreen support available.) + fi + + xf86vidmode_libraries="$xf86vidmode_libraries" + +fi + +AC_SUBST(XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(XF86VIDMODE_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_OPENAL : OpenAL checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_OPENAL, +[ is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +dnl Get from the user option the path to the OpenAL files location +AC_ARG_WITH( openal, + [ --with-openal= path to the OpenAL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( openal-include, + [ --with-openal-include= + path to the OpenAL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( openal-lib, + [ --with-openal-lib= + path to the OpenAL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/lib]) + +openal_lib="openal" + +if test $with_openal +then + openal_includes="$with_openal/include" + openal_libraries="$with_openal/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_openal_include" +then + openal_includes="$with_openal_include" +fi + +if test "$with_openal_lib" +then + openal_libraries="$with_openal_lib" +fi + + +dnl Set OPENAL_CFLAGS +if test "$openal_includes" +then + OPENAL_CFLAGS="-I$openal_includes" +fi + +dnl Set OPENAL_LIBS +if test "$openal_libraries" +then + OPENAL_LIBS="-L$openal_libraries" +fi +OPENAL_LIBS="$OPENAL_LIBS -l$openal_lib" + +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENAL_CFLAGS" + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenAL headers) +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_openal, +[#include +#ifdef AL_VERSION + yo_openal +#endif], + have_openal_headers="yes", + have_openal_headers="no" ) + +if test "$have_openal_headers" = "yes" +then + if test "$openal_includes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$openal_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenAL libraries) + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENAL_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_openal_libraries="yes", have_openal_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_openal_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$openal_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$openal_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +openal_libraries="$openal_libraries" + +if test "$have_openal_headers" = "yes" \ + && test "$have_openal_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_openal="yes" +else + have_openal="no" +fi + +if test "$have_openal" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenAL is needed to compile NeL (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(OPENAL_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(OPENAL_LIBS) + + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_PYTHON : Python checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_PYTHON, +[ python_version_required="$1" + +is_mandatory="$2" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +dnl Get from the user option the path to the Python files location +AC_ARG_WITH( python, + [ --with-python= path to the Python prefix installation directory. + e.g. /usr/local], + [ PYTHON_PREFIX=$with_python ] +) + +AC_ARG_WITH( python-version, + [ --with-python-version= + Python version to use, e.g. 1.5], + [ PYTHON_VERSION=$with_python_version ] +) + +if test ! "$PYTHON_PREFIX" = "" +then + PATH="$PYTHON_PREFIX/bin:$PATH" +fi + +if test ! "$PYTHON_VERSION" = "" +then + PYTHON_EXEC="python$PYTHON_VERSION" +else + PYTHON_EXEC="python python2.1 python2.0 python1.5" +fi + +AC_PATH_PROGS(PYTHON, $PYTHON_EXEC, no, $PATH) + +if test "$PYTHON" != "no" +then + PYTHON_PREFIX=`$PYTHON -c 'import sys; print "%s" % (sys.prefix)'` + PYTHON_VERSION=`$PYTHON -c 'import sys; print "%s" % (sys.version[[:3]])'` + + is_python_version_enough=`expr $python_version_required \<= $PYTHON_VERSION` +fi + + +if test "$PYTHON" = "no" || test "$is_python_version_enough" != "1" +then + + if test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Python $python_version_required must be installed (]) + else + have_python="no" + fi + +else + + python_includes="$PYTHON_PREFIX/include/python$PYTHON_VERSION" + python_libraries="$PYTHON_PREFIX/lib/python$PYTHON_VERSION/config" + python_lib="python$PYTHON_VERSION" + + PYTHON_CFLAGS="-I$python_includes" + PYTHON_LIBS="-L$python_libraries -l$python_lib" + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS ${PYTHON_CFLAGS}" + + dnl Test the headers + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Python headers) + + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_python, + [#include + yo_python + ], + have_python_headers="yes", + have_python_headers="no" ) + + if test "$have_python_headers" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$python_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + dnl Test the libraries + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Python libraries) + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $PYTHON_CFLAGS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_python_libraries="yes", have_python_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_python_libraries" = "yes" + then + if test "$python_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$python_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + if test "$have_python_headers" = "yes" \ + && test "$have_python_libraries" = "yes" + then + have_python="yes" + else + have_python="no" + fi + + if test "$have_python" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Python is needed to compile NeL (]) + fi + + AC_SUBST(PYTHON_CFLAGS) + AC_SUBST(PYTHON_LIBS) + +fi + +]) + + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl End of file diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.8&content-type=text/plain/index.html b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.8&content-type=text/plain/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7d877590 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/acinclude.m4?rev=1.8&content-type=text/plain/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,1059 @@ +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl +dnl Macros used by Nevrax in files. +dnl +dnl $Id: acinclude.m4,v 1.8 2002/02/18 12:58:38 lecroart Exp $ +dnl +dnl ========================================================================= + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl WARNING: The original version of this file is placed in the $CVSROOT/code +dnl directory. +dnl There is links in the $CVSROOT/code sub-directories to that file +dnl (ex: $CVSROOT/code/nel), so be careful of the consequences of +dnl any modification of that file. +dnl ========================================================================= + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl Macros available in that file. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_NEL_DEBUG +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: manage the different debug and the release mode by setting +dnl correctly the CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS variables. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_NEL +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the NeL library and set the +dnl CXXFLAGS and LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_STLPORT +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the STLPort library and set the +dnl CXXFLAGS and LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_OPENGL +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the OpenGL library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl OPENGL_CFLAGS and OPENGL_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_FREETYPE +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the Freetype library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl FREETYPE_CFLAGS and FREETYPE_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE +dnl +dnl Option: none. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS and XF86VIDMODE_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_OPENAL +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the OpenAL library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl OPENAL_CFLAGS and OPENAL_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl +dnl AM_PATH_PYTHON +dnl +dnl Option: "yes" if the use of the Python library is mandatory. +dnl Description: check the instalation of the OpenGL library and set the +dnl PYTHON_CFLAGS and PYTHON_LIBS variables to use it. +dnl +dnl ========================================================================= + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_NEL_DEBUG + +AC_DEFUN(AM_NEL_DEBUG, +[ + +MAX_C_OPTIMIZE="-O6" + +STL_DEBUG="-D__STL_DEBUG" + +NL_DEBUG="-DNL_DEBUG" +NL_DEBUG_FAST="-DNL_DEBUG_FAST" +NL_RELEASE_DEBUG="-DNL_RELEASE_DEBUG" +NL_RELEASE="-DNL_RELEASE" + +AC_ARG_WITH(debug, + [ --with-debug[=full|medium|fast] + Build a debug version (huge libraries). + Full mode set only NeL and STL debug flags. + Medium mode set NeL debug flags with inline + optimization (default mode). + Fast mode is like the Medium mode with some basic + optimization. + --without-debug Build without debugging code (default)], + [with_debug=$withval], + [with_debug=no]) + +dnl Build optimized or debug version ? +dnl First check for gcc and g++ +if test "$ac_cv_prog_gcc" = "yes" +then + DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC="-O" + OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="$MAX_C_OPTIMIZE" +else + DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC="" + OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="-O" +fi + +if test "$ac_cv_prog_cxx_g" = "yes" +then + DEBUG_CXXFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX="-O" + OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS="-O3" + OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS="-finline-functions" +else + DEBUG_CXXFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX="" + OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS="-O" + OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS="" +fi + +if test "$with_debug" = "yes" -o "$with_debug" = "medium" +then + dnl Medium debug. Inline optimization + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $NL_DEBUG_FAST $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $NL_DEBUG_FAST $CXXFLAGS" +else + if test "$with_debug" = "full" + then + dnl Full debug. Very slow in some cases + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $STL_DEBUG $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $STL_DEBUG $CXXFLAGS" + else + if test "$with_debug" = "fast" + then + dnl Fast debug. + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX $OPTIMIZE_INLINE_CXXFLAGS $NL_DEBUG $CXXFLAGS" + else + dnl Optimized version. No debug + CFLAGS="$OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS $NL_RELEASE $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS $NL_RELEASE $CXXFLAGS" + fi + fi +fi + +dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([CFLAGS = $CFLAGS]) +dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([CXXGLAGS = $CXXFLAGS]) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK : NeL header files checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +chk_message_obj="$1" +header="$2" +macro="$3" +is_mandatory="$4" + +if test $is_mandatory = "yes" +then + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $NEL_CFLAGS" + + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for $header) + + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_header, +[#include <$header> +#ifdef $macro + yo_header +#endif], + have_header="yes", + have_header="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_header" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + else + if test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([$chk_message_obj must be installed (]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + fi +fi + + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# MY_NEL_LIB_CHK : NeL library checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(MY_NEL_LIB_CHK, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +chk_message_obj="$1" +nel_libraries="$2" +nel_test_lib="$3" +nel_additional_libs="$4" +is_mandatory="$5" + +if test $is_mandatory = "yes" +then + + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for -l$nel_test_lib) + + NEL_TEST_LIBS="$NEL_LIBS $nel_additional_libs -l$nel_test_lib" + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $LIBS $NEL_TEST_LIBS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_nel_test_libraries="yes", have_nel_test_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_nel_test_libraries" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + else + if test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([$chk_message_obj must be installed (]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + fi +fi +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_NEL : NeL checking macros +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_NEL, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel, + [ --with-nel= path to the NeL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel-include, + [ --with-nel-include= + path to the NeL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( nel-lib, + [ --with-nel-lib= + path to the NeL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/nel/lib]) + + +nel_misc_lib="nelmisc" +nel_net_lib="nelnet" +nel_3d_lib="nel3d" +nel_pacs_lib="nelpacs" +nel_sound_lib="nelsnd" +nel_ai_lib="nelai" + +nelmisc_is_mandatory="$1" +nelnet_is_mandatory="$2" +nel3d_is_mandatory="$3" +nelpacs_is_mandatory="$4" +nelsound_is_mandatory="$5" +nelai_is_mandatory="$6" + +dnl Check for nel-config +AC_PATH_PROG(NEL_CONFIG, nel-config, no) + +if test "$NEL_CONFIG" = "no" +then + have_nel_config="no" +else + NEL_CFLAGS=`nel-config --cflags` + + NEL_LIBS_CONFIG=`nel-config --libs` + + NEL_LIBS=`echo '$NEL_LIBS_CONFIG' | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*-l[^[:space:]]*//g'` + + have_nel_config="yes" +fi + +if test "$with_nel" +then + nel_includes="$with_nel/include" + nel_libraries="$with_nel/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_nel_include" +then + nel_includes="$with_nel_include" +fi + +if test "$with_nel_lib" +then + nel_libraries="$with_nel_lib" +fi + +if test "$nel_includes" +then + NEL_CFLAGS="-I$nel_includes" +fi + +if test "$nel_libraries" +then + NEL_LIBS="-L$nel_libraries" +fi + +dnl Checking for NeL headers +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Misc], [nel/misc/types_nl.h], [NL_TYPES_H], $nelmisc_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Network], [nel/net/sock.h], [NL_SOCK_H], $nelnet_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL 3D], [nel/3d/u_camera.h], [NL_U_CAMERA_H], $nel3d_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL PACS], [nel/pacs/u_global_position.h], [NL_U_GLOBAL_POSITION_H], $nelpacs_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL Sound], [nel/sound/u_source.h], [NL_U_SOURCE_H], $nelsound_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_HEADER_CHK([NeL AI], [nel/ai/nl_ai.h], [_IA_NEL_H], $nelai_is_mandatory) + +dnl Checking for NeL libraries +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Misc], $nel_libraries, $nel_misc_lib, "", $nelmisc_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Network],$nel_libraries, $nel_net_lib, "-lnelmisc", $nelnet_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL 3D], $nel_libraries, $nel_3d_lib, "-lnelmisc", $nel3d_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL PACS], $nel_libraries, $nel_pacs_lib, "-lnelmisc", $nelpacs_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL AI], $nel_libraries, $nel_ai_lib, "-lnelmisc", $nelai_is_mandatory) +MY_NEL_LIB_CHK([NeL Sound], $nel_libraries, $nel_sound_lib, "-lnelmisc" $OPENAL_LIBS, $nelsound_is_mandatory) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_STLPORT : STLPort checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_STLPORT, +[ AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport, + [ --with-stlport= path to the STLPort install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport-include, + [ --with-stlport-include= + path to the STLPort header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport/stlport]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport-lib, + [ --with-stlport-lib= + path to the STLPort library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport/lib]) + +if test "$with_debug" = "full" +then + stlport_lib="stlport_gcc_stldebug" +else + stlport_lib="stlport_gcc" +fi + +if test "$with_stlport" = no +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of the STLPorts + AC_MSG_CHECKING(STLPort) + have_stlport="disabled" + AC_MSG_RESULT(disabled (*** EXPERIMENTAL ***)) +else + if test "$with_stlport" + then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport/stlport" + stlport_libraries="$with_stlport/lib" + + if test ! -d "$stlport_includes" + then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport/include/stlport" + fi + fi +fi + +if test -z "$have_stlport" -a "$with_stlport_include" +then + stlport_includes="$with_stlport_include" +fi + +if test -z "$have_stlport" -a "$with_stlport_lib" +then + stlport_libraries="$with_stlport_lib" +fi + +if test -z "$have_stlport" +then + dnl Put STLPorts includes in CXXFLAGS + if test "$stlport_includes" + then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$stlport_includes" + fi + + dnl Put STLPorts libraries in LIBS + if test "$stlport_libraries" + then + LIBS="-L$stlport_libraries $LIBS -l$stlport_lib" + fi + + dnl Test the headers + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for STLPort headers) + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" + + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_stlport, + [#include +#ifdef __SGI_STL_PORT + yo_stlport +#endif], + have_stlport_headers="yes", + have_stlport_headers="no" ) + + if test "$have_stlport_headers" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$stlport_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + dnl Test the libraries + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for STLPort libraries) + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $LIBS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_stlport_libraries="yes", have_stlport_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_stlport_libraries" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$stlport_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + if test "$have_stlport_headers" = "yes" \ + && test "$have_stlport_libraries" = "yes" + then + have_stlport="yes" + else + have_stlport="no" + fi + + if test "$have_stlport" = "no" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([STLPort must be installed (]) + fi + +fi + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_OPENGL : OpenGL checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_OPENGL, +[ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenGL headers and GL Version >= 1.2) + +is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl, + [ --with-opengl= path to the OpenGL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl-include, + [ --with-opengl-include= + path to the OpenGL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( opengl-lib, + [ --with-opengl-lib= + path to the OpenGL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/lib]) + +opengl_lib="GL" + +if test "$with_opengl" +then + opengl_includes="$with_opengl/include" + opengl_libraries="$with_opengl/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_opengl_include" +then + opengl_includes="$with_opengl_include" +fi + +if test "$with_opengl_lib" +then + opengl_libraries="$with_opengl_lib" +fi + +dnl Set OPENGL_CFLAGS +if test "$opengl_includes" +then + OPENGL_CFLAGS="-I$opengl_includes" +fi + +dnl Set OPENGL_LIBS +if test "$opengl_libraries" +then + OPENGL_LIBS="-L$opengl_libraries" +fi +OPENGL_LIBS="$OPENGL_LIBS -l$opengl_lib" + +dnl Test the headers +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENGL_CFLAGS" + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_opengl, +[#include +#if defined(GL_VERSION_1_2) + yo_opengl +#endif], + have_opengl_headers="yes", + have_opengl_headers="no" ) + +if test "$have_opengl_headers" = "yes" +then + if test "$opengl_includes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$opengl_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Checking the GLEXT version >= 7 +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for and GLEXT version >= 7) + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_glext_version, +[#include +#ifdef GL_GLEXT_VERSION +#if GL_GLEXT_VERSION >= 7 + yo_glext_version +#endif +#endif], + have_glext="yes", + have_glext="no" ) + +if test "$have_glext" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT([no, can be downloaded from]) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenGL libraries) + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENGL_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_opengl_libraries="yes", have_opengl_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_opengl_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$opengl_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$opengl_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +opengl_libraries="$opengl_libraries" + +if test "$have_opengl_headers" = "yes" \ + -a "$have_glext" = "yes" \ + -a "$have_opengl_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_opengl="yes" +else + have_opengl="no" +fi + +if test "$have_opengl" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenGL >= 1.2 must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(OPENGL_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(OPENGL_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_FREETYPE : FreeType checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_FREETYPE, +[ is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype, + [ --with-freetype= path to the FreeType install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype-include, + [ --with-freetype-include= + path to the FreeType header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( freetype-lib, + [ --with-freetype-lib= + path to the FreeType library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/freetype/lib]) + +freetype_lib="freetype" + + +AC_PATH_PROG(FREETYPE_CONFIG, freetype-config, no) + +if test "$FREETYPE_CONFIG" = "no" +then + have_freetype_config="no" +else + FREETYPE_CFLAGS=`freetype-config --cflags` + FREETYPE_LIBS=`freetype-config --libs` + have_freetype_config="yes" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype" +then + freetype_includes="$with_freetype/include" + freetype_libraries="$with_freetype/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype_include" +then + freetype_includes="$with_freetype_include" +fi + +if test "$with_freetype_lib" +then + freetype_libraries="$with_freetype_lib" +fi + +if test "$freetype_includes" +then + FREETYPE_CFLAGS="-I$freetype_includes" +fi + +dnl Checking the FreeType 2 instalation +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $FREETYPE_CFLAGS" + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for FreeType version = 2) + +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_freetype2, +[#include +#if FREETYPE_MAJOR == 2 + yo_freetype2 +#endif], + have_freetype2="yes", + have_freetype2="no") + +if test "$have_freetype2" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for FreeType libraries) + +if test $freetype_libraries +then + FREETYPE_LIBS="-L$freetype_libraries -l$freetype_lib" +fi + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $FREETYPE_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_freetype_libraries="yes", have_freetype_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_freetype_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$freetype_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$freetype_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +if test "$have_freetype2" = "yes" && test "$have_freetype_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_freetype="yes" +else + have_freetype="no" +fi + +if test "$have_freetype" = "no" && test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([FreeType 2 must be installed (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(FREETYPE_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(FREETYPE_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE : XF86VidMode checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_XF86VIDMODE, +[ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for XF86VidMode extension) + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +AC_ARG_WITH( xf86vidmode-lib, + [ --with-xf86vidmode-lib= + path to the XF86VidMode library. + e.g. /usr/X11R6/lib] ) + +xf86vidmode_lib="Xxf86vm" + +if test "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" = no +then + dnl The user explicitly disabled the use of XF86VidMode + have_xf86vidmode="disabled" + AC_MSG_RESULT(disabled) +else + if test "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" + then + xf86vidmode_libraries="$with_xf86vidmode_lib" + fi + + XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS="-DXF86VIDMODE" +fi + +if test -z "$have_xf86vidmode" +dnl -a "$with_xf86vidmode_lib" +then + if test "$xf86vidmode_libraries" + then + XF86VIDMODE_LIBS="-L$xf86vidmode_libraries" + fi + + XF86VIDMODE_LIBS="$XF86VIDMODE_LIBS -l$xf86vidmode_lib" + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $XF86VIDMODE_LIBS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_xf86vidmode_libraries="yes", have_xf86vidmode_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_xf86vidmode_libraries" = "yes" + then + have_xf86vidmode="yes" + if test "$xf86vidmode_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT($xf86vidmode_libraries) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi + else + have_xf86vidmode="no" + AC_MSG_RESULT(no, no fullscreen support available.) + fi + + xf86vidmode_libraries="$xf86vidmode_libraries" + +fi + +AC_SUBST(XF86VIDMODE_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(XF86VIDMODE_LIBS) + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_OPENAL : OpenAL checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_OPENAL, +[ is_mandatory="$1" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +dnl Get from the user option the path to the OpenAL files location +AC_ARG_WITH( openal, + [ --with-openal= path to the OpenAL install files directory. + e.g. /usr/local]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( openal-include, + [ --with-openal-include= + path to the OpenAL header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/include]) + +AC_ARG_WITH( openal-lib, + [ --with-openal-lib= + path to the OpenAL library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/lib]) + +openal_lib="openal" + +if test $with_openal +then + openal_includes="$with_openal/include" + openal_libraries="$with_openal/lib" +fi + +if test "$with_openal_include" +then + openal_includes="$with_openal_include" +fi + +if test "$with_openal_lib" +then + openal_libraries="$with_openal_lib" +fi + + +dnl Set OPENAL_CFLAGS +if test "$openal_includes" +then + OPENAL_CFLAGS="-I$openal_includes" +fi + +dnl Set OPENAL_LIBS +if test "$openal_libraries" +then + OPENAL_LIBS="-L$openal_libraries" +fi +OPENAL_LIBS="$OPENAL_LIBS -l$openal_lib" + +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENAL_CFLAGS" + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenAL headers) +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_openal, +[#include +#ifdef AL_VERSION + yo_openal +#endif], + have_openal_headers="yes", + have_openal_headers="no" ) + +if test "$have_openal_headers" = "yes" +then + if test "$openal_includes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$openal_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +dnl Test the libraries +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenAL libraries) + +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENAL_LIBS" + +AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_openal_libraries="yes", have_openal_libraries="no") + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$have_openal_libraries" = "yes" +then + if test "$openal_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$openal_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi + +openal_libraries="$openal_libraries" + +if test "$have_openal_headers" = "yes" \ + && test "$have_openal_libraries" = "yes" +then + have_openal="yes" +else + have_openal="no" +fi + +if test "$have_openal" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenAL is needed to compile NeL (]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(OPENAL_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(OPENAL_LIBS) + + +]) + + +# ========================================================================= +# AM_PATH_PYTHON : Python checking macros + +AC_DEFUN(AM_PATH_PYTHON, +[ python_version_required="$1" + +is_mandatory="$2" + +AC_REQUIRE_CPP() + +dnl Get from the user option the path to the Python files location +AC_ARG_WITH( python, + [ --with-python= path to the Python prefix installation directory. + e.g. /usr/local], + [ PYTHON_PREFIX=$with_python ] +) + +AC_ARG_WITH( python-version, + [ --with-python-version= + Python version to use, e.g. 1.5], + [ PYTHON_VERSION=$with_python_version ] +) + +if test ! "$PYTHON_PREFIX" = "" +then + PATH="$PYTHON_PREFIX/bin:$PATH" +fi + +if test ! "$PYTHON_VERSION" = "" +then + PYTHON_EXEC="python$PYTHON_VERSION" +else + PYTHON_EXEC="python python2.1 python2.0 python1.5" +fi + +AC_PATH_PROGS(PYTHON, $PYTHON_EXEC, no, $PATH) + +if test "$PYTHON" != "no" +then + PYTHON_PREFIX=`$PYTHON -c 'import sys; print "%s" % (sys.prefix)'` + PYTHON_VERSION=`$PYTHON -c 'import sys; print "%s" % (sys.version[[:3]])'` + + is_python_version_enough=`expr $python_version_required \<= $PYTHON_VERSION` +fi + + +if test "$PYTHON" = "no" || test "$is_python_version_enough" != "1" +then + + if test "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Python $python_version_required must be installed (]) + else + have_python="no" + fi + +else + + python_includes="$PYTHON_PREFIX/include/python$PYTHON_VERSION" + python_libraries="$PYTHON_PREFIX/lib/python$PYTHON_VERSION/config" + python_lib="python$PYTHON_VERSION" + + PYTHON_CFLAGS="-I$python_includes" + PYTHON_LIBS="-L$python_libraries -l$python_lib" + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS ${PYTHON_CFLAGS}" + + dnl Test the headers + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Python headers) + + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_python, + [#include + yo_python + ], + have_python_headers="yes", + have_python_headers="no" ) + + if test "$have_python_headers" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$python_includes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + dnl Test the libraries + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Python libraries) + + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $PYTHON_CFLAGS" + + AC_TRY_LINK( , , have_python_libraries="yes", have_python_libraries="no") + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$have_python_libraries" = "yes" + then + if test "$python_libraries" + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$python_libraries]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + fi + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + + if test "$have_python_headers" = "yes" \ + && test "$have_python_libraries" = "yes" + then + have_python="yes" + else + have_python="no" + fi + + if test "$have_python" = "no" -a "$is_mandatory" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Python is needed to compile NeL (]) + fi + + AC_SUBST(PYTHON_CFLAGS) + AC_SUBST(PYTHON_LIBS) + +fi + +]) + + +dnl ========================================================================= +dnl End of file diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..52087603 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/ @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Configuration script for Snowballs 2 +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl +dnl $Id:,v 1.11 2002/03/19 17:42:49 valignat Exp $ +dnl + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. +dnl ==================================================================== + +AC_INIT(client/src/client.cpp) + +MAJOR_VERSION=0 +MINOR_VERSION=2 +PICO_VERSION=0 + +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(snowballs, $MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION.$PICO_VERSION) + +AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) + + +dnl The following hack should ensure that configure doesn't add optimizing +dnl or debugging flags to CFLAGS or CXXFLAGS +CFLAGS="$CFLAGS " +CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS " + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks Snowballs modules (Client / Server) to install / Disable +dnl ==================================================================== + +SNO_SUBDIRS="" + +dnl Client +AC_ARG_ENABLE( client, + [ --disable-client disable compilation and install of Snowballs Client.], + [ AC_MSG_RESULT(disable Snowballs Client.) ], + [ SNO_SUBDIRS="$SNO_SUBDIRS client" + enable_client="yes" ] ) + +dnl Server +AC_ARG_ENABLE( server, + [ --disable-server disable compilation and install of Snowballs Server.], + [ AC_MSG_RESULT(disable Snowballs Server.) ], + [ SNO_SUBDIRS="$SNO_SUBDIRS server" + enable_server="yes" ] ) + +AC_SUBST(SNO_SUBDIRS) + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks for programs. +dnl ==================================================================== + +AC_PROG_MAKE_SET + +AC_PROG_CC +AC_PROG_CXX + +AM_SANITY_CHECK + +AC_PROG_INSTALL + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Configure Settings +dnl ==================================================================== + +dnl Set the C++ compiler as the default compiler for the configure script +dnl compilation tests +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Debug/optimized compilation mode +dnl ==================================================================== + +AM_NEL_DEBUG + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. +dnl ==================================================================== + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks for header files. +dnl ==================================================================== + +AC_STDC_HEADERS +AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h unistd.h) + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl X11 + +AC_PATH_X + +if test ! "$no_x" = "yes" ; then + if test ! X"$x_libraries" = X + then + LIBS="$LIBS -L$x_libraries" + fi + if test ! X"$x_includes" = X + then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$x_includes" + fi +else + if test "$enable_client" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR(X11 must be installed.) + fi +fi + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks for libraries. +dnl ==================================================================== + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl STLPort + +AM_PATH_STLPORT + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl OpenAL + +AM_PATH_OPENAL($enable_client) + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl NeL + +dnl misc net 3d pacs sound ai +AM_PATH_NEL("yes", "yes", $enable_client, $enable_client, $enable_client, "no") + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl FreeType 2 + +AM_PATH_FREETYPE($enable_client) + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks for library functions. +dnl ==================================================================== + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Snowballs data, configuration and logs file location +dnl ==================================================================== + +eval SNOWBALLS_DATABASE=\"$datadir/games/snowballs/\" +AC_SUBST(SNOWBALLS_DATABASE) + +pkgsysconfdir='${sysconfdir}/snowballs' +AC_SUBST(pkgsysconfdir) + +test "x$prefix" = xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix + +eval SNOWBALLS_CONFIG=\"$sysconfdir/snowballs/\" +AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SNOWBALLS_CONFIG, "$SNOWBALLS_CONFIG") + +eval SNOWBALLS_LOGS=\"$localstatedir/log/snowballs/\" +AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SNOWBALLS_LOGS, "$SNOWBALLS_LOGS") + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Output files to generate. +dnl ==================================================================== + +AC_OUTPUT( Makefile \ + client/Makefile \ + client/client.cfg \ + client/src/Makefile \ + server/Makefile \ + server/frontend/Makefile \ + server/frontend/src/Makefile \ + server/chat/Makefile \ + server/chat/src/Makefile \ + server/position/Makefile \ + server/position/src/Makefile \ +) + + +dnl End of + diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ce7b8ec1 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/ @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Configuration script for Snowballs 2 +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl +dnl $Id:,v 1.15 2002/04/16 12:01:39 valignat Exp $ +dnl + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. +dnl ==================================================================== + +AC_INIT(client/src/client.cpp) + +MAJOR_VERSION=0 +MINOR_VERSION=2 +PICO_VERSION=0 + +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(snowballs, $MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION.$PICO_VERSION) + +AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) + + +dnl The following hack should ensure that configure doesn't add optimizing +dnl or debugging flags to CFLAGS or CXXFLAGS +CFLAGS="$CFLAGS " +CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS " + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks Snowballs modules (Client / Server) to install / Disable +dnl ==================================================================== + +SNO_SUBDIRS="" + +dnl Client +AC_ARG_ENABLE( client, + [ --disable-client disable compilation and install of Snowballs Client.], + [ AC_MSG_RESULT(disable Snowballs Client.) ], + [ SNO_SUBDIRS="$SNO_SUBDIRS client" + enable_client="yes" ] ) + +dnl Server +AC_ARG_ENABLE( server, + [ --disable-server disable compilation and install of Snowballs Server.], + [ AC_MSG_RESULT(disable Snowballs Server.) ], + [ SNO_SUBDIRS="$SNO_SUBDIRS server" + enable_server="yes" ] ) + +AC_SUBST(SNO_SUBDIRS) + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks for programs. +dnl ==================================================================== + +AC_PROG_MAKE_SET + +AC_PROG_CC +AC_PROG_CXX + +AM_SANITY_CHECK + +AC_PROG_INSTALL + +AM_PATH_CCACHE + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Configure Settings +dnl ==================================================================== + +dnl Set the C++ compiler as the default compiler for the configure script +dnl compilation tests +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Debug/optimized compilation mode +dnl ==================================================================== + +AM_NEL_DEBUG + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. +dnl ==================================================================== + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks for header files. +dnl ==================================================================== + +AC_STDC_HEADERS +AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h unistd.h) + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl X11 + +AC_PATH_X + +if test ! "$no_x" = "yes" ; then + if test ! X"$x_libraries" = X + then + LIBS="$LIBS -L$x_libraries" + fi + if test ! X"$x_includes" = X + then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$x_includes" + fi +else + if test "$enable_client" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR(X11 must be installed.) + fi +fi + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks for libraries. +dnl ==================================================================== + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl STLPort + +AM_PATH_STLPORT + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl OpenAL + +AM_PATH_OPENAL($enable_client) + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl NeL + +dnl misc net 3d pacs sound ai georges +AM_PATH_NEL("yes", "yes", $enable_client, $enable_client, $enable_client, "no", "no") + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl FreeType 2 + +AM_PATH_FREETYPE($enable_client) + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks for library functions. +dnl ==================================================================== + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Snowballs data, configuration and logs file location +dnl ==================================================================== + +test "x$prefix" = xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix + +AC_ARG_WITH(database, + [ --with-database[=DIR] + use DIR instead of the default datadir/games/snowballs], + [database=$withval], + [database='${datadir}/games/snowballs']) +eval eval SNOWBALLS_DATABASE=\"$database/\" +AC_SUBST(SNOWBALLS_DATABASE) + +AC_ARG_WITH(sysconfdir, + [ --with-sysconfdir[=DIR] + use DIR instead of the default sysconfdir/snowballs], + [pkgsysconfdir=$withval], + [pkgsysconfdir='${sysconfdir}/snowballs']) +AC_SUBST(pkgsysconfdir) + +eval eval SNOWBALLS_CONFIG=\"$pkgsysconfdir/\" +AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SNOWBALLS_CONFIG, "$SNOWBALLS_CONFIG") + +AC_ARG_WITH(logdir, + [ --with-logdir[=DIR] + use DIR instead of the default localstatedir/log/snowballs], + [logdir=$withval], + [logdir='${localstatedir}/log/snowballs']) +AC_SUBST(logdir) + +eval eval SNOWBALLS_LOGS=\"$logdir/\" +AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SNOWBALLS_LOGS, "$SNOWBALLS_LOGS") + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Output files to generate. +dnl ==================================================================== + +AC_OUTPUT( Makefile \ + client/Makefile \ + client/client.cfg \ + client/src/Makefile \ + server/Makefile \ + server/frontend/Makefile \ + server/frontend/src/Makefile \ + server/chat/Makefile \ + server/chat/src/Makefile \ + server/position/Makefile \ + server/position/src/Makefile \ +) + + +dnl End of + diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f77f0b94 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/ @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl Configuration script for Snowballs +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl +dnl $Id:,v 1.6 2001/10/29 18:56:28 lecroart Exp $ +dnl + + +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. + +AC_INIT(client/src/client.cpp) + +MAJOR_VERSION=0 +MINOR_VERSION=2 +PICO_VERSION=0 + +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(snowballs, $MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION.$PICO_VERSION) + +AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) + + +dnl The following hack should ensure that configure doesn't add optimizing +dnl or debugging flags to CFLAGS or CXXFLAGS +CFLAGS="$CFLAGS " +CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS " + + +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl Checks Snowballs modules (Client / Server) to install / Disable + +SNO_SUBDIRS="" + +dnl Client +AC_ARG_ENABLE( client, + [ --disable-client disable compilation and install of Snowballs Client.], + [ AC_MSG_RESULT(disable Snowballs Client.) ], + [ SNO_SUBDIRS="$SNO_SUBDIRS client" + enable_client=yes ] ) + +dnl Server +AC_ARG_ENABLE( server, + [ --disable-server disable compilation and install of Snowballs Server.], + [ AC_MSG_RESULT(disable Snowballs Server.) ], + [ SNO_SUBDIRS="$SNO_SUBDIRS server" + enable_server=yes ] ) + +AC_SUBST(SNO_SUBDIRS) + + +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl Checks for programs. +dnl ========================================================================== + +AC_PROG_MAKE_SET + +AC_PROG_CC +AC_PROG_CXX + +AM_SANITY_CHECK + +AC_PROG_INSTALL + + +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl Configure Settings +dnl ========================================================================== + +dnl Set the C++ compiler as the default compiler for the configure script +dnl compilation tests +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + + +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. +dnl ========================================================================== + + +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl Checks for header files. +dnl ========================================================================== + +AC_STDC_HEADERS +AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h unistd.h) + + +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl X11 + +AC_PATH_X + +if test ! "$no_x" = "yes" ; then + if test ! X"$x_libraries" = X ; then + LIBS="$LIBS -L$x_libraries" + fi + if test ! X"$x_includes" = X ; then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$x_includes" + fi +else + if test "$enable_client" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR(X11 must be installed.) + fi +fi + + +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl STLPort + +dnl Ask user for path to the STLport files location +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport, + [ --with-stlport= path to the STLPort install directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport] +) + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport-include, + [ --with-stlport-include= + path to the STLPort header files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport/stlport] +) + +AC_ARG_WITH( stlport-lib, + [ --with-stlport-lib= + path to the STLPort library files directory. + e.g. /usr/local/stlport/lib] +) + +if test "$with_stlport" != "no" +then + if test -z "$with_stlport" && test -z "$with_stlport_lib" -o -z "$with_stlport_include" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([You must call configure with the --with-stlport or --with-stlport-lib and with-stlport-include options. +This tells configure where to find the STLPort files.]) + fi + + if test $with_stlport + then + AC_MSG_RESULT(using STLPort files located in $with_stlport) + + STLPORT_CFLAGS="-I$with_stlport/stlport" + STLPORT_LIB="-L$with_stlport/lib" + fi +else + no_stlport="no" + AC_MSG_RESULT(*** Override the use of the STLPorts (EXPERIMENTAL) ***) +fi + +if test -z "$no_stlport" -a "$with_stlport_include" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT(using STLPort header files located in $with_stlport_include) + STLPORT_CFLAGS="-I$with_stlport_include" +fi + +if test -z "$no_stlport" -a "$with_stlport_lib" +then + AC_MSG_RESULT(using STLPort library files located in $with_stlport_lib) + STLPORT_LIB="-L$with_stlport_lib" +fi + + +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl NeL + +dnl Check for NeL library files +AC_PATH_PROG(NEL_CONFIG, nel-config, no) + +if test "$NEL_CONFIG" = "no"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find nel-config: check your path. + NeL library is needed to compile Snowballs (]) +else + NEL_CFLAGS=`nel-config --cflags` + + if test x"$enable_client" != x"yes" + then + NEL_LIBS=`nel-config --libs --without-ai --without-3d` + else + NEL_LIBS=`nel-config --libs --without-ai` + fi +fi + +AC_SUBST(NEL_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(NEL_LIBS) + +dnl Checking NeL instalation +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS ${NEL_CFLAGS}" + + +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl FreeType 2 + +dnl Check for the FreeType 2 library files +AC_PATH_PROG(FREETYPE_CONFIG, freetype-config, no) + +if test "$FREETYPE_CONFIG" = "no" -a "$enable_client" = "yes" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find freetype-config: check your path. + FreeType 2 library is needed to compile Snowballs (]) +else + FREETYPE_CFLAGS=`freetype-config --cflags` + FREETYPE_LIBS=`freetype-config --libs` +fi + +AC_SUBST(FREETYPE_CFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(FREETYPE_LIBS) + +dnl Checking the FreeType 2 instalation +_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS ${FREETYPE_CFLAGS}" + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for FreeType 2 installation) +AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_freetype2, +[#include +#if FREETYPE_MAJOR == 2 + yo_freetype2 +#endif], +[ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) ], + if test "$enable_client" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Freetype 2 library is needed to compile Snowballs (]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi +) + +CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" + + +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl Debug/optimized compilation mode + +MAX_C_OPTIMIZE="-O6" + +dnl Build optimized or debug version ? +dnl First check for gcc and g++ +if test "$ac_cv_prog_gcc" = "yes" +then + DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC="-O" + OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="$MAX_C_OPTIMIZE" +else + DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC="" + OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="-O" +fi + +if test "$ac_cv_prog_cxx_g" = "yes" +then + DEBUG_CXXFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX="-O" + OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS="-O3" +else + DEBUG_CXXFLAGS="-g" + DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX="" + OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS="-O" +fi + +AC_ARG_WITH(debug, + [ --with-debug[=full] Build a debug version (huge libraries) + --without-debug Build withoug debugging code (default)], + [ with_debug=$withval ], + [ with_debug=no ] ) + +if test "$with_debug" = "yes" +then + dnl Medium debug. + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CC $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $DEBUG_OPTIMIZE_CXX $CXXFLAGS" +elif test "$with_debug" = "full" +then + dnl Full debug. Very slow in some cases + CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$DEBUG_CXXFLAGS $CXXFLAGS" +else + dnl Optimized version. No debug + CFLAGS="$OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS $CXXFLAGS" +fi + + +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl Checks for libraries. +dnl ========================================================================== + +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl STLPort + +if test -z "$no_stlport" +then + + if test X"$STLPORT_CFLAGS" != X + then + CXXFLAGS="$STLPORT_CFLAGS $CXXFLAGS" + fi + + if test X"$STLPORT_LIB" != X + then + LIBS="$STLPORT_LIB $LIBS -lstlport_gcc" + fi + + _CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $STLPORT_CFLAGS" + + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for STLPort) + AC_EGREP_CPP( yo_stlport, + [#include +#ifdef __SGI_STL_PORT + yo_stlport +#endif], + [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)], + AC_MSG_ERROR([STLPort is needed to compile Snowballs (]) ) + + CPPFLAGS="$_CPPFLAGS" +fi + + +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl Checks for library functions. +dnl ========================================================================== + + +dnl ========================================================================== +dnl Output files to generate. +dnl ========================================================================== + +AC_OUTPUT( Makefile \ + client/Makefile \ + client/src/Makefile \ + server/Makefile \ + server/frontend/Makefile \ + server/frontend/src/Makefile \ + server/chat/Makefile \ + server/chat/src/Makefile \ + server/position/Makefile \ + server/position/src/Makefile \ +) + + +dnl End of + diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3ecfe284 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/ @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Configuration script for Snowballs 2 +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl +dnl $Id:,v 1.9 2002/01/10 14:33:20 valignat Exp $ +dnl + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. +dnl ==================================================================== + +AC_INIT(client/src/client.cpp) + +MAJOR_VERSION=0 +MINOR_VERSION=2 +PICO_VERSION=0 + +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(snowballs, $MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION.$PICO_VERSION) + +AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) + + +dnl The following hack should ensure that configure doesn't add optimizing +dnl or debugging flags to CFLAGS or CXXFLAGS +CFLAGS="$CFLAGS " +CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS " + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks Snowballs modules (Client / Server) to install / Disable +dnl ==================================================================== + +SNO_SUBDIRS="" + +dnl Client +AC_ARG_ENABLE( client, + [ --disable-client disable compilation and install of Snowballs Client.], + [ AC_MSG_RESULT(disable Snowballs Client.) ], + [ SNO_SUBDIRS="$SNO_SUBDIRS client" + enable_client="yes" ] ) + +dnl Server +AC_ARG_ENABLE( server, + [ --disable-server disable compilation and install of Snowballs Server.], + [ AC_MSG_RESULT(disable Snowballs Server.) ], + [ SNO_SUBDIRS="$SNO_SUBDIRS server" + enable_server="yes" ] ) + +AC_SUBST(SNO_SUBDIRS) + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks for programs. +dnl ==================================================================== + +AC_PROG_MAKE_SET + +AC_PROG_CC +AC_PROG_CXX + +AM_SANITY_CHECK + +AC_PROG_INSTALL + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Configure Settings +dnl ==================================================================== + +dnl Set the C++ compiler as the default compiler for the configure script +dnl compilation tests +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Debug/optimized compilation mode +dnl ==================================================================== + +AM_NEL_DEBUG + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. +dnl ==================================================================== + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks for header files. +dnl ==================================================================== + +AC_STDC_HEADERS +AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h unistd.h) + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl X11 + +AC_PATH_X + +if test ! "$no_x" = "yes" ; then + if test ! X"$x_libraries" = X + then + LIBS="$LIBS -L$x_libraries" + fi + if test ! X"$x_includes" = X + then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$x_includes" + fi +else + if test "$enable_client" = "yes" + then + AC_MSG_ERROR(X11 must be installed.) + fi +fi + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks for libraries. +dnl ==================================================================== + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl STLPort + +AM_PATH_STLPORT + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl NeL + +AM_PATH_NEL("yes", "yes", $enable_client, $enable_client, $enable_client, "no") + +CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS ${NEL_CFLAGS}" +LIBS="$LIBS ${NEL_LIBS}" + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl FreeType 2 + +AM_PATH_FREETYPE($enable_client) + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Checks for library functions. +dnl ==================================================================== + + +dnl ==================================================================== +dnl Output files to generate. +dnl ==================================================================== + +AC_OUTPUT( Makefile \ + client/Makefile \ + client/src/Makefile \ + server/Makefile \ + server/frontend/Makefile \ + server/frontend/src/Makefile \ + server/chat/Makefile \ + server/chat/src/Makefile \ + server/position/Makefile \ + server/position/src/Makefile \ +) + + +dnl End of + diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/snowballs2.dsw?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/snowballs2.dsw?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..37b3f4e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/snowballs2.dsw?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00 +# WARNING: DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE THIS WORKSPACE FILE! + +############################################################################### + +Project: "3d"=..\nel\src\3d.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name misc + End Project Dependency +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Project: "client"=.\client\client.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name 3d + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name driver_opengl + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name misc + End Project Dependency +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Project: "driver_opengl"=..\nel\src\3d\driver\opengl\driver_opengl.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name 3d + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name misc + End Project Dependency +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Project: "misc"=..\nel\src\misc.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Project: "net"=..\nel\src\net.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Global: + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<3> +{{{ +}}} + +############################################################################### + diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/snowballs2.dsw?rev=1.3&content-type=text/plain/index.html b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/snowballs2.dsw?rev=1.3&content-type=text/plain/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4987c001 --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/snowballs2.dsw?rev=1.3&content-type=text/plain/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00 +# WARNING: DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE THIS WORKSPACE FILE! + +############################################################################### + +Project: "3d"=..\nel\src\3d.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name misc + End Project Dependency +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Project: "client"=.\client\client.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name 3d + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name driver_opengl + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name misc + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name pacs + End Project Dependency +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Project: "driver_opengl"=..\nel\src\3d\driver\opengl\driver_opengl.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name 3d + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name misc + End Project Dependency +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Project: "misc"=..\nel\src\misc.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Project: "net"=..\nel\src\net.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Project: "pacs"=..\nel\src\pacs.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Global: + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<3> +{{{ +}}} + +############################################################################### + diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/snowballs2.dsw?rev=1.4&content-type=text/plain/index.html b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/snowballs2.dsw?rev=1.4&content-type=text/plain/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..339d190c --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/snowballs2.dsw?rev=1.4&content-type=text/plain/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00 +# WARNING: DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE THIS WORKSPACE FILE! + +############################################################################### + +Project: "3d"=..\nel\src\3d.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name misc + End Project Dependency +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Project: "client"=.\client\client.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name 3d + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name driver_opengl + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name misc + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name pacs + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name net + End Project Dependency +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Project: "driver_opengl"=..\nel\src\3d\driver\opengl\driver_opengl.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name 3d + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name misc + End Project Dependency +}}} + 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Project_Dep_Name sound + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name sound_lowlevel + End Project Dependency +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Project: "driver_opengl"=..\nel\src\3d\driver\opengl\driver_opengl.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name 3d + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name misc + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name net + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name pacs + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name sound + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name sound_lowlevel + End Project Dependency +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Project: "frontend"=.\server\frontend\frontend.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + 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{FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = DebugFast|Win32 + {FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A}.DebugFast.Build.0 = DebugFast|Win32 + {FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.DebugFast.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.DebugFast.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = DebugFast|Win32 + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.DebugFast.Build.0 = DebugFast|Win32 + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.DebugFast.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = DebugFast|Win32 + {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}.DebugFast.Build.0 = DebugFast|Win32 + {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = DebugFast|Win32 + {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}.DebugFast.Build.0 = DebugFast|Win32 + {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = DebugFast|Win32 + {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}.DebugFast.Build.0 = DebugFast|Win32 + {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.DebugFast.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = DebugFast|Win32 + {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}.DebugFast.Build.0 = DebugFast|Win32 + {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = DebugFast|Win32 + {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}.DebugFast.Build.0 = DebugFast|Win32 + {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ExtensibilityAddIns) = postSolution + EndGlobalSection +EndGlobal diff --git a/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/snowballs2.sln?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/snowballs2.sln?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f63d560d --- /dev/null +++ b/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs2/snowballs2.sln?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 7.00 +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "3d", "..\nel\src\3d.vcproj", "{FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "chat", "server\chat\chat.vcproj", "{718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "client", "client\client.vcproj", "{AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "driver_opengl", "..\nel\src\3d\driver\opengl\driver_opengl.vcproj", "{80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "frontend", "server\frontend\frontend.vcproj", "{4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "misc", "..\nel\src\misc.vcproj", "{492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "net", "..\nel\src\net.vcproj", "{9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "pacs", "..\nel\src\pacs.vcproj", "{5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "position", "server\position\position.vcproj", "{5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "sound", "..\nel\src\sound.vcproj", "{C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "sound_lowlevel", "..\nel\src\sound\driver\sound_lowlevel.vcproj", "{C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}" +EndProject +Global + GlobalSection(SolutionConfiguration) = preSolution + ConfigName.0 = Debug + ConfigName.1 = DebugFast + ConfigName.2 = Release + ConfigName.3 = ReleaseDebug + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ProjectDependencies) = postSolution + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.0 = {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A} + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.1 = {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E} + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.0 = {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A} + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.1 = {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5} + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.2 = {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E} + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.3 = {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D} + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.4 = {FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A} + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.0 = {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F} + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.1 = {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E} + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.2 = {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5} + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.3 = {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A} + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.4 = {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E} + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.5 = {FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A} + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.0 = {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A} + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.1 = {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E} + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.0 = {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A} + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.1 = {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E} + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ProjectConfiguration) = postSolution + {FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = DebugFast|Win32 + {FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A}.DebugFast.Build.0 = DebugFast|Win32 + {FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {FC2E3577-6B2E-4444-8AEF-547D64112B0A}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.DebugFast.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {718E7FD6-14D8-4D17-9131-A7048DAF15D4}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.DebugFast.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {AD3DD912-E6C4-46C4-9984-CE836AECB258}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = DebugFast|Win32 + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.DebugFast.Build.0 = DebugFast|Win32 + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {80B2F98D-8E16-4EE1-B467-5EE95151F94D}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.DebugFast.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {4ECB9DE0-19D6-44F9-A924-BAEEEF00AE3E}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = DebugFast|Win32 + {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}.DebugFast.Build.0 = DebugFast|Win32 + {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {492F1B3C-12C3-49CA-9D1C-ADCA0CCF855E}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = DebugFast|Win32 + {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}.DebugFast.Build.0 = DebugFast|Win32 + {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {9E18D500-68D9-4340-87F1-8BFE32F1F72A}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = DebugFast|Win32 + {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}.DebugFast.Build.0 = DebugFast|Win32 + {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {5464B085-A661-4B88-B474-F73C1FA660B5}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.DebugFast.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {5165876F-5B75-4FAA-8550-16068ACA12C6}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = DebugFast|Win32 + {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}.DebugFast.Build.0 = DebugFast|Win32 + {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {C8135064-4977-44C0-8489-5C00B83D410E}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}.DebugFast.ActiveCfg = DebugFast|Win32 + {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}.DebugFast.Build.0 = DebugFast|Win32 + {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}.ReleaseDebug.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + {C49D08FA-F6B6-41E2-AF02-992AC2EAEB1F}.ReleaseDebug.Build.0 = ReleaseDebug|Win32 + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ExtensibilityAddIns) = postSolution + EndGlobalSection +EndGlobal -- cgit v1.2.1